Re: Liveblogging Rehab: Perhaps The Greatest Story Evar Told


I'd have gone Chinese Full Diet. (What the hell does that mean anyway?)

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Muslim all the way.

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I vote the Chinese diet, assuming that "with black fungus" means "with mushrooms," as opposed to it being something like that nasty fungal corn stuff. Or the Muslim diet, simply based on its being spicy. The sweet potato soup was almost certainly the way to go. I'm kinda horrified that your beverage choices are apple or orange juice, though. No Pelligrino?

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Huitlacoche is Mexican.

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From those, I would have picked "Muslim Full." So you can choose every day, maybe from a different cuisine? It's not "once a vegatarian, always a vegetarian?"

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yeah, I can mix it up. I'm having muslim later.

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Muslim diet- but in part because I hve no idea what Peh Chye is. And that rankles.

I hope you are doing ok.

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Good to hear from you and that you're doing well.

I guess a vegetarian who wasn't into spicy food would be out of luck.

I think I'd choose Light Diet, just to figure out what a Wholemean Egg is. Actually I think I'd try to talk someone else into ordering that.

Oh and I'm guessing that the black fungus might be the one the Chinese call "wood ear" (mu er in Mandarin, I can't remember the Cantonese). It's kind of crunchy/cartiliganeous.

Huitlacoche is indeed Mexican and is really good as long as it's not canned.

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Huitlacoche is Mexican.
Ogged is Mexican.
Huitlacoche is Ogged

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I have this picture of the Mysterious one cracking the local net like some femme fatale from a Hollywood movie.

The Western Full-Diet looks like the hospital food I know. The Chinese and Muslim diets sound tasty. No doubt they manage to turn them into hospital food. But maybe they don't. I don't see valium anywhere on the menu. Problem is they usually don't give it to ya once you're past the bad part of withdrawl. OTOH, the shakes, sweats, &c. suck.

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Also, huitlacoche kicked the Iran team's ass.

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Steve Don't Eat It!

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I will make a wager that Alameida will get really bored of Chinese, Muslim, Vegetarian, Western, Light, on repeat over and over, and she will say, "Today, the 'soft diet,' please!" There will be an audible gasp and then, ten minutes later, Alameida will say, "Fine, so it isn't cool after all."

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12, Natto can be really yummy. You just have to, uh, suppress the smell. I read once that natto makes for excellent unchi-kun!

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I thought natto only came in little tubes. The better to contain its delightful marshmallowy strands of fetid goodness. I'm all for trying new things but I've never been able to get a spoonful of the stuff down, despite my Japanese friends swearing how great it was.

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I'm voting for cuisine that provides sensations, which means spicy and slimy: Chinese Full!

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14: "The entire experience is difficult to describe, but if you can remember back to the very first time you made out with a hobo's ass, it's a lot like that."

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I'd probably go for the Western or Muslim diets. Chinese, possibly, but I'm guessing the black fungus would bring back memories of the kinds of foods my relatives make that I never enjoyed eating as a kid and have avoided since.

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I don't think much to the wine list.

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Tofu & tomato? The chinese would ok if it was Sichuan, but otherwise, blandoid city. Muslim all the way.

['Osama Osama Baloney.']

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I knew I could count on you, dsquared!

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muslim all the way! mmm, mutton.

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