Re: Cute Shoes


Dorothy, please! A lady never admits her feet hurt.

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I'm sure you really don't care about about what you think of as fine distinctions, fashion-wise, and that most, bordering on all, men, including the guys I work for, feel exactly the same way.

God this thread makes me feel like a freak. Am I the only guy here who notices women's shoes, and has definite opinions about them one way or another?

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My definite opinion is that they're a giant PITA. I hate, hate, hate sitting in a store trying to be all helpful and shit while my wife tries on shoes. And my own feet are difficult to fit, so it takes way more time than I want to spend to find anything other than another pair like whatever old worn-out ones I'm trying to replace. I've been wearing basically the same model of running shoes for probably 10 years.

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i sort of pay attention to shoes, but mostly because the woman probably spent a lot of time picking them out. what i really don't get is women caring about guy's shoes. there's like 3 kinds, and they're all boring.

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There's such a thing as well-made or badly-made, attention to detail or not, etc.

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well, the same could be said for, say, belts. or jackets. shoes are pretty small and way down on the ground.

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Indeed, and women (read: me) notice men's clothes, too.

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i'm just saying they seem to be given undue emphasis.

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