Re: Dootndoodoo--Feelin' Tweaky!


Weeeelll, as they ramp the valium down a little I'm starting to feel a bit on the twitchy side.

A fascinating and rare specimen of shazam-conducive initial well-comma.

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sure, but it's not spelled "well."

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Hey could we look at the Plato translations? that might be diverting.

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oh sure, information about my sex life isn't enough you want to know the nature of the just. some people are never satisfied. you'll have to take it up with our least frequent poster, diotima.

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Dear Alameida (mysterious, or rosy-toed, or whatever):

If you are not apprehending the relationship between "easy to make . . . come" and "the nature of the just", then we are simply not reading the same Plato. The one is a necessary precondition for the other; I'm just not saying which is which.

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Am I secretly male?

Probably; I was treated as a he-man woman-hater in the other thread for saying the same thing.

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I've had a couple girlfriends who liked to "go for toesies," that is run out of fingers to count on. Does wonders for a man's ego until you break up with that person and start having sex with women who fall into the average range and you realize that the toesies had not a lot to do with your awesome sexual prowess.

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Am I secretly male?

I totally think you have a psychic penis; that's not a bad thing, particularly.

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psychic penis

Does it wear the little Karnak turban?

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More than 6 or 7 times

This pretty much seals the deal. You are not secretly male.

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now that we've established that our blog has a cock that can see into the future, I think the circle of life is complete. hakuna mutatis mutandis, people.

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I endorse all of this woman's comments. I can have lots of orgasms all at once in a row, but not through penetration, but I still like penetration better. I don't even feel having an orgasm (when I do so through extra clitoral stimulation) makes penetrative sex substantially better. I have a good friend who feels the same.

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"go for toesies"

That's a great phrase.

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As is 'rosy-toed alameida'.

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Nobody on topic here. I have never enjoyed orgasms, considering them a necessary evil to avoid wet dreams or (my own) to please a partner. I enjoy providing them, if that is what my partner wants, but my own preference would be Tantric, endless foreplay, tension, frustration, excitement. Am prone to post-coital, post-orgasmic depression, and a loss of interest in my partner after she becomes content. Was in my youth priapically impotent, if that is a useful description, unable either to lose an erection or come, sometimes for an entire night. Was never sure how insulting or flattering my problems were, but these pathologies did not improve my lovelife.

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I enjoy providing them, if that is what my partner wants, but my own preference would be Tantric, endless foreplay, tension, frustration, excitement.

That seems very odd. You like tension and frustration, but you don't like when they are released?

For me, tension provides an opportunity for release. The greater the tension, the more enjoyable the release. The greater the tension, the more frustrating the absence of release is.

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Am I secretly male?

What the hell? Is everyone here now above saying, "Can we really have two posters with a secret weiner? I thought there could be only one."

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That link should go here.

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Release of tension isn't always all that interesting. It can be kind of like 'feh, that's it?'

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I can't use firefox (or any other non-explorer browser) at work and forgot to test the link after I'd edited it.

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My wife is also one of the highly orgasmic types, and we have a hypothesis that being highly orgasmic is correlated with being highly ticklish, which she is as well. Of course, since this is not a subject that can be brought up in casual conversation, we have exactly one data point in support of this hypothesis.

So, Alameida, are you also highly ticklish?

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Entirely changing the subject, I love this:

Sometimes I feel like that damn appetitive horse has just run the whole fucking chariot off the rails, but what are you going to do.

Man, I so would have actually learned dead languages if Alamedia had been teaching them.

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Of course, since this is not a subject that can be brought up in casual conversation, we have exactly one data point in support of this hypothesis.

My main experience with a severely ticklish person was that this hypothesis did not apply.

Now we have one data point for, and one against. I refute you thus!

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I'm extremely ticklish and not h.o.

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Neither of the two I mentioned above were noticeably ticklish.

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Yeah, I haven't found that corrolation to be a meaningful one.

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not h.o.

Wait, is "ho" actually an acronym? (with its meaning altered by the passage of years, apparently)

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I am h.o. and not at all ticklish.

So, seems the hypothesis has been refuted from both sides.


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Nice one, silvana.

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I agree h. o. =/ ticklish.

Trying to imagine how a relationship with a nono would have felt to me. Absent very good communication, I doubt I'd have handled it well. I would have felt it was due to me, and that I'd have had little sense of whether I was doing well. I'd probably have proposed trying all sorts of things, which might well have been distracting, onerous, and off-putting.

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Wait, is "ho" actually an acronym?

No, it's a gauge.

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trying all sorts of things, which might well have been distracting, onerous, and off-putting.

But almost certainly comic: "Here, hold this squirrel. Now just wait a minute or two until the beets are ready..."

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I, too, get way too much of my satisfaction from the other person's reaction to be completely happy with a nono woman.

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33 (reversing genders) + 15: I don't understand why men think that women will be upset by their inability to orgasm. I've been with at least 3 or 4 guys like this now, and they all seemed terribly worried that I would be pissed off about it. The "priapically impotent" thing is pretty sweet: I'm like "hey, more sex for me."

That is, if you are into penetration.

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Media pressure and expectations? Every lame magazine sex guide is all about having the best, longest, most numerous orgasms ever and filled with testimonials from women who know exactly what they want and how to get it and you get the impression that everyone's having mind-blowing orgasms all the time.

32: Inspired.

Another anecdote of one: In your experience, does taking the birth control pill make it harder to orgasm? (It's pretty well-documented that it dampens the sex drive.)

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Tia in 12: "I can have lots of orgasms all at once in a row"

Tia in 24: "I'm extremely ticklish and not h.o."

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I, too, get way too much of my satisfaction from the other person's reaction to be completely happy with a nono woman.

But from our nono friend's testimony, it seems that nono ≠ non-reactive.

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Omg. Like, buy jeans that fit and a bra in your size before you go after liposuction.

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38: Jesus fucking christ. A bra that fits will never give you the back fat.

I know, because I spend a lot of time thinking and obsessing about bra fit.

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because I spend a lot of time thinking and obsessing about bra fit

Why is Bitch posting under silvana's handle?

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Why is Bitch posting under silvana's handle?

A proper size bra would get rid of that handle.

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Silvana, here and other comments I've seen you make, you seem irruptively impatient with what men don't know, without being told. Speaking for myself, a little direction, often subtle, has gone a long way towards making me both responsive and self-assured, and I've been very grateful for it. In other words, I suck at mind-reading.

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WTF? Silvana wasn't even addressing a man, as far as I know, unless you count the plastic surgeons who perform the liposuction and (though it would reduce business) should be informed about non-surgical alternatives, like bras that fit.

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I think he means 34.

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42 to 34

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36: I can have lots of orgasms all at once in a row if I'm masturbating. And it takes me a while to get to the first one. I thought "highly orgasmic" meant something different, like, has the first orgasm quickly, has orgasms easily through intercourse and/or another person's clitoral help. I considers myself averagely orgasmic, maybe less than average.

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Silvana didn't say "men should already know better", she said "I don't know why men think this."

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IDP, I don't think I was being clear. What I meant is that if men are unable to orgasm, they think women will be upset by it (they are obviously upset by it for their own reasons), which is not the case.

Anyway, I have to go to lunch now.

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Ah, I see. Their in 34 refers not to women's inability but to men's. Context, plus how "priap/imp would, as you suggest, favor women's satisfaction, led me to the opposite reading.

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Another anecdote of one: In your experience, does taking the birth control pill make it harder to orgasm? (It's pretty well-documented that it dampens the sex drive.)

I can make this an anecdote of two, and I'm glad to hear this happened to someone else. My high school girlfriend used to be quite orgasmic back when we were in school, to the point where I apologized for her only having three during one afternoon session. A couple years later we lived together for a summer when she was on the pill, and she had far more trouble, taking far longer to have her orgasms and having fewer of them.

I thought I'd lost my high school mojo or something, which would have been super depressing.

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48:Is this problem unusual? The priap/imp. wasn't a porn star thing or a special needs/stimulation thing...most times I would be normal the next night, which in my case usually meant too fast. Umm, faster than I would like. Some kind of emotional overexcitement thing, I guess. It wasn't controllable or predictable. There was one entire weekend. No pain, that I can remember.

The women did not seem insulted; interested, pleased, enterprising, solicitous, helpful, finally accepting. With cuddling and relaxation, the problem would subside. Confused the hell out of me, on the other hand.

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I'm not at alll ticklish; enjoying the tension and anticipation more than the realizion shouldn't be all that hard to understand (it's kind of like really enjoying the anticipation of Xmas or gifts in general more than the getting them)--although tension and anticipation *do* make for awesome orgasms most of the time; well-fitting bras can create what stupid people think is "back fat" but is actually just skin, and the answer is don't wear clothes that are too tight, idiot; if anything, a guy who doesn't come once in a while is actually really nice because then you can breathe a sigh of relief and realize that he understands; and ime whether or not one is "highly orgasmic" depends an awful lot on the situation, the partner, the relationship, and one's mood--and the correlation between those events isn't always what you'd think it might be.

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if there was good foreplay and i'm having fun, the orgasm is just a necessity to get closure to the event. if i were to not cum, maybe becasue i just did

if its bad and i'm not enjoying myself, then the orgasm is the one time that i enjoy the event.

male btw, which makes me speculate that this is all some construct i've made to protect myself from jelousy that i cna't have multiple orgasms (except on very rare occasion)

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oops. first line should be:
if there was good foreplay and i'm having fun, the orgasm is just a necessity to get closure to the event. if i were to not cum, maybe becasue i just did [snipped]
a short number of minutes ago, then i get really annoyed (physically) that i couldn't release but its not becuase i didn't get the orgasm, its just because i still have the tension.

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51: Alcohol involved at all?

49: I misread you, too, silvana. And I think it's just embarassment (because there's a presumption in favor of 'guys always orgasm') plus a fear that the woman will be insulted (like she's not hot or good enough.)

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i'm incredibly ticklish.

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We're all waiting for the next part, alameida.

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It's in the post, innit?

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Yeah, but this time she could type it slo-o-o-owly.

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51: Good, I now have two data points in support of my hypothesis (21), and I can ignore all the contradictory evidence presented in this thread.

Just to clear up my hypothesis, I was using "highly orgasmic" to mean the ability to come very quickly. Unless she's taken valium (as we discovered recently), 60 seconds to orgasm is a long time for my wife. I've had other lovers who could come repeatedly, from penetrative sex as well manually/orally, but I've never known anyone else with a hair-trigger like her.

I'd love to believe its all due to my incredible sexual talent, but I know its not.

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Re 60: "51" s/b "56", and "its" should be "it's".

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51:No, nor drugs. Usually first dates or early in a relationship. Shaking and quivering was involved. I was a labile freak in the seventies, alternating actual ecstasy with black withdrawal, sensitivity with cluelessness. I attracted and frightened, not as dangerous but as vulnerable. Didn't, doesn't matter, everybody had a good time.

I gather it is unusual. I'll have to look it up.

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Usually first dates or early in a relationship

Yup, not unusal, at least if my experience is any indication. I've known at least three people with exactly this same thing, probably no shaking and quivering, but unable to get off until they got much more comfortable with me.

I was using "highly orgasmic" to mean the ability to come very quickly

Oh. Then I retract 28. Still not ticklish though. It is impossible to tickle me; I'm usually just like "oh, that feels nice." It's a little bizarre.

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I've never seen it so quiet here.

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Dude, it's a Friday night! Get a life!

Oh, wait.

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God, how depressing.

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I was wondering where everyone was.

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Just sitting around.

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Of all the threads to choose to reopen...

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The blog is serene, like a winter night's stillness, contented solitude measured in soft crunching footfalls.

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Some of us have to work. The rest of you should be out getting laid or something.

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I myself am toggling back and forth between here and a very heated argument happening over several blogs about whether or not blow jobs suck.

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Is it bad to ssay that I am going to be in much alcolhol-related pain tomorrow in the rebhab thread?

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Where's tge bolw job argument?

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Hrmpf. This oen lien proes pome was brought to you by Not Previewing™.

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Standpike, you know I love you but previeing isn't going to help me now.

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Not Previewing™: You can't stop not previewing.

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It always has to be about you, doesn't it?

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Blow jobs: Twisty's, Pandagon, Feministe. The discussion's kinda dying down now, though.

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Which side are you taking, B?

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I was addressing my NP™ comments to myself. I hadn't read 66-69 before posting 70, nor 71-75 before posting 76, nor 77 before 78.

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Anyone else read the title of ogged's other blog as "Expandable Organ"?

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I started off saying that I like them sometimes, although I agree that broadly speaking they're constructed as degrading (and therefore hot). But then I got annoyed by people vehemently denying that their enjoyment of blow jobs could *possibly* have any element of false consciousness in it and switched over to explaining why the anti-bj argument isn't just about the misandry of shrill feminazis.

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Those blowjob threads are no fun. But I thoughte the idea of having sex ironically was funny.

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Okay, no blowjob discussion here then. Ben just put up a good post about fisting, though.

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"Yeah, I'll fuck you. It's just so . . . retro!"

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No, Ii just said *those* blowjob threads are no fun

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Okay then, you can go ahead and talk about blowjobs all you want.

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I thoughte the idea of having sex ironically was funny

There once was a man named Oedipus Rex.

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Jesus, that Twisty thread. Some people really need to lighten the hell up.

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