Re: Fair and balanced.


Jesus H F Christ on a crispy toasted Cheesit

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Because participating in an election is EXACTLY like slaughtering millions. And typing on the Internet makes you a warrior princess!

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What's the Club for Growth? The Republican Viet Cong?

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This, you have to admit, is great.

Remember the mountain of skulls in Cambodia? It's the Democrats new reality now that the anti-war rabble has tasted blood by taking Lieberman down.

That's My Word.

Don't forget my radio show. Check it out here!

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Money quote: Remember the mountain of skulls in Cambodia? It's the Democrats new reality now that the anti-war rabble has tasted blood by taking Lieberman down.

Given that Pol Pot's determination to exterminate intellectuals meant executing people just for wearing glasses, I imagine that Juan Cole is breathing a sigh of relief at not getting that Yale job.

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Pwned by -gg-d. I need to think/type faster.

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I, however, am a warrior princess.

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slime Lieberman by calling him a sore loser,

Weird, that sounds hauntingly familiar.

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that whole website is striking evidence of human fallibility.

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I stand corrected. This guy probably doesn't know what year 9/11 was.

But this is a nice loop. The extremist left will exterminate all intellectuals wearing glasses, hipster jeans and fauxhawks because the extremist left is made up of intellectuals which means they must be for exterminating intellectuals by the power of logic!

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7: Dude, me too!

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Warrior Princesses, of course, must dress a certain way.

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I support the Warrior Princess Dress Code.

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Yeah let's see some skin, JM and mcmc!

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13.hells yeah. But if there were too many warrior princesses walking around, I, too, would need chainmail undies to appear in public.

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okay. I am a warrior princess emeritus.

or possibly ta.

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I support the WPDC, of course, because I'm a feminist.

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Soon our barbarian warrior-king Lamont of Connecticut will lead us in a bloody-handed rampage across the land. Black-haired, sullen-eyed, sword in hand, a thief, a reaver, a slayer; a throne of our enemies' bones for Lamont the Terrible!

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Except he's too much of a dandy and has brown hair.

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You go to rampage with the barbarian conqueror you have, not the barbarian conqueror you want.

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That's so much super awesomeness. Where's his Kat Harris endorsement?

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Someone call Eddie Izzard so he can bring the funny to Lamont the way he did to Pol Pot. Cake or death?

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Would someone with an IQ higher than mine (5) please email me and tell me what links work and what links don't. I've posted a total of 5 times, and fucked up a total of 5 links. FLUSH. (My ego)

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I myself am looking forward to hearing the lamentations of their women.

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Did Lamont come for weapons of steel...or murrrder?

Also, Tim Burke, IIRC, conan enjoys hearing only one unified lamentation of the woman. Presumably, more than one bores him.

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John Gibson is a Christmas-ruining child molestor.

Some would say. Disturbing if true.

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"Warrior Princesses, of course, must dress a certain way."

That Keira Knightly picture reminds me of this important news item.

I already made my comments about the substance of the post here, and further below that.

Xena usually wore another outfit, though.

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