Re: Man, Insty Is A Nasty, Nasty Little Pig


Where's that photo of Insty in the incriminating t-shirt? I think you need to link to it in the post.

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I don't know the shirt -- what was wrong with it?

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Here it is:

No, wait! My mistake! That's just the post where reasonable centrist and law professor Glenn Reynolds proposed that the US provides financial aid to terrorists who attack European civilians. So, so sorry.

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It was a photoshop job, by FL I'm pretty sure, of Glen grinning that smarmy grin and his t-shirt said "I Heart Meaty Cocks".

Anyone know the code for that heart symbol?

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NB: This is a roughly similar criticism to that made about Kerry-Edwards references to Mary Cheney.

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♥ , isn't it?

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Honestly, though, I think the solution to this dilemma is to just not care. We shouldn't protest this, because we really shouldn't care what the homophobes think. Don't defend, and don't get mad because it's just too trivial. If anything, do what comes natural - yawn.

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Test: ♥

7: For you, Michael, "yawn" s/b "bugg".

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Test successful!

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Mitch, when you're involved, believe me that my natural response is *yawn*.

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5: No, not really. Stating a true public fact about someone, that they say about themselves, is neither hostile nor wrong regardless of the fact that there are people who are prejudiced about it. Tsk-tsking as you spread false claims about someone is wrong, even though there wouldn't be anything wrong about it if it were true.

If Insty were linking to something and said "Huh, I didnt know Kos was gay," -- that is, if he were reporting a neutral public fact (even if he were mistaken) -- that wouldn't be nasty. But repeating and publicizing what is intended to be a scurrilous insult while playing innocent about how he's just asking people to stop it? Nasty.

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7: I don't think this is right. Rising above the nastiness hasn't served us well in the past. Pointing out that people like Insty are horrible petty smear-artists is, I think, more effective than not dignifying it with a response. You have to work the refs.

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It's not the same, but it's similar: I think the point of referencing it, for Kerry-Edwards, was to get it out there that Mary Cheney was gay. Deep down inside, I don't really care. I want to win. I really don't care if they do it to Kos; I don't think many people who like Kos care if he was gay or not.

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Sure, this isn't a terribly big deal. It's just icky and disinglennuous.

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It's really ridiculous. Kos is no more gay than FL or Ogged.

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But who can you address? Your own choir already knows Reynolds is a hateful, moral cretin. People who like Reynolds are going to read him sympathetically, and you unsympathetically. (And I actually think Reynolds is *stupid* enough that his intent here might not be bad. I'm not at all sure that he's this cunning)

I doubt Kos gives a whit about this whisper campaign. And it doesn't trigger any buttons with me.

And I would place my money on the bet that responding to this will fan the flames; laughing it off will cause it to choke for lack of fuel.

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Here's the proof. Kos is **very gay.**.

Kos is gay.

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damn. who knew. he is gay.

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And I would place my money on the bet that responding to this will fan the flames; laughing it off will cause it to choke for lack of fuel.

The thing about an insult like this is that fanning the flames is sort of a profit. I'm sure Kos doesn't give a damn if anyone thinks he's gay -- if this were printed on the front page of the Washington Post tomorrow it wouldn't make a bit of difference to his life. Making a fuss about the fact that the biggest Republican blogger out there is making ugly little innuendos, on the other hand, is good practice for response to more important smears.

(And I actually think Reynolds is *stupid* enough that his intent here might not be bad. I'm not at all sure that he's this cunning)

No one is that stupid. If you're really telling people not to repeat nasty rumors, you don't do it by repeating the rumor yourself in a much more prominent place.

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I do not see how anyone reasonably could draw the inference you have drawn from what Reynolds wrote unless they were operating under the assumption that everything he wrote and said was motivated by the basest and most vile of motives. But if that's the case, everythng he writes is subject to the same inference, so why not just write, "Glenn Reynolds is evil" and avoid the pretext of interpreting something specific?

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I repeat what I said in 19: No one is that stupid. If you're really telling people not to repeat nasty rumors, you don't do it by repeating the rumor yourself in a much more prominent place.

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Am I missing something? I didn't click through the link, so maybe there is something in the context that makes this seem icky. But just the excerpted paragaph seems totally unobjectionable to me. And your "paraphrasing" of the excerpt seems waaay off in tone and intent. To me it really reads more like he thinks it's really childish and stupid that people are questioning Kos' sexual orientation, and is pointing out that -- for those ignorants who seem to think it matters -- that he has good personal evidence that Kos is, indeed, heterosexual. So they should cut it out.

Again, maybe I'm missing something by not clicking through, but it sounds like he genuinely trying to cut these rumors off, not fan the flames.

Of course I never read Reynolds, so maybe I'm giving him too much of the benefit if the doubt.

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I actually don't see that Insty is pulling the "people think Kos is gay" thing--what I see is the "Kos isn't gay because he fucks his wife" thing (which imho is even grosser). The real point, which Insty only makes in passing, is that whether someone is gay or not shouldn't matter and that people who use that as a slur are bigots. Which is the thing Insty doesn't say.

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Three hits for "Kos is gay"

First hit is a comment:

"Perhaps it’s because we’re blogging from the heart of San Francisco, but something tells us that Kos is gay. *gasp* Our well-calibrated ‘gay-dar’ is picking up a pursy lisp, a sash, two snaps and a twist."

Commenter: California Conservative on May 18, 2006 at 1:03 PM

Second hit "does not exist":

Third hit is a wacko MYDD comment

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The paragraph I quoted is all there is. Try clicking through on the link to Digby's take on it -- again, Insty took a smear that was in blog comments somewhere, possibly read by dozens of people, and made sure that his whole readership was aware of it. That's not genuinely trying to cut off a rumor.

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If you're really telling people not to repeat nasty rumors, you don't do it by repeating the rumor yourself in a much more prominent place.

But he's not just repeating the rumor. He's stating the rumor and then offering strong evidence for its falsity. And then saying "your rumor is childish, stop it." For an influential voice to say such a think I would think would do more to dampen the flames than fan them.

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Fuck, I agree with Ideal. That is, I would write the post in a more conditional way. Something like:

Glenn Reynolds writes X.
Everyone agrees it's a good thing to deny rumors about your political opponents that you believe to be false. But the way Glenn has done so is very likely to bring the rumor in front of more eyeballs. If he intended to do this, he is evil. If he didn't intend to do this, he should think more about the effect of what he says.

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But I've seen people speculate that Kos is gay. Dunno why, and when I met him we talked about our partners and kids, so I was kind of surprised that people thought he was gay. But I'm not surprised that Insty says he's heard these rumors too.

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I think the past ten years have shown us there is great, unforeseen advantage to getting all riled up.

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This is called "Getting it out there" and is a standard, well-known, transparent operative technique.

"There has never been any solid confirmation of the rumors that Dubya molested his two duaghters, and I think we should just quit talking about it."

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Before I get yelled at, I do understand that a gay man may be married and sleep with his wife, so my "strong evidence" in 26 wasn't really accurate -- I should have said something more like "what his audience would perceive as strong evidence".

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What if he paid money to strippers, Urple? Would that make him more or less manly?

(Don't hit me.)

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Well, but what makes you think that his audience's perception of 'strong evidence' is different from yours? This looks to me more like telling people to stop spreading a childish rumor, and offering weak evidence of its falsity.

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You know, I'm not really knowledgeable about this "sexual identity" thingie the kids are talking about all the time these days, but I have heard that there is a kind of man (called "buy" for some reason) who is capable of fathering children even though he's "gay".

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I see some blog commenters speculating that Insty eats his own poo. Why that should matter, I don't know. But I've never personally seen him eat poo, and to the contrary, commisserated with him over a case of indigestion caused, I believe, by food that was not poo. My wife and I had several conversations assuring him that his tummy would feel better. It probably wasn't cholera.

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"There has never been any solid confirmation of the rumors that Dubya molested his two duaghters, and I think we should just quit talking about it."

But it really seems like this is not at all analogous to what he said. He said something more like "It's absolutely ridiculous that there are rumors that Dubya molested his daughters. Look, I may not agree with Dubya's policies, but I've talked to his daughters and some of his close family friends and they all laugh this off as wild speculation. Please, don't spread these silly fabrications; it cheapens our national political debate."

There's a big difference between the two. Especially when the rumors about Kos are, in fact, circulating.

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The thing is that someone who said something like this:

"It's absolutely ridiculous that there are rumors that Dubya molested his daughters. Look, I may not agree with Dubya's policies, but I've talked to his daughters and some of his close family friends and they all laugh this off as wild speculation. Please, don't spread these silly fabrications; it cheapens our national political debate."

in a public forum, would still be spreading the scurrilous rumor. It doesn't matter that you deny it, it only matters that you spread it to people who hadn't heard it.

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I agree with Ideal over LB about an Insty post, Martin Peretz writes a reasonably good editorial which endorses Gore and doesn't question the humanity of Palestinians, and the price of ice drops dramatically due to a new glut of supply.

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Eh, given that Ideal, Urple, Bitch, and w/d all disagree with me about the interpretation here, I could be wrong. But click through and read digby -- I was convinced.

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Are the Reynolds bashers kidding here? What he wrote isn't just unobjectionable, it's gracious and I think totally sincere. The quoted paragraph is in the middle of a post defending Kos from accusations of corruption, so it hardly seems strange that he'd defend him from another charge floating around. And if you're going to impute backwardness to his readers, you have to go all the way: saying that Kos is married and has a kid carries a lot of weight with the unenlightened, doesn't it?

In short, what Idealist said.

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And ogged.

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Okay, well let me put it this way. I'd never before heard the rumor that Kos was gay. Now, having read Glenn's post, and having been exposed to the "rumor", I'd say I think it less likely that Kos is gay than I did 30 minutes ago (when I'd never thought about it before in my life). I guess I'm just assuming most people would have a similar reaction, but perhaps I'm wrong about that.

Not that it matters either way, of course, though I doubt that needs to be said.

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And let's not be silly debaters: yes, married men with children might be gay, but if you take two people who are just as prissy as Markos, one a single guy and the other a married father, it's a lot less likely that the married dad is gay.

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But to keep on fighting for my right to call Insty a nasty little pig -- the thing is that accusations that a man is gay are an awfully common feature of unpleasant political conversation. You name a politician, I'll bet I can find you an example of someone calling him a fag. Pulling that sort of background noise up onto the front page of an incredibly well-trafficked blog only makes sense if you're trying to give the impression that it's a serious topic of discussion.

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two people who are just as prissy as Markos, one a single guy and the other a married father, it's a lot less likely that the married dad is gay.

Well, one, Markos, is a dad, and probably not gay. The other, Ogged, is not married. Hmm.

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Also, for the record, despite knowing that Kos was married with a kid, I recall calling him "queeny" in an email to someone.

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I suspect that the first of these is the rumors Instabozo was referring to.

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Man, has everybody but me met all the bigname bloggers in person? I've never met anyone.

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43: Plus Kos is a total lefty. If he were gay, he'd obviously just divorce his wife and let her and the kids collect welfare.

In fact, gay or not, I'm really surprised he hasn't done that yet, what with the lefty plot to destroy marriage and all. Could Kos be a mole???

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ogged's support for Kaus makes him immediately suspect. I'm with Ideal, etc., I think.

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I don't think there's much objectionable with the post in isolation. It's not attempting to insinuate anything sneakily.

But that said, assuming that this was a small comment box speculation and nothing more, it's a little sleazy to give it more airtime because it's very easy to trumpet the 'slur' while pretending to disavow it. It could have been done in the small comment box.

But I'm not sure how small it was. I hadn't heard of it, but background noise that leads to e-mail speculation or small posts on other blogs could be damaging and I suspect Reynolds probably was just enjoying that his blog is big enough to squelch little rumors.

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50: Excellent. Now I feel more secure.

But yeah, if the links Emerson is coming up with are the sort of thing Insty is objecting to, they aren't rumors, they're insults. Treating them as rumors and tsk-tsking them is just spreading them.

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Eh, it's pretty far down in a post that's totally on something else. I had to read the thing twice to find it, and I had LB's quotation so I knew what I was looking for, even. I really don't think it's an attempted slur.

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Treating them as rumors and tsk-tsking them is just spreading them.

At the Mineshaft.

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He's trying to insinuate that Kos's gay semen doesn't work as well as the straight kind, and that's why his wife had a miscarriage. What a cad.

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I know there are many, many reasons to be irritated by Glenn Reynolds, but I'm on the ogged/idealist/tim/b/etc. side. One could reconstruct the thought like this: there's a pretty strong presumption in favor of the straightness of a youngish guy who's married and trying hard to have children, so it's likely that any gay rumor would be less justified than its negation.

Ogged, I think that "queeny" email was to me, back in the day. I was too distracted by your balls bouncing off my chin to read it, though.

One odd thing about all this is that a few weeks ago, I decided to quit blogging about politics and to quit reading political blogs after a look at instapundit. I just can't take this stuff anymore.

Another thing to note for the record: the t-shirt photoshop is funny, to the extent that it is, because Reynolds is about the straightest man on the planet. I mean that in the pejorative sense, of course.

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Insty fires off half-cocked an awful lot, though. Maybe there was insufficient evidence of this becoming a real meme, but operating like that is nothing new to him. And perhaps he was genuinely offended by the rumors/insults. Insty has a slightly-better-than-Ann-Coulter understanding of what a "liberal" is, but at least he seems to be becoming aware of some of the distasteful elements of the conservative faction.

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An unsophisticated reader might take "your balls bouncing off my chin" to mean that Labs like to suck my cock, and though that's not untrue, what he's really saying to the readers that matter is that my balls no longer clang off his chin. Thanks Labs, so good to hear from you again.

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Hey now, if we're going to start fussing at people for going off half-cocked, we're gonna castrate 80% of the blogosphere.

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Yes, once you had your testicles replaced with soft, lifelike neuticles, things have been a lot quieter.

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Not to mention a lot less pissing in the corner.

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Damn, it's just like old times around here!

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Well, no Magik Johnson, and apostropher hasn't weighed in yet, but ogged and FL both appearing in the same thread? Nice.

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I can't get worked up about it because I don't find anything insulting about being called gay.

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Yes, once you had your testicles replaced with soft, lifelike neuticles, things have been a lot quieter.

Dramatized in the 1999 Oscar-winning film Balls Don't Clang.

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Labs like to suck my cock

Bestiality, too!

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I am worked up because there is an obvious organized effort being begun to destroy the DKos node of the lefty-sphere. Kos can laugh, but Armando is gone and Armstrong has been damaged. The right has the media at their backs. This is serious. Ezra and Lindsay should prepare.

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I can't get worked up about it because I don't find anything insulting about being called gay.

How convenient.

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It is an old boast, but nevertheless one that Lizard has shown is still relevant today: "Show me six lines written by any man, and I will find therein sufficient evidence with which to hang him."

Free Carlsbergs to the person who identifies the source of the original quote.

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therein sufficient evidence with which


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Samuel Johnson.

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I knew that, but I won't go Carlsbergs until at least the third date.

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71 is wrong, I think, but I refuse to resort to google to find out for certain.

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Huh, I guess it's not Johnson. Well, it sounds like the kind of thing he would say.

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Google offers no assistance anyhow.

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Nonsense, it does too. The quote seems to be inexact, but key phrases'll do ya.

Unless it's misattributed all over the place, and it is Johnson!

(For the record, I did not google until after I had guessed.)

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Accusations of homosexuality go back thousands of years. Cicero, no friend of Julius Caesar, didn't think that Caesar was effeminant, but rather said that any handsome man who became the subject of public attention would gather such comments.

What Glen did was state that he didn't think that it was true, and further, gave some supporting evidence. The links were provided as little pins to deflate their bubbles. Commenters probably pointed out their error, and suppose that one of the links didn't work anymore because the author was embarassed enough to take down the thread.

I am amazed at the poor reading skills shown by the products of the US government school system. I am glad that I home school my two younger children.

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Make sure you teach them how to spell "effeminate" properly when you're teaching them to fear and loathe gay people.

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Oh. I only tried one key phrase, and not the right one obviously.

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state that he didn't think that it was true, and further, gave some supporting evidence

So, are you saying, that because of his providing support to truth of his proposition, that that somehow deflates any accusations about his dubious motives?

'Cause that doesn't even make sense, and is wrong.

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The quote may have been inexact, but inasmuch as I have translated from the original French, well, give a redneck a break.

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"support to truth" s/b "support for the truth"

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Clambone, rather silly to think that Glen proposed that the US should provide aid to terrorists.

Rather, he suggested that those who provide aid to terrorists probably already consider what would happen if the US responded in kind. Such nations have more fragile government structures than the US.

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I home school my two younger children.

Surprisingly, home-schooled children are more likely than their peers to turn out gay.

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84 is good news, as it means they'll then know how to spell "effiminate."

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No biggy. Lots of such in my family anyways. There are plenty of breeders in my family, and so we don't have to all to that job.

As my email suggests, I have 5 kids. My dad had 5 kids. My brother is just less than a year older than me, making us "Irish Twins".

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48 -- What am I, chopped liver?

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What a creep you are, Lizardbreath.

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87: No, you're a clown.

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There are plenty of breeders in my family, and so we don't have to all to that job

Good man.

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Wait! Wait!

Are you trying to say that Koz is gay???????

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Huh, I guess it's not Johnson. Well, it sounds like the kind of thing he would say.

Darn you, B. My joke is ruined, and I am exposed as a fraud, and all because you didn't come through with the infallibility. Some Pope you are.

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at my government school system we learned that a writer could phrase a sentence to mean something very different from what it purports to say. I guess they screwed me up good on reading comprehension.

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Yes, but aren't I good at saying things with such self-assurance that even brilliant cynics like yourself are led to place your faith in me?

I'm no pope. I'm a messiah.

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You've been linked by IP. Prepare for the deluge.

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With the mention of the word "Pope," you're getting closer.

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Apo, we'd figured that out a while ago. Incoming!

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Thanks for the spelling tip.

Not a word I use often. Unlike present company.

I bow to your superior experience.

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we'd figured that out a while ago

I'm slow.

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95:Funny, I forget anybody else reads this thing. Oh well, if he thinks a little about propogating smears next time, it's a profit for everybody.

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No biggy.

Yes biggy, actually.

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Hello, InstaPundit readers! Fruit baskets for everybody!

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Hey, guys, do we use the word "effeminate" a lot? Or is Don trying to imply we're, like, gay or something?

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No way. We take all our anal sex like men.

Except Tim. He cries a little at first.

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So, if it isn't my man Johnson (but I repeat myself) who was it? Candidly, who?

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105: Even us ladies?

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Especially you ladies.

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You know it, butch. Rowr.

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Good luck with the home schooling Don!

Please don't have any more children!

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106: It was Esther Rolle. I was surprised too.

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I hope you're feeling receptive, apostropher. Letalis is about to give you Carlsbergs.

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One more try at that football, Lucy. Just one more.

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Will they be Hot Carlsbergs?

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105-112 may have effectively scared away the Institroopers. Good work, folks!

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Standpipe, you're wilting. It's because Ben's gone, isn't it?

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brilliant cynics like yourself

Someone paid you to say that.

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Why is Instapundit a "creep" because he is refuting said rumours?

And why does Lizardbreath think that "gay" is some sort of insult? Oops, looks like Lizardbreath is the bigot here with self-mangling convoluted logic and implodes spectacularly.

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Okay everyone, let's gay it up again. The invaders must be repelled before they colonize us.

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Ooh, ooh, I know this one! It's the use/mention distinction. Right?

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Did you just accuse me of being Kos, M/tch?

Not that there's anything wrong with it.

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Seriously, why do all these instannabees keeping trying to bugg us?

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No, but Insty called us Kos's "acolytes." Which I'm pretty sure probably means "gay boyfriends."

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you misunderstand, 180. LizardBreath wants Kos on our team, don't you get it, of merry gayness, to more effectively tarnish the sanctity of marriage. Insty's trying to pull him off the gaywagon with all this mention of "wives" and "miscarriages." Of course we're also bigots.

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Standpipe, you're wilting. It's because Ben's gone, isn't it?

If you're insinuating what I think you're insinuating, then yes.

Or it could be my drinking problem.

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No, no, B. Just left his talking points in his other set of pants along with his reading comprehension.

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And by the way, well done on the spectacular implosion, LB! I wouldn't have thought you swung that way, what with all the tender moments we spent together discussing Kos' miscarriages. Why that should matter, I don't know.

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No amount of flatulence from you retards changes the fact that Lizardbreath got spectacularly PWNED! Too funny. Continue your sardonic waffling, it is hilarious to watch.

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Shit. And I was so hoping to get extra credit for that one.

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I don't think you know what 'sardonic' means. Try your back pocket!

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Try your back pocket!

Quit bugging him about his back pocket.

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69:Richelieu. But I didn't check to see if anyone else got it first, which might make this an embarrssing comment.

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128: Comma splice!

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Try not mocking yourself Cala, aliterate buffoon.

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Standpipe, now's your chance!!

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Oh man he's totally hurting our collective feelings!


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Too easy. I was just waiting for the first retard to get his panties in a bunch over "aliterate". What, you think no such word exists? Owned.

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Cala can coolly crush cretins.

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The Twelve Waffles of Dr. Sardonicus was going to be the original title, you know.

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Yeah, there's one in just about every comment: aliterate efeminant, etc. Should we think of them as typos or something like "think-os?"

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Yes, Cala, you aliterate.

It's a good thing ben *isn't* here. He'd weep.

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Hilarity. Silvana another fool who thinks aliterate was a mistake.

Go on, your by now obvious _illiteracy_ in your case, is obvious.

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Standpipe, 132 alert. Paging Standpipe.

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This is a cute troll. Can I keep him? He promised to make waffles.

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Comical. Look up aliterate in a dictionary, morons.

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numerical nimrods nettle nasty! Nuncle, nowhere nutty napes nor needle nymphs near!

you choda.

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Are all the comma splices intentional too?

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No matter how hard he begs, I swear I'm not going to let 180 bugg me.

Try apostropher though, he'll drop his pants for the Easter Bunny.

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your by now obvious _illiteracy_ in your case, is obvious.

Also, your long hair is long.

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Standpipe, 132 alert. Paging Standpipe.

Not falling for it. Richelieu, schmichelieu.

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No, that's alliteration with two ells. Unless it's a pun?

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Are all the comma splices intentional too?

His by now obvious intentionality is obvious.

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I love the chocolate eggs. What can I say?

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apostropher, why must you pwn so frequently?

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Poor Charlie Brown. What a blockhead.

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152: It was the famous bluesman, Richelieu Johnson.

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oops did I say obvious twice. Tautological, but effective. The better to pound your glaring ignorance of the word 'aliterate' into your chitin plated skulls.

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Okay, I admit it. 180 is me. I'm just fucking with you all. I'm not really going to make waffles for anyone, unless that's a sexual euphamism, in which case I might be down.

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Captain, we canna take this much longer!

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'Aliterate' just means to refuse to read. e.g., '180 was quite capable of reading Lizardbreath's post and the ensuing comment thread, however, his habitual aliteracy possessed him because he left his talking points in his other pants.'

I still don't know how to waffle sardonically. But I like pancakes better, so that's okay.

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Impossible to be you, urple the hebetudinous turtle. Your iq not high enough.

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154: But . . . but . . . the intentional fallacy!

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Urple, that was totally sweet. Never do it again.

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why must you pwn so frequently?

I have a note from my doctor.

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Tautological, but effective.

You mean redundant.

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I second 165.

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(PS: 180 isn't really me ... that was a joke, hopefully obvious. Although if 180 turns out to be posting from my IP address the shit. will. hit. the. fan.)

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Cala just looked the word up and realised what an idiot she was. Now trying to redeem herself by cleverly constructing a sentence with her newly expanded vocabulary.

Try expanding your nostrils oxygen deprived imbecile, maybe you won't sound like a retard next time.

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I'm not embarrassed to say I have no idea what "hebetudinous" means.

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You people are not good at reading.

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Urple, you'll never be an effective troll without a bag full of half-understood twenty dollar words under your bridge.

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PS: 180 isn't really me

They said the lobotomy wouldn't have any side-effects. And I trusted them!

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Seriously, why do all these instannabees keep trying to rooper us?

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Shut it, bitch. Go read some Quine or something while calming your conniptions.

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Somewhere in a file my dad I think my dad still has the best cover letter ever written by a job applicant. The guy had obviously done a draft and then gone over it with a thesaurus, leading to marvellous bits like "I am blatantly qualified for this position" and many many more.

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'Aliterate' isn't a 20 dollar word (though, given the context, I think he meant 'illiterate.') 'Tautological' is worth about $12.75, but our troll misused it.

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Stanckleberry my good man! Come give us a kiss! We've got this great fellow, 180, who's just showed up. I'm sure you two have lots to talk about over there in the corner.

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It all makes sense now.

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Oh my God.
Urple, the calls are coming from inside you house!

{various special effects ensue}

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It is So Armand Jean du Plessis

"Qu'on me donne six lignes ecrites de la main du plus honnete homme, j'y trouverai de quoi le faire pendre.]
- attributed to,
by Fournier "L'Esprit dans l'Historie", ch. XLI, p. 255 (1883) "

horizontal rule

Okay, seriously, all this waffle talk is making me really want to hit the IHOP.

horizontal rule

180 gets it exactly right.

horizontal rule

179: And these are Mohammed, Jugdish, Sidney and Clayton.

horizontal rule

I meant aliterate, you idiot. You still don't get it, do you? Your brain must be malfunctioning as you can't seem to read with any degree of comprehension. Indeed, you don't appear to be reading at all. Hence aliterate. Owned, retard.

horizontal rule

Now that we've established 180's bona fides, will someone please delete this crap?

horizontal rule

Oh, I missed 69. Yes, that's Richelieu.

horizontal rule

Cala digging a bigger hole for herself as I continue to shovel dirt on her head. Hahahah!

horizontal rule

Damnit. 184 would have been the perfect ending to this thread.

horizontal rule

what's that, 180? No, I don't know where Stankleberry went. I think he's off in the corner, far away, but I'm pretty sure he has something important to say to you.

horizontal rule

Oh, I missed 69

Glad I could reacquaint you with it. It was fun for me too.

horizontal rule

186: I just knew somebody had already gotten Richelieu, but I missed it in the jungle of wit. Probably should have followed the fruit basket link.

horizontal rule

Thanks, silvana.

horizontal rule

Try ending your life. That would be a perfect ending indeed.

horizontal rule

It's like the troll of sorrow. Complete with the Quinean upgrade.

horizontal rule

195 was just plain mean.

horizontal rule

Oh, I don't think I remembered to get it. I'm not certain of the translation -- is faire pendre really 'to hang'?

horizontal rule

try bending your wife? that's the type of comment that gets a fellow banned around here, 180.

horizontal rule

And done.

horizontal rule

but what I mean to say is, there's this great fellow: Stankleberry. We all get along with him so well. He wanted to make your acquaintance, 180, but I'm not sure where he went. Oh yes, he's over there, in the other room, far away from everyone else.

horizontal rule

This little episode is further exposing some "progressives" for what they are....insane. We already know that blogs offer the individual a choice in reinforcing ones own opinions with ready-made echo-chambers. It is apparent that some use blogs to retreat from the responsibility of thought...particularly rational and critical. How one can come up with what Reynolds being anything other than what he actually wrote is partisan.....the lemmings dropping their minds at the door and willfully allowing their rationale thought processes to be co-opted is nothing but a measure of insanity, imo.

This phenomena occurs on the conservative or right side as well but this has reached new heights(or lows if you prefer) of mental deficiency. Black is white..up is down...I've always had my opinion of what political spectrum Orwell was railing against and am thinking it is starting to fit like a glove.

horizontal rule

Let's get the childfree bloggers in here and see who wins.

horizontal rule

I just love it when people use 'tautological' to mean 'extra true with more truthiness in every scoop.'

horizontal rule

Echo chambers! Man, I think there's something in the water.

horizontal rule

what political spectrum Orwell was railing against and am thinking it is starting to fit like a glove.

You misspelled "speculum".

horizontal rule

I wonder if any of the little Insty boot-lickers noticed that nearly everyone disagreed with LB's post?

horizontal rule

the lemmings dropping their minds at the door

Can't we get some better trolls around here? This one doesn't even know how to spell "trousers."

horizontal rule

zenpig my good man! so good to see you! 180 and Stankleberry are over there in the corner, far away from everyone else. I think they had something they wanted to tell you.

horizontal rule

Is this really what the Instapundit crowd is like? Good lord. I have to take back all my derisive remarks about the commenters at CT.

horizontal rule

Damn, I am slow.

Off to the corner (or maybe the capital-C Corner) with 180 and Stankleberry and zenpig and Mohammed, Jugdish, Sidney and Clayton.

horizontal rule

Man, talk about agendas! Pretty clear that Glenn was saying
1) I DON'T think he is gay..., he is in a heterosexual marriage and has kids is at least some small indication that he isn't
2) But so what if he is, and
3) Vicious personal attacks are not called for.

But I 'll be damned if the normal tin hat crowd hasn't turned it into a slur and innuendo.

horizontal rule

let's try to keep one around. baa never shows up any more.

horizontal rule

203: Standpipe, all you need to do is link to 'em.

horizontal rule

202, the abridged version: "...." [...] "..." [...] "....." [...] ".." [...] "...".

horizontal rule

Not that I'm recommmending that.

horizontal rule

baa never shows up any more.

He's in the Kipling thread, talking to himself.

horizontal rule

I tried to herd Baa on over here, but he was being baalky.

(I'm so, so sorry. Please forgive me.)

horizontal rule

210- surely this is the bottom of the barrel, no?

That's how warfare works, you send out the grunts first as cannon-fodder to wear down the enemy lines, and then follow-up with your skilled soldiers. Probably ideological warfare is no different. 180 and zenpig are just here to wear us down, and once we tire under their assault, the heavyweights will come and really start swinging. If we're not careful, we'll all be Republicans by morning.

horizontal rule

This little episode is further exposing some "progressives" for what they are....insane.

Further? What was the earlier evidence?

We already know that blogs offer the individual a choice in reinforcing ones own opinions with ready-made echo-chambers.

I reinforced my house with a ready-made echo chamber last year. Unfortunately it is a vacuum so no sound travels in it.

It is apparent that some use blogs to retreat from the responsibility of thought...particularly rational and critical.

I agree that it is rational to retreat from the responsibility of thought, but how is it critical?

How one can come up with what Reynolds being anything other than what he actually wrote is partisan.....the lemmings dropping their minds at the door and willfully allowing their rationale thought processes to be co-opted is nothing but a measure of insanity, imo.

Note that it says "imo" and not "imho".

Also, why would a lemming drop its mind at a door?

Also, you spelled "rationale" wrong.

This phenomena occurs on the conservative or right side as well but this has reached new heights(or lows if you prefer) of mental deficiency.

"Phenomena" is plural, you mean "phenomenon".

Black is white..up is down...

I disagree.

I've always had my opinion of what political spectrum Orwell was railing against and am thinking it is starting to fit like a glove.

A spectrum wouldn't fit me like a glove.

I agree with your basic point, though.

The post seems to be a genuine attempt to convey the message that Instapundit disapproves of nonsensical accusations of homosexuality. If it was just an attempt to "get it out there", he wouldn't have included all the stuff that clearly indicated that Markos is married and desires children.

horizontal rule

Man, talk about agendas!

Vagendas, mostly.

Instapundit people, please read the whole blog before you comment.

horizontal rule

hey, how 'bout you? Mr. No Handle. If you can come up with a better handle than Stankleberry, you can be our new troll. Whaddya say?

horizontal rule

baa is on the Kipling thread.

horizontal rule

Also, you spelled "rationale" wrong.

Dammit, I spelled "rational" wrong.

This abstract fisking method is fun, try it.

horizontal rule

(I'm so, so sorry. Please forgive me.)

bitchphd is banned!

horizontal rule

220: Actually Markos already has a kid.

horizontal rule

bitchphd is bugged!

horizontal rule

220: Actually Markos already has a kid.

But he doesn't have children.

Not to imply that he's gay or anything, although his name does have a pretentious spelling.

horizontal rule

Cryptic Ned is implying that Kos is a pedophile, B. Try to keep up.

horizontal rule

227: But by whom? And how?

horizontal rule

Standpipe, no double jeopardy.

horizontal rule

All gay men are pedophiles, Apo. Surely you knew that.

horizontal rule

I would like to submit the following passage, an excerpt from comment 220, as the very essence of "fisking", that word meaning taking something your opponent says out of context and using it as a strawman:

Black is white..up is down...

I disagree.

horizontal rule

230: I don't think you're quite ready for the "birds and bees" talk yet, teofilo. Maybe next year.

horizontal rule

Black is white..up is down...

Can we at least agree that ignorance is strength?

horizontal rule

Also, all gay men are promiscuous and irresponsible, especially the ones who want to get married and adopt orphaned children.

horizontal rule

ignorance is strength

Where does the loony left get these ideas?

horizontal rule

235: I thought ignorance was bliss.

horizontal rule

Where does the loony left get these ideas?

Richelieu, I think. Or maybe Johnson.

horizontal rule

Have I really gotten this far down into the thread with no one yet noting that this is the precise M.O. Glenn Reynolds has demonstrated for most of his online career? His entire writing style consists of presenting specious arguments, scurrilous accusations, tawdry insinuations, and paranoid right-wing rage in a thin veneer of moderation while simultaneously distancing them from his own "more-in-sadness-than-in-anger" persona through the use of framing links. He's the very model of disingenuous discourse.

And did we really need this to tell us that the man is a "nasty little pig" after his various comments on fat Katrina victims, the need to "make the Palestinians suffer," and the benefits of funding terror in Europe?

horizontal rule

Ignorance is bliss.
Ignorance is strength.
Bliss is strength.

Therefore, shiny happy people will subdue the earth.

horizontal rule

And did we really need this to tell us that the man is a "nasty little pig" after his various comments on fat Katrina victims, the need to "make the Palestinians suffer," and the benefits of funding terror in Europe?


horizontal rule

Well, Cala, you saw that Folger's ad.

horizontal rule


horizontal rule

Can you find a smaller tea cup to have your tempest in? My word.

horizontal rule

I see you've gone over to the other side. Bad, evil woman.

horizontal rule

245: Hey! Just because I enjoy the odd tea party does NOT mean I'm, you know, that way! Bigot!!!

horizontal rule

No, no. It's a rallying cry, kind of like a karate yell to focus the qi.

HAPPY MORNING!!! (calabat)
HAPPY MORNING!!!! (thwack)

horizontal rule

Jokes are funnier when you don't decorate them with typographic wink-winks.

horizontal rule

241: Or, in the formulation that was painted on a bridge I used to cross on my way to school:

God is love.
Love is blind.
Ray Charles is blind.
Therefore, Ray Charles is God.

What could be shinier and happier than that?

horizontal rule

Jokes are funnier when you don't decorate them with typographic wink-winks.

You think so, do you?

horizontal rule

What could be shinier and happier than that

Stevie Wonder. Duh.

horizontal rule

248: Oh. Well, carry on then.

horizontal rule

254: That's how the pod people get ya, B.

horizontal rule

No, part of their shiny happiness is the complete absence of guile. I mean, how gross can you get?

horizontal rule

252: somehow I had a feeling that was coming.

horizontal rule

I mean, how gross can you get?

See here.

horizontal rule

how gross can you get?

Is this contest open to everybody?

horizontal rule

You know, that's actually not as gross as this.

horizontal rule

Bitch has a pretty low threshhold of grossness.

horizontal rule

Apo, you've submitted your entry for the evening. Let someone else play.

horizontal rule

Wow you are astoundingly stupid. Please uninstall your operating system now and go about your life as if the internet never happened.

I've seen stupid but you sir, take the cake.

horizontal rule

Sue me, I'm sensitive to language. It's genetic. Just ask Larry Summers.

horizontal rule

B, you are such a Puritan!

horizontal rule

No, no, the Puritan hangup wasn't that raccoon titties are gross. It's that they're sinful.

horizontal rule

Ah, the bad old days of the Scarlet R.

horizontal rule

My across the street neighbor wants to shoot the raccoons. I'm horrified and trying to talk him out of it. They're so cute! (But not that way. Sicko.)

horizontal rule

Hiya Joe. Welcome to the party. Got any pets?

horizontal rule

Quit trying to bugg Joe, text.

horizontal rule

you sir, take the cake.

The last guy offered waffles. Don't think you can get on our good side with some cheap-ass storebought cake, Joe.

horizontal rule

he told me I could take the cake, but I don't think he brought one. Not the best manners, but we've got an odd crowd tonight.

horizontal rule

I like storebought cake. Goddamn you, Apo. Now I want some.

horizontal rule

pwned again. I think I'll go bend my wife.

horizontal rule

come on guys, let's try to keep this one. Smiles, everyone.

horizontal rule

I'm thinking Joe Sith is just another cock tease, text. Sorry to dash your hopes. Again.

horizontal rule

always a bridesmade.

horizontal rule

always a bridesmaid.

horizontal rule

Don't be aliterate, text. Bad enough that you're short.

horizontal rule

why can't I ever cancel when I see a goddamn mistake? I renounce the internets forever.

horizontal rule

I've changed my mind. I want the cake. Joe? Joe?

horizontal rule

Joe Sith: Please uninstall your operating system now and go about your life as if the internet never happened.

text: I renounce the internets forever.

Sounds like maybe you two are meant to be.

horizontal rule

Don't give it to him, Joe, he's just going to waste it on some bitch.

horizontal rule

280 made me giggle.

horizontal rule

Well, this has been a thoroughly enjoyable evening in the 'Shaft, but I must head to bed. Good night, tools.

horizontal rule

I would just like to point out that I have never seen such a poor interpretation of any piece of written material ever in my life. If this is what you took from Glenn's post on Kos, then not only should you not be writing in a public forum, you should also have a security guard/ special education assistant to help you communicate with the outside world.

Good luck.

horizontal rule

As a habitual lurker, I would like to note that the sound and amusing thrashing administered to various insta-units in this comment thread gave me a deep sense of happiness. I think I could read this type of mockery all day.

horizontal rule

Instaman is slightly more gay positive than most guys on the left. The left promote the LGBT thing but treat the word "gay" as an insult. The left insists on both "There's nothing wrong with being gay" and "Don't ever say I'M gay!" Would a gay gay be pissed if anyone alleged he was straight? No, he'd laugh it off because he really believes "There is nothing wrong with being straight". I get the impression Instaman would laugh off any gay "smear" too.

horizontal rule

As noted above, I disagree with my friend LizardBreath on her post. However, I would like to add a brief comment directed to the people who came to Unfogged simply to be rude to her, rather than to disagree on the substance: Go fuck yourselves.

horizontal rule

text: I renounce the internets forever.

And all their pomps?

horizontal rule

Man, Lizardbreath is a paranoid, paranoid little piglet ...

horizontal rule

The left promote the LGBT thing but treat the word "gay" as an insult.

I see you haven't spent any time here.

horizontal rule

Yow. Look at what I missed by going out to dinner and then going to sleep last night.

horizontal rule

God, you're an idiot. I've seen smarter manure.

horizontal rule

Am not.

horizontal rule

shorter Insty visitors: OMG liberals are so stupid LOLZ

horizontal rule

287: Would a gay gay be pissed if anyone alleged he was straight?

Well, no, but only because clearly the second gay cancels out the first gay, leaving a straight person. Or do you mean extra-double-gay?

Also: Instaman is slightly more gay positive

I think it's irresponsible to speculate about Insty's HIV-status on the internets.

horizontal rule

the second gay cancels out the first gay

I'm not sure it works that way. "Yeah, my boyfriend's gay, but he isn't gay gay."

horizontal rule

Haha, wow, you guys are wacked. You might want to stop with the "reality based community" stuff. You guys are nowhere near "reality".

horizontal rule

Or do you mean extra-double-gay?

Hey where's doubleplusungay?

horizontal rule

Stankleberry, you have to pay to play. The bidding started at waffles and then was raised to cake. Either raise or call.

horizontal rule

I'm not comfortable with cake being considered a raise from clearly superior waffles. Unless the cake is really well made and the waffles poorly.

horizontal rule

I assumed it was some sort of wafflecake.

horizontal rule

There's a kind of cake made from layered crepes, which would fit somewhere in this category, wouldn't it?

horizontal rule

I don't get it -- how else is glenn supposed to tell these people to stop acting like they're in the second grade? No matter what he writes, I suspect you would criticize it in basically the same way.

On wikipedia, editors are supposed to assume good intentions in each others' work. Why can't bloggers do the same?

horizontal rule

mrh, I was going to make a joke about the same line of Robofruit's comment, but not that joke. That's pretty harsh. Robofruit, robofruit, robofruit (hopefully that doesn't work like beetlejuice).

304:because "working on wikipedia" and "blogging" are in no relevant ways similar. It'd be like saying, "In [made up title of a video game], the Sword of Dehn scares away all evil creatures. Why doesn't blogging work like that?"

horizontal rule

Elux, I just know you're hiding some pie in those flowing garments...

horizontal rule

That's it?

Man, they sure don't make Instalanches like they used to.

horizontal rule

I suspect that if you were coming over here for the first time, reading this comment thread would just leave you confused.

horizontal rule

w/d, I felt squicky immediately after making the joke. Withdrawn.

horizontal rule

301: but the waffles are sardonic; they make my mouth feel all dry and cottony, eww!

horizontal rule

I assumed it was some sort of wafflecake.

Assume! Why didn't we think of that one either?

"And remember kids, when you assume, you make a bugger out of you and me."

horizontal rule

I missed the cake and the waffles but I got the exploding scrotum? Now I'm all sad and confused.

horizontal rule

The introductory conditional clause in 308 is way unnecessary.

horizontal rule

I got the exploding scrotum

Now there's a pick-up line worth trying.

horizontal rule

(As 312 bears witness.)

horizontal rule


I think it works better as a discarded line of dialogue from a Charlie Brown cartoon.

horizontal rule

Having clicked through to Stankleberry's blog (tag line: "This web log is about how much ass driving sucks in New Jersey"), I now have a question: Is it better in New York, or does one have to travel south to get a decent ass driving?

horizontal rule

a-and Hey, Strasmangelo, how those birds a'yourn feeling these days? Any interesting prognostications?

horizontal rule

I've always assumed that one could get a decent ass driving in New York.

horizontal rule

Better might be, "This web log is about the amount of ass which driving sucks in New Jersey." Nope, still nonsense.

Jersey does have all these fucking unnavigable roundabouts. They work on the plan of, if you wanted to turn left anytime in the last three miles, turn right here and then wait a half hour for the light to change.

Everything is better in New York, but I try to be modest about it.

horizontal rule

317: I read it as "this web log approximates the amount that ass driving sucks in New Jersey."

horizontal rule

318: Yeah, they say I'm going to punch you in the brain.

horizontal rule

Let this be my semi-daily comment about how I really like an Yglesias post.

horizontal rule

322: Actually I think it was the neighbor's black labrador retriever that said that, stras.

horizontal rule

324: He told me he was the ghost of a caveman.

horizontal rule

By the way, we're all a bunch of wingnuts under the sway of mass delusion on a grand scale.

horizontal rule

I have never seen such a poor interpretation of any piece of written material ever in my life

If the commenter who wrote this will forward me his mailing address, I will be happy to send him a stack of freshman essays to grade.

horizontal rule

326: I knew it!!

horizontal rule

Apo, I can't believe you commented over there. You nut.

horizontal rule

I was polite.

horizontal rule

Am I the only one who sees the irony in LizardBreath saying "Reynolds, by merely saying "Kos is gay" in the context of refuting it, is actually spreading the rumour, which is a horrible thing", in a post in which he says "Kos is gay" again and again?

If it is bad for Reynolds to use those three words in a row while defending Kos, why isn't it even worse for Lizardbreath to do it again and again? By his own argument, Lizardbreath is a creep, viciously spreading scurrilous rumours.

What a hypocrite.

horizontal rule

You're a moron.

horizontal rule

Now now, SCMT. If we play our cards right here we can all go home with some tasty wafflecake.

horizontal rule

Am I the only one who sees the irony


horizontal rule

Wafflecake, my ass. I'm holding out for crepes at this point.

horizontal rule

Hmmm, I think "wafflecake" would be a good term for some particular variant of "bugg".

horizontal rule

Wafflecake, my ass.

I'll take B's ass.

horizontal rule

No fair! How come YOU always get the ass, apostropher?

horizontal rule

But it's kinda waffley.

horizontal rule

Still, cake.

horizontal rule

Because I don't assume, M/tch. When you assume, it takes the ass away from u and gives it to me.

horizontal rule

I love it that catallarchy post.

"Vast majority except for the seven or eight people that disagreed, and we can't count them."
"Um, that was everyone who posted on topic."

With such math abilities, it's no wonder the party of fiscal conservatism lost its way. "Vast majority of one BILLION dollars."

Fuck crźpes. I'm holding out for petits fours.

horizontal rule

It seems that they assumed that since we were harrassing all the Insty readers that sauntered on over here, that we all agreed with LB's post (although I, for the record, agree more than most with her assessment). Nope. We just like harrass people.

There are barriers to entry.


horizontal rule

I can't help you, Cala, 'cause all my fours are gros.

I'll still let you wafflecake me, though.

horizontal rule

342: Actually, if the Catallarchy poster only read a dozen comments, he would only see SCMT disagreeing, with M/tch and Clambone making jokes about Insty, and Michael not disputing Insty's intentions, but thinking we shouldn't give it that much attention. Idealist's 20 is the first to express strong disagreement, so a shallow reading of the thread could mislead one.

horizontal rule

Hey wanna know what pastry totally, totally rocks? On Madison Ave. and 38th St. is a French bakery and they sell a thing that they call "bread pudding" but that resembles more closely a brioche cut into pieces and reassembled, with powdered sugar sprinkled on top. Any wingnuts come with those on offer, they've got my allegiance.

horizontal rule

Nah, the guy got as far down as FL's post, at least.

horizontal rule

344: Man, Cala sure does get around.

horizontal rule

"It"? No ass for you!

horizontal rule

It puts the waffle on its ass or else it gets the hose again.

horizontal rule

I see an opening!

horizontal rule

Until the waffle covers it.

horizontal rule

B, what pronoun should one use for the practice often referred to as 69?

horizontal rule

Man, this punkass waffle was tryin' to beef with me, so I put it on it's ass.

horizontal rule

I have no idea what you're talking about, M/tch.

horizontal rule

354: Oh crap oh crap oh crap.


horizontal rule

354: its

horizontal rule

Um, simultaneous fellatio and cunnilingus.

horizontal rule

No, I know what 69 is. Jeez. I mean, why are you asking about pronoun use w/r/t sex practices?

Also, that's a terribly heteronormative definition. For shame.

horizontal rule

I pwnd apo!!!

B, I thought your 349 was a response to apo's link in 348. The comment he links to uses "it" to refer to 69. What "it" were you talking about in 349?

Also, that's a terribly heteronormative definition.

But at least it wasn't speciesist.

horizontal rule

B, what pronoun should one use for the practice often referred to as 69?

That would be a "tutoyer" situation.

horizontal rule

This comment.

horizontal rule

What "it" were you talking about in 349?

When you assume, it takes the ass away from u and gives it to me.

horizontal rule

Damn. Pwned twice in less than 10 comments.

horizontal rule

"Tutoyer," yes. Unless there's some kind of BDSM thing going on, in which case you might wish to stick with the formal form of address.

horizontal rule

Or if you haven't been formally introduced.

horizontal rule

So should we refer to your ass with the familiar or the formal pronoun, B?

horizontal rule

When you assume, it takes the ass away from u and gives it to me.

Is it the first "it" you were objecting to? Because I took that to be referring to the act of assuming. And the second "it" refers to "the ass". Should we call your ass "she" or something?

horizontal rule

Have you yet been introduced to my ass, M/tch?

horizontal rule

368 -- Quit objectifying Bitch's ass!

horizontal rule

369 -- An introduction devoutly to be wished.

horizontal rule

Have you yet been introduced to my ass, M/tch?

I like that "yet". It fills me with, um, hope.

370: Quit assuming!

horizontal rule

I see someone has updated the hover text on the link to Insty in the sidebar.

horizontal rule

Then again, since no actual ass could possibly live up to the assly ideal that you've doubtless conjured, I should probably just retain my womanly mystery.

horizontal rule


horizontal rule

Yeah, and?

horizontal rule

373: Oh, I should go change that back.

horizontal rule

When you tease like that I think you're just trying to bugg me.

horizontal rule

377 -- no way, leave it!

horizontal rule

It's already changed back.

horizontal rule

If Lizardbreath had actually wanted to represent Prof. Reynolds' posting accurately, he would have included this previous paragraph:

As usual, I wasn't invited, but then I don't smoke that stuff. As for the scandal aspects, well, this seems to me like politics as usual. Perhaps, following Kinsley's Law, that's the real scandal, but -- except to the extent, probably small, that this causes Kos's readers to lose faith in him as something new and special -- I don't see a big scandal in this, though I can't help noting that if something like this were going on on the right, the bloggers of the "Townhouse" list would probably be somewhat less charitable.

Since he decided not include this context, one can only conclude that Lizardbreath simply wanted to take a cheap shot at Prof. Reynolds and incredible disingenuousness was not going to be an obstacle to him.

horizontal rule

380 -- Damn!

horizontal rule

I never heard about this rumor until I read it on your site LB. Why is it evil for Instapundit to defend Kos, but not evil so for you to publicize his defense? You're doing EXACTLY the same thing you accuse Instapundit of.

You don't have to personally hate everyone you disagree with politically. They are not all evil. Please grow up.

horizontal rule

Eh, it wasn't all that funny. I do like the Easter egg quality of the mouseover texts -- I have to remember to mess with them more.

horizontal rule

re: 381 Please see 288. Thank you.

horizontal rule

How about, "a site for nasty, little pigs to read"?...

horizontal rule

378: Just trying to live up to impossible expectations.

horizontal rule

Note: 383 is not me.

Buncha haters.

horizontal rule

You don't have to personally hate everyone you disagree with politically.

Yeah, really LB. Why are you so hateful towards people you disagree with politically? Also, why do you keep pretending to be a man?

horizontal rule

It is too you. No one else is named "Joe."

horizontal rule

388 kinda goes without saying.

horizontal rule

Not any more!

horizontal rule

389: Yeah, that's interesting; I tend to assume that my handle is transparently gendered, but apparently not so. Given that they're coming in for flyby comments, it probably takes a little more thought than they're putting in to parse it. I should ask regulars here if it took them any time to figure it out.

I am also charmed to realize that we have conservative readers (well, I'm guessing here) who read Unfogged but not Instapundit. Today, some ill-considered hostility. Tomorrow the WORLD!

horizontal rule


I beleive that I am both disagreeing on substance and being as more polite than Lizardbreath merits. Feel free to follow your own suggestion.

horizontal rule

Hello, sir, nice post

horizontal rule

393 -- I knew you were a woman from pronouns well before I had figured out your handle.

horizontal rule

I beleive that I am both disagreeing on substance and being as more polite than Lizardbreath merits.

I beleive I can fly.
I beleive I can touch the sky.

horizontal rule

It's because they're all sexist.

(That ought generate some amusing responses.)

horizontal rule

('Deed I don't think I actually figured out your handle until I noticed your gmail address, or hotmail, whichever one is elizardb.)

horizontal rule

400 gets it exactly right.

horizontal rule

400 thinks it's so smart.

horizontal rule

I beleive I can fly.
I beleive I can touch the sky.

Now that's a substantive comment if ever there were one.

horizontal rule

I agree.

horizontal rule

Hey, nice use of the subjunctive.

horizontal rule

Thank you.

horizontal rule

Got any waffles?

horizontal rule


horizontal rule


horizontal rule

Fuck you, Clown.

horizontal rule

We're past waffles. We want crepes. In fact, since it's so late in the day, we want a ham and cheese crepe. Throw in some spinach while you're at it, or else a nice salad on the side. And maybe a tall pilsner, I'm not doing any work today.

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Ooh, that does sound good.

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Doesn't it? Wanna grab lunch? All I've had today is coffee and chocolate, because I'm pathetic.

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We're past waffles. We want crepes.

I'm still waiting for my free menstrual pad.

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I'm not doing any work today.

But B, Friday night is usually the most profitable for wafflecaking!

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I believe the correct term is "wafflekkake".

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415 to 410.

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Hey, it's still early here. Maybe some nice bacon? You lot can have yours in BLTs and I'll take mine with eggs. Are troll eggs better fried or scrambled?

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413: Talk to the USPS, dude, I'm not paying for overnight shipping on a goddamn menstrual pad.

Unless it's an emergency. Is your period due tomorrow?

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416: That's a separate activity, Joe. One that involves copious amounts of syrup.

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Let's all go out for crepes. Crepes are perfectly fine breakfast food. In fact, I know a place nearby that does crepes *and* your regular bacon & eggs thing.

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I've always wanted to open a shop called "Crepe-ola".

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Re 345, Insty quoted Ogged's comment in full. So, no, there's not much excuse for all the "echo chamber" comments.

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Yes! (Imagine Marv Albert voice here.)

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Or how about Crepetacular!

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421: Comity!

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Ooh, good one, M/tch.

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Actually, one of the countless ideas I have for wildly successfuly restaurants is a place called Wrapt.

I would serve pretty much every culture's variations of food wrapped in dough:

kreplach, wonton, dumplings, crepes, steamed buns, empanadas, ravioli, spring rolls, pierogi, etc. etc. etc.

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I'd like a steaming load of crepes, please.

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428: "I" s/b "It"

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If I weren't a vegan, I'd want to open a restaurant called Global Shawarming.

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This blog is a great big pointy foaming comity-seeking missile.

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I wonder if this thread will set a record for most comments in its first 24 hours, or if it already has.

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428 -- would you serve wraps?

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Waffles are shakin',
Apo has bacon,
New trolls are taken with our
Comity tonight!

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NO. There would be NO wraps, because wraps are not the food of any culture. They're just stupid.

(And, notably, not fried. Which makes them pointless.)

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Pastry tomorrow, comity tonight!

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There would be NO wraps

What goes in a New Orleans wrap?

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Silly, you mean New Orleans blues, not rap.

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B meets apo
He's hung like a horse
And a happy ending
Of course

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would you serve wraps?

Fuck no.

And actually I would name the restaurant Rapt. I don't know why I put a W in there in 428. And it would totally serve corn dogs, although that is sort of pushing the line into "battered" territory. I have yet to decide if fried dough would be on the menu.

I can't seem to find the thread, either with google or Yahoo, where the concept of "wraps" was discussed, but my firm opposition to these abominations is long-standing.

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LB, there are plenty of non-fried dough-wrapped food items that are non-pointless. Wraps just aren't one of them.

And dough-wrapped things like sandwiches, tacos, gyros etc. are also under consideration, but I'd probably go with a "must be sealed around the edges" rule.

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There are types of spring rolls that aren't fried that are yummy.

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No! We want gyros!

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Excuse me, but they're my goddamned oh's, which is why you call them yer oh's, so you can't have them.

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Oh, unfair world.

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443 -- yeah I'm familiar with that thread -- it prompted the question.

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"must be sealed around the edges"

Spackle, or caulk?

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Um, Brian, you're supposed to be offering something, namely crepes. You can't just show up here at the Mineshaft and start demanding Tia's oh's, like some kind of colonizer. You're assuming far too much, and that has the potential to really bugg us.

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I'll spackle you, if you don't stop smearing my good name.

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What about baklava? (That's my next big cooking project.) Insufficiently sealed around the edges?

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Judges say: baklava is in.

There's a loophole that allows something baked or otherwise cooked to pass, even if it's not particularly well sealed around the edges.

Also, cylindrical things get a pass, hence crepes (and enchiladas).

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My apologies. I must admit that I have a natural tendency to bug(g).

I don't think you'd like my crepe(s). How about if I offer some of this

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M/tch just wants to serve every tasty thing that either involves dough in its preparation or is phallic.

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What about stuffed sopaipillas?

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Can you encase it in dough? Because if not, I'm afraid it doesn't qualify.

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For those of you in NYC, Empanada Mama is a totally yum take on this theme. (And cheap!) Their fig, brie, and caramel empanada is heaven.

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My apologies for the missing question mark in my previous post. Also, my apologies for being so apologetic.

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458 -- but in 454 he said anything penis-shaped was allowed. So no dough necessary. Bananas, horseradish, frosting-covered dildos, you name it.

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456: Step into my kitchen, TMK, dough and phalluses doesn't have to be an either/or proposition.

I'm glad they didn't name that restaurant Mama's Empanada, 'cause that would just be gross.

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461: No, cylindricity is a substitute for sealing. Dough is still required.

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M/tch, I'm sorry, but you can't call anything "rapt" or "wrapt" because it evokes the wrap, and therefore no one with any brain will go into your restaurant ever and you'll be out of business in no time at all.

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I have a natural tendency to bug(g).

Do you now? You're going to fit right in. Or rather, we are.

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But the brainless have all the money, B.

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B, under the big golden 'R' will be the slogan:

Not a single wrap served! EVER!!

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teofilo has a good point. We could think of it as rehabilitation of wrapped food from those awful green tortilla things wrapped around bad lunch meat.

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We could have marches called "Take Back the Wrap!"

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Well, I must admit that I have a fondness for Caravaggio. I mean by that that I like his work, of course.

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I'd like to serve grilled cheese sandwiches too, and I guess they qualify under the "if not sealed, then cooked" provision.

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Nah, just serve Monte Cristos.

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I, perhaps, vaguely remember a time when I hadn't yet decided on LizardBreath's sex. I forget whether it was before or after I started reading Unfogged. (I first saw her commenting at ObWi.)

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Also, sausages baked in pastry (saucisson en croute): yum.

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We still have an hour to get 500 in 24 hours! Hurry up, people!

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I don't want to "take back the wrap." The "wrap" is a brainless, meaningless term. There is nothing to take back.

I would totally eat someplace called "Mama's Empanada," though. Also, "Mama's Taco" or "Mama's Enchilada."

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What are Monte Cristos?

And yeah, I think there would quite a few en croute items on the menu.

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Papa's Chimichanga!

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Monte Cristos: Battered ham and cheese sammiches.

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477: Ham and cheese sandwich with bechamel sauce on it, dipped in egg and cooked in a [shell shaped] sandwich iron that seals the edges. Mmm.

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Papa's Corndog?

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445: Summer rolls. And yes, yum.

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Papa's chimi for sure. Papa's corndogs? Yeah, I can see that.

Damn, people. We need to all quit our jobs and start restaurants.

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Will someone, anyone, PLEASE tell me what a Monte Cristo is? What is this, some kind of conspiracy of silence?

Is it because I'm creepy? It is, isn't it. Shit.

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484, meet 479.

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I will never be chosen to lead the populist revolution. To me, Monte Christo refers either to a rocky island with buried treasure or to a cigar.

While I'm at it, Philly Cheesesteaks with Cheez-Whiz are completely disgusting, and I'd substitute Swiss cheese any fucking day of the week. And I prefer Sauvignon Blanc to Chardonnay, straight espresso to lattes, and I don't even drive a Volvo because I take the subway or walk.

So, nevermind all that advice downblog about how to appeal to swing voters.

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I was just kidding in 484, but this brings up an important point: B, why did you choose Chopper's explanation over the clearly more informative LB's? What is she, chopped liver?

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Cheez-Whiz is completely disgusting, period. But lattes are good.

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Cheez-Whiz is completely disgusting. Not even wrapping it in dough can redeem it.

I do have a friend who uses it in dog training, though, and it works like a charm, but it's still an abomination.

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It's because I've been brainwashed by the patriarchy.

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488: As are all petroleum-based imitation cheese products.

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I have to admit to a shameful fondness for grilled cheese made out of American processed cheese slices.

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While I'm at it, Philly Cheesesteaks with Cheez-Whiz are completely disgusting, and I'd substitute Swiss cheese any fucking day of the week.

You can get them without cheese, you know. That's what I do.

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The standard non-Whiz option is provolone, though.

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492: Is it the squareness of them you like? Surely not the taste??

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I just moved to this upscale suburb, and I was completely flabbergasted to find that the local Subway, besides having these weird terminals where you don't talk to anyone and they just make the sandwiches off of the receipt, doesn't have Cheddar cheese! Or Pepperjack! They have Swiss, and Provolone! My god! Pepperjack is the hero. Sorry, apostropher.

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It is the taste. I know. Chalk it up to my depraved 70's feminist mama childhood. All American grilled cheese sandwiches, TV dinners, and boxed mac&cheese.

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The grilled cheese with American cheese aren't great, but they remind one of childhood and simpler days. Sort of like preferring Kraft Mac & Cheese to the real thing.

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I think Subway's gone upscale in the last year or two. They don't even have the regular wheat bread any more: it's all adulterated salted crap with offensive names like "Italian" and "French." As if any self-respecting Italian or French person would eat that junk.

Pepperjack is yummy. But it's not a real cheese, you know.

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... with Campbell's tomato soup from a can - I can get behind that!

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I don't like Subway. The food is nasty. Eat fresh! Eat fresh ASS, maybe.

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499: Not sure it's subway as a whole. Even the Wal-mart here has like nice furniture and exotic produce and stuff.

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I recently made some awesome mac-n'-cheese (cheddar, emmanthal, and some oldish gruyère), and I remarked then on how I grew up on and love both Kraft and homemade mac-n'-cheese but regard them as totally different foodstuffs.

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Kraft mac&cheese is nasty, I have to admit it. But I honestly prefer American cheese.

Another shameful food thing: those Pillsbury crescent rolls wrapped around a hotdog with a slice of cheddar stuffed inside. Yum!

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I totally dislike homemade Mac and Cheese. I'm Kraft all the way, with a bonus of garlic powder and canned parmesan stirred in.

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501: Totally!
502: Totally!

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One of my bosses and I were just bonding over our shared love for Subway. Those vegetable subs really sustained me in Madrid.

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506: Chopper, my respect for you as a foodie just took a massive dump.

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I bet I could make you like homemade mac-n'-cheese, Chopper. My last effort had bacon in it!

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Yeah Subway is one of the better choices fastfood-wise if one doesn't eat meat.

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510--Baby, where have you been all my life?

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509: Umm, ok. Sometimes I put canned tuna and frozen peas in it.

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I think we need to come up with a name for each of the comment numbers evenly divisible by 100. 100 is Kobe, 200 is . . .

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I should ask regulars here if it took them any time to figure it out.

I only knew it because of "For Better or For Worse". On the other hand, it took me several years to realize that Mike calling his sister "Lizard Breath" was related to her being named "Elizabeth". It just seemed like a generic kids' insult.

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515: On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me...

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514: Ew. Don't tell my boyfriend or he'll never speak to you again.

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Huh. Well, that's three for three saying not immediately transparent. Not that it matters, I'm just surprised. I suppose if you aren't named 'Elizabeth' or weren't involved in teasing someone who was as a kid, it's not all that obvious.

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THere is onew kind of homemade Mac and Cheeze that I like, which has a pound each of Swiss (grocery store, not imported), Mozarella (not the good kind), and parmesan ( from a can). But that's because it doesn't have a Bechamel sauce. Mose homemade Mac and Cheeses have a Bechamel, and wind up not having enough taste to be worthwhile.

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It's true. If you tell me that, Chopper, it's over, you'll be dead to me.

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518: Whatever. I'm not allowed to celebrate the cuising of my ancestors?

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ALso, I can not fucking type today.

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Parmesan? From a can?

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It depends on how often your ancestors cuised, Chopper.

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Well, that's what the green Kraft container says. If you want to call it a cardboard cylinder instead of a can, be my guest.

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Pepperjack is the hero. Sorry, apostropher.

NO! Fuck Subway. Apostropher is the pepperjack.

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I also really like Buddig ham, Miracle Whip, and KFC.

That being said, I finally found a local artisanal cheesemaker with a decent sheep's milk cheese at the new farmer's market by the new Guthrie. I'm totally stoked. ANd I'm going to make a bout 10 pounds of dry-cured sausage over the weekend, if I cna find the backfat.

Actually, boyfriend, if you know of someone who can get me organic backfat in smallish (5 pounds or so) amounts, I'd totally be in your debt.

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I believe the proper term for what Chopper is referring to is "Green Cheese".

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My mom always made home-made mac & cheese. I used to be jealous of kids who got to eat Kraft dinner, because it was orange! (How my mom refrained from hitting me, I don't know.)

I dislike Subway mostly due to it being the fast-food of choice on away trips in college; turkey subs taste awful when they're six hours old.

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We call it "sprinkly cheese" in our house.

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I only became acquainted with real Parmesan when I made my own lasagna about three years ago. What a wonderful cheese, and what awful things Kraft must have done to it.

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We don't call it anything, because it doesn't darken our doors. Although I do remember when I learned that Parmesan cheese didn't come in a can, and being kinda surprised.

I'll ask the boyfriend re. backfat sources.

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Oh. Does anyone know if wedding bands are supposed to be matched in style and color? (For a given, unimportant value of 'supposed to')

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Subway around here and the ones I've been to in the Bay Area still have wheat bread they call wheat. I only spent a few days in Madrid but I remember finding some Spanish fast food place that sold something that was kind of like salade niçoise in a sandwich. Pretty good.

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534: Not strongly so, as far as I know, although you can certainly buy them matched, and most people do. But I'm not aware of any sense that unmatched is wrong.

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Mose homemade Mac and Cheeses have a Bechamel, and wind up not having enough taste to be worthwhile.

That's why you put carmelized onions, bacon, and cayenne in.

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534: No. Ours aren't. Weren't. I lost mine. But it never matched Mr. B.'s.

Chopper, the boyfriend says they buy most of their pork from Fischer's Purebred Hog Farm. He doesn't know if they're certified organic or not, but he says they are, even if they haven't bothered to get certification.

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537: Or just some strongly flavored cheese(s) and don't skimp on the salt.

Okay, I am finally going to go find myself something to eat.

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My cousins call it Ajax cheese.

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Even without the carmelized onions, bacon, and cayenne, you can have a good macaroni & cheese based on the white sauce and cheddar and butter. More things in life need butter.

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We always made grilled cheese with cheddar, yellow mustard, and sweet gherkins. Yum!

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Can't forget the crunchy bread crumbs on top.

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B--I'll bug you more about it on IM later.

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LB could be my mom! Yes, crunchy bread crumbs.

We usually made grilled cheese with just cheddar, but it's also good to add ham or fresh tomato to a grilled cheese.

Bread & butter pickles, though, are a taste I never acquired.

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537: But then it's not Mac and Cheese, it's really a yummy pasta dish.

541: See, those are kind I don't like (and it ain't the butter I dislike, believe me).

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Steve Gillird had a mac&cheese post a while back, also scorning the white sauce. I keep on meaning to look it up and try his style.

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But then it's not Mac and Cheese, it's really a yummy pasta dish.

Even if you bake it? And I would totally put the crunchy bread crumbs on top, if I ever had bread or crackers around the house.

Perhaps I don't entirely understand the bright line between macaroni-and-cheese and cheesy pasta.

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I think the bright line is a white sauce, personally. Because that's what coats the noodles. Without it, you get little lumps of cheese mixed in with pasta.

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I see that the mouseover on Insty's link is back to normal, reflecting his official return to grace from "mean guy who smears Kos" to "nice guy who just likes killin' Arabs." But why does it still say "In memory of ogged"? Ogged is still with us. It should say "In memory of ogged's kidney."

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An excellent variation on a homemade mac and cheese is to use a couple of ounces of this totally amazing smoked cheddar. You don't need more than two as the taste spreads throughout the whole thing--it's some powerful cheese. I like to mix in some diced roasted red pepper as well, up the dry mustard a bit, plenty of pepper, and fresh thyme (the last mixed in with the bread crumbs on top as well.)

Next time I made one of those, I'm definitely including some bacon.

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LB, here's one data point that figured out your gender pretty quickly.

On the other hand, I do not like macaroni and cheese.

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Doesn't the mustard make the mac & cheese spicy?

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For those among you who are into Mac & Cheese, surely you have heard of Kraft "Easy Mac & Cheese" - the greatest invention ever IMHO (yes, even better than sliced bread) - for all you do is pour the noodles into a bowl, guestimate an amount of water that will work, and throw in the microwave for precisely 3:23 (a number I have worked out as the optimal amount of time for our microwave), take out and drain any excess water, throw in the cheese, mix with a spoon, and, voila, screaming kid has something to eat. Good stuff Maynard!

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Doesn't the mustard make the mac & cheese spicy?

Not really, just added depth of flavor and tanginess. The latter of which I suppose is a sort of spicy, but we're talking standard dry mustard powder, nothing really hot. More on the savory side.

The SO likes a generous amount of crushed red pepper in mac and cheese, which does make it hot, and seems wrong to me.

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Mustard, spicy? Does not compute. I used about two tablespoons of grain mustard in my last cassorole-dish sized batch: enough to compete deliciously with all the other flavors, not enough to overwhelm.

By the way, for the mustard-interested, "Pizza Marseillaise," which is actually a quiche:

--Make or buy pastry dough, spread it into a pre-greased dish.
--Spread a shitload of grain mustard over the dough.
--Grate a white cheese (emmanthal, sharp cheddar, gruyere) over the mustard.
--Put thin slices of tomato over that.
--Pour in, oh, three-four beaten eggs (beaten with creme fraiche or milk if you swing that way, which I do).
--Top with a shitload of herbes de provence.
--Bake at, say, 375 or 400 for about 30 minutes or until a fork comes out clean.
Almost impossible to screw up; a good option when cooking for vegetarian guests.

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good to add ham or fresh tomato to a grilled cheese.

i dunno. seems like it would dilute the greasy-cheesy experience. But bacon.

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Mustard, spicy? Does not compute.

To be fair, German mustards can be very spicy and hot. But the dry stuff, not so much.

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I'm still mid-thread so perhaps it's been clarified since; but 508 is threatening to make my head explode.

Also: I have no childhood fondness for the processed American cheese slices, but the block format (Velveeta), that's another story. A common dinner of my teenage years was Rosarita refries or Hormel Chili con Carne with a big hunk of Velveeta melted on it. Or Velveeta grilled cheese sandwiches. We never had the wrapped slices in the house though, not sure why. Are they more expensive?

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Plus: homemade mac and cheese, great. My mom made that, and not with Velveeta either. Kraft make and cheese is an awful thing.

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What's wrong with 508?

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I am now in the process of making a grilled cheese sandwich. hurray!

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We never had the wrapped slices in the house though, not sure why. Are they more expensive?

Yes, but in the sense that the name brand ramen noodles are more expensive than the generic ones.

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Two other things: teh great great German mustard which is widely available in the US, is Lowensenf Exra (scroll down), if you see some be sure to take it home, you can have a great meal of sausage and mustard with maybe a hunk of cheese and some sliced up vegetables. And, thinking about when I understood LizardBreath's handle made me remember that she (whom I knew already from ObWi) was one of the main reasons I stuck around here and kept reading when first I started reading this site regularly, last October or so. So, thanks!

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What's wrong with 508?

Having available the cornucopia of gustatory pleasure that is Madrid and eating your meals at Subway out of veganity troubles me. But then I had not been vegan for a couple years already when I was in Spain, and so could feast on hams and cheeses and pork-based delicacies without a second thought.

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M/tch, did anyone explain the Monte Christo to you? It's a ham/turkey and cheese grilled sandwich made using french toast for the bread. Sprinkle some powdered sugar on top, serve with a small(ish) container of maple syrup for dipping if you're into that sort of thing.

They are like beautiful assassins.

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565: That's the point, though. The food in Spain is indeed excellent, but it's so heavily meat-based that I imagine a vegan would have a lot of trouble there. Subway, while not great, is quite useful for those with dietary restrictions.

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Both Subway and veganism are to be shunned.

Monte Christos, on the other hand, are fantastic.

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I've only had a Monte Cristo once, and it was very filling and seemed to me to be overkill. I don't need my French toast to have cheese.

It would be hard to be vegan in Spain, from what I know of their cuisine. (It would be hard to be vegan most places, actually.)

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Velveeta is teh nasty. And why are we spelling Monte Cristos with an "h"?

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Because when you spell it that way there's a little Christ in every bite.

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Monte was Jesus' slightly fruity uncle.

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Because we're rednecks, remember?

Also, 202 has totally... "got" to - be Kaye Grogan.

OK, so as I see it, we've gotten offered cakes and waffles. Waffles are preferred to cakes? I guess. I still think the most absurdly delicious thing ever heard is making french freedom toast out of pound cake. A friend of mine swears its the only way to go. I say, if we tally all the offers on the table, and combine them with what's been demanded otherwise, we end up with pound-cake-monte-c(h)ristos and oral sex, and we all win.

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It's, of course.

(Noes!!1! I am aliterate.)

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Cake vs. Pie

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No, no. French toast made with brioche. Mmmmm.

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Urp. One slice of poundcake French toast probably would take care of half a day's calories.

But mmmm.

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I still think the most absurdly delicious thing ever heard is making french freedom toast out of pound cake

I've never attempted it, but I can't help but remember that Alton Brown offered up a recipe for fried macaroni and cheese. Which sounds sort of awesome, in a way.

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I am making Kraft mac and cheese right now. And adding tuna. I hope this disgusts everyone reading this thread and haunts each and every one of you for the rest of your lives.

Tomorrow maybe I'll go get Subway and order one of those faux-french breads. Or possibly even a wrap.

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Those of you who put mustard in your homemade mac and cheese are correct. But, but, this is an abomination:

Can't forget the crunchy bread crumbs on top.

You put wheat germ on top. It tastes better, and as a bonus, God doesn't damn you to hell.

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French Toast made with angel food cake and filled with Nutella and Cointreau.

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579: Don't forget the frozen peas, man!

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Wheat germ? What are you, some damn hippy?

(Nutella? Chopper, I am more and more shocked.)

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I love French toast. Given all options, French toast is my favorite breakfast food. It's probably the first thing I learned to cook as a kid. HOWEVER, I insist on being a French toast purist -- eggs, bread, butter, and nothing else. And no powdered sugar under any circumstances.

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no powdered sugar?

But that's so sad.

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A very yummy and easy dessert that always goes over well -- Get some good bread and make a panini where you spread Nutella on one piece of the bread, cream cheese mixed with a little sugar on the other piece of bread, and put sliced strawberries in between. This may be garnished with whipped cream. It can be prepared and refrigerated ahead of time and can be panini'd in a George Forman grill.

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585 - But no! French toast shouldn't be sweet.

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eggs, bread, butter, and nothing else

"nothing else" s/b "maple syrup"

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That reminds me that one of the sale items at Williams-Sonoma is a brioche mold.

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588 - I usually don't use syrup but that is permissible. Powdered sugar, though? Blasphemy.

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Only real maple syrup. Not that god awful dyed sugar water.

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French toast with bacon is my fav. breakfast. Powdered sugar is stupid, but syrup (real maple syrup) or fruit or creme fraiche or something is yummy. And you have to dip the bacon in the syrup.

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French toast shouldn't be sweet.

I have never encountered this opinion before.

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And you have to dip the bacon in the syrup.

That's a terribly heteronormative prescription. For shame.

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OK, so as I see it, we've gotten offered cakes and waffles. Waffles are preferred to cakes?

Waffles are a kind of cake.

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Waffles should be eaten for dinner.

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Wheat germ? What are you, some damn hippy?

I'm more honey than shit.

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You're all nuts. French bread should be made with challah and eaten with powdered sugar and without syrup. Matzo brei is still better, though.

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I'm so making a pound cake tomorrow. While this at first appears to be for boob cakes, it is in fact a pumpkin shape.

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598 - Gentile that I am, I never even encountered challah until I was in college and dated a Jewish boy. I'm still not convinced of its French toast suitability. Sliced like normal bread, it's very good but people always want to make French toast with inch-and-a-half-thick chunks, of which I disapprove.

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597: Honey is good, and also tasty with bacon. Heteronormative my ass.

598: Challah french bread is approved. But powdered sugar is still stupid.

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No, no, Becks. I used to live near a bakery that only made Challah on Fridays (or was it Thursday? Can't remember, I'd make a lousy Jew). Anyway, so you can only buy it once a week, and you eat some, and then it goes stale. Or maybe you buy two b'c it's good and you're greedy. Stale bread makes fabulous french toast.

And there really is nothing wrong with 1 1/2 inch slices of french toast.

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Heteronormative my ass.

Consider it done. One male gaze, on the way.

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I'll chime in for challah french toast in inch-and-a-half-thick chunks. I like how the braids twisting around each other remind me of foods touching.

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Why all the hating on powdered sugar? It makes it taste less like eggs.

Also, 604 gets it exactly right. And it's Friday.

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Prediction: In a battle of the breakfast foods, my French toast would kick Teo's matzo brei's ass but both would lose to Smasher's breakfast tacos.

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Becks, using challah for french toast is a time-honored tradition.

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It doesn't make it taste like anything. It just looks powdery and sugary. Completely pointless.

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609 - Not for Catholics!

I am thoroughly pwned by 606.

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You know what's good? A powdered sugar wrap.

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608: You're on.
610: Use more.

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French toast should be made with normal sized bread slices. Thick bread is wrong, and 'french toast stix' are anathema. (anathemae?)

And I don't get the hatin' on a light dusting of powdered sugar. Drifts of it would be bad, but a flurry? Excellent.

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Um, I am not teofilo and 614 before 607.

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605: What for? It won't do anything but frustrate you.

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Dude, if you dump half a fucking cup of powdered sugar on the toast, you just end up with it flying everywhere and making a mess. And then it just tastes like powdered sugar. Which, eh.

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You're missing the point, Becks. The reason you use challah for french toast is not because it makes such great french toast (although it does), but because you've got to find something to do with all the stale challah you have lying around.

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The only thing powdered sugar should be used on are beignets.

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Thank you, ben.

Half a cup? No wonder you hate it.

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617: Now you're getting it. Although I use a spoon.

(Please note that my powdered sugar preferences are in no way tied to the use of challah for french toast. Most people like the taste of eggs.)

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I don't know if I trust someone who doesn't like eggs to make me matzo brei.

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Would you trust someone who doesn't like batter to make you fried chicken?

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Um, whatevs. I was not interested in eating a bunch of dead cow; it wouldn't have been pleasureable for me even if I had somehow been forced to. So under the circumstances, Subway was the yummiest food I had, and IMO the most ethical choice. There was actually some yum vegan food in the mountains where I taught in Jaen. They made good green veggie things and something called pista that was like ratatatouille sort of.

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Mostly dead pig, actually. Not that it matters.

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623 gets is exactly right. Teofilo, you who abhor the taste of eggs, why do you prepare french toast and matzo brei for your morning sup? So many other, non-eggy things are available -- oatmeal is a big favorite of mine, or you could eat flapjacks, or corned beef hash, or a bagel with a schmear; grape-nuts or chex are always quite easy to find around here; or (since you like the powdered sugar) why not just cut a grapefruit in half?

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French toast made with challah is delicious (the egg in the bread helps it go staler, which makes for better french toast) but I actually like it best with 1.5" slices of baguette, cut on the bias.

For true breakfast bacon delectation, sprinkle with maple sugar and bake.

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I eat bagels for breakfast most of the time. I sometimes have bread and olive oil instead. I've never made french toast, but my mom does sometimes and I eat it. During Passover, I generally just eat matzah, plain or with some butter. When I have time, I make matzo brei, which is very good and doesn't taste like eggs.

I don't know where you got the impression that I eat this stuff regularly. I don't like eggs, so I don't.

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don't know where you got the impression

Well, just from the thread really. But 627 was really just an excuse to try and think of all the non-egg breakfasts I enjoy -- I was addressing you more as a matter of fitting it into the thread.

Off to bed now -- tomorrow maybe I will have oatmeal.

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620 is completely correct.

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non-egg breakfasts

There's actually not that many, as you may have noticed. It makes eating breakfast out damn near impossible.

Also, and bringing us back to another sub-subthread, in Spain they put eggs in everything. Even on sandwiches! Makes me appreciate just how hard it must be to be vegan there.

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632: Breakfast out is easy if you want to avoid eggs. Pancakes, oatmeal, granola, french toast (which apparently you'll eat), coffee cake, yogurt. Or just order from the sides menu: a side of bacon, a side of hashbrowns, maybe some fruit.

I'm not a huge egg fan myself. Although I will order them, mostly because they come with bacon and hashbrowns.

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I was not interested in eating a bunch of dead cow; it wouldn't have been pleasureable for me even if I had somehow been forced to.

Which is why God blessed us with pork and lamb.

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633: Sure, but that stuff is maybe 20% of the menu, and not easy to find. The rest is eggs, eggs, eggs.

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People, the obvious non egg breakfast is a hamburger.

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God did a lot of ill-advised things.

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how hard it must be to be vegan

Flame me if you will, but I posit nevertheless that no one, since the dawn of the crunchy-granola co-option of human gastronomy, has ever actually enjoyed this impoverished dietary drudgery.

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Vegan is something chicks made up so they'd have a legit sounding excuse not to swallow.

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Unless they have rich, meaty cock to use as a substitute.

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636: Not in Spain.

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640 to 638.

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Huh, two diametrically opposed cock jokes posted simultaneously in response to the same comment.

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Wait, Teofilo is a regular now, right? So we don't make fun of him for saying that what he'd eat is "only 20% of the menu"?

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I was considering making fun of him for "not easy to find." Dude, it's a menu, not a hunt for WMDs.

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You're damn right you don't.

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Teofilo was just lamenting the eggonormativity of breakfast menus. I feel you, dawg.

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Have you seen a breakfast menu, B? It's all eggs except for the sides and a couple of non-egg entrees hidden among all the eggs. You have to look around, is all.

(On preview, ogged knows what I'm saying.)

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647 - What? You don't like eggs, either? With dairy ruled out, it's no wonder you're all about the bacon.

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Yes, I've seen many breakfast menus. You look for the section headed something like "pancakes" or "sides" or the section that isn't headed "eggs."

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Actually, I love eggs, and was continuing to make fun of Teofilo, but you should read my comments in whatever way will maximize comity.

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650: Yeah, but that's like one section out of five or six. The rest are eggs. And restaurant pancakes are usually awful.

651: Damn you.

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652: "Pancakes" usually contains other starch-based breakfast foods. And "sides" makes it two sections. And hell, you can order the damn egg and pork chop special with hashbrowns, and just foist the egg off on someone else, dude.

In other news, this thread is making me really hungry for brunch. Which is only in about 12 hours.

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Look, I'm not saying it's impossible to find non-egg breakfasts in restaurants, just that the strong presumption is that you want eggs for breakfast. Surely you can agree with that.

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I heard all the non-egg items on the menu were smuggled across the border into Cereal before you sat down to read the menu.

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Yeah, the presumption is eggs. But it's simply untrue to say that going out to breakfast is "difficult" if you don't care for them.

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654 - Surely I agree with that.

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656: I'll be the judge of that, eggonormativist.

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You're so not going to win this one, Ted.

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How so? You just agreed with me.

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I agreed with you that it is hard to find non-egg breakfast foods but that's only because egg-based breakfast foods are so obviously superior. So, a moral victory for you at best.

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We have to shut down this restaurant. They might be able to deliver non-egg breakfasts in less than 45 minutes. You don't want the smoking gun to be a stuffed mushroom cloud.

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661: That's all I ask.

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I seriously do agree that egg-based breakfasts are superior. Sometimes I wish I liked eggs; they're cheap and nutritious and filling. But I just can't stand them.

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Pleased to meet you, hope you guessed my name...

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You heard me.

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I no longer worry that this thread will hit 1000, though I don't have any more tricks planned to try to kill it.

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669 - Probably a good thing.

668 - Eventually.

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Hey, I could leave 330 comments before the Germany-Sweden game starts.

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I will not, however, do so.

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I'll ask the boyfriend re. backfat sources.

Ill-fitting bras, I thought?

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It's a little known fact in the States that many otherwise sane citizens of the UK like to eat a dish called "eggy bread". What is it, you ask? Basically it's french toast, but it's eaten with catsup instead of syrup.

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Also, all this talk of french toast brings to mind another one of my outstanding restaurant ideas.

This restaurant would be called, I think, "Yesterday". Or maybe "The Leftover Bank". Something like that. Everything on the menu would be one of those great dishes that every culture has thought up to use up the staples left over from the day before:

fried rice, french toast, rice pudding, bread pudding, bread soup, migas, chiliquiles, noodle kugels, kvass, etc.

The tricky part would be finding a steady supply of stale bread, rice, pasta, etc. Maybe there could be a sister restaurant that made the fresh stuff.

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It's a little known fact in the States that many otherwise sane citizens of the UK like to eat a dish called "eggy bread". What is it, you ask? Basically it's french toast, but it's eaten with catsup instead of syrup.

Do people in the UK also put toast in a frying pan with an fried egg neatly on top, or was that one of the futuristic aspects of V for Vendetta?

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I haven't seen the movie, so I'm not really sure what you're getting at. Is the egg somehow fried while on top of the bread? Is it just a fried egg place on top of a piece of bread? Are you talking about an Egyptian one-eyed sandwich?

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Are you talking about an Egyptian one-eyed sandwich?

If ever something *should* be a euphemism, it's that.

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