Re: A Request



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Hm. Looks like the thread for Hoorays and similar cheers is down below this one. Still.

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During the time Unfogged comments have been down, I read 3000 pages, learned two languages, and ran a marathon.

Thank God it's back.

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Is commenting on old posts OK now?

The old links to specific comments are broken, but that looks highly unfixable. Future Unfogged scholars will have to rely on arcane textual theories, or our increasingly unreliable memories. (And this is totally complaining about the free ice cream; excellent job bringing it back, everyone.)

horizontal rule

The old links to specific comments are broken, but that looks highly unfixable.

Hey, at least things go to the right threads now.
Becks is working on a graceful solution to the comment-id problem (and entry-id problem), and I think, if it's not too complicated, that I can get a hackful interim solution up at some point.

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arcane textual theories

Release the structuralists!

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Well done folks! Should we refrain from comment-linking in the meantime?

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