Re: It's the arockalypse


Finally, someone makes music that is about something! You just don't hear enough about rocking these days.

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Apparently, rockism is anti-heavy-metal.

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Wow. Hottest zombie cheerleaders I've ever seen.

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I saw GWAR play a few years back (well, more than a few) and they kept going on and on about how authentic they were, insisting that when they were sitting around the house drinking beer, they still wore all the make up and chain mail and stuff.

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Why did they neuter GWAR? I love GWAR.

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If they can't come up with a good live staging, though, they're toast in the Eurovision contest. Okay, maybe some of the ex-Soviet bloc would go just for the music...

Wait, where's that larned Crooked Timber research into Eurovision? I should come up with a link before I post this---

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The lead...actress...very much reminded me of a young, short Lexa Doig.

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OK, I don't get this. I've always assumed the whole cheerleader thing was an American dealieo. Do the Finns have them, or have our cultural bits been so widely disseminated that Finn high schoolers can relate to an American high school experience they don't have?

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I think it's the latter, SCTim. In my projected universe, most Europeans see cheerleaders as largely mythological creatures, useful as props in existential narratives about outsiderness.

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The existence of Buffy, Vampyyrintappaja seems relevant here.

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Most Americans see cheerleaders as largely mythical creatures.

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Well, I certainly do, but I wasn't going to speak for Americans who might have had a few in high school.

No, I mean "who had a cheerleading team in their high school."

Wait, no---

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Didn't we have a conversation about the normality, sanity and wholesomeness of cheerleader sexuality about three months ago?

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In my projected universe, most Europeans see cheerleaders as largely mythological creatures, useful as props in existential narratives about outsiderness.

I think this is true, based on reading some German guy's account of culture shock upon moving to the US. He was astounded to find that cheerleaders were real.

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My first reaction was that the cheerleaders were a Teen Spirit homage. But now I think Buffy.

The real problem with it is that I kept hearing the roar or grrr part as the chorus of one my 2 year old's songs (More, More, More, Never Own A Dinosaur). When I'm singing that with him in about an hour its going to be hard not to laugh hysterically..

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I still think Teen Spirit, given the rock video thing and the blocking. But maybe the monster/cheerleader combo is a Buffy twist on the Nirvana thing.

In any case, it's clearly completely imitative and doesn't deserve to win.

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It's mostly the American popular culture thing, though I think there is some marginal competitive cheerleading here.

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In any case, it's clearly completely imitative and doesn't deserve to win.

Originality is the most overrated thing in the history of the world.

So, from Helsinki, eh, ksii? Are you a hot chick by any chance?

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Are you a hot chick by any chance?

Now I know why Weiner is afraid to leave us to our own devices.

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Sadly, non-hot non-chick. And judging by the common Finnish male bitching about ugly Finnish chicks there is really no hotness to be found here. Ferry to Tallinn costs something like 20 euros though.

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I suppose Stockholm is too far.

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20 - That's interesting about the male bitching. When my parents went to Finland, they commented that the women were all very attractive and the men notsomuch.

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Lordi won with the highest score evar.

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Scary, innit.

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BBC: Hello, from BBC, congratulations.
Lordi: Thank you.
BBC: What are you doing for Finland?
Lordi: What are we doing for Finland? We're representing Finland, of course.
BBC: Is everyone like this in Finland?
Lordi: Eh, well, not all, but the pretty ones are.

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