Re: Bank Error In Your Favor


Found money! That means you are buying the drinks, right?

horizontal rule

Sure thing, dude.

horizontal rule

The good news just keeps rolling in!

horizontal rule

And come to think of it, shit -- when is the other shoe going to drop?

horizontal rule

(I'm thinking like a big clown shoe, you know.)

horizontal rule

(Coming down on my head! And why should I have to suffer for all you guys' happiness anyways? What did you guys ever do for me? Now I'm getting mad!)

horizontal rule

Probably hopping mad, since you've only got one shoe.

horizontal rule


Is this from that telephone sales company? Nah, they probably wouldn't track you down to give you money.

horizontal rule

Nah, it's Time Inc. I was a receptionist there, and then sold reprints for FORTUNE, for a year between the Peace Corps and law school.

horizontal rule

"Bank Error In Your Favor"

Consider investing in a house on Mediterranean Avenue, or better.

Or is it the Game Of Life I'm thinking of?

horizontal rule

No, you're right, Gary, but she'd be better off buying a railroad.

horizontal rule

Screw that. It's free money! Blow it all on hookers and crack. Then you can use your "get out of jail free" card.

horizontal rule


horizontal rule

Blow it all on hookers and crack. Then you can use your "get out of jail free" card.

Yeah, that's going to up in your confirmation hearings.

horizontal rule

"Nah, it's Time Inc. I was a receptionist there, and then sold reprints for FORTUNE, for a year between the Peace Corps and law school."

I envision LB as Joan Didion.

"I first heard of James B. Douglas and David D. Bohannon not when I was 12 but a dozen years later, when I was living in New York, working for Vogue, and taking, by corresponence, a University of California Extension course in Shopping-center theory. This did not seem to me eccentric at the time. I remember sitting on the cool floor in Irving Penn's studio and reading, in The Community Builders Handbook, advice from James B Douglas on shopping-center financing. I recall staying late in my pale-blue office on the twentieth floor of the Graybar Building to memorize David D. Bohannon's parking ratios."

Minus the shopping-center theory of course.

horizontal rule

But not minus Irving Penn's cool floor.

horizontal rule