Re: My Poor Mother


Oy. Fuck. Best wishes ogged.

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Oy is right. Get better.

(Note to self: must follow up with own doctor re my own suspicious stomach pains. Jeez, Ogged. We're all calling our doctors today...)

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Gee. Good luck.

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Gee. Good luck.

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Damn. Sending good mojo your way, hermano.

I'm almost exactly as old now as my father was when he died of his cancer.

I have 2 years to go.

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Oy is right. Get better.

(Note to self: must follow up with own doctor re my own suspicious stomach pains. Jeez, Ogged. We're all calling our doctors today...)

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Your dad told me that if you need a kidney, you can have one of Ben's. You can have one of mine if Ben decides to be a pussy about it, but mine have girl-cooties. Then again, Ben's probably do too.

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Holy crap. I hope things go well.

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Oy is right. Get better.

(Note to self: must follow up with own doctor re my own suspicious stomach pains. Jeez, Ogged. We're all calling our doctors today...)

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Glad they found it early enough for the prognosis to be good. Best of luck with the operation.

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Damn. Get well soon, ogged.

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Gee. I don't often think of my being lucky to have both parents living. I'll be glad to see them tonight. Hey I'm landing in -akland, I will give a thought to you -gg-d and good wishes for your surgery to be successful and free of complications.


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Good luck.

Perhaps they were actually talking about your long blogging drought rather than "ITKWIM". I don't think you can blame us.

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Oy is right. Get better.

(Note to self: must follow up with own doctor re my own suspicious stomach pains. Jeez, Ogged. We're all calling our doctors today...)

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Sorry about the multiple posts - comments are kablooey.

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Don't know what else to say but that I'm very sorry to hear the news. Best wishes, Ogged.

No question, if you need anything at all, the commenters at Washington Monthly will be eager to help.

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Moira, you should follow up with your own doctor about those suspicious stomach pains.

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Holy fuck. That sucks. You are, of course, obliged now to write a follow up post after surgery confirming that you're ok.

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Thinking of you, Ogged. My wife had breast cancer 20 years ago and is going strong. Her mother had colon cancer 10 years before that and is still pretty spry (they shared the "family oncologist"!) We'll send you every good vibe we can.

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Holy fuck. That sucks. You are, of course, obliged now to write a follow up post after surgery confirming that you're ok.

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Jesus fuck, that's awful news. Good that you'll be able to avoid chemo, though.

(Am I the only one who read the title and first line and thought that ogged's mother had cancer?)

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Am I the only one who read the title and first line and thought that ogged's mother had cancer?


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I probably don't need to tell you, but if it's not a complete hassle, do seek a second opinion. I had a spell with cancer during college, and while there wasn't any debate about my prognosis or treatment, my second consulation gave me a better understanding of the followup stages (and good advice, too).

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Best of luck, ogged.

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Best wishes, ogged.

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I am! I was actually on the phone with the doc's office when I was spamming the thread. Ugh, I dread this but Ogged's got me spooked. (Plus, I've already survived the abdominal ultrasound - ladies, it's your worst nightmare.)

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Good vibes being sent your way.

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Wow. Best wishes, Ogged. Take care.

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Oh, man that's awful. Best of luck, and keep us posted so we know when we can stop worrying.

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(Am I the only one who read the title and first line and thought that ogged's mother had cancer?)

I read 3/4ths of the post, actually. Something didn't quite fit for me -- the parenthetical perhaps.

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Jesus, ogged. I'm sorry. I'll be thinking about you, and sending the best possible recovery vibes your way.

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Golly, good luck ogged. At least they caught it early. Keep us posted.

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My God. So sorry, ogged. I'm sure it will turn out right, and my best wishes are with you.

And, in typical ogged fashion, you (and now 'Smasher and bill) have made me feel bad about myself for any and all bitching I've done in the last twenty years of a life that, I'm now reminded, has been, by any standard, unimagineably and entirely undeservedly blessed. So... well done!

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Best of luck Ogged. It sounds like things will be well.

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Ack! Yikes! This is rotten news. Please get well soon. Like, by August 20th. I won't make you dance after all.

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oh jeez! best wishes, ogged, and let us know how you are doing.

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Ogged, it sucks that you are sick, but good that they have caught it early. I hope you are all better very soon.

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Whoa, holy shit. Good luck, dude.

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Dear Ogged,

I'm sorry for giving you cancer.

Best wishes,

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Sorry to hear the bad news. Good luck, and thanks for letting us in on the situation.

Seems strange to me that they just take it out. No biopsy?

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Best wishes, Ogged.

Now, I realize I'm probably the only person here who didn't get it, but what was the basis for the drought joke? Does kidney cancer have some weird connection to being out of the game for a while that I just haven't heard of before, or what?

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My goodness! Best wishes for a speedy recovery.

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Wow, that sucks. But, as you say, very good that it was detected so early.

I think that the most Unfogged-appropriate way to respond to this news is to dedicate the rest of this thread to a discussion of whether Livestrong bracelets are gay.

Good luck and thanks for letting us know.

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Oh Jesus (er, Mohammed, or whatever...), Ogged. What a way to come out of hiatus.

Now that the shock has passed, best of luck. Thank goodness it hit a redundant organ, and let us know when things are going swimmingly...

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On a more serious note, I felt terribly much better when I got to the point of your post that said you were going to live. I do hope that continues to be the case. But jeez did you scare me for a bit. Best wishes that your nurse is hott.

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33: Tim, don't be so ghey. If you let Ogged take the higher ground on this, we'll never hear the end of it. It's nothing but "you'd better pretend to like talking about swimming, because I had cancer" and "don't call me sexist-- didn't you know I had cancer" and "could you pick up my bar tab-- you see, I had cancer" from here on out.

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39, 43: "I Lost My Kidney ATM"

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I had to get lucky in about seven different ways

Since we're all feeling sorry for you, here's hoping that you do!

Perhaps we should have a thread on the etiquette of propositioning the nurse as she adjusts your catheter.

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Thank goodness it hit a redundant organ

Indeed. For the purposes of this site, though, a testicle would have been a much better redundant organ to hit.

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Labs lifts us up where we belong.

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get better ogged. save it in a jar. no, not the tumor.

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49: my other thought was: "Just be happy it wasn't a nut."

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Labs lifts us up where we belong.


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Oh man that sucks, ogged. Here's to an easy surgery and a speedy recovery.

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This is what happens when you stop blogging.

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Best wishes on getting better quickly and staying that way!

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Best wishes ogged. We miss you around here, seriously, but the universe using cancer to get you to post again strikes me as a bit extreme. F#%king universe.

I'm confident all will be fine with you. Take care and keep us posted and condolences to your mother too.

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Not so much with the condolences, M/tch. Sympathy, sure, but we were hoping to avoid the condolences.

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Ogged, good luck, and best wishes for a full and speedy recovery.

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This really is shocking. Glad it was caught early, hope you're doing all right.

You know how many people have have been following "ogged" with "(pbuh)" since he left? Do you think maybe some deity was listening but got confused about the "p"?

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So glad they caught it early, Ogged. Best wishes!

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Not so much with the condolences, M/tch. Sympathy, sure, but we were hoping to avoid the condolences.

Fair point.

Lint puppet.

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This is what happens when you stop blogging.

You get all clogged with unexpressed blog thoughts?
Sorry to hear it, Ogged.

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good luck

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Can I take back 55? In trying to avoid earnest, I swerved and hit jackass instead. Good luck, ogged.

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65: I think 55 was perfect.

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I swerved and hit jackass instead

Given similar intent, do I need to file an accident report for the second part of 60?

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I think 55 is fine since it came from you, Standpipe. I'm sure he knows how you meant it.

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Good luck, ogged. Thanks for posting.

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washerdreyer, on the other hand -- sheesh, what an asshole.

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To make it up, w/d, I think you should give your kidney to ogged.

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Glad to know I got my message across then.

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I'll also plead wreckless jackassery for 16.

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Standpipe, honestly. Now more than ever is the time for teh funny.

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Geez, hang in there, man. I make no attempt to say anything less earnest. Let us know if we can do anything.

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73: Dude, 16 was completely funny.

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I think this is all just a clever ploy by ogged to get all of us banned.

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Shit, Ogged. Even IF the price were to be that you ever post again, just get fucking better. Soon.

What you created here helped me through some tough thinking time and quite alot of personal crap. I'd like to think that such a Geist would be around and were "being "well. So just get well soon, d'ya hear?

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Oh, I've just been lying in wait. Once this thread slows down, anyone who said anything sensitive or thoughtful? Banned.

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Particularly Austro.

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Ahem... that was, of course, a "Never."

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Hah! GESCHAFFT!... it took a while, but I made it.

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NP: Duran Duran - Renal Cancer

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Duran Duran s/b Chic

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Jesus, man. Get well soon.

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16 was indeed very, very funny.

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Best of luck, Ogged.

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I'm very sorry to hear this.

I hope everything works out.

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Good luck -- that is really wonderful that you were able to find it at an early stage, though.

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Good luck - and glad you caught it early.

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Good luck, and be well.

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I reserve the right to say something halfway thoughtful and sensitive. Just wish I could think of what exactly to thoughtfully and sensitively say.

You'll get through this, Ogged. And then there'll be no living with you, because you'll be brandishing your lack of a kidney like some kind of miracles-of-modern-medicine trophy.

Don't forget to flirt with any and all doctors, nurses, technicians and suchlike who might conceivably be single or unattached or otherwise available. You never know.

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13: Heh, Smasher. SO true. I wouldn't rely on the ingrates at the Washington Monthly to buy me the virtual equivalent of a cup of coffee.

21 and 22: I too thought that ogged's mother had cancer when I first read it.

46: Labs, that was awesome. And Drymala's Labs lifts us up where we belong was, as Tia said, so very At the Mineshaft.

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Dude, you can't do this. Pretty soon, Mickey Kaus will want cancer, too. Then Reynolds, then Marshall--and before you know it cancer will be the next "Web 2.0!"

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A bad news good news routine, eh? Oy.

Good luck with the treatment and the médecins.

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Good luck.

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Fuck. If we, collectively or individually, can help, please let us know. Best wishes and hopes.

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When I read the title, I thought it was Ogged's mother too. But when I realized it was Ogged, it took my breath away. I wish you well, Ogged.

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ogged: great to see you, bad to see your cancer. I think Wolfson put it appropriately when he said "Jesus fuck." But I am glad for your seven different ways of getting lucky, whatever ways those might be, and in perhaps more than one avenue. But yeah, Jesus Fucking Christ, and keep us updated if you can. Will be thinking of you.

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Kobe would surely procure you nicely bouncy, bare-faced mynphs without cellulite to comfort you in your time of sorrow.

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Awesome transposition. You've really been on top of 100th comments lately, JM.

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Aiee. Take care ogged, pulling for you. *Really* glad you'll be okay. Cuz you will.

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Holy shit Ogged.

Ok first I'm going to cry a couple of times. Then I'm going to masturbate. And then I'm gonna cry some more.

I loves ya, friend. clicky, clicky.

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Ogged, I also thought upon a quick scan of the post that you'd given your mother cancer. Don't do that to your mother, Ogged. That poor woman gave birth to you.

Get better soon, and we miss you. Why is it you only post now because of pie or Kevin Drum or wasting diseases? Write us again before you get consumption or something.

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Jesus Christ. I'm out for a day and come back to this. You're going to give me a complex.

Fuck to oboe, ogged. Best wishes for a speedy recovery, and let us know if there's anything we can do. (Does FTD make gift baskets with philosophy texts and booby DVDs?)

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I was thinking that there must be someplace that will deliver a teddybear in bondage gear, with a card 'From the Mineshaft'.

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107: Of course there is.

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I think we've just guaranteed that ogged isn't going to tell us when he goes into the hospital.

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I can see it now:

My Poor Mother, Part 2
A heart attack?! Are you fucking kidding me?
Alas, it seems the medical establishment rarely intentionally makes a joke. This morning, on her very fancy monitor, the sweet but matter-of-fact radiologist walked me through the EKG results until...tada!...there was no denying that the squiggly lines on the screen did show that my mother did have a myocardial infarction upon seeing the gift basket you all sent. You fuckers gave my mother a heart attack!
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Maybe we should send a fruit basket instead?

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Best wishes from a lurker, Ogged. I just spent time this Sunday with a friend who is doing very well since the successful treatment of his kidney cancer.

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My aged(-er than Ogged) father recovered from a kidney+prostate cancer double-whammy, so Ogged is gonna lick this thing no problem.

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Ogged is gonna lick this thing

Yeah, there's no reason cancer should change his habits any.

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115 kept playing with that thing and see what happened?
Stop touching it already.

Very happy to see that they found out about it soon enough to be able to deal with it relatively without too much headaches (IYKWIM).

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