Re: We're Back, Baby



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Both Bob Ross, and, in all likelihood, the squirrel, are now dead.

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It's up, then it's down, then it's up, then it's down...seriously, I can't take this emotional rollercoaster.

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Feels like home.

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"upgrade" = "negotiate with hostage-taking server admins" ?

Where's the paypal button?

Gripe, bitch, kvetch. No, really, just shoot it directly in the vein. Ah. That's nice.

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Well, it should be up for good now, knock wood. The rollercoaster should be over.

Rollercoaster, want to go back
to the way things were
I'm on the rollercoaster, want
to get back on the Tilt-A-Whirl

I'll be your monkey, a puppy, your circus freak
Fell the first day, it took a whole week
Rollercoaster, can't we go back
to the way things were?

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Chopper seems to be holding up remarkably well so far despite his great sacrifice for Unfogged.

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As before, please say something in comments or email if you get ISEs, 500s, etc.

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Oh frabjous day! Calloo! Callay!

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What about other weird things that happen, like say with raccoons?

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Keep your sex life out of it, M/lls.

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like say with raccoons

Take pictures, then send them to apostropher to post. Duh.

Also, when you do get some way of seeking support, please don't keep it too low-profile. Some of us are eager to throw a few bucks y'all's way, and don't want to miss it when that chance arrives.

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Yowza! That was quick -- I was expecting it to take til Monday or something. Tell us the story please: I assume we're now on a dedicated server with with a 6-month contract and are trying to tweak the code to reduce the burden on the server? How did you migrate so quickly to a new server -- I guess it's easier migrating within one ISP than between ISP's? I join the above chorus of "where is the contribution form that will let me help defray the massive overhead of a dedicated server?"

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Also, when you do get some way of seeking support, please don't keep it too low-profile. Some of us are eager to throw a few bucks y'all's way, and don't want to miss it when that chance arrives.

Robust, are you saying that you'll pay me for my photos of hott raccoon sex?

Woohoo! At long last, my passion can become my livelihood too! Follow your bliss, baby!

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I honestly can't think of a damned thing to say in reply.

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I honestly can't think of a damned thing to say in reply.

What's wrong with the simple, classic, "You can wash your food in my water dish anytime, baby?" (Oh, I suppose that works better on picking up actual raccoons than raccoon fetishists, but it's good enough.)

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Perhaps, while sexing the raccoons, he also imitates them. Like a furry, except with a real animal.

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"Rabies? But we only did it once!"

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Hey, baby, here's a maneuver I call "Putting on the Coonskin Cap!"

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I promise to give a cut of my proceeds to the Unfogged Support Fund.

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Q: What's the best part about getting jerked off by a racoon?

A: Your dick looks so BIG!

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Where is apo, anyway?

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Vacation on the Outer Banks -- it's on his blog.

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Cool, that's where I'm going this weekend.

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Somewhere, Apo is thinking "best-timed hiatus ever".

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Somewhere, Apo is thinking "best-timed hiatus ever".

The timing is a little suspicious. Perhaps I've been wrong in blaming all this on wolfson . . .

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It is never wrong to blame it on Wolfson.

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We can't blame both?

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Has anyone ever seen them in the same room?

With or without a raccoon?

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"raccoon" s/b "Ogged"

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Yeah, down here at the coast doing my level best to eliminate the surplus of wine in this country. This is the first time I've checked in since we left.

Have we looked at whether Delay-by-Moderate (or whatever it's called) is the cause of the problems? I don't have anything I can point to specifically, but I gots some suspicions that it cooperates badly when placed in a room with MT and SpamLookup.

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Yeah, down here at the coast doing my level best to eliminate the surplus of wine in this country.

Show us your tits!

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Hey, Apo is back.


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Perhaps, while sexing the raccoons, he also imitates them.

Does he wear a cute little mask, too, I wonder?

Viva Becks! Viva Wolfson! Viva Las Vegas!

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Wow, damn, that was quick.

So who put this shit on their credit card?

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Becks is the hero!

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Are you going to be fundraising on this?

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Is 37 an answer to 38? Because if so, Becks, WHERE'S YOUR PAYPAL BUTTON?

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39, 40: Yes.

40: When it happens. Patience, grasshopper.

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Well, I don't want to hassle you or anything. I just don't want Becks to have to carry the balance!

And wow, Becks. You're a generous woman.

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I need to get the PayPal thing set up. I figured I'd put it up on Tuesday, after the holiday. We'll probably have good traffic that day because people will be back at work, bored, and looking to waste time on Unfogged. If I put it up now, it will likely get overlooked as people leave for vacation.

It's the Andy Card approach. As he would say: From a marketing point of view, you don't introduce a PayPal button right before Memorial Day.

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It looks like you had the same problem that got us kicked off a server at CT, so maybe you should ask Kieran what he did to sort it out.

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Was there a server outage late last night? While I was watching The Daily Show I noticed something I wanted to throw in comments here but I could not access the site. Went to bed without really looking into it very thoroughly.

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32: Woke up this morning with bits of lyric running through my head. I haven't really been able to get them to congeal into a song, but:

He was drinkin in the Outer Banks
When the Unfogged server crashed
Burdened by the presence of Wolfson
Or the absence of Ash

He started going to the Mineshaft
Cause he needed somewhere to bury, it
Looking to make a connection
With the Unfoggedtariat
Some of them are lawyers,
Some are skanks and ho's
One is a guy named M/tch,
One is his old friend Froz

The last line of the verse should be "Tangled up in mullet" -- maybe the rhyme would be "pouring wine down his gullet"...

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Oh Yeah, I see from Tempting Defiance comments that Something Happened in a transitory way last night. Maybe Kieran will be able to help.

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Thank God.


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About 5:15 a.m. this morning in DMT we use here I couldn't get on either. It was accessible maybe 5 minutes later.

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Yeah, something spiked last night around 11 to (I'm guessing) 100% CPU. I couldn't even log into the server to check the load. It came back up about 5 minutes later when the processes finally died.

Fortunately, two amazing commenters (not naming b/c I'm not sure if it's an indiscretion error) have agreed to take a look at our scripts. And, since we're on a dedicated server, we can try all kinds of crazy crap out to fix it without worrying about getting in trouble or shut down.

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Where is Tia's post on American Idol? I just heard on NPR--"On Point," from WBUR with Tom Ashbrook--that Tia's man Taylor Hicks won.

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Please ignore this comment...

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A question about the new setup: when do comments threads get archived? Is it when they go off the front page?

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53 - We haven't determined that yet. Probably every 2-4 weeks.

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This is a test...

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Is this where we are suppposed to report evil things that happen with our comments? Sorry if this is the wrong location, but anyway I'm seeing the notice "Subroutine _hdlr_pings redefined at lib/MT/Template/ line 2731." at the bottom of all the comment screens. It doesn't seem to be hurting anything, but I thought I'd let someone know. It's all greek to me.

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That's a known issue that is being investigated, Urple. Thanks for the heads up, though, in case it wasn't.

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