Re: Chicagoland Meetup?


Not going to be in Chicago any time soon, but I did want to shout out that I'm game for a Boston meetup anytime that amy of you people are in the area.

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Anything can happen -- I get up there occasionally for reunions with my old house at MIT.

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boston, w00t.

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The 27th is my birthday. I'll be spending it with the family. How about the 28th?

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28th is good with me.

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Hey, I'll be in town that weekend.

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Hijacking this thread to let you know that Morrissey's explosive keg between his legs is being streamed on

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4, 6: Excellent. Drinks or dinner somewhere in the Loop?

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I'm game.

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Cool. Some Chicago person should pick a locale.

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I'll think on the matter. There's always the Hopleaf, although it's been pretty crowded of late.

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armsmasher will be staying with me, and tommy may be in town that weekend too. i'm in!

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the hopleaf is great, but not exactly near the loop. is proximity to the loop a high priority, LB?

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Hopefully not, because the loop sucks.

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Well, anyplace I'm going to be able to find fairly easily. I suppose I'll just take cabs, unless someone provides reliable public transport directions.

(I lived in Chicago for two years, and never really got the hang of getting around. Buses were slow, the El didn't really serve Hyde Park with any vigor, and whatever the commuter rail is called had a completely useless schedule.)

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LB, use the CTA's Trip Planner: or call 312-836-7000. I work in the Loop, so I'd be happy to come to the meetup, too.

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We should meet on the 28th at the Red Lion, a quiet English pub at Fullerton and Lincoln (right near the Fullerton Red/Brown line -- very easy to get to).

Another possibility is Matilda, a block south of the Belmont Red/Brown line -- more crowded on a Friday night, though.

The Hopleaf will be too damn crowded, but we could always try Simon's, which is just a block away -- but not a good enough bar to warrant that long of a trip, arguably.

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I'm deferring to the Chicago people -- I figure the Monday before I leave, I'll ask where we're meeting and you Midwesterners will have figured it out.

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All suggestions in 17 would be very convenient for me.

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Chicagoland's looking like a distinct possibility. I have to defer to the schedule and wisdom of my gracious hostess, but I'm thinking she wouldn't be averse to some hott meatup action at the Mineshaft, 3rd Coast Edition. But it's gotta be Friday, for me.

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matilda is my favorite! but it does get crowded on weekends. i've never been to the red lion but it sounds nice and is easy for me to get to. it's looking like tommy will be in town as well, so we're all up for the meetup fun.

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Checked out the Red Lion last night. Had a burger and a beer. I liked it. Food good and cheap, the waitress/bartender was appealing and sensibly outraged over something on the TV. Actually broke passover there, come to thing of it. An endorsement.

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