Re: Creating monsters.


Sometimes those debts come due. Also, scroll up; you've been pwned.

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Yeah, I read that story and couldn't decide on unabashed, unadulterated scorn or some more balanced anthropological angle. I don't deal with a lot of people this rich, but many of my students drive really nice cars, and I've wondered what's going to happen when they realize what must be done to keep up the income flow.

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scroll up; you've been pwned

Wow. I totally missed that part of the thread.

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Cheer up, apo. Maybe you can be the first to talk about this. Or did a certain old comrade blog about that months ago?

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ac, are you farbing?

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Can you imagine a society in which the skills at being successful were similar enough to the skills in raising children? Would such a society be desirable?

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I blogged it a couple of days ago. Was that behind the curve as well?

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1) I was going to say Manson, but Pol Pot is much better.

2) Anything that harmlessly parts rich people from their money is good in my books. We should be encouraging them to spend more on their brats.

3) Does anyone have any of these girl's phone numbers?

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Was that behind the curve as well?

No, no. See, you've still got it. I thought when I read it, I wonder if apostropher's seen that. And you had! You had!

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I somehow mangled 6, but I think the gist is clear. Consider the gauntlet thrown! I want a 12 page paper on the topic by Monday. Must include a brief exigesis (no more than 602 words) outlining Socrates' position on the subject as he expresses it in the Protagoras.

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The spankings also were used to increase productivity from its work force.

This would be much funnier if the defense lawyer, rather than the plaintiff's lawyer, had said it.

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2: There will be no justice, for the world is run neither by poets nor by after-school special TV producers.

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FWIW, here's the woman who didn't like being spanked.

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While I relish the pwnage, I'm glad to see Apo gave this it's own thread. It really does deserve more scorn than it could get buried in the comments.

Also, I would like to note that Anderson Cooper claims that My Super Sweet 16 is his favorite television show. In case there was one person left in the world still wondering about his sexuality.

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See, you've still got it.

Sigh. Another round of antibiotics, then.

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If the desire to scorn and mock these 16 year-old twerps should flag, we could always take up mocking Silvio Berlusconi again.

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Don't forget about Vox Day, who provides us with the tip of the day: "If you have the opportunity and ability to rape a woman, just don't do it!"

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Is this before or after he beats up 1000 men at a time Jack-Bauer-style?

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in this post-feminist era, it's taboo to question sex-crime data or the claims of any alleged rape victim.

I always suspected that time wasn't the same for all people. I wonder when he's writing from.

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Who loves this maneuver?

Based on women's responses, researchers concluded that 15 percent of women surveyed had been raped and 12 percent had experienced an attempted rape. [National Review]

"27 percent. Or 3 percent. Why not just announce that there is no such thing as rape, ergo, problem solved. Zero is within the range of error, after all." [Vox Day]

He never mentioned his fourth Ph.D. in mathematics. So few commenters show such mastery over the Du Toitiative operation in mathematics.

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