Re: NYC Meetup Reminder


Guys, I probably won't be able to make it. I'm trying to write something on deadline by midnight tonight. You all better get teo liquored up on my behalf.

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Perhaps those of us who aren't coming, such as myself, should just say so, and then you can just subract from the total. That seems pretty logical to me.

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Buy teo a drink for me—I can't make it out of the city tonight.

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Scott Lemeiux may be coming as well, and notes that there's a room in the back that has tables with couches -- whoever gets there first might try to snag one of those.

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I'm coming. Drymala sux.

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I'm coming. But you knew that already.

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5: You have those sentences in reverse order.

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"Tables with couches". Mmmm. Hot blogger sex. Bring the videocams.

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I laughed at 7. I'm attending.

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7 was indeed a hoot.

It's just as well that Drymala's not coming because yesterday he said I'm insane, which means I'd have to kick his ass.

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Can we take 10 to mean that da will be in attendance? Oh happy day! However with w/d coming, our Surf City gender balance is thrown off -- we need another girl stat.

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Can't make it, unfortunately. Have a good time!

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You're in NY? How did I not know that?

Man, I need to start taking notes.

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(Oh with Scott maybe coming, make that another 2 maybe girls.)

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Fuck! Weiner's coming?

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I will indeed be in attendance, Clown.

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If I weren't such a newbie, I'd show. But I believe I need to earn a few more Unfogged scars, welts, bruises and scratches to face you fuckable clowns. As well as come up with at least one running joke or phraze.

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Aw come on AA -- we could get in fights about The Beatles vs. Roy Orbison! It would be fun!

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I forgot about Roy Orbison! He's my all-time favorite. He would've been the biggest star in the cosmos if he'd been just a teenty-weeny bit handsome, or developed a better look.

What a songwriter. His songs have the weirdest structures, and there are uneven measures all over the place.

Fucking genius. The Beethoven, the Mingus of pop. Every song of his is beautiful enough to stick your dick in it.

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Oh my god, did I miss a fight about the Beatles vs Roy Orbison?

"Running Scared" is a fantastic song.

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I love me some Roy Orbison, but I would not stick my dick in Oobie-Doobie.

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You've got the bonobos thing.

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I forgot about Roy Orbison

Aha! And so your whole house of cards comes tumbling down about you!

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Have a good time!

I saw this advert on telly this week and immediately thought of you lot (probably a surefire sign I spend too much time with the internets).

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if non-regulars are ok, i might be able to stop by.

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25 -- surely.

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If this were private, we'd do it by email. If you read this nonsense enough to want to show up, you're invited, regardless of whether you comment much.

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I almost feel like showing up. But what if Tia is there? The Modern Young Woman scares the shit out of me, compounded by the fact that they render me helpless with desire, and haplessly wounded by the knowledge that I can never have 'em.

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So show up and cower.

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It amazed me to find in the seventies, that Roy Orbison was not popular, or had been forgotten, at least by people then in their twenties. I think he was unfamiliar, old, not the prevailing idea of singer/songwriter, or just forgotten or never known, as I said. Talking about him was something I found I could do with guys about ten years older, and they were often genuinely moved, both in memory and to be talking about him. By the time of the Flying Willburys(sp?), about 20 years ago now, he'd been justifiably canonized.

Anybody know how that happened?

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They are "Traveling", not "Flying".

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Lurkers are more than welcome.

You know how before the first meetup we joked that it would be funny if a lurker came and sat at a nearby table, trying to listen in on our conversations but not participating? I just had a mental image of a RL troll showing up who keeps interrupting us and trying to get us to vote Green.

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It would be funny if we all started dissing some non-Mineshaft person, and then they heard we were talking smack and came down to the bar to angrily confront us.

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I came to the first meet-up when I was such a n00b I didn't really understand the significance of the Standpipe envoy or the Ex. It was fine.

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Oh, I'll try to get there earlier tonight to help squat the table.

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And: 34, weird -- when I met you at the first meetup I thought of you as one of the old-timers.

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34: "The Standpipe Envoy" would make a great title for a Robert Ludlum book.

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Ah, but at that point I hadn't really been paying so much attention to all the interpersonals.

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(That was not the impression one got from observing your interaction with Joe D...)

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Hey, I'm just a friendly person.

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Whoa! does Standpipe send an envoy to the meetups? Has anyone tried to follow him when he leaves? (Or she, of course.)

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Hey given that we're both showing up early, got a deck of cards? Or I could pick one up on the way over.

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42 -- The envoy was from ac. The sent cookies with a standpipe on the wrapping paper. I did not understand what was going on and thought the cookies came from the Bridgeplate, and posted as much when I got home; -gg-d characterized my post as "the end result of a game of Telephone" IIRC.

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42: A white-gloved flunky appears, and places a speakerphone on the table.

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I was late-ish to the first meetup (actually, I believe I was last) and heard tell of an envoy (with cookies?) from a New York commenter who hasn't been around much at all this summer, but was unaware of a Standpipe connection. Oh well, I'll ask about later. Matty, if you're showing up, you're going to discover the shocking secret that I sit by you in class.

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Okay, seriously, EVERYONE NEEDS TO STOP BEING SEXUALLY INTIMIDATED BY ME RIGHT NOW, BECAUSE IT IS STUPID. In real life, I am somewhat mousy, and at the moment, 10 pounds overweight.

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43---Sure, I can bring cards.

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...All that means is more Tia to be scared of.

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48 -- fun!

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I don't recall having been intimidated, but don't sell yourself short.

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43: Clown will teach you to play Persian Monarchs.

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Roy Orbison is the most unclassifiable guy ever. Country more than anything else, but he had the awful look and thenonstandard voice and vocal style. I guess Wayne Newton was a little like him.

A weird, nerdy, forgotten pop singer is Johnnie Ray, ca 1950. He was deaf in one ear and wore a hearing aid. His voice may have been like Orbison's. He grew up in Oregon but was signed to Okeh records, which was mostly race records. He may have been early emo.

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Matty, if you're showing up, you're going to discover the shocking secret that I sit by you in class.

i reckon lurking won't work then.

i'm supposed to go on a dive-bar crawl tonight, but i may be able to stop by beforehand.

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52--In trying to figure out why I knew that would be a fool's game, I discovered this wonderful resource.

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55: Awesome! I'd never even heard of Lady Georgiana.

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Did you find it? It's from a Mulliner story, "The Smile that Wins" (title from memory).

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57: I believe Alaric, Duke of Dunstable, also knows the game.

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Funny coincidence -- I just realized that I came to the previous meetup carrying a copy of Flannery O'Connor's collected short novels -- I am coming tonight carrying the collected stories of Carson McCullers.

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57: What's the other game? The line I've got stuck in my head is "If you can play [X], you can play Persiam Monarchs."

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That sounds like it must be from Uncle Fred in the Springtime, and I'd forgotten the role of Persian Monarchs in that. So, can't help.

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I work right nearby; I'd definitely dig stopping by.

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60: I can't help you, but at least I've got it stuck in my head now, too.

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If I am, unbeknownst to me, walking into Bertie Wooster-fest 2006, I will lose the remaining part of my mind.

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Having just written a blog post about the construction I used in 61, I've decided it might be from "The Smile that Wins" after all.

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47: But you have a secret weiner. Don't you understand how intimidating that can be?

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Weiners are easy.

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So next time, maybe a less child-hating place?

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Other than that, though, it was great. Thanks to everyone who showed up.

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69 -- boy did I feel dumb...

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You didn't know. It's too bad, because I would have liked to talk to you more.

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Bars have gotten much more uptight. I spent most of my preschool years running around barstools in various dives in Queens after my dad's softball games, with a dozen other little kids doing the same thing. But it was a very pleasant evening generally.

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You can take little kids into bars in smalltown Minnesota too.

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There's a bar near where I live that allows little children to scamper around. They can't have beer, but they're allowed to sit at the bar and have Shirley Temples, on weeknights, at least. Uptight Manhattan bars.

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There's a bar near where I live that allows little children to scamper around.

Just not if they're naked.

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Who's the child, then?

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CÆ's daughter.

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