Re: Yoshida, you magnificent bastard!


This is the kind of thing that makes me wonder if Lenin and Stalin might have had a point with the whole "gulag" idea. I'll bet that Yoshida could dig a lot of ditches with the repressed sexual energy that is currently going to waste by being rechanneled to these obscene nuclear fantasies.

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There seems to be some psychological effect from failures Iraq, which, rather than producing misgivings or second thoughts, spur on ever wilder dreams of blowing things up and punishing bad guys. Defensiveness about past policy producing a crazily offensive PR strategy for new policy.

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I think "AssParrot's" response on Yoshida's site is the best so far.

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2: Billmon posted something similar about flight forward.

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I thought this post would be about Tatsuya Yoshida.

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I want to see him send pink robots to do his bidding.

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Oh, Adam. You know, I really do wonder what kind of gratification Yoshida--a twenty-something Canadian--gets from these repeated self-pantsings. Even if everything he writes is just taking the piss (something I suspect), I have trouble imagining how the rewards could possibly be worth his effort.

I think the big news here is that Adam's re-installed comments on his blog, the better his readers to abuse him with.

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There's also a decent-sized Iranian-American population on Long Island, so we could just cut out the middleman and bomb New York City ourselves.

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6: Just so long as he changes his name.
8: I call bombing Murray Hill.

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Hey! For one thing Ideal is sitting right in the middle of the Iranian population on Long Island, as is Mongol Rally Audrey's Iranian family.

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I say screw 'em if they can't take a themonuclear joke.

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9: Hey! I have a good friend who lives in Curry Hill.

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I have in-laws who live in Murray Hill, I will consign them to the vengeance of w/d.

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Apparently the Iranians would be willing to sacrifice the NYC Iranian community in order to get at the NYC Jewish community. Truly horrifying! It's a good thing they don't have nuclear bombs or the capacity to deliver them to trans-Atlantic targets.

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Yoshida knows him some crazy, no doubt about it. But the most right-wing person in all of Canada? Check out that pansy-assed liberal line about not using nukes in "densely populated areas." What kind of weak-kneed hippies does he want those indomitable fanatic al-Qaida-in-Persia hordes to think "we" are? And how about that politically-correct "right-wing person" moniker? A wingnut worth his stones would come out and say "man," dammit. I'll bet I could find at least five guys in a ten-block radius crazier than that.

Well, this is Alberta, after all.

But the best part is the way he says that "we" should nuke Iran. I wonder when somebody's going to break it to the kid that Canada doesn't have a nuclear arsenal.

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Maybe by "we" he means the Anglosphere.

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The Anglosphere is similarly not possessed of a nuclear arsenal or an army, or really any structures of state.

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Maybe by "we" he means the Anglosphere.

It's called Honkistan, dude

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But the best part is the way he says that "we" should nuke Iran. I wonder when somebody's going to break it to the kid that Canada doesn't have a nuclear arsenal.

Canada don't need nukes. Canada's got baby seal clubs.

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