Re: Problems With The Staff?


Check it! Dsquared = Coulter!

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OTOH, this is cheering: "D.C. managing partner Ann Ford."

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My head must be in a weird place today because my first thought upon reading the title of this post was "What? What'd I do?"

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Dude, you're not the staff. As the person with the most control over what actually happens to the blog, you're the boss.

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I used to sit in an office next to an attorney who would regularly make customer service representatives cry over the speakerphone.

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That sounds risky, from an electrical shorting point of view.

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I don't get it - I thought at first that she was screaming obscenities at THEM, but she's just screaming obscenities at opposing counsel and the like?

Seriously, what's the big deal? Don't even get me started on male partners who THROW things, i.e. sandwiches, deal trophies, junior associates... (That last one may have been apocryphal.)

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We had a whole thing about this in my office. The loud converastion part I thought was out of hand. But the complaint about people taking pens and stuff from desks in cubicle land struck me as really valid. Not that I returned anything.....

1 - That's everything wrong with DKos all summed up at once. But I'm not sure that mocking the guy's house angst was nice either. The thing did get wrecked.

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Besides, you want to complain about a female boss, it's got to at least rise to the level of this.

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Yeah, but the question is, is his house getting wrecked anything to do with the site? I mean, on silly apolitical personal sites like this one and my own, sure. But I thought the big boys were above that kind of thing.

Sorry, bitter.

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Wait, what's your beef? That someone on dkos got overwrought at a perceived insult to a friend and shot his mouth off? Or that some poor fucker is getting his house fixed because a bunch of strangers are generous?

The former seems like no surprise, the latter seems ridiculously petty.

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I'm going to try to avoid net roots snark, and simply say that there are a lot of folks at Kos with a great deal of empathy and compassion and passion welling up in side of them. This leads to humongous flamewars, and raising money Howard Dean style for all manner of stuff. Their politics is personal. And I think they don't think of themselves as the big boys, instead they are part of a community. They really think that they're on unfogged, actually. Is getting all up in arms about the guy's house that different that a 400+ comment thread about whether one of the bloggers got dissed over cab fare? Yes, they have a different style, but I see more similarity than difference. (And I bet this is going to get (provoke?) some great responses.)

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10: I'm not getting the 'bitter'; what's up? The taking dsquared as a rabid conservative is funny, certainly.

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No no no, it's not really a beef. I just thought it was funny to see dsquared compared to Coulter, and I don't think that the post sort of mocking the "my house was destroyed, Kos saved my life!" thing was really all that offensive.

But in general, it's usually safe to assume I'm being ridiculously petty.

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Oh, sorry, the "bitter" was a joke to myself about the old, old, "where are the women?" argument. Which I'm only remembering because I just finished an essay on the topic. Beg pardon.

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I laughed out load when I saw the d squared reference. Its always good to be bitter about the big boys.

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The reaction of that DKos thread to dsquared making, well, a dsquared-type joke is nothing short of bizarre.

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It's hilarious, but not bizarre at all.

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But in general, it's usually safe to assume I'm being ridiculously petty.

As discussed elsewhere, I misread, but I'll note for the record that the majority of my crustiness in response to B's original comment based on that misreading was because it seemed so out of character for her.

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So it looks like no one in a 200 comment thread googled Dsquared and clicked on the second link in order to find his blog.

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wow. Are any of those guys stalkers? I only ask because they are Americans and therefore likely to have guns, and they certainly seem pretty angry.

Sigh ... how times change. I actually remember when me and Daily Kos were roughly equal in status, in the sidebar.

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I actually remember when me and Daily Kos were roughly equal in status, in the sidebar.

Yes, it's sad how far they've fallen since then.

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I actually remember when me and Daily Kos were roughly equal in status, in the sidebar.

Was that back when you were posting more than once a month?

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