Re: Thank You!


Also, it looks like some progress is being made into figuring out what's wrong with the server. If you want the details, they're here.

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And we are so spending the money on some really expensive lunches for the NYC area bloggers. Nobu next week?

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I thought we'd join alameida in Bangkok.

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You have expansive ideas about how much airfare $1500 will purchase. How were you planning to get to Bangkok -- muleback?

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Nobu next week?

A pity those Masa reservations are so hard to come by. (Do I have to link? I really shouldn't have to link.)

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How were you planning to get to Bangkok

Duh -- borrow the Team NewYorkistan car.

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Cough. *Cough*.

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You know, if the problem really is spam, we should totally demand our money back. And then keep it for ourselves.

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Note how I cleverly say "we" and "our" despite not having kicked in a red cent.

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Great news, that this place is going to stay in well shaped condition for a while.

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Wow, human spam -- that has to be a real person posting, but the URL was clearly spam. I deleted it.

Whoever the hell you are, could you go off and bother other blogs?

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