Re: Sleepover


137: ?

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re 124:

In general, I want to retire the "my parents did that, and I came out ok" argument. Whenever anyone says that about any issue, I always want to reply, "No, you did not come out ok. You are a neurotic, controlling bitch." or " are a spineless lap dog" or whatever.

The argument rests entirely on people's unwillingness to publically acknowledge how fucked up their friends are.

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Amen to 140.

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I don't remember my parents' policy, aside from "be safe."

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I really think that the difference is that in the US, general public opinion is so set on this that even people who think it's OK for kids to have sex don't want to get caught openly admitting it. (I suppose "condoning" is something like "publicly declaring that something's OK".)

Kids already start having sex at 18 in college, and that really bothered people when it happened. Knocking the age down to 16 doesn't seem like such a big step.

One of the squicky things is that you normally don't get involved in the sex lives of other adults, whereas if a kid under your supervision is having sex, in some way you ARE involved. But it should be handleable the way roommate situations are handled.

One thing I told my son was that if he got a girl pregnant before he was 30 I'd kill him, married or not. It worked.

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The behavior described in 131 is absolutely nothing like the behavior of the high school kids I knew when I was in high school, which was much more in line with LB's point of view.

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Pregnancy--again, I think most kids know they're supposed to be safe, but they aren't because it's more fun not to be safe.

Do you have a convincing different explanation for the great difference in teen pregancy rates in Europe and the US? (Well, they've also got better sex ed, but it's better for the same reasons, that it doesn't pretend that the audience isn't having sex.)

I don't buy the guilt thing or the fear thing, if the rule is, "I'm pretending it's not happening."

You can't explicitly set a rule that says "You can have sex, so long as I don't know about it," it would be absurd. The rule, from the kid's point of view, is "Sex is forbidden". Now maybe you're sensitive enough with the non-verbal communication to get across that it's not a real rule without saying it, but I doubt it. Which means that whatever your real attitude, your kid, if she's got any regard for what you think of her, is ashamed, and afraid of getting caught.

The rape thing--boy, maybe. I guess I just don't have a sense of how likely that is, and (as I've been assuming a male kid) how likely it is that my kid would do something like that.

Picture a female kid, and think whether you're happier with her negotiating her sexual boundaries in a cornfield, or in her bedroom with you in call.

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This somehow reminds me of step/hen me/gs. Remember this?

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140: The great thing about that argument is that it's been applied to all sides in this thread.

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I think libertine parents may raise more conservative children

There may be some truth in that. My parents weren't libertine, as such.

They took a pretty strong line on responsibility -- if I fucked up, especially if I'd been warned it was a possibility, then I damn well had to fix it. No-one was going to bail me out. If I behaved like an arsehole, I'd be told in no uncertain terms that i was behaving like an arsehole. So, while I could do pretty much do whatever I wanted* I also knew that I had to deal with the end result.

The result of that was that I was probably the most responsible and sensible person I knew growing up. That's not to say I didn't do stupid stuff, but, relatively speaking, I didn't do that much stupid stuff.

* within reason and I was expected to show consideration for others. I could stay out late, for example, but I had to make sure they knew I was staying out late, etc.

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140: But what's the alternative? I'm not sure I'm comfortable with looking to the Planning Commission for the best parental practices. Don't most people end up repeating the parenting model established by their parents, or varying in specific ways from it?


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I think comparing US and European rates of teen pregnancy isn't really helpful, given that we have such a huge underclass that exists in basically a different world from the one in which this discussion is taking place.

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You can't explicitly set a rule that says "You can have sex, so long as I don't know about it," it would be absurd.

But, for example, that's often the default rule about a lot of things, including sex and alcohol, for example.

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148 pwned by 140.

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I have no hard feelings about my parents, but in certain respects I tried to do things differently.

The more I think about it, the more I think that the local communities limit parents' options. It would be hard to be a European-style parent in and American small town. And even if I'd wanted to, I couldn't have imitated my parents' small-town style in the city.

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That's weird. I actually do have a really cool Auntie Carol. Though I was thinking the cool angle was advice/adult cover for escapades, without the parental squick. Not Ogged's bad teen movie scenario.

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(Another aspect of libertinism turning me conservative: I was offered marijuana constantly growing up by my family, and never took it till I was 17 and had hellish psychosomatic menstrual cramps brought on by the sight of my near-death, post brain surgery Aunt Shirley. It was great for the menstrual cramps. To this day, I have never tried another illegal drug, despite my father telling me about (but not doing around me) nitrous, ecstasy, etc.)

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150: Well, okay. But I do find the argument that a kid who has to listen to her parents say "I expect you to be using condoms, and I think you should probably go to the gyno and talk about the pill," in the context of the fact that they admittedly know she's sexually active, is more likely to stay safe than one who's getting busy in the back seat of a minivan, very persuasive. The 'Europe' thing was just because SCMT wasn't admitting my logic.

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re: 150

I think that's true. The UK has a massive rate of teen pregnancy and I'm sure that's connected to the same sort of 'huge underclass' and the particular values that operate there.

I'm not claiming that one way or the other is the way to avoid teen pregnancy or making a strongly consequentialist argument for one or the other.

It just seems like the right thing to do with people who are, depending on viewpoint, either adults or on the cusp of adulthood is to treat them as adults.

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151: And it leads to stupid drinking behavior, and stupid sex behavior.

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I'm starting to think I'm wrong. And, gawd help me, #144 is somehow doing the convincing.

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Do they allow sleepovers in the underclass?

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159: Luckily, you don't have kids yet, so you have plenty of time to revert.

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I actually do have a really cool Auntie Carol

Set me up! It's pre-approved!

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In the underclass, sleepovers are mandatory.

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150: There are so many other issues, but it doesn't seem implausible that the attitude to teen sex is one contributing factor, and the culture of the 'underclass' isn't wholly separate from that of middle class, so one can try to influence USian attitudes in general.

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You can't explicitly set a rule that says "You can have sex, so long as I don't know about it," it would be absurd.

No it isn't. It is exactly what the situation calls for. It starts with the conversation about safe sex and the groundrules (like be kind and keep your grades up and get home by curfew so I don't have to worry that you are dead in a car crash.) and then everyone does their part.

The kid keeps the groundrules and does NOT sleep over at his girlfriend's house when the parents said not to. The parents do not ask what the kids did between the movie and curfew and everyone gets some of what they want and no one is squicked out. It totally works.

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Endemic Scottish violence has a whole complex array of root causes

I suspect the genes. And I say this as someone who has a fair amount of ancestry from the area. Are the Cornish this way too? As I recall the Swifts (at least the ones I count as ancestors) are from that area.

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162: That whole 'resetting the TiVo' thing didn't work out? Dude. You have my sympathies.

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re: 160

Well, snarkily, getting pregnant lets you get your own council house which, in turn, enables you to have people sleep over as much as you like.*

* That's the view promulgated by the right-wing tabloid press. Unfortunately, once you take away the hysterical moral condemnation and the snobbery, it has a grain of truth in it.

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156: What? If you're willing to admit that the comparisons aren't easy, I assume it's because we all suspect that the numbers look very different for people raised outside the underclass. And my suspicion is that the general rule in the outside-the-underclass set is closer to the one I was previously defending. Which makes me suspect that if we had actual numbers, the obviousness of your cause-effect claim would be less obvious.

But teo has convinced me. I still can't figure out why.

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re: 166

Yeah, the genes for engineering and science genius, extreme violence, alcholism and haggis-consumption are closely grouped together on the same chromosome.

[This is where I'd add a smiley emoticon if they weren't banned ...]

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Curses! Pwned again! I missed Becks' 100.

But as someone said above, the squickiness comes from being involved in someone else's sex life. People all around us are having sex all the time, and in most cases, I really prefer not to think about it. That is extra true for close relatives.

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I was going to mention, kids have to grow up with their parents having sex in the house and that's not squicky at all. is it?

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169: Seriously, I'd bet that there's an awful lot of middle-class teen pregnancy that gets aborted; fewer children than in the underclass, but a lot of unsafe sex.

165: Are you really saying that the parents should tell the kid, explicitly "You may have sex so long as we don't know about it"? Because I think that's awfully silly, if you're saying it, and I doubt you're saying it. I think you're suggesting that the parents should forbid sex, at least implicitly, and then wink at likely violations of the rule. Which could work out fine for everyone, but could also turn into guilt and fear for the teens who are violating the rule, and don't know that it's not serious. Because it's not like there aren't enough messages out there telling you you're a bad person for having sex.

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OK, I'm slightly on board, but I feel the need for guidance. How far is this approach to be taken? I don't think I'd really care if my son or daughter were pretty wild for a while sexually--if you can do it, why not?--but, while I'm OK with the idea of my hypothetical son or daughter having a multi-some, I'm still finding it really, really hard to imagine OK'ing him or her taking multiple partners into her room under my watchful eye.

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'You may have sex (without hassle from us) as long as you demonstrate that you are mature enough to keep to the (reasonable) rules that we set and show some consideration for everyone involved." That primarily means the kid's partner, but it also means the parents, who shouldn't have to know when their kid is having sex.

Sex isn't explicitly forbidden, because it doesn't have to be when everyone does their part.

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172: One doesn't mind a theoretical awareness of other people's sex lives. It's of the specific occasions one would prefer not to know.

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Weren't any of you guys good kids who came to unspoken agreements with your parents? And the basis for that was respectfulness all around?

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Am I wrong that the girl's parents were cool with what's happening, but not the boy's? In that case, whatever offense is to the boy's parents.

And I think that that's why these things are so touchy, because two sets of parents are involved -- and their reputations, and their kids' reputations, and the siblings' reputations. And apparently the two sets disagree.

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'You may have sex (without hassle from us) as long as you demonstrate that you are mature enough to keep to the (reasonable) rules that we set and show some consideration for everyone involved." That primarily means the kid's partner, but it also means the parents, who shouldn't have to know when their kid is having sex.

"But Mom, the police keep on hassling us when we park anyplace, and I'm afraid to hide under the bleachers -- those guys from the lacrosse team hang out there and beat people up, and I keep getting ticks. Please, can we stay in my room if we're quiet?"

Once you've given explicit permission, I just don't see the benefit from requiring sneaking around that offsets the practical problems. (City girl here. Not a lot of safe places to screw other than in someone's bedroom.)

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That's why I don't think that an unspoken agreement is possible in this case. But I also think that an open, European-style arrangement would be better. It really just amount to granting one step toward adulthood while the kid still is at home.

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174: Oh, I think you're fine with setting some standard of prudery -- if threesomes, or significant promiscuity (new partner every night) freak you out, you can say 'not in my house'. I'm not trying to be perfectly consistent here.

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177: Nope. Lots of kids aren't.

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OK, how about this compromise: buy the kid one of those fuckmobile vans. Explain that it's in case he wants to go hunting or fishing, or engage in other healthful though potentially fatal activities such as rock-climbing or surfing.

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(I can't wait till baa discusses this one with his wife.)

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178 - the son is being openly disrespectful of his parents, who told him no sleepovers, in either direction. I hope he isn't also offending the girl's parents, but that isn't really the point.

179 - you don't have to give explicit permission. You shouldn't have to grant or withhold permission either way, because you aren't explicitly involved in their sex life.

"Can we stay in my room if we are quiet?" Well, your father and I will be going to the gym this evening, and we'll be back around 8:30. And if your grades stay high, I'll make a lot of noise when I get in from work in the afternoons. Of course it is a pretense, but the pretense itself has value.

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But suppose the parents' problem with the sleepover was simply that it was a sleepover? Just a "don't stay out all night" kind of thing. Rather than a "no members of the sex you're interested in alone in your room with you" kind of thing.

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I'm still finding it really, really hard to imagine OK'ing him or her taking multiple partners into her room under my watchful eye.

Sounds like something out of Penthouse Forum. Accordingly, it's not a situation that ever needs to be considered in parenting, I think.

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Weren't any of you guys good kids who came to unspoken agreements with your parents?

I was a good kid who didn't have sex in high school (not for lack of effort). Now I'm a bitter 21-year-old virgin. My feelings on this issue are rather strong.

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186 - If the parent's problem is that it is a sleepover, then the kid is screwed for eight whole months until he goes away to college.

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Megan, those kinds of unspoken agreements are OK to the extent that they work, but you seem to think that they are the best solution. Why pretend?

I've answered that question already: public opinion. Parents want plausible deniability. It's not good in terms of the parent-child relationship.

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the son is being openly disrespectful of his parents,

True. I'm arguing that his parents are setting foolish rules, not that it's polite of him to disobey them.

You shouldn't have to grant or withhold permission either way, because you aren't explicitly involved in their sex life.

This is, I think, a dodge. As a teen, I had very strong opinions about what was permitted and what was forbidden, even in contexts where my parents had not explicitly stated the rules. (I wasn't always right, but I had strong beliefs.)(And if you're assuming that parents have the right to set rules for their teens, which I'm assuming you do -- we're just arguing about which they should be -- there is no third category other than forbidden and permitted. If it's not forbidden, it's permitted.) And a category of 'permitted, but must be kept secret' would have made no sense to me then, and makes no sense to me now. I would have either believed that I was violating a prohibition (guilt, fear) or not have understood the need for secrecy.

Of course it is a pretense, but the pretense itself has value.

What's the value?

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190 - Not public opinion. The parents want what everyone wants, which is not to know when other people are fucking. They might also like to cling to the idea that their kids, who are about to leave anyway, are still children. (Which they may simultaneously know is wrong.) It isn't only that they are trying to be Puritans in front of the neighbors.

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The parents want what everyone wants, which is not to know when other people are fucking.

That doesn't get you past normal roommate courtesy -- no screaming, slamming the bed into the way, etc.

They might also like to cling to the idea that their kids, who are about to leave anyway, are still children.

Eh. I can't see this as worth much.

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I think I get what Megan is saying, because I had a similar thing with my parents. And #140 notwithstanding, I think we all build off the model of our own childhoods. I wonder if it isn't simply that, given a model that seemed to work, some of us wouldn't rather follow that model just because we understand it better. (There's some story tied, I think, to Achebe about a Nigerian farmer who's son is going off to the city for work. When asked whether he'd rather have his son stay, he says that yes, it would be his preference, though his son's opportunities are probably better in the city. But he knows farming and he could help his kid, and he doesn't know the city.)

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Megan, the roommate situation covers that. You learn not to bother your mind about what's happening in the next room. I think that the problem is that up till then you HAVE been intimately involved with your kids' lives, but you just have to learn to stop.

I don't think that the pretense that the kids are still children is something valuable to be preserved.

Tacit agreements are OK until they break down, but this one has broken down. Should the parents fight it? That's the question.

And it's not irrelevant that two sets of parents are involved, because that means that two sets of standards are involved. And that will be true of every couple relationship that the kid is ever in.

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191 - really? There was no other category of "Not yet forbidden and something I would really like to do"? 'Cause the penalties are less for that one.

And there was too. There was "tacitly permitted, as long as I don't force the issue".

The value is no one gets squicked out. You don't have to battle over rules when the real context is whether kids get to fuck. Family members can treat each other gently.

Maybe not so much value in clinging to the notion that your high schoolers are kids, but that doesn't mean people don't want to do it.

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I agree with virtually everything ttaM has written in this thread, especially about the ridiculousness of teenagers being treated like children. But then, I moved into my boyfriend's house at 16 (I was kind of like David in the David and Darlene relationship on Roseanne) and into my own apartment at 17.

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Actually, it's all just jealousy of those young, beautiful kids and the fun they're having.

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Should the parents fight it? That's the question.

There's a lot of depends, like do the parents have enough power to win, but my call is that if that kid isn't mature enough to be in a respectful relationship with his (reasonable) parents, then he isn't mature enough to be sexually active. It comes back to basic consideration for me.

Also, family members have sex is ickier than adult roommates have sex. It calls for stronger measures.

And, SCMT, is probably right. It worked for me, so everyone should do that.

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196: You know, I think almost any set of rules can work fine if everyone involved is sensitive and loving and highly skilled and unambiguous non-verbal communication, and it sounds like that's how your family worked.

For the rest of us, I think there's a virtue in sacrificing a little emotional comfort for openness and unambiguity.

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200: Nine years, baby, nine years!

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Lalalalala I can't hear you.

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I'm kind of an anomaly in all of this in that I slept over at my boyfriend's house in high school a number of times (my parents didn't know) but we didn't have sex. (I actually bought into that "good Catholic schoolgirl saving myself until marriage" thing. And then I moved to New Orleans.)

I'm actually glad I waited until college to have sex but a lot of the reason why has to do with the fact that I was so much more relaxed and comfortable about the whole thing without having to worry about curfews or my parents. So my reasons are ones that would have been mitigated had I grown up in a more permissive household.

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194 - That was the kindest justification I came up with when I struggled with my Asian-Am ex's parents hating me for not being the same Asian-Am. It helped me hold my tongue.

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Megan's family actually sounds a lot like mine, and I think if either my sister or I had had sex in high school it would have turned out okay. My parents' official policy was "no sex in high school; after that we don't care" but I think they probably would have been okay with a tacit understanding that while there would be no sex under their roof they couldn't control what we did anywhere else. It never came up, though.

My bitterness is not directed at them, but at the whole structure of American attitudes toward sex.

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Don't worry, Teo. Things get a lot cooler in college.

Oh wait.

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121: Well, sort of. Except that teenage sex isn't a purely personal decision, as much as I might think it should be. What the other kid's parents think matters; what their friends think matters; what happens at school if they get knocked up matters. The culture is that, as Ogged said, letting your kid's boy/girlfriend sleep over in their bed is considered extremely permissive.

145: Picture a female kid, and think whether you're happier with her negotiating her sexual boundaries in a cornfield, or in her bedroom with you in call.

In all honesty? I'd like to think that a daughter of mine is going to be comfortable saying "fuck no" wherever. I would certainly raise her to be able to do so, specifically because you can't be by her side forever. And I'm really not sure that she'd be more comfortable saying no with me in call; is a kid in a gray area situation really going to yell for mom? Or is she more likely to want to keep quiet and not argue than she would be if someone weren't there to overhear?

185: "Can we stay in my room if we are quiet?" Well, your father and I will be going to the gym this evening, and we'll be back around 8:30. And if your grades stay high, I'll make a lot of noise when I get in from work in the afternoons. Of course it is a pretense, but the pretense itself has value. This is, I think, exactly the right approach. We're talking about this as if the only opportunity teenagers ever have to have sex is at night--which is nonsense. I mostly had sex on days when I stayed home from school and invited my boyfriend over, or when my parents were out, and so forth.

I'm not going to say "yeah, go ahead and have sex." I'm going to say, *if* you have sex, be careful. And if the kid *is* having sex, and I've figured it out, and then the issue of, um, can we be alone in the house sometimes? comes up, then fine.

But yeah: for whatever reason, I'm more comfortable with the "Mom and Dad are going out tonight, we should be home around midnight" thing than the "yes, of course your girlfriend can spend the night in your bed" approach. Until, like I said, the kid has been out of the house for a little while and we've established a new sort of relationship where he now lives somewhere else, and comes home to visit.

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(I'm sooooo sorry. I just couldn't resist. I ban myself.)

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Yeah, exactly. And the belief that it's discourteous to one's parents to not hide all evidence of sexual activity from them is both a symptom and a cause of the perpetuation of those attitudes.

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In all honesty? I'd like to think that a daughter of mine is going to be comfortable saying "fuck no" wherever. I would certainly raise her to be able to do so, specifically because you can't be by her side forever. And I'm really not sure that she'd be more comfortable saying no with me in call; is a kid in a gray area situation really going to yell for mom? Or is she more likely to want to keep quiet and not argue than she would be if someone weren't there to overhear?

??????? The issue about worrying about being overheard only comes into play if she's worrying about getting caught. If she's not doing anything wrong, why would she worry about calling for help?

Seriously, in a certain amount of college awkward messing around, my confidence and comfort level was like night and day depending on whether I was in my own house, with thirty housemates nearby who were on my side of any disagreement, or on someone else's turf. (I sound like I've been terribly scarred by sexual violence, the way I keep bringing up rape. In fact, no. But I have been in situations where I was nervous, and I was a hell of a lot more nervous when I was depending on pure moral character and my ability to throw a punch, then when I had backup.)

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191: What Megan's calling a "pretense" has value precisely *because* sex is (1) private; (2) not your parent's business; (3) an adult activity, and therefore you shouldn't be asking permission. I don't agree that as a teen everything is either permitted or forbidden; I honestly think that there are a lot of things that fall into the "I've done my best to raise you to make decent decisions, and it's time you started deciding things on your own" realm. But one of the realities of making decisions is having to also negotiate other people's boundaries, one of which is that asking parents to give you permission to having your girl/boyfriend sleep over is, in this society, really a bit over the top.

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I'm thinking this is one of those things that's going to seem like a bigger deal before it comes up than after. Having sex is going to be the kid's call as a practical matter, so it seems to make more sense to save whatever green stamps you have for "be careful" rather than wasting them on "don't" when that isn't going to work anyway. And even now, with a 10-year-old, I'm becoming a fan of "I'm not wild about that idea (and here's why), but I'm not going to forbid it if you decide that's what you want to do."

OTOH, my kid's room is small and right next to ours, so I doubt he's going to be getting any girls in there when we're around anyway.

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I knew I was on my way to adulthood when I stopped asking my parents permission to have a snack after school.

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The issue about worrying about being overheard only comes into play if she's worrying about getting caught. If she's not doing anything wrong, why would she worry about calling for help?

Because having your mom walk in on you and your boyfriend negotiating sex is embarrassing?

I'm not presuming forcible rape, mind. I'm presuming, as you said, "negotiating boundaries." I wouldn't want my mother to overhear me arguing with Mr. B. about sex now, let alone when I was 17.

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211: That seems right, but it's not clear from the Slate piece how permission became an issue. There's some screwed-up stuff about that situation--among other things, I would certainly tell my kid that he shouldn't be having anyone spend the night if the other parents weren't OK with it--but it's not clear that the thing started with "Mommy, is it OK if I fuck my girlfriend?"

BTW, Emily Yoffe is a huge improvement on Margo Howard, yes?

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I'd like to think that a daughter of mine is going to be comfortable saying "fuck no" wherever.

Building on 210, I'm sure things are somewhat better now in the age of cellphones but all of the "fuck no" training in the world isn't going to help a girl who has been driven to the middle of nowhere thinking she was in for a makeout session and then told she isn't going home until she does X.

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I don't agree that as a teen everything is either permitted or forbidden; I honestly think that there are a lot of things that fall into the "I've done my best to raise you to make decent decisions, and it's time you started deciding things on your own" realm.

See, that's 'permitted'. Sometime around when I was 12 or so, my parents started giving me an allowance, because they'd done their best to raise me to make decent decisions, and it was time I started deciding how to spend money on my own. I was permitted to spend money without consulting them.

If you can successfully work out a clearly-understood-by-all shame-free agreement in which the kid is allowed to do what he wants with respect to sex once he reaches what you think of as an appropriate age so long as he doesn't unnecessarily make you aware of any sexual conduct, I suppose it's all right, but I think it's an awfully tricky standard to set for families that aren't very, very, fluent non-verbal communicators.

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Don't worry, Teo. Things get a lot cooler in college.

Oh wait.

(I'm sooooo sorry. I just couldn't resist. I ban myself.)

Ha. I was going to make that joke if someone else didn't. And as someone who didn't do it until college, I feel his pain. Although his pain might be worse as I didn't really try in high school.

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If it weren't for aggressive women I'd probably still be as clueless as I was at 18. Arguably I still am.

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I'm not presuming forcible rape, mind. I'm presuming, as you said, "negotiating boundaries."

"Donald, I said get your hand off my ass. Look, if I have to say it again I'm calling my dad in here." has a lot more force, even if the second sentence doesn't have to be said explicitly, than "I said I didn't want to have sex. Come on. Drive me home, please? It's cold out here, and I can't walk in these shoes."*

*You knew it was going to be about the shoes, right?

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I can't believe you were out with someone named Donald. And I wouldn't be bringing a Donald home, either.

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212 is probably right. I think 209 is a bit of an oversimplification--is anyone here saying kids should "hide all evidence" of sexual activity? Aren't the prudes among us just saying that the goal is to retain a reasonable sense of discretion which might involve not coming out and announcing, "mom, dad, I'm fucking that person I went out with last week."

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I seriously don't think that one's ability to have mature negotiations with one's parents has any bearing on one's readiness to have sex. They're different sets of relationships. Clementine was consistently quite sulky at the dinner table; I was living there, and was responsible for making gracious conversation with her parents and relieving the silence. She was also having sex with her boyfriend and no ill came of it.

And "this society" isn't uniform. It doesn't say where these parents live, but I know of children who've actually been pressured by their parents into having sex. There are some decadent coastal enclaves in this country.

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Teo should bring a laptop and liveblog all dates in the upcoming semester. Who knows how useful realtime advice from the Mineshaft could be?

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221: I can't believe you were out with someone named Donald.

Why do you think I'm telling him to get his hand 'off' my ass?

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, I suppose it's all right, but I think it's an awfully tricky standard to set for families that aren't very, very, fluent non-verbal communicators.

LB's innate WASPiness comes to the fore. Yes, if you're married to John Kerry, you should probably make everything explicit. By the end of the speech, the kid will be too bored to have sex anyway.

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Teo, are you bitter that you haven't olost virgin status, that you aren't having sex now, or that you could have had sex, and thus fun, in the past, but surrendered the chance?

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What Megan's calling a "pretense" has value precisely *because* sex is (1) private; (2) not your parent's business; (3) an adult activity, and therefore you shouldn't be asking permission.

Apparently there are places (the fabled continent of Yoorp) where these questions can be handled while the kid is living under the parents' roof. #3 sounds a bit Kafkaesque -- I'm refusing you permission because if you were an adult you wouldn't have to ask, but you're asking, so you're not an adult, so you aren't mature enough, so I'm saying no.

B. seems to accept my theory that public opinion (here as compared to Yoorp) is a major factor here.

I don't understand the enthusiasm for pretense and tacit arrangements and plausible parental deniability here. Especially in a specific case where these have broken down and an explicit response has to be made.

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222: Eh, we probably aren't that far apart in practice. I agree that 212 is right.

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Yes, if you're married to John Kerry, you should probably make everything explicit. By the end of the speech, the kid will be too bored to have sex anyway.

I'm married to an earthy man of the people. I am John Kerry.

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LB's innate WASPiness comes to the fore

whuh? The WASP stereotype is to never directly express anything. Indeed, this is true of the WASPiest people I know.

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On the alcohol thing. Actually I knew parents who did provide their kids with kegs. This is exactly how all of the post-highschool graduation parties worked. They also took away all of our keys. The one in Greenwich was really weird, because there was a tent with a catered buffet and a security gaurd/valet who took our keys. These were all giant slumber parties. One of them didn't let us in the house (less pleasant); the other was in such a large house that 60 kids didn't feel like a noticeable inconvenience.

My highschool had a formal policy against sex. At other schools, the kids probably managed to have sex in their dorm rooms. Everything at my school happened in the woods, the attic of teh theater and the music practice rooms. People were always making out in the music rooms; it really sucked if you actually needed to practice the piano at night.

There was a big discussion about whether condoms should be available on campus from the infirmary. I think that eventually a efw years after I left they did let them on campus. Before that day students bought them for their friends.

I remember having one conversation with my Dad about sex. (I haven't talked to my Mom about anything important since I was 7.) It was very abstract and theoretical; I think that we were discussing my school's policy. He thought that giving away free condoms would infantilize us--though I don't think he put it quite like that. Basically, he said that he didn't want to know about my sex life. He told me a story about a friend of his who had a very conservative, German father. She wanted to shock him a bit. So one year, when he asked her what she wanted for her birthday, she said, "a diaphragm." And he said, "Ah my dear, when you are old enough to need one, you will be old enough to get one for yourself." Is her father's position in line with B's?

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Who knows how useful realtime advice from the Mineshaft could be?

I'm thinking "not very."

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A guy who is going to pull the "fuck me or I won't drive you home" thing is not going to wait until she agrees to make out with him in the car to be an asshole, I don't think.

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The WASP stereotype is to never directly express anything.

I thought it was never to express anything.

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227: All three.

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A guy who is going to pull the "fuck me or I won't drive you home" thing is not going to wait until she agrees to make out with him in the car to be an asshole, I don't think.

This is where my confusion comes in. I don't know of anyone pulling that move off in my high school, but if, as the kids (here, teo) say it happens, I'm willing to believe it.

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A guy who is going to pull the "fuck me or I won't drive you home" thing is not going to wait until she agrees to make out with him in the car to be an asshole.

The successful ones will. Some abusive guys are under control and capable of being very charming.

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Lizardbreath was against sleepovers before she was for them.

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238: I don't know of anyone doing that particular move, but that's the sort of attitude toward women I remember a lot of high school guys having.

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232's German father is probably somewhat in line with me. My mom told me I could ask her to make an appointment for me if I wanted birth control. I thought that was a bit intrusive, and went to Planned Parenthood all by my little lonesome. If my kid asked, I'd raise an eyebrow and say, "okay, then call the doctor and make an appointment."

Re. parents who host keg parties: yeah, that happened a lot at my high school too. I thought it was inappropriate then, too.

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Well, back in my day, I've had a guy I was making out with tell me, after I told him I wasn't going to have sex with him, that I should be more careful because even though he was reasonable, I couldn't expect that everyone would be in the same situation. That would have read as an implicit threat if I hadn't been on the couch in the basement of my house, with help readily available. It's distinctly uncomfortable being told that you've just 'asked for it.'

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And I recall it (241) being even more prevalent among sketchy college guys who fuck high school girls. There were a lot of these guys around when I was in high school.

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244: Yep.

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You would say that, wouldn't you?

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Fuck, now I look like an idiot. I appreciate your support, though.

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238/9/41: Of course; I'm well aware that a lot of high school boys are jerks. But I just don't buy that giving a girl permission to have her boyfriend the jerk fuck her in her bedroom is going to *discourage* him from being a jerk; if anything, a jerky guy is going to interpret that as an indication that her parents aren't protective enough. At least, inasmuch as I assume that the kind of jerkiness that thinks it's okay to extort sex from girls usually goes hand-in-hand with the kind of jerkiness that thinks that girls are supposed to say no.

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I will use italics for (perhaps excessive) emphasis in every comment I make.

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248: Who's saying it will?

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248: It's not about the guy's perception of her sluttiness, it's about her (and his) perception of her ability to enforce her wishes. It's much easier to say "No" when you want to if you aren't worrying about 'what happens if he won't listen?'.

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I don't regret not having sex in high school (I'd say "for lack of trying", but I don't know that if I'd tried I would have) but I do regret not being more social than I was.

My high school discussed giving students access to condoms, but I don't know what they decided. There was support available for teen parents.

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248 - My policy of discreetly getting busy when the parents are tactfully away doesn't solve the problem of high pressure boy behavior. (Or high pressure girl behavior, for that matter.)

249 - Me too!

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problem of high pressure boy behavior. (Or high pressure girl behavior, for that matter.)

Uh, there's a problem with high school girls pressuring guys into sex against their wishes? Really?

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"Dear Penthouse:

I never thought this would happen to me..."

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But seriously, it's been known to happen.

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Uh, there's a problem with high school girls pressuring guys into sex against their wishes? Really?

Ah, the memories. I had a male friend in high school who told a few of us that a woman had "raped" him. He was being hyperbolic, but not entirely. This was about fifteen years ago, and we still bring it up to make fun of him.

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But was it an older woman, or a peer? If I were to count all the times in history a high school girl had forced sex with a male peer, would I even get into double digits?

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It was a peer.

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You are right to mock him.

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And he didn't automatically want sex with her, just because he was a boy? And he wasn't happy with the situation because she pressured him into sex he didn't want? Thank god you're still making fun of him for that.

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And he didn't automatically want sex with her, just because he was a boy?

Of course he did, didn't you take biology? She just wasn't cool enough for him to admit that he was perfectly happy to get it on with her.

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It's called tough love.

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I heart Megan.

Look, re. the "girls are safer with someone within earshot" thing, yes; that's a reasonable reason, I suppose, to prefer a daughter to have sex in your home than in, say, a car. But something about that argument just really bothers me. At some point she's going to leave home and still be having sex and you won't be around to rescue her from pressurey guys. Is there going to be a rule that she can *only* have sex at home?

I know that date rape can happen to anyone, etc. etc. But I somehow can't help feeling that there's something wrong with assuming that a young woman who is having sex needs to have her parents around just in case.

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I mean the mocking.

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She doesn't need to, but it couldn't hurt, and the only objection I'm hearing is that it would make the parents uncomfortable. Which, as I said above, doesn't seem like a very important issue here.

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People, Henley solved the problem, we can talk about basketball now.

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We can, but why would we?

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Why? The Kings aren't playing.

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My poor daughter had to endure a WASP dad and European classmates: 'why can't I sleep over, everyone else is?' 'The answer is no, and we'll discuss it no further.'

This wouldn't work so well in NYC, I wouldn't think, but the Bay Area is a fine place for sneaking around. I certainly got to know Tilden Park quite well as a high schooler, and to this day I can navigate most of the more remote backroads of Sonoma County.

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I don't think that's my only object, the discomfort. My objection to the sleepover thing isn't discomfort, exactly, either. I think it's just more that it violates a boundary that I think is healthy to maintain between parents and kids re. sexual activity.

Re. the potential rape scenario, yes: it's definitely something to think about (although LB's "asking for it" story took place in her parents' house, and presumably she didn't have permission to have her boyfriends spend the night). I, personally, prefer a sense of privacy around sex (no, really, I do) and the idea of having sex as a teenager with my folks in the house knowing that I was having sex would not have made me feel safer. It would have made me feel oddly violated. And while yes, rape can happen to anyone, it's nothing to do with what the girl does or doesn't do, etc., I also can't help feeling that a girl who feels confident in her own judgment and knows her parents have her back is less likely to find herself in situations where she's uncomfortable, and if she does, I hope that she'll be able to handle them, precisely because she *isn't* going to be under her parents' protection for the rest of her sexually active life.

I can see LB's point of view, but I'm really bothered by what I can't help seeing as a logical extension that sexually active young women should always be having sex somewhere where other people can hear them.

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I certainly got to know Tilden Park quite well as a high schooler

Hey, did you ever go ice-blocking?

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272 -- In Orinda, yes. Never in Tilden. One more reason to invent a time machine.

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I, personally, prefer a sense of privacy around sex (no, really, I do) and the idea of having sex as a teenager with my folks in the house knowing that I was having sex would not have made me feel safer. It would have made me feel oddly violated.

Surely you can concede that these are not universal preferences.

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But there's no need to acknowledge your daughter will be having sex just because you let them sleep over. Teen couples do sleep over without having sex, cf Becks. You can allow sleepovers and still keep your polite fictions, at least in Europe.

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Whatever, there are too many unknown variables here. Different families are going to properly impose different rules. There's a pretty good chance any and all of the rules will work out fine. If your parents turn you into a neurotic mess, that's fine, too: you'll fit in with the rest of American society.

Carmelo Anthony: coming of age, or an aberration?

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Tim is of course right. Sorry to be so annoying about this; I just get irritated at the bizarre restrictions American society puts on teenage sexuality.

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Let's move on then.

DaveL: 'BTW, Emily Yoffe is a huge improvement on Margo Howard, yes?'

Yes, see 9.

Do you agree with 9?

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It's also possible they're spending the night riding around on unicorns and sewing shoes with elves. I need my fictions a bit more plausible.

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271: I think that the House LB was referring to was her MIT Co-op house. I think she was saying that she felt safer on her own turf, in part, because it was her own turf, and in part because she knew that she had hosuemates who could kick the guy's ass if she needed them to.

This doesn't address what seems to me to be B's chief complaint: women shouldn't have to think that they will have reason to fear for their safety when they're having sex. They shouldn't need to be able to scream out for help, but I'm not sure that she's right. My own thoughts aren't well enough formed to argue.

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Carmelo: they're letting him get all the points precisely because he's not LeBron or Wade, so no one's feathers are ruffled. He is a great scorer though, and always has been.

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Also: I'd ask the mineshaft for dating advice, if you weren't a bunch of stupid foreigners. It should be a pretty useful kind of peergroup for the rest of ypou.

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274: Sure. But I can only extrapolate for my own kid(s) based on my own experience (and of course my knowledge of them). At this point, it's all hypothetical. What I've said in the thread is what I honestly think at the moment, but I might well change my mind when PK is ten twelve years older.

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Hey, they've found a scythian mummy in Mongolia. That's pretty awesome.

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Damn basketball. If I wanted to watch a sport where the foreigners kick our asses I'd turn on soccer.

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280: I suppose I should also admit that part of my "what? Teenage girls don't need mommy around to save them" attitude is also based on my own highschool/college sex experiences, in which I was *always* playing the lead. The couple of guys who tried to push me didn't get very far. I know there are jerky boys out there, but there are also a lot a lot a lot of guys who are on the shy side and when I imagine PK or a theoretical daughter dating or having sex, I imagine it involving a guy who thinks of girls as autonomous people.

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284: Link?

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Carmelo: they're letting him get all the points precisely because he's not LeBron or Wade, so no one's feathers are ruffled. He is a great scorer though, and always has been.

Intriguing. I must admit that had not occurred to me. It's so hard to figure out how close or far he is from the LeBron/Wade (should really be LeBron----Wade, but I bow to consensus) level. Sometimes he just appears to be unstoppable; I keep forgetting how tall he is.

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when I imagine PK . . . having sex, I imagine it involving a guy . . . .


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286: See, where were all the girls like that when I was in high school? (Or college, for that matter.) This mystifies me to no end.

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289: Newsflash: PK is a boy. If he's having sex, there's a guy involved.

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290: Have you tried wearing Axe cologne? The advertising claims it works wonders for one's sex life.

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Ask out the religious ones. Seriously. The ones who've been trying (or pretending to try) to "save it for marriage" can be quite aggressive if you get them alone.

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290: Based on my impression of you, Teo, I have no idea why you're not getting laid on a regular basis.

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Teo, seriously, you ought not worry about it. Talk to women who seem interesting, and the sex will come.

Despite what you're about to hear from the rest of the crew, I am just the guy to take advice from in this matter.

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Ogged's right, actually.

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291: second "a" s/b "at least one".

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294 is actually pretty true.

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293: Thanks. Very interesting.

294: I hadn't thought of that. There could be some practical problems.

295: Thanks.

296: Don't worry, I'm not actually very concerned about it anymore.

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Teo: I've heard you should give them wine.

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It totally doesn't bother me. I, like, never think about it. Whatever. I'm fine with it now.

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Megan, don't talk to guys who seem interesting; they're neurotic. Chat up the shy ones, jump them, and the sex will come.

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Anyone else looking for some guidance?

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Shy != interesting?

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A fuller response to 295/296 is that I'm actually painfully shy in real life, so just talking to the interesting women is a step I take less than I probably should. I'm better about it than I used to be, but still not great. And even when I do pursue something, it never goes anywhere, which just contributes to the reluctance to bother. I'm sure it'll work out eventually, though.

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Are you the person to take advice from in the matter of interesting neurotic men?

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303 is excellent advice.

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Note that ogged said "seem" interesting.

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My high-school life dodged this dilemma in a variety of ways, one of which was not having a private bedroom, so even if I had been having sex with my girlfriend, it would have been somewhere else than my house no matter what. A sleepover probably would have been fine with my parents because it would have been entirely obvious to everyone in the house what was or wasn't going on.

I'm a bit surprised how much this thread presumes that kids have a private space in their parents' house. I don't think it's as universal as is being presumed.

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Based on my impression of you, Teo, I have no idea why you're not getting laid on a regular basis.

I'm guessing shyness. Ogged's advice of "Talk to women who seem interesting" is good, but harder for some than others.

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311 gets it exactly right.

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Aha! I had not yet seen 306 when I posted.

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307: No, but, through intense introspection, he knows all about neurotic who seem interesting.

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The comments sure are flying tonight, aren't they?

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And even when I do pursue something, it never goes anywhere, which just contributes to the reluctance to bother. I'm sure it'll work out eventually, though.

Teo, at one time or another, we've all been you. (At least the guys.) It really does work out. It's hard to believe that there's not someone at school with you who has a massive crush on you right now. (Sleep with her.)

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Megan, I'm here to answer all your questions.

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Hard to believe, but that does indeed seem to be the case.

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Crap. Add "men" to 314.

Not to mention kind of pwnd by 309.

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Wait, Teo, are you still in school? Dude, "talk to" in school is entirely different from "talk to" in, say, a bar. If there's a woman you're interested in in school, there's a very good chance you're going to see her more than once, so you can totally play it cool. If you share a class, sit near her and just make a witty remark about something that happens in class one day. If she laughs, and you do it again another day and she laughs, you can ask her out, and it'll make her happy. If you don't share a class, just say "hello." After a few "hello"s, you can chat, and it won't feel like chatting up a total stranger. You don't have to have "interesting" things to say.

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Hard to believe, but that does indeed seem to be the case.

It's time to get a bike.

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318: That's what you think now. Get back to us in a few years; I strongly suspect you'll be smacking yourself in the forehead.

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I am indeed still in school. I have done what you suggest rather a lot, to no avail. At this point I'm running out of women.

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317 -

How many seasons are we going to get out of Ron Artest? When the Maloofs fired Adelman, did they fire one of the few coaches Artest respected? Isn't Musselman supposed to be all hard-ass? How is that gonna work with Artest?

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Where is this breaking down? You make your witty remarks, you get the little laughs, and then do you ask them out? Having asked them out, do you try to kiss them on the date?

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Where is this breaking down? You make your witty remarks, you get the little laughs, and then do you ask them out? Having asked them out, do you try to kiss them on the date?

OK, don't listen to ogged, Teo. Unless you have the black BMW and the huge gold watch.

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Isn't Musselman supposed to be all hard-ass? How is that gonna work with Artest?

Megan, it doesn't matter in the least who is coaching, because Ron Artest is fucking nuts. You should be hoping that he doesn't kill the ball boy one day because he got a bounce pass instead of a chest pass. I can't tell you how much time you'll get out of Artest, but I can tell you that he absolutely will undermine the team just when it seems y'all have a chance to do something good.

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What the fuck is wrong with my 325 Timbot? He's in college.

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I don't quite understand what the problem was for Musselman and the Warriors. (Aside from it being the Warriors.) They actually played better (relative to other years since 1994) that year.

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When the Maloofs fired Adelman, did they fire one of the few coaches Artest respected?

I still think firing Adelman was an enormous mistake. I don't know why he gets no respect, but he's probably in my top ten of current-ish NBA coaches. And I really don't get hiring Musselman, for roughly the resons you cite (though he, too, is a good coach).

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325: No, the dates tend to go okay until the point (sometimes months later) when it comes time to clarify the "is this a date?" issue. Or this.

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We're used to that from the Webber era.

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Hey, teo, I hear having a blog totally gets you all the hottt chix. You could try that!

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Come to think of it, doesn't P.J. Carlesimo usually follow Adelman? Imagine him coaching Artest.

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Having asked them out, do you try to kiss them on the date?

This step is typically my problem. It's tricky. I rarely make a move, actually, it's usually up to the other person.

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335: Me too. Really, I've just got all sorts of problems with the whole dating thing.

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I can't tell you how much time you'll get out of Artest, but I can tell you that he absolutely will undermine the team just when it seems y'all have a chance to do something good.

Don't listen to him, Megan. Artest has some emotional problems, but he might be the best value in basketball. And he's a good guy. We're not talking about Eddie Griffin, here. Artest watches his porn while parked.

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No, the dates tend to go okay until the point (sometimes months later) when it comes time to clarify the "is this a date?"

Motorcycle my man. No joke. With a decent bike, boots, and a non douchey jacket, shy becomes mysterious.

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Artest sure is pretty to watch. I really like how he anticipates. Maybe the overwhelming worship he'll get here in Sac will keep him happy?

If her torso orients towards you as you change locations, she is interested in you. If she touches your arm, she wants you to kiss her.

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I've just got all sorts of problems with the whole dating thing.

No you don't. You're 21, so unless your uncle Keith diddled you when you were a kid, you're just like the rest of us. The easiest way to find out if a woman wants you to kiss her is to ask. "Would it be ok if I kiss you?" Please try this the next time you're on a date.

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What the fuck is wrong with my 325 Timbot? He's in college.

1. I dunno. Though we didn't "date" at my college, I guess that's basically what I did. But somehow you've made it sound sort of Euro-trashy.

2. Like most advice, it's not specific enough.

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Also, I really liked what one of Dan Savage's readers wrote in:

"You can't say the right thing to the wrong person or the wrong thing to the right person."

You will never be eloquent enough to persuade someone to have a crush on you, but thankfully, if she already has a crush on you, she'll think whatever you stammer out is adorable

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Hey, he liked it. And it's not as if his parents didn't condone the whole thing. I sure miss those snacks his mom used to drop off on the bedside table.

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we didn't "date" at my college

We don't here either, really. That's what makes it so weird.

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339: Yeah, we had a whole thread about that. It just never seems so unambiguous at the moment. I shall note my suggestion from then, which I feel still holds.

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342 gets at the real issue. My problem is not that I'm fucking up the dates, it's that the girls don't actually like me.

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As hard as that is to believe.

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teo, have you tried adding more salt?

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Three squares not agreeing with you, Keith?

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I'll square your circle, ogged.

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345 contains much wisdom. I wish women would hit on me more often.

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Teo, you actually seem to be doing better than I did when I was in college. Are you sure that no one's interested in you? 322 may be accurate.

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Please try this the next time you're on a date.

I've pretty sure I've never been on a date until after I've started dating the person. Before that, it's just casual hanging out with ambiguous subtext.

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Seriously, I can't think of anyone that might be interested. And trust me, I've given this much thought.

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Teo, Matt F, the next time you're feeling that "ambiguous subtext" tingle, will you ask the woman if you can kiss her, please?

(If you guys smell bad, all this advice is void.)

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ogged, can I kiss you?

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353 - Yeah, until I started begging for dates on the internets I had never been on a date until after I started dating the person. I recently went on my first ever second date. That didn't go anywhere either.

354 - But a new school year is about to start, right? We didn't date either in undergrad, but I think I would have loved being asked out on a real date. So old school!

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Keith, I'm 33, stay in character.

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But a new school year is about to start, right?

Started today. All hope is not lost by any means.

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I've changed, ogged. For you!

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I'm dubious.

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Uncle Keith and Aunt Carol might have some interesting things to say to each other.

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Dubious, how?

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Seriously, I can't think of anyone that might be interested. And trust me, I've given this much thought.

Hmm. I'm really the last person who should be giving advice on this issue, but since ogged's unexpectedly trying to turn you into a fey poet, I'll just note that you don't need a woman to "like" like you, just to like you. That is, there are women out there in roughly your situation, and their circumstances are complicated by the extra layer of fucked-upness that seems to come with being a woman dealing with sex matters. So, essentially, they want to have sex with someone they can trust not to be a dick about it. And sometimes, that's really all they are looking for. Find those women; be that guy. You do, of course, have a moral obligation to share details here.

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How the hell do you people keep up this pace? Trying to type up a complete sentence that is on topic and makes sense but isn't 20 comments behind the wave is like trying to get above 20th on a round of WEBoggle.

Thanks for the candid discussion of your (not inflexible) views, though. My daughter is 11 and I've been freaking out as we get closer to her debut in junior high school. I asked a friend whose daughter just married what advice he had for me and he said "none". "You must know something helpful to tell me?" Two words that I'm repeating to myself like a mantra: "be cool". Stop fretting it and typing out policies to deal with every possible situation because the stress, it's contagious; but a relaxed and confident attitude rubs off just as well.

That relatively temporary state of teenage rebellion aside, emulation is the more likely future for any of our kids. A proverb: "train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it."

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Seriously, I can't think of anyone that might be interested. And trust me, I've given this much thought.

I stand by 322. This is one of those things you just can't see except in hindsight.

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Find those women; be that guy.

Easier said than done. I'm not entirely sure how I would identify them. Any tips?

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355: when I say "ambiguous", I really mean that. It's hard to tell flirty from friendly (checklist of signals aside, the little doubting voice in the head is very persuasive), and the whole "unwanted advances" thing is something I don't want to touch with a 39 1/2 foot pole.

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366: Okay, maybe, but all the most probable candidates already have boyfriends.

(Cheating is Wrong.)

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Tim's advice isn't functionally different from mine, he just wants you to be a soulless mercenary about it, while I'm all about the pretense of human interaction. Keep making those remarks in class; I'm positive that you're wrong that no one's interested; Josh is totally right about this.

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the whole "unwanted advances" thing is something I don't want to touch with a 39 1/2 foot pole

Agreed. That's why you ask. Anyone who is willing to be alone with you won't be freaked out, even if she doesn't want to kiss you.

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Dubious, how?

I thought you were mid to late 30s? Hmmm, must be projecting.

I'm all about the pretense of human interaction.

It's that taraf thing again, isn't it? Why can't you and your people just be honest and straightforward, ogged?

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Cheating is Drama, which is even worse than wrong.

But being respectfully asked, when you know whatever answer you give is completely fine, if someone can kiss you is nice and flattering. If you want him to kiss you, it is also romantic and exciting and thrilling. Asking straight out is good technique.

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Asking straight out is good technique.

It didn't work out so well for me.

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371: Huh. Hadn't thought about it that way. Interesting.

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If you're too shy to ask straight out, try getting some engraved invitations printed up that say something like "The Honor of a Kiss is Requested". Then you can just fill in her name and hand it to her. Totally classy.

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Teofile doesn't have to wade through this experience with his brain, and probably shouldn't.

I didn't think I had any advice, but since I'm going to be behind the curve on yet another comment, why not just keep typing. Just add one good thing at a time to your interactions. I'm still learning how to smile at attractive people, I more naturally cower and grimace. My prior exercise in interactions with pretty women was looking them in the eye - it's finally getting natural. The next one will be telling them how nice they look in a way that makes them feel good.

And I was you dude, with my cherry intact til my mid 20's.

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Tim's advice isn't functionally different from mine, he just wants you to be a soulless mercenary about it, while I'm all about the pretense of human interaction.

My position is that, whether he knows it or not, a guy in teo's circumstance (a bit worried about jumping the first hurdle) is a soulless mercenary. As are similarly situated women.

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In light of 376, y'all should know that Millsy is also Uncle Keith, which I knew even before I checked the IP.

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The engraved invitations don't seem so strange if you already presented her with your card before calling upon her to request the honor of her presence for the evening.

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379: What happened to keeping such things implicit?

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How is that "in light of 376"?

And truly, there's no getting anything past you, ogged.

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And not that I really care, but what's the big deal, oggsy? I wasn't pretending to be another known commenter. Did I violate some other protocol?

Like I said, I don't care, I just don't want to be pissing you off unless it's specifically intended.

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I want an explanation too.

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I'm not pissed, I just didn't want our young men taking dating advice from a convicted pedophile.

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Now come over here and give me some sugar.

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369: See, now you're moving from "I don't think anyone's interested in me" to "there might be someone, but I wouldn't do anything about it", which is a different thing entirely.

Either way: this is something that cannot be taught except by experience. You will, at some point, have it made crystal-clear to you that there is someone interested in you, and then you will commence with the forehead-smacking.

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Easier said than done. I'm not entirely sure how I would identify them. Any tips?

Well, the shy ones, for example. They're struggling with the same problem as you are; on top of which, they've got a little voice in their head telling them that they can't be proactive about it, because that would somehow invalidate the whole thing. Also, the ones who are outgoing, but slightly reticent when discussions turn to sex. But I think most women (people) feel this way at one point or another in college, just not throughout college.

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367 - Tips on recognizing women with a crush on you:

She is willing to be alone with you.
She wants to tell you her news.
She asks you questions that anyone around could answer.
She keeps her shoulders/chest squared to you, no matter where you are in the room. (This works.)
She arranges to walk next to you in a crowd.
She doesn't get off the phone.
She touches your arm (actually, by this point she would probably sleep with you, but just ask for a kiss. Maybe that is just me.)
She listens to you talk at length about dorky things.
Her girlfriends giggle when you show up.

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Her girlfriends giggle when you show up.

Just hope they don't start pointing at you as they giggle, though.

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387: Okay, I'll take your word for it. My point, though, is that even if there is someone out there who likes me, that's unlikely to help me on a practical level.

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389: You seem to be presuming a starting level of intimacy that is way, way, way higher than I have with any of my friends, male or female.

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She is willing to be alone with you.

I'm surprised by that one, which I think ogged also mentioned. I think I'd be offended if a woman wasn't comfortable being alone with me; I can't remember a situation in which it was clear that a woman wasn't comfortable being alone with me.

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I wonder if I can repeat college.

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It's worth a shot. Steer clear of mine, though.

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If you don't like a guy but you think he likes you, you don't want to be alone with him because he might declare his love. I try to prevent those situations by not being alone with him.

If you are just waiting for sweet, shy Teofilo to please make a move, you can hang out all night in his dorm room alone with him. You know, on his bed, talking about how you need a backrub.

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I can't remember a situation in which it was clear that a woman wasn't comfortable being alone with me

Uh, that's because if she wasn't she avoided it, Aristotle.

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391: On a practical level? Yeah, exactly, none of this is going to help you on a practical level; it's not something anyone else can really help you with, because all of the important stuff goes on inside your head. (Which sucks. It'd be a lot easier if you could just download these lessons to someone's brain and skip the whole learning-by-experience thing.) On a practical level, the only thing you can do is what ogged said: keep interacting with people.

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Shyness is a horrible, horrible, curse. I empathize.

I have no advice really, except: consider doing a Master's program in a field like Art History. Or my field. In my cohort there are like, 15 women and 2 men. And all the women complain that they don't meet any men.

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Uh, that's because if she wasn't she avoided it, Aristotle.

No no no. It's clearly because every woman wants to bang SomeCallMeTim.

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If you are just waiting for sweet, shy Teofilo to please make a move, you can hang out all night in his dorm room alone with him. You know, on his bed, talking about how you need a backrub.

See, if women were doing this there'd be no problem.

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From the opposite perspective, it's 2:45 a.m. on a work night and I've just now finished proofreading/editing/providing moral support for the final paper a friend had to write for her class. Hint to the women: if a guy does this kind of thing, he likely has a crush on you. Making clear your reation to this would be very helpful.

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399: There's a thought. I am happy to be in linguistics, which has a roughly equal gender balance, rather than, say, math.

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Uh, that's because if she wasn't she avoided it, Aristotle.

I think we must be talking about very different situations, because I've been alone with plenty of women who weren't interested in me.

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My dating advice is to get drunk more ...

More seriously, I had a few friends in this situation. Good-looking, funny guys who struggled to meet women. Most of them got over it after their first few successes and, quite quickly, went from being hopelessly unlucky to being quite successful. Confidence and the absence of an air of desperation seem like the key things.

For me too, acquiring confidence was the key thing. When I was in high school there were girls I liked but I had no clue about how to turn that into anything. When I was 16 my first serious girlfriend aggressively pursued me and the confidence that resulted and the ability to read the signs and work out when someone liked me made all the difference. After that, it was easy.

Not constructive advice, just pointing out it does get better.

Also, people, wtf is this 'we don't date at my college' thing?

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Many US colleges are much like the UK in that they are blissfully free of the peculiar American institution of Dating.

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399: Nah, that's just an express ticket to frustration at best, "just one of the girls" status at worst. (My major in college was skewed similarly to your cohort. Did me absolutely no good whatsoever.)

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I think they mean the kind of formal dating that Tia likes so much, and you were weired out by.

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Or, 406.

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wtf is this 'we don't date at my college' thing?

It just means that there isn't a convention of formal dating among people who aren't already in a relationship. Intereactions are more casual; hanging out at parties and the like.

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Just hope they don't start pointing at you as they giggle, though.

And especially hope they don't hold their thumb and forefinger close together when they giggle...

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Ah, OK. 406, 408 and 410 make sense.

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My dating advice is to get drunk more ...

Thanks, Pops.

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411: You have my sympathy for your unfortunate situation, Josh.

Wish I could say I knew how you felt, but . . .

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re: 413

I'm only trying to think of your welfare, son.

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392 - Those tips are out of your ordinary range of interactions? You don't walk around with the crowd from your dorms, and jostle for position as you walk next to each other? You don't have on-going light conversations that could turn into her telling you news or asking you about your hobbies?

If that's a surprising level of intimacy, then you aren't making yourself available to anyone, much less for girls to crush on. (Please say if I read that wrong, or if I should stop teasing you.)

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Sure, I did those things freshman year, when I lived in a dorm (and none of the girls on my hall showed any of the signs of interest you mention). But I'm a senior now, I live in an off-campus apartment, and I basically do my own thing most of the time.

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And by all means, keep teasing me.

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Did everyone go to bed or something?

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'Own thing most of the time' means not much opportunity for people to see you are great.

Maybe you don't like hanging out in a crowd (dorms, sport, acting, music), but the trade-off is that you have to affirmatively work to meet girls and ask them out more formally. When you move in a group, more interaction happens with less work on your part.

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Not bed for me yet. I still say motorcycle. And I second more getting drunk. But keep those two things separate.

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I need to go to bed soon...

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re: 417

That can be a pretty hard situation to be in if you don't live cheek-by-jowl with lots of other people. Are there 'social' things you do? That might provide more opportunities?

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Yeah, group activities are the way to go. It really is difficult to meet people if you're just going places by yourself.

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Do you have any interests that could put you in touch with other people regularly, particularly people you haven't met before? (Clubs, student organizations, etc.) I was too shy to follow this advice, for the most part, but it seems like a good idea.

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We speak with many voices, all saying the same things.

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See, there's Megan practically inviting you into her bed. Come on, Teofilo.

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Take a class or two in something like elementary education or nursing. Those majors are full of hot chicks.

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At least offer her a back rub.

Or whip out that engraved invitation.

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427: Dude, she's all the way across the fucking country. Maybe I should get that motorcycle.

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428 - Environmental Science classes are all full of hippy girls. They're totally easy.

Night, y'all.

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I knew I should have double-majored in ES and history.

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420 et seq.: I'm really not a very social person by nature, which is a big part of the problem. I don't mind doing things by myself, and the shyness means I don't often feel comfortable calling people up, so I usually end up alone. Which is fine in general, and how I prefer to live, but does make meeting girls difficult.

I have tried to become more involved in extracurriculars, and that's probably my most promising opportunity. I'm the president of our newly formed linguistics club, which might be good for something (hey, you never know).

So basically, yes, I have thought about these things, but I appreciate all the advice and support. You guys are great.

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Everyone's advice here is completely accurate. Especially the "ask if you can kiss her" thing. God, that's so sweet and hot.

And this whole, "she's across the country" thing--talk about your defeatest attitudes. Engage in the long-distance flirt, Teo; it isn't going to hurt you.

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Not comfortable calling people up? Email them. You're obviously reasonably comfortable online, yes?

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That is indeed what I do, but not everyone is as comfortable with e-mail as I am.

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newly formed linguistics club

Excellent, that means you can take the initiative on throwing parties where your members invite their friends; or parties organized with people from other clubs, who also want to meet new people. Anyway, don't stress about it, we've all been there. Except for B, the swinger.

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Asking girls out via e-mail doesn't work too well, btw. Too easy to ignore.

(437: I've been doing that. Presumably at some point it'll start to pay off.)

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I should really go to bed.

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Good night, everyone. Thanks for all the advice.

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My university offered informal classes in all kinds of stuff: ballroom dancing, beer brewing, aikido, you name it. One class that was often offered was titled something like "Getting Over a Break-Up". We always thought there would be plenty of potential for rebound action there, but none of us ever signed up.

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I know someone who took a ballroom dancing class for reasons he never gave but which could be guessed, but I don't know how that worked out for him.

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He's probably too busy bonking hot women in ball gowns to call you.

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re: 442

I've heard from female friends that dance classes are ful l of women looking to be swept off their feet by the appropriate (linguistically informed) guy...

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You never know how far this linguistics club thing might get you— I had a huge crush on the president of our philosophy club in undergrad.

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re: 445

I was the president of the philosophy club in undergrad.

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My guess is that if I ever take a dance class I'm going to be going with someone, so that sort of defeats the purpose of taking the class to meet someone.

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I'm going to pull a Farber and not bother to read all the insane number of comments but rather say: B is right insofar but only insofar as she says that if he's asking permission, he's too young—not because 17 is too young, but because asking permission is the wrong thing to do, as it force's the parents' hands.

This an exactly analogous situation to Socrates' trial, in which I think one of his prosecutors said (I now can't remember how I came to think this, given that the Apology only contains what S (according to Plato) said) that he had no ill-will towards Socrates and the case should never have been brought, but that, having been brought, it had to be prosecuted, and that it wouldn't go well for Socrates.

Suppose you're of the mind that it's no biggie if the kids get it on but, for whatever reason, you don't want them taking the night to believe. (This seems to be the parents' situation in the, uh, situation at hand, since they claim not to be under illusions as to teenage sex.) How, if your kid out and asks you about it, can you coherently communicate that? "You can screw around if you want, just don't be here in the morning" sounds ridiculous (this may point to an underlying ridiculousness in the position, but obviously one can't codify a policy of benevolent neglect without thereby automatically expanding the boundaries too far) and will only undermine any authority the parents have, because it's so arbitrary. Faced with a choice between consenting to everything and being total hardasses, which do you think the parents will choose? The kid brought it on himself; by asking, he revealed himself to lack judgment, as well as

I guess this is similar to Megan's 50.

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I, of course, would be (theoretically) completely willing to let my kid have his or her girl or boy or boy or girlfriend over, because what parent doesn't want to see* his or her children succeeding better than he or she him or herself did?


Also the first three paragraphs of 121 get it exactly right.

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Maybe I can get to 500.

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I disagree with 296.

In fact, I disagree with all of the advice to teo. Amor fati is the only way: take vows.

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Of course there's also the argument that you should never let your kids have sex in your house until they've moved out, because if you let them get that comfortable they'll never leave.

I just mention this to help Wolfson on his way.

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Uh, that's because if she wasn't she avoided it, Aristotle.

This, though: genius. (also.)

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teo, I haven't read the rest of this thread, and I hope this sounds non-creepy, and not predatory older womanish, but after I met you, I remarked to several people that you were even cuter in person than in pictures (seriously, cornfed All American! tall! broad shouldered! the women of your college should be ashamed at the waste of resources they're perpetrating) , and also that for the brief time I spoke with you, you made a detailed description of your bird phobias utterly charming, so I really can't fathom that there's no girl who likes you. But college can be small and insular, and you can keep running in the same circles, so you too should try the internet.

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What people don't understand is that shyness and its frequent accompaniment, the expectation of not doing well, of some sorts is a neurtue (completely uninformative link, but the word is mentioned in the table of contents for chapter five; see also "Death" in Happiness, Death and the Remainder of Life); that is, an opportunity for creative repetition of the world in a manner similar to that which virtues affords, according to Lear (eg, a courageous person will see all sorts of situations as opportunities for the display of courage; thus, repetitive in that everything is brought back to courage in the end, but creative because there is no rule for courage), but in a rigid, inflexible manner. Thus when teo says "My problem is not that I'm fucking up the dates, it's that the girls don't actually like me.", you know, there's probably a lot of self-deception and creativity going into making that seem to be the case (though if he's actually getting dates the problem surely can't be that bad). It's, like, a self-perpetuating whole. One can look at a list like Megan's and say, I recognize that in the past so and so many women were behaving this way, but even if you hold the list in your head for the future, you'll find a way to discount a lot of signals that would otherwise count against your neurtuous character.

To clarify 453, all I meant was that using "Aristotle" that way is genius.

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OneFatEnglishman and Tia, thanks for your help, but we're going to need to step up the pace a bit.

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It's OK, they'll be waking up in NYC in a minute. Unless all the women have rushed off to seduce Teo.

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Maybe they'd like to talk about ultra-awesome cadenzas like this one if they don't want to continue talking about mr. filo, who, I reiterate, should just put everything out of his mind and hope that somehow by chance he's robbed of his virtue.

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That cadenza does rock. Hugely.

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They don't trust us with sound cards at work, but I'll remember to listen when I get home.

mr filo sounds like a brand of unspeakably ersatz sweet pastries, which is unkind. Mind you, until I read Tia's eulogy above, the author function teofilo had me imagining something more like this.

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we were just packing up and getting ready to leave

Now I have this image in my head of Becks arranging each of the dildos and butt plugs in its special compartment in her black leather attaché.

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Also: Weman has got the cool heavy-metal keyboard because he lives in Sweden.

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Mr Filo could also be a nice wholesome spanakopita. Even better, a delivery service for same.
That name again is Mr Filo.

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Hungry now.

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Learn to jitterbug, and then do it. I stand in awe of the evident desirability of a man who can jitterbug well. I'm sure there are real Ev Psych points to this, and one can feel free to make them up. It does, however, give one an opportunity to show a number of desirable attributes in a highly visible way.

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Couple of comments: To B. way back when. No, I'm not meaning to say that young women shouldn't have sex out of earshot of their parents. Just that there's something wrong with a system that makes it much more likely, in the years when they're still uncertain about what they're doing and less likely to be skilled and forceful about protecting themselves, that they'll always be out of range of any kind of help. (And yes, I was at college, not at home.)

Teo- To make you even more uncomfortable, Tia's 454 is right -- whatever problems you're having are related to 'shy', rather than to failures in either 'cute' or 'charming'. And the advice you've been getting is pretty good.

One thing -- you say people don't 'date', but you could. What it sounds like your problem is that your social life isn't set up so that you're hanging out with female friends in a circumstance where it wouldn't be a total non-sequitur to hit on them. ('Hit on' should be understood to be friendly, respectful, all that good stuff.) 'Dating' may be comparatively artificial, but it's not going to offend anyone. "Hey, you seem like the sort of person I'd like to get to know better, and I'm not sure how else it's going to happen. Do you want to go to (the ball game/get some coffee/whatever)." And once you're doing something in a two person context, the signals should get clearer.

There's no requirement that you know her terribly well first -- mere acquaintances are fine.

(Or you could just accelerate your rate of hanging out with friends, particularly female friends, and hope something works out. The 'actually date' advice is just if you're getting impatient.)

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re: 465

I can't imagine there are that many opportunities to show off one's lindyhop/swing/jitterbug skills.

Playing guitar in a rock band. That works. It's not a quick solution, though. Given the whole 'learning the guitar' bit...

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Apparently Gilles Apap is a fan of In'n'Out.

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Playing guitar in a rock band. That works. It's not a quick solution, though. Given the whole 'learning the guitar' bit...

I've heard the "music" you kids listen to these days and I doubt any of those half-rate entertainers knows how to play his instrument or any other!

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re: 469

There are still years of posing in front of the mirror. Fixing your early 80s retro-garb in just the right way -- to fit with whichever aspect of the early 80s is currently in revival.

Learning to hold your guitar in a cool way, knowing whether to go classic -- Les Paul or Stratocaster -- or go for some obscure brand --Mosrite or Burns, maybe -- to catch some extra cred.

This takes years of study.

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467 -- Jitterbug is especially effective when out of context (but very well executed).

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There's also a certain Field of Dreams aspect to learning to jitterbug. Confidence in one's ability to 'handle' a woman properly, and the experience in doing so that learning this dance requires, are their own rewards.

And it doesn't take very many displays of this talent to get a favorable whispering campaign underway.

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471: You know, this isn't useless advice. Your college offers a ballroom dance class in the Phys Ed department (at least most do), and the class is going to be 2/3 women who think dancing would be fun and want men to do it with. If it's not the sort of thing that fills you with complete esthetic loathing, taking the class, making friends, and encouraging people who are enjoying the class to go out and socialize to find other opportunities to dance is going to put you in a very female heavy social scene.

And it is fun.

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And before the good doctor responds, let me say that I mean 'handle' in the most literal way.

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Notice that I'm savvy enough not to congratulate Teo on having reached the ideal, relationship-free state already at such a young age. You don't appreciate what you've got till it's gone. He'll learn.

"Marriage is like a besieged fortress. Everyone outside it is trying to get in, and everyone inside is trying to escape". Qian Zhongshu

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During my career of failure, rejection, and bitterness, I did notice a few things. One is that the hottest women seem to gravitate to the Romance language departments. They're looking for Romance guys (cf. "Fernando"), but maybe Teo is Romance.

Second, another place to find hot women is around horses. Horsewomen are also romantic, but they're relatively down-to-earth, good-natured, and low-maintenance too, because they have to shovel shit and so on.

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400+ comments overnight??? Jaysus Christ in a tiny wicker basket.

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I hope this sounds non-creepy, and not predatory older womanish

No predatory older woman are you--I'm pretty sure you and Teo fall actually fall within the n/2 + 7 range. And going from personal experience, you don't have to worry about coming across as creepy until you're into your 40's.

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Teo, while there is much truth to 475, you should nonetheless ignore it.

It's true that until I listened very closely to the words, I assumed that the Bob Marley classic No woman, no cry was a simple statement of an obvious correlation, but still, love and sex and friendship etc. is worth it.

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477 -- I know, I'm concerned too -- I want to lay some advice on Teo but I don't feel like I can do it without reading the thread, which I don't really foresee doing.

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The "advice to Teo" section (and related tangents) only starts around comment 290. Not so daunting as it initially seems.

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And before the good doctor responds, let me say that I mean 'handle' in the most literal way.

The good doctor found that use of handle utterly charming, actualy. Having only danced twice in her life with partners who could lead, one of whom was a woman.

Which is to say, the dancing class is a totally awesome idea. Even if you don't pick up chicks, you'll learn invaluable chick-charming skills that will doubtless come in handy at some point. I can't really dance for shit, and yet haven't been able to convince Mr. B. (who loves to dance, but in a totally bizarre and idiosyncratic fashion) to take classes with me, like, ever. Men who can dance are shockingly rare. I am sad not to be able to go dancing.

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I want to lay some advice on Teo but I don't feel like I can do it without reading the thread, which I don't really foresee doing.

I'm not letting it stop me, so why should you?

Teo--more concrete advice: go make friends with women. Try to forget that you are looking for true love or hot sex (hard to do, I know) and just relax and make friends. When you like someone, let them know (in a non-creepy way--my rule is never to stalk someone until you have had sex with them). The rest will happen, and even if it does not, you will have friends to hang out with.

This advice works--I am fat and plain looking and very shy and not very charming and yet from the time I was 15 until now (50), I have almost always had a woman--whether a girlfriend or a wife--in my life. Genuinely kind friendly isn't as sexy as being a player, but it works.

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OK, buy a horse, study Spanish, learn to dance. Easy.

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I'm late to this thread, so I can't make it through all 500 previous comments, but I just wanted to add some funny anecdotes. When I was in high school, my girlfriend (now wife- awwww, how cute) and I had sex, and I'm sure our parents knew that, but what's funny is that it was never when they probably thought it was. For example, before we were having sex, she came over to my house after we played tennis and took a shower, but nothing else happened. My mom found the wet towel and asked who had taken a shower in the afternoon, so I'm sure she assumed. A few months later, I was at her house late, and there was a bad storm, so I ended up sleeping on her floor- her parents (I found out later) were all freaked out that I had spent the night, but we hadn't had sex on that occasion. Most of the time when things did happen, I'm sure our parents had no clue- we were careful to avoid leaving evidence when we actually did things, but completely careless about suggestive hints when things weren't actually happening, most likely giving our parents a completely inverted idea of what was going on. So, even parents who are involved can be pretty clueless about what's actually going on.
(On the other hand, maybe we were completely clueless about what our parents knew and assumed they weren't on to us.)

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I think we have, in this thread, ensured that Teo will never return to unfogged.

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or, that is, we have insured it.


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you don't have to worry about coming across as creepy until you're into your 40's.

Fuck. So what you're saying is I only have sixteen more months before I become creepy?

Better make the most of it, then. Teo: email me.

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If 486 weren't true, it is now.

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486, 487: is there really a substantive difference between those two words?

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I only have sixteen more months before I become creepy?

There is of course the standard "unless if she's hot" caveat, so it's not a foregone conclusion.

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490, 491: Thanks - thought I was losing it.

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Jeebus fucking cripes. Another hundred comments, and no one has mentioned exchange students? It's like y'all want him to fail.

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re: 494

Yeah, teofilo totally needs to go abroad.* Eastern/Central Europe, maybe.**

* I know you meant other people doing the exchange, but it's more fun the other way round.

** NOT Scotland.

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To respond to the post, I haven't the faintest notion whether I should allow my teenaged child to sleep over with an SO. I wasn't allowed to date until I was 16, and unlike you decadent folks, I didn't have a curfew, ever: every engagement that prevented me from coming home for dinner (6pm sharp!) had to be individually approved. Hell, when at 22 I brought home my French boyfriend to meet the folks, he had to sleep in a guest room.

So...while the later prohibition was just stupid, I can't really see rejiggering my prejudices so far as to allow my teenaged kids to have sleepovers in my house. I have plenty of time before I'd actually have to set some rules about it, though.

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495- Hmm, that's getting a little too close to, "If you’re literate with a home computer and an internet connection you are very wealthy compared to the rest of the world. Citizenship or legal permanent residency in a rich country makes you more attractive to women in poorer countries. Your value on the dating market is thus much higher there."

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SP raises a valid point: Teo, a quality dude, ought to try his luck with the Objectivist lady. (Alternately, get hip to Dianetics -- they have some freaky parties.)

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re: 497

Nothing to do with money or wealth and everything to do with per capita density of hot women versus per capita density of hot men.

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LB is right about the demographics of a dance class, but one shouldn't be so concerned about the women there -- they'll have seen you when you aren't any good at it, and so a lot of the magic isn't going to work. I think the skills are learned so much better if the other women at the class are ruled out at the start. (Not that exceptions shouldn't be made if it becomes absolutely necessary).

While I suppose any dancing will have some value, I picked jitterbug for a specific reason. Let's set the scene: You're at a place with a mixed gender group, including some of the attached women with whom you are friendly. Music is at least marginally appropriate, and you ask a woman who has a boyfriend to dance -- she knows you took the class, and is willing to give you a chance to practice. This is totally non-threatening, as everyone knows you're not hitting on her. You do it well. OK, so you return to the table, and she's a bit flushed, a bit winded, eyes a little glazed from the realization that she's shared a moment of some physical and emotional intimacy (there's a lot of trust involved in jitterbug) in plain sight, smiling with evident satisfaction -- the unattached women at the table are going to come right out with it: 'it's my turn next.'

Now I know that a shy guy is thinking 'but isn't the boyfriend going to be mad/irritated?' If he's smart, he's thinking about how the pump's been primed, and what's in his own immediate future. If he's an idiot, and makes a scene, he doesn't deserve to be attached, and all's fair game.

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A team of Kobes!

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499: Not meant to be snide: who are hot female Scots? I don't really know of any famous Scots, male or female, except Sean Connery.

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501 -- Plus the manager!

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I don't really know of any famous Scots

what about these folks?

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500: Ooo, that does sound nice. But a sizable chunk of the benefit of dancing is just the chance to hang out with a bunch of women, not so much the possibility of impressing them with your mad skillz. If you develop mad skillz, they will, indeed, be impressive in the manner CC describes. But even if you suck you're still out there giving women who want to dance the chance to do it -- it's Idealist's advice: you just need to make friends.

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re: 502

There aren't any globally well-known young(ish) Scottish female actresses.

Kelly Macdonald, from Trainspotting, is probably the best known, I suppose. She's also attractive in a really 'Scottish' way, if that makes any sense.

Other famous Scots - Ewan Macgregor, I suppose is the next best known Scottish actor. Others: Alan Cumming, Kevin Mackidd [the 'lead' in the HBO 'Rome'], Brian Cox [Hannibal Lector in 'Manhunter'], among others.

In music, there are a bunch of moderately well-known but not huge Scottish bands.

It's a country of less than 5 million people, after all.

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I may be stereotyping here, but I think of Scots as tending toward the broadshouldered, rather than the delicate. Possibly the country doesn't turn out enough waifs to be competitive in the actress market.

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here's a few things that are helpful, i hope:

just interact with more girls. flirt, hang out, etc. if a particular girl isn't into you, remember that she has lots of friends. even if a particular girl doesn't 'like' you, as long as you are friends, you can meet all of her girlfriends. if she thinks you're sweet, she'll probably even help. increase the number of interactions you have.

try to touch people in a casual, friendly (non-groping) way long before you 'make a move;' this helps it seem less drastic. brush people's arm, hugs, hip checks, thumb war, holding hands, whatever.

since you don't have any experience, you probably won't know when girls want you to escalate the situation. so just assume she likes you and try something. right now, you're assuming she doesn't, adn yo'uve got to 'do something' to change that. either she does like you, or doesn't; hte only way you're going to find out is give it a try.

do the girls you're trying to hook up with even know you're interested? if you're not good at flirting, just try something more direct. so if a girl says something funny, say something like 'wow, you're really funny, i find that totally sexy.'

also, who asks for kisses? when you're quire close together, you just stop talking, and you're both looking at each other, and looking at each others' eyes and mouths, and slowly lean closer. if she doesn't want to be kissed, she'll look away, and say 'oh, so anyway...'

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re: 507

There are plenty of hot Scottish women [of course I'm biased] and I'm not aware of having noticed Scottish women being any more broad-shouldered than anywhere else. There may be a perception of 'toughness' that comes from the accent, perhaps, which works against them.

However, as I said, there are only around 5 million Scots. It's hard to think of any other nation of a comparable size that has a significant number of actresses on the world stage, either.

I'm also fairly sure there's a lot of national stereotyping at work: Scotland exports a lot of 'macho' character actors of a certain age, for example. That's a stereotype that works for rather than against male actors.

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Didn't mean to imply lack of hotness in person; just a lower percentage of the type of hyper-frail bodies that you need to have a Hollywood career. And I'm not sure that that's true -- just an impression (largely because all the Scots actors I can think of are solid, strong looking types).

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There are plenty of hot Scottish women

Obviously not enough to keep you away from eastern Europe.

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largely because all the Scots actors I can think of are solid, strong looking types

Yeah, that's partly what I meant by the stereotype that works in favour of a certain type of male Scottish actor. It works, to a certain degree, in British politics too.

You may be right about the hyper-frail thing. I've never really thought about it that much. Not enough to go about noticing the relative presence or absence of that body type anyway.

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re: 511

I met my wife in Oxford.

What, did you think I was off trawling the fleshpots of Prague for someone who'd take pity on a drunken grad student?

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I'm at least half Scottish and am on the thinner side, but I would have to lose at least ten pounds to work in Hollywood and even then would get cast for the brawnier female roles. I think.

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"Largely because all the Scots actors I can think of are solid, strong looking types"

Wearing kilts, too -- the beardless brawny types are the girls.

Of course, we're wired for a different, archaic way of life. On the veldt, extremely slender, long-legged, large-breasted women were much better at tracking and luring antelopes than huskier women would have been.

Jackmormon, that's really scary. At the NYC meetup you struck me as slender to a fault, no offense intended.

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Blonde hair was also adaptive on the veldt as it enabled women to be seen at long distances by their male protectors.

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What Emerson said about being scared by JM's saying she was overweight for the movies.

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Me three, but it's probably accurate.

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506:Being a big fan of foreign films, and having just the other night watched Kevin McKidd in "16 Years of Alcohol" and noticing ttaM didn't mention Robert Carlyle I had to go out to IMDB and look up Scottish actors.

Wow, Hundreds of names, dozens I recognized and very few women. Very few. Shirley Henderson seems to get all the work. Recommended:"Once Upon a Time in the Highlands". "Intermission" and especially "Wilbur Wants to Kill Himself"

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The theme song of this thread is Black Box Recorder's "Facts of Life".

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Kelly MacDonald is a bonny lass.

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re: 520

Sarah Nixey's voice ...

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You take the good you take the bad you take them both and then you have...

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I saw Lucy Liu in person once on 47th St. and she did not look good. She looked striking, but not attractive, because she seemed pinched and gaunt. Thinner than my aunt, who is a lifelong anorexic.

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521:Recommended:Girl in the Cafe with a wonderful Bill Nighy, who is a frigging treasure.

You could also try Mike Figgis's Loss of Sexual Innocence which, even adding to MacDonald a sexy Saffron Burrows (excuse my heart stopped) I have never been able to finish. Julian Sands and Jonathan Rhys-Meyers are there for the ladies, whomever, or people free enough to enjoy beauty. But it is a frigging weird movie.

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523: no, it goes like this.

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The Black Box Recorder track and video is here:

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This is my favorite Unfogged thread.

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I find this thread good, but still somewhat depressing in a "what have I done with my life?" sort of way. Oh well.

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Thanks, folks, for all the advice. Things are not really as hopeless as you might think from my whining here; the semester just started yesterday, so it's not like I'm totally out of options. And Tia's 454 made me very happy, not least because I believe it's the first time anyone's described me as "cornfed."

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I wasn't going to wade into this thread because the prospect, however remote, of my daughters having sex was making me hyperventilate. But this is the saddest thing ever:

My problem is not that I'm fucking up the dates, it's that the girls don't actually like me.

This sounds exactly like (painfully shy) me at that age. Dude, I strongly suspect -- no, I'm dead certain -- that shyness and attendant low expectations are making you miss clues that would be unmistakeable to more confident guys. Not that you're quite this clueless, but when I was a high school senior, a cute friend of one of my sisters asked me out. To her college dorm room. Where we were alone. With candles, for chrissakes. Jesus, I was an idiot.

Have you asked female friends for advice? (Apart from the women of Unfogged, of course, who may be mostly fictional.)

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I have not, actually, asked female friends for advice. I should.

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532 -- try not to use this as a method of coming-on. It is tempting but will not work, and if it does you will probably wish it had not.

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there are a bunch of moderately well-known but not huge Scottish bands

Dougie MacLean!

(and in the relm of the actually popular, there's Belle & Sebastian, and current indie darlings Camera Obscura)

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Dude, I strongly suspect -- no, I'm dead certain -- that shyness and attendant low expectations are making you miss clues that would be unmistakeable to more confident guys.

Definitely, and this is a big part of the problem. But this doesn't have anything to do with the girls-not-actually-liking-me thing; I know they don't like me because when I make a move they recoil in horror (or something). Or else maybe they do like me but they have boyfriends and casually mention them during the conversation. That is, it's often been obvious that what I consider a date isn't being seen that way across the table.

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Is McG still reading this thread? Do you know Karine Polwart?

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533: Don't worry, if I was interested in hitting on my female friends I would have done it already.

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How about this advice: "Teo, you just need to be more confident!" Most useless advice ever, but you still hear it from time to time.

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Translation: Teo hangs with fat chicks.

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I'm guessing that you need to find ways of telegraphing interest before you get to the "lean in and kiss" step.

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are you misshapen, smelly, unkempt? can you maintain eye contact and avoid nervous twitchings? are you pessimistic; do you seek approval from the girls you interact with? do you brag in subtle ways like always trying to say something smarter than otehr people? do you have fun and joke around or are you alwasy serrious? do you have any friends, especially girls, who could watch you interact with potential love interests and point out wierd shit you do that you might not be noticing?

and orange juice is/was the best scottish band.

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do you brag in subtle ways like always trying to say something smarter than otehr people?

Please! No one on unfogged answers to that description.

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Not to put too fine a point on it, but it's true that women you ask for advice should be different from the ones you're interested in. You'll get more honest advice from someone with whom you share no romantic tension, and there's always the chance that a friend will say she knows someone who's totally into you. Of course, if she says, "Didn't you know I'm hot for you?", pounce immediately. FWIW, try not to universalize the recoiling-in-horror incidents, painful as they may be.

And Emerson's right -- telling shy people to be more confident is like saying "Depressed? Buck up!"

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Misshapen? Yeah, is there something he's neglected to tell us about, like a third eye or a giant hump on his back? It's all clear now. Teo's problem isn't that he's shy, it's that he's physically repulsive. Now get out there and be more confident damnit.

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Found gold. There are a fair number of women out there who feel the exact same way. You can help each other out.

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I must pipe up to say

if you're not good at flirting, just try something more direct. so if a girl says something funny, say something like 'wow, you're really funny, i find that totally sexy.'

definitely do NOT do this.

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This thread puts me in mind of Flesh Cartoons, but I have no idea why.

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I wanted to put a little twist on the "make more friends" advice. Making friends is an actual art that requires work. Somehow I didn't realize this in college. In highschool virtually anyone you meet you're likely to meet again, and so making friends just "happens." But the closer you are to real life, the more you need to make an actual effort to stay in touch with people.

That is, if you meet someone who seems interesting get his/her phone number. (Yes, guys too, we're talking about meeting people, not getting laid.) If someone invites you to do something, say yes, even if it isn't your favorite thing to do. Invite people to do stuff. Etc.

So yeah, "meet more people," but keep in mind that requires modifying your behavior in certain ways.

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Oh come on, that "wow" is awesome. It's very, "at first I thought you were just a pussy with legs, but now I find myself pleasantly surprised that you are also funny. Now I really want to fuck you."

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549: I think DA's comment was pretty funny. I totally want to have sex with her now.

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Wow, your thesis is really funny, i find that totally sexy.

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re: 536

No, sorry, never heard of her.

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Now if you'd said my architecture was sexy, we'd be getting somewhere.

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553 to 551, obviously.

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No, sorry, never heard of her.

Ah well. She's a Scottish musician (the stuff she did with Malinky is awesome), and I thought perhaps....

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Now if you'd said my architecture was sexy, we'd be getting somewhere.

Well, I like the way you're built...

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re: 555

Sorry. I googled her, and it seems she's part of the more folky side of Scottish music. A side which, tbh, I'm pretty ignorant of. I only know of a few biggish (household) names in that sort of scene.

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Wolfson, you've already got a bold come-on line in your repertoire, namely, "Sex, I'm a..." by Lovage is pretty good.

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also, re: 555

I take it you know what 'Malinky' means?

It's part of a Scots slang phrase 'skinny malinky -- for someone really thin. It's often used of children. Malinky is Slavic so I presume it came into Scots from Polish immigrants or Eastern European jewish refugees.

There's a kids nursery song:

Skinny Malinky Longlegs
Big Banana feet
went tae the pictures
and couldnae find a seat
when the picture started
Skinny Malinky farted
Skinny Malinky longlegs
Big Banana feet

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I bet I know what your problem is, Teo. You are hitting on the hott girls. The very pretty girls who get asked out all the time, who get picked up in bars, who already have a line of potential suitors, who can easily see you as "a boy who is also a friend," not a boyfriend.

You are probably ignoring the not-as-hott girls, the ones with a few extra pounds, the acne-prone, the shy girls with too-long (or short) hair.

So when you say that "they" don't like you, you mean simply that the ones you find mind-alteringly beautiful don't like you. Well, we've all been (and some of us remain) there.

So why not try chatting up a different type of girl? One whose locks are not as shiny, whose lips are not as plump, whose wit may be ready for the big screen even if her face is not?

I mean, really. All men want the cheerleaders, which is why us homely girls in the Chorus latch onto the first man who glances in our general direction. At least it'll get you kissed by one of those, probably laid in quick succession, and you can deal with the clinginess later. You might even find a nice girlfriend that way.

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560 is like totally tearjerking.

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Yeah, McG, I think that ditty is in the liner notes to one of their albums.

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So why not try chatting up a different type of girl? One whose locks are not as shiny, whose lips are not as plump, whose wit may be ready for the big screen even if her face is not?

To the extent this applies, teo, this is unbelievably good advice. Of the missed sexual/dating opportunities in college that I regret most, the top two, by a long shot, are two women who were, for reasons unknown, interested in me, but who were not (I'm an idiot) sufficiently attractive to me at that time. Those are the two I think about when I feel like feeling blue.

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Hmmm... I'm in a similar situation as teofilo, but have realised (or been given) most of the advice listed here before. It's pretty hard to do much of it in practice when you don't particularly know what you are doing or if you are succeeding.
2 things:
1. I was given advice that I do not see on this thread: don't worry if a girl has a boyfriend she my still go out with you (though probably not much more than that while she still has a boyfriend, that state can change however)
2. if you do have success always capitalize on it. I have has the experience of meeting a girl at a party, getting along well with her, geting her phone number, and realising it isn't the right number the next day.

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546 is correct. Use "cute" or "charming" or something. Not "sexy," which sounds totally sleazy.

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565 is correct.

But if you insist on saying "sexy," say it with a fake lisp, which will then make you the funny one!

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560: There was a time when that was the case. No longer, and still no luck.

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don't worry if a girl has a boyfriend she my still go out with you

Perhaps, but I would be seriously uncomfortable with this.

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Okay, coming in 500 comments too late, and I haven't even read the last 250 or so, but am I really the only one who thinks that parents shouldn't allow sleepovers for the simple reason that hs teens shouldn't be having sex?

I mean, sure, most do (I myself did), but most hs students (including me) do all sorts of things they'd be better off not doing. The fact that it's common doesn't necessarily mean it's a good idea.

They're physically ready but by-and-large not emotionally ready for sex. And they should be discouraged from sexual activity -- not because it's inherently wrong or bad (and they shouldn't be taught this) but just because they'd be better off waiting a few more years.

Am I the only one so prudish?

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"I believe in making the world safe for our children. But not for our children's children, because I don't believe that children should be having sex."

-- Jack Handey

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Oh man, yall just went and made Teo admit that even the fat chicks won't fuck him. Damn that's harsh.

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Someone took that position in the middle of the thread. It's not that I think you're self-evidently wrong, there is certainly an age at which I think most kids are too young to have sex. I just think that the hs/college line isn't a good stand-in for the exact age -- that plenty of kids are fine to be having sex in high school.

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Everyone accepts that there's some age below which having sex isn't appropriate. Also, the specific age at which it is appropriate may vary from individual to individual.

However, as LB says, the high-school/college divide isn't a great place to draw it. Someone of 17 is a young adult, not a child.

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571 forces me to tell gswift that he's being an ass.

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I don't think hs/college is an inherently good dividing line, it just happens to be a reasonably good one in our culture. Basically, the dividing line in my mind is whether or not the participants are mature enough for successful marriage if pregnancy results. I don't think many h.s. kids qualify (though some certainly do).

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What? No he isn't.

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I do not think my high school celibacy improved my life. Quite the opposite, in fact.

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576: Oh, you can take it. Gswift is being an ass about 'even the fat chicks'.

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Brock, I've made your argument already. They're not buying it.

In other "kids having sex" news, one of my most hilarious girlfriends said something shortly after PK was born, that I now pass on to you, on the grounds of new fatherhood. She came over and was cooing at the clean naked baby lying on the bed, and I left the room for a minute--probably to get a new diaper or something--and came back and she said to me, totally straight-faced, "what would you do if you came back and I had his p-s in my mouth?"

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575: See, if that were the line, I'd think most middle-class people should be celibate until their late 20s.

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p-s What has happened to B?

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B does not want that phrase to be googleable in relation to her child. For some crazy reason.

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580: I'd think most people should just be celibate, period.

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No sockpuppeting, Emerson.

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582: Now trying to imagine the motivation for someone to run that particular search. This being the internets, I'm sure there are several.

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I recall hearing about a case of cross cultural misunderstanding a little bit like that. IIRC, in Afghanistan it is traditional for a father to plant a kiss on his newborn son's penis. (A closed-mouth kiss! Christ, what are you imagining!) This is a sign of pride, and it never occurs to anyone that it might be sexual. If I remember the newspaper story right, an Afghan immigrant to the US was actually charged with child sex abuse for planting this ritual kiss on his son in the hospital.

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Too late, B.

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Fuck, now my name is right next to the phrase "kiss on his newborn son's penis."

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588: but throwing a good "fuck" in there does help.

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Okay, well, it isn't logical, but while I find that story hilarious, telling it skeeves me out a little because it could so easily be misinterpreted. 'Tis why I've never written about it on my own blog, and 'tis why I didn't spell out "penis," even though it's not like I don't already get the skeevy google hits.

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584: 583 assumes that 575's "mature enough for a sexual marriage" is the premise. Most people aren't and won't ever be. But I'm OK with their fucking anyway, as long as they don't get uppity and pretend they know what the hell they're doing. Also, they should keep their bratty kids off my lawn.

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Wow, late to this party. I think Brock nails it when he asks the prior question: "is this behavior at 17 a good idea." And, of course, we can imagineer up situations where it would be. But usually, no, it is not a good idea. If the implication of this is that many people should be celibate for muc h longer than they are .. I dunno if that qualifies as a reductio.

SCMT, I dig the appeals to tradition. If we can get you on some G.K. Chesterton and you continue to hang out around Wilkinson's place, we'll have you yet.

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Anyway, rob, thanks for that piece of information, actually. It's true! The newborn penis is cute and totally kissable. And yet this is one of those Things Parents Don't Admit To, she says, hastening to add that I never *acted* on this.

Though I did admit to my friend that I knew exactly what she was talking about.

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"Successful," dammit, not "sexual." The advice-to-Teo subthread has my subconscious back in the Desperate Years.

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SCMT, I dig the appeals to tradition.

baa, I realized the other day that the reason I'm a Democrat is because I'm a traditionalist; the Dems had a hegemony for so long in the US that the liberalism is the traditon. (See, e.g., trend lines on the "gay marriage" issue.) It's you who should be moving our way.

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I'm all about ideology over partisanship, as you know. Small 'l' liberalism is the american tradition. Boolah boolah. The politics alchemized out of public sector unions, John Rawls, and lifestyle liberalism, not so much.

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It makes me sad to think of G.K. Chesterton as a recruiting tool for conservatism.

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But it wouldn't make G.K. Chesterton sad!

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584: LB, I don't think Emerson's anti-relationship stand entails support for lifelong celibacy. Unless you are pedantically understanding "celibate" to mean "not married."

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Small 'l' liberalism is the american tradition.

Not in Boston, it isn't.

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No, here salt-of-the-earth machine democrats is the tradition. Which is super.

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How awesome would it be if, in eighteen or so years, Pseudonymous Kid seduced baa's hypothetical future daughter? Pretty effin awesome.

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I've been saving this for you, ogged.

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If we want to talk about things that teenagers probably shouldn't be doing, I'd put "driving" ahead of "having sex."

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"ahead of" s/b "while"

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I love it, baa. You know that just makes it more awesome, right?

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604 is exactly right.

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Of course...

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#574 and #578 are right, I'm being an ass.

This thread is making me laugh.

Unfoggetariat: "Dude, you gotta go after the chubby and/or homely ones, they're desperate."

Teo: "I've tried that damnit, it's not working!"

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Baa's hypothetical future daughter should be so lucky. PK has a totally kissable penis, even.

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610: Aren't they all?

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I think baa just gave himself a vasectomy.

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This made me laugh. Ezra Klein has the following post up (full post): Hey Echidne Has anyone ever told you you're sexy when you're economist-y?

What say you, DA? Is Ezra in there?

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Actually, I just saw it the other day. So 'saving it' turns out to be a lie, just like always.

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Aren't they all?

If there were world enough and time. Alas.

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'saving it' turns out to be a lie, just like always.

What Baa is saying is that in his heart of hearts he knows PK won't have to try very hard.

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He's goiing to kill you, b.

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Hey, if the low hanging fruit is sweet enough, it's worth dying for.

My great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandma taught me that. Tradition, baby.

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At least with B's kid, he knows they'll be eighteen before they can think about sleepovers. It could LB's son and baa's kid, and that could start whenever.

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"Sexy" can never be for people, only for things. So, Echidne can have sexy economics, but she cannot be sexy when she's all economisty.

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579- okay, that's funny and innocent. Unlike my sick friend, who make a joke about taking advantage of my newborn baby's well-developed sucking reflex to, you know, take advantage of it. Yes, what you're thinking.

I don't let him hang around my baby anymore.

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Did bphd just reference the fall of man? Awesome.

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620: Are you really an architect, DA?

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Check the link in 551, Tim. (Which reminded me of a double-entendre on 'thesis' in this book. I read that book probably at least twenty years ago, it disturbs me that I still remember this.)

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See, I only like the word sexy when it isn't being used to describe things, like thesis topics, that cannot be sexy.

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625: My thesis (the first draft of which I handed in today) is literally sexy. Because it's actually about sex. So.

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So be sure to let us know if you need research assistance.

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That's right, sleaze is up, DaveL. Congrats on the draft, da. Is it about sex:awesome, sex:oppressive, or sex:more complicated than you thought?

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And does it have a colon in the title? Whatever labs might say, the colon is not sexy.

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Congratulations! Shouldn't you be drinking?

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Congrats, DA. Full word saved for final draft.

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On Friday afternoons, cheap shots are as good as it gets around here.

Oh, and congratulations, DA.

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It doesn't even have a title.

It's about sex: it can get you tortured by the state.

Three weeks ago I told myself that I wasn't allowed to have so much as a beer until I finished a draft, so now my tolerance is probably low. I'll find out tomorrow. Too burnt to drink today.

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sex: it can get you tortured by the state


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So like I was saying, Ogged can help you with that.

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Speed the day.

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634: My guess is Same sex-sex: It can get you tortured by the state in, e.g, Iran.

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634: In some countries identifying as gay can get you tortured by police. (state=government, as in, "smash the state!")

Not to be a downer on such a fun thread. Let's go back to discussing baby's penises. My last name means "little baby's penis" in Turkish.

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Ah, is there where the Arabic comes in? Sex can get you tortured, and it doesn't have to be same sex sex, in Iran, or elsewhere in the Middle-East. No sleepovers there, infidels.

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I wasn't allowed to have so much as a beer until I finished a draft

The obvious solution here is draft beer.

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LB-pwned on the subject of my own thesis. Good one.

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I also have a sexy (and non-depressing!) thesis topic, if you consider the Arabic case system sexy. Which you do.

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642: I do indeed. I just blogged about the accusative not two hours ago.

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My last name means "little baby's penis" in Turkish.

My last name means "fuck" (or some oddly conjugated form of it, at least) in German.

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This guy's name means "fuck" in a more familiar language.

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644: for real?

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Pretty much.

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Heh. My grandfather changed the spelling of our last name because English speakers tended to pronounce it like a common curse word. Unfortunately, without realizing it he changed it to a word that means "ass" in Czech and a couple of other middle European languages. Always good for a laugh while travelling.

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My home town had a small influx of Vietnamese families in the late 70s/early 80s. My dad greatly enjoys telling the story of some poor kindergarten teacher on the first day of school calling roll and trying very hard to make "Phuoc Vu" into something she wanted to pronounce.

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My last name means "little baby's penis" in Turkish.

That's right, I'd been meaning to mock you for that.

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Everyone accepts that there's some age below which having sex isn't appropriate. Also, the specific age at which it is appropriate may vary from individual to individual.

Is this true? I would have thought there were a non-trivial number of people (in this thread) who would argue that sex is perfectly appropriate for anyone physically mature enough to partake. In other words, as soon as you get the itch, it's okay to scratch it.

Am I wrong? Does everyone in fact think there is some post-pubescent age that is simply "too young"? And why?

(I fully agree with that, as my comments above indicate. I would just be a bit surprised if everyone else agreed with me.)

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How many people think that they should have had sex the instant it became physically possible? I would think 0 actually.

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isn't there a significan't number of people who engage in some form of sexual-like acts with another person in grade school? i'm kind of curious about this area; children having sex is taken to be evil no. 1 or close to it in our culture, and yet i've not seen (although i've never really researched it, either) anything about its negative effects separated from coercive sexual encounters.

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652- I guess I didn't really mean as-soon-as-physically-possible, but something more like as-soon-as-physically-desired.

I would think quite a few people would think it's perfectly okay to have sex then. But I'd be happy to be told I'm wrong!

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the people in question probably consider it ok to have sex then. yeah, the older people probably don't want them too. but older people have lots of crazy ideas.

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I know two guys who were, effectively, molested as children by slightly older children. One turned out fine, the other was developmentally different beforehand, so it's hard to say whether he was damaged by the experience. Another male friend was introduced to sex at twelve by a twenty year-old... was it an aunt or a cousin? He didn't see anything weird about that, when I asked, rather shocked. I know one woman who was basically date-raped by an older teen at about 13. It hit her hard, she recalls, for maybe a year; she's a wonderful, fearless doctor now. The youngest at which friends have reported having egalitarian, fully consensual sex tended to be at around 16.

That still seems a bit young to me, to be honest.

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I'm not sure it makes a whole lot of sense to sharply distinguish between sex and all the other stuff that teenagers do while growing up and testing limits. Many of us have to do things the wrong way a few times (or a lot of times) before we figure out how to do them the right way. I do think there's such a thing as too young, but I'm not sure how much that has to do with emotional maturity and how much it has to do with just trying to keep the risk of pregnancy and STDs at bay for as long as you can ("you" here meaning parent, not teenager).

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Brock, I think you're being a little unfair. The question is how you should treat people on the cusp of adulthood. It is clear that 17-year olds are reaching a point where they need to start learning how to behave as sexual persons. How exactly one deals with that issue as an older teen or as a parent is a difficult issue, and that's what we're discussing. "Physically ready" is not 17 (or even 16), that's 13 or 14 (or even younger in many cases). I don't think anyone here is saying that parents shouldn't do their best to stop their 14-year olds from having sex. Clumping all teens together like that is a cheap arguing trick, and doesn't match reality at all.

My gut feeling is that the normal range of being ready for sex is probably somewhere around 17ish-20ish, depending on the people involved and the relationship. But at any rate, I imagine that I would treat a 15-year old child of mine in a relationship quite differently than a 17-year old child of mine.

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I imagine that I would treat a 15-year old child of mine in a relationship quite differently than a 17-year old child of mine.

But can you imagine a rule that would communicate that nuance in a convincing way to a reasonably intelligent fifteen year-old? I can't, and I have a lot of sympathy with your position.

It gets more complicated when there are multiple children involved. My parents managed to enforce the no-dating before 16 rule across three children, but the younger children do observe the fights between the older children and the parents; it's easier to find the loopholes and double-standards when you've watched an older sibling fight trench-warfare against the law.

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I'll return to the question of ambience. Just as, in a strict context, a parent can't afford to be known to be too permissive, in the same way, in a permissive context, a parent will have trouble successfully being strict.

Of course, nowadays there is no consensus -- the whole thread began with two sets of parents who disagreed.

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I just read this entire thread, and think I would've had things to add if I were reading it while it was active. I had time to do this because I've been mildly radioactive since midday Wednesday and am following appropriate procedures for same.

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It's really put a crimp in all the hugging children you normally do, eh?

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You ok, washerdreyer?

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Totally, I just like saying I'm mildly radioactive. Also, that you wouldn't like me when I'm angry. this is just supposed to be a more permanent fix than taking meds to keep my thyroxine levels down every day, which I've done for years (when I don't neglect to take

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Should be a capital "T" in "this" and should end "it)."

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Democrat Congress!

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So, I take it that my advice to go bouldering on a first date met with an ironic curl of the lip?

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Bouldering? Got a bunch of climbers here or something?

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668: Close. Crack whores.

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Nothing ruins a first date faster than a twelve ton boulder crushing your companion's legs. Horribly awkward. I'd stick with mini-golf.

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I'd suggested it to Teo, but I'm going to look into it for myself boyfriend pretty much bedamned.

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Just climbing up one of those little carnival wall thingamajigs a few weeks ago told me very clearly how out of shape I am. Running and kayaking, I can sort of fake it. Having to drag my butt up something vertical, not so much.

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Climbing rules. I haven't done it much in the last three years as most of my climbing friends moved away, but I think I'm joining the climbing gym again in Sept. Salt Lake has world class local climbing. And chicks who climb are hot.

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Just climbing up one of those little carnival wall thingamajigs a few weeks ago told me very clearly how out of shape I am.

You very big? Definitely favors smaller guys. 180 lbs is freakishly huge for a world class climber. Most of the best are more in the 120-160 range.

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Bigger than I should be, and pretty big even in good shape, so I would definitely start with a disadvantage. It's one of those sports that I can see the attraction of but don't ever see myself doing. Being in the mountains, definitely, but not so much with the ropes.

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There's just no way I could go climbing -- leaving aside the fact that I'm not massively keen on heights. I'm reasonably but not incredibly strong but I weigh 210lbs. Dragging 200lbs+ up by your fingers needs enormous uppper body strength.

Also, re: dates: physical/sporty stuff seem like things for later in a relationship. Or at least they seem that way to me -- I wouldn't want someone I was trying to impress to see me all sweaty (until the time was right, IYKWIM AITTYD).

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Hiking/walking/strolling/perambulating/ambling/sauntering would be good for me. Climbing probably not so much, though I did enjoy climbing quite a bit when I was younger. Evan after I fractured my wrist.

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The second paragraph of 676 is wrong. My drunken bullshit got me a nibble from my now-wife, but what set the hook was that I was about the only guy in our law school class who could hang with her on a run. (She was a real runner and I was just a halfway-decent mid-pack type, but being male helps.)

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Sport climbing where you're doing short climbs along a set of bolts pre set in the rock is good times Bouldering is fun because all you need are the shoes, chalk, and a crash pad. Trad climbing, where you're setting your protection as you go is kind of dangerous, not my thing. I've been doing mostly weightlifting for strength lately, so I'm closer to 175 lbs right now. I need to drop a bit. I climb better when I'm more like 160 or 165.

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physical/sporty stuff seem like things for later in a relationship

But bouldering gives a lot of opportunities to stare at her ass.

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Shoulders, also. Paddlers and surfer chicks are good, too.

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558: that counts as a come-on?
560: there is no such thing as a shy girl with too-short hair.

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JM -- better/more challenging boulders than Central Park's are to be found in Morningside Park. Indeed some there are steep and big enough that actual equipment would be required or at least helpful.

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Oh and -- I finally read the referenced letter to Slate last night. Mainly I just found it hard to get past the letter writer's tone which I found to be off in a way I can't quite describe.

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My friend's seventeen-year-old daughter recently spent the night on a cliff-face with her climbing teacher, who had broken his ankle (the stone he was hanging onto broke off and he fell about 20 feet.) They were heli-lifted off in the morning. Speaking of sleepovers.

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683: My 17-21 year old self begs to differ.

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I can see that climbing with equipment would help seal the deal with someone already into the sport, but that's going to be a pretty small set of folks. I've gone hiking in the mountains to very good effect -- my first sleepover was on such a trip* and, years later, moved the ball pretty far downfield with my now-wife hiking. Not a first date in either case, but I could see going that way. It's a good way to do the cut-from-the-herd thing: hike with a group of friends, and spend time with the one you like the best.

* Bundling. Nonetheless, I earned a whole lot of credit on this one. A group of 5, we got lost in the mountains on the northeast fringe of Death Valley, ran out of water, and my girlfriend's best friend started to faint. With another of the guys, I hiked in what turned out to be the correct direction over several mountain ridges through the night, and an ice storm, to bring water back from the car. There are gods who look out for stupid high schoolers, just too many stupid high schoolers for this system to be perfect.

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Northwest fringe.

The question arises whether I'd rather have my kids have their sleepovers in Death Valley or at home. Definitely the former.

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as it happens i have an acquaintance who broke her right arm on a rock-climbing first date. it was our freshman year in college, and they were climbing an iconic modernist building on campus (with ropes). did not do so much for the relationship (kersplat). also, resulted in very large cast. although the rest of us had a good time teasing them. so, daters beware.

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I realize the thread has now moved on to discuss rock climbing, but I just want to say that 658 totally misinterprets what I was trying to say. I wasn't at all saying that if you allow your older teens to have sex you need to allow very young teens the very same privileges, or anything else like that to "clump all teens together". I wasn't arging anything at all. I was actually just querying how many people thought there was a post-pubescent age at which sex was still too early? (Since 573 struck me as probably wrong).

I guess the answer (based on responses so far) is "Everybody", which is surprising to me. I would seriously have thought that among the "teen sex is perfectly natural and okay" crowd, at least some (and really most) people would have extended that down to 13 or 14 year olds -- again, basically to anyone who was starting to feel the distinctive burn of desire that we call sexual maturity.

That no one seems willing to do this is perfectly okay with me, although again it strikes me as very odd, and probably not entirely consistent. I think some people are throwing up the same sorts of meaningless and arbitrary divisions (13-14, no; 16-17, yes) that they criticize in others (hs, no; college, yes) as hopelessly outdated and prudish and irrational.

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At 16 you should start pestering your kids to have sex so that they'll be normal. Give them sex books and DVDs, and ask them probing questions about their sex lives the way you do about school, homework, and sports.

If this doesn't work, send them to a counselor. Intervention may be required in some cases, and in the hard cases, the Eros Boot Camp usually does the job.

Now that that's covered, let's talk about something else.

Rock climbing is so demanding, and rock climbers are so highly competitive, that I can't think of a worse basis for a relationship. Serious rock climebrs are barely able to pay rent, and everything is about the next climb.

20 or 30 years ago friend of mine was enticed by a noted female climber (A****n B**m) who wanted to borrow his ice ax or something. As I remember, he didn't get any, but thought for awhile that he might. It's a jungle out there.

Later on a skull fracture took him permanently out of the sports world. Having a right-side-paraplegic friend makes you very timid about physical danger.

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Her true name is A****e B**m. We regret this error.

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I don't see the distinction between 14 and 17 as arbitrary. Not every 17 year old is emotionally and socially mature enough for a sexual relationship, but, ime, most are. I'm sure I've never met a 14 year old of whom I would say that. Obviously, no one can articulate a bright line applicable to all people at all times. As a parent, though, one finds it convenient to set a bright line -- doing so with full understanding of the character of the child -- to avoid having to litigate actual maturity on the eve of any proposed sleepovers.

A non-trivial number of people are born in the Autumn, btw; of this cohort, many start college while still 17.

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Fwiw, I started University at 16.*

* Which is possible but rare under the Scottish sytem -- without skipping a grade.

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691: Brock, you're weird. Sex isn't simply a physical act; it's an emotional one as well. Maybe in a world in which sex weren't stigmatized and fraught with all sorts of Meaning, 14 year olds fucking around wouldn't be a big deal, but we don't live in that world. I think that middle schoolers "dating" is just fucked up--why, for god's sake, do we need to encourage kids to get into pairing up and assessing each other and all the rest of it? I started dating at 15, and it was okay, I guess. I was too young to be having sex, notwithstanding the boyfriend who pulled the "just let me put it in a little" nonsense (we broke up not long after, thank god). It happens, I don't think there's a lot of point in stigmatizing it or pretending it doesn't happen, or making it difficult for kids that age to get birth control or abortions if they end up needing 'em. But yeah, I'd say that 16-17 is a better age (depending on the kid), and that really, it would be entirely preferable to wait for college if not for that irritating problem of being self-conscious about being a college virgin.

So my recipe is: all kids should lose their virginity at 18, just to be rid of it.

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695: Well no wonder you think 17 year olds should be having sex. Jeez.

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would it be gauche of me to just start lurking around here in the hopes of taking it to 700? really that should be teo. also, ogged, if you cared about comics more like a normal person and read chris' invincible super-blog you'd already have seen that awe-inspiring panel from baa's 603 above. it's a really, truly great blog.

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Thank god. It's all right to start having sex now.

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la, la lala. kicks stone down sidewalk contemplatively. whistles tunelessly. squints up at sun.

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No honor among opportunists, eh?

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I'm going to sleep now. goodnight, all.

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696: Disagree. Brock is basically right when he says,

That no one seems willing to do this is perfectly okay with me, although again it strikes me as very odd, and probably not entirely consistent. I think some people are throwing up the same sorts of meaningless and arbitrary divisions (13-14, no; 16-17, yes) that they criticize in others (hs, no; college, yes) as hopelessly outdated and prudish and irrational.
These lines are all effectively arbitrary, at least when drawn by us. As far as I know, no one here has done any research into the various issues underlying a principled stand on 14 or 16 or 18 as the age at which it's OK to have sex; we're all just recalling ourselves and friends, and deciding what feels right to us. In fact, I think your line is the closest to being non-arbitrary, insofar as you're letting the culture set the boundary, and following that boundary for the purpose of staying in line with the culture.

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'Night, Alameida.

I can go along with 707, especially since it says that my argument is the non-arbitrariest.

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I don't think that's exactly it. I think everyone has some sense of what age is too young, based on personal experience, cultural norms, or whatever, and we probably aren't going to get very far arguing with each other about the particular ages. If you draw any kind of maturity line at a given age, it's always going to be arbitrary, and wrong for some people, there's no way around that.

What I've been thinking of myself as arguing against here is a position (that maybe no one's wholeheartedly espousing) that there should be a hard line on when kids may act in a way that makes it reasonably obvious that they're having sex (i.e., by having sleepovers) at the end of high school. And that it isn't wrong for them to have sex for some period before that age, but they are acting (rudely, immaturely, somehow wrongly) if they don't keep it secret. Not private, as adults do (not screwing on the front lawn) but secret.

I'm arguing against the two-age position -- that there's an age at which it's okay for kids to have sex, but only if no one knows.

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"So my recipe is: all kids should lose their virginity at 18, just to be rid of it."

The Eros Boot Camp could arrange events for just this purpose. "OK, maggots! Do your stuff NOW!"

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I also think, of course, that a lot depends on the individual kid, his/her parents, etc. etc. etc.

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Billy is mature enough to have his girlfriend sleep over, but, Janet, you're not mature enough yet, even though you're older. And Bobby, don't even think about it yet. We'll evaluate your petition in a couple of years.

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650: That's right, I'd been meaning to mock you for that.

People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones...Weiner.

683: that counts as a come-on?

And it's a good one, because it gives one plausible deniability, evidently.

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I'm arguing against the two-age position -- that there's an age at which it's okay for kids to have sex, but only if no one knows.

Some of the disagreement springs from the fact that we conceive of the underlying issue differently. You think it's sex-no sex, and I think it's something like likelihood of sex, or amount of sex (or possibly something else which I can quite figure out right now). I see the parents' pretense as a way of titrating the kid's sexual experience in a relatively non-intrusive way. As method of exposing kids to sex so that they grow up in the way one would want, it may or may not work. But that's an empirical issue which I doubt is understood well-enough to ask determinitive empirical questions.

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I see the parents' pretense as a way of titrating the kid's sexual experience in a relatively non-intrusive way. As method of exposing kids to sex so that they grow up in the way one would want, it may or may not work. But that's an empirical issue which I doubt is understood well-enough to ask determinitive empirical questions.

Yeah. This is part of what I was thinking about when I kept on bringing up rape, and birth-control, and anything where adult advice might be helpful. What I'm calling the 'two-age' theory is going to (IME) lead kids to keep anything related to sexuality very secret from their parents, which means they aren't getting feedback about sensible, decent behavior.

I'm not suggesting advice on sexual positions, I'm talking more about feedback on boy/girlfriend's apparent manners, decent behavior, etc. My parents didn't know jack about who I was messing around with, because I was putting a lot of effort into keeping them from having enough information to start making deductions about my sexual behavior. If I hadn't been doing that, my parents would have been more useful as a resource about relationships, etc.

Looking back at high school, kids with parents who were reasonably accepting of their kids' right to make sexual decisions didn't have sex with more people (although they did, certainly, get to have more actual sex). But they brought their boy/girlfriends home for dinner much more, and knew what their parents thought of them.

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LB, maybe you should consider the parental state of mind on a continuum from unawareness through suspicion, acknowledgement, and endorsement. One moves from unawareness to suspicion fairly easily based on clues of context. Usually, the move from suspicion to acknowledgement is going to require an affirmative speech act on the part of either parent or child. The step from acknowledgement to endorsement is a unilateral act on the part of the parents.

Allowing a sleepover strikes me as tantamount to endorsement.

Assuming nothing truly dangerous or abusive going on, I'd rather live in a state of suspicion than a state of acknowledgement for a 16 year old.

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716 written before reading 715. One can live in a state of suspicion as opposed to acknowledgement and still insist on meeting any young men who want to date one's daughter.

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715, I think, gets to the heart of the disagreement between me (at least) and LB. My parents were on the "reasonably accepting" end--my mom was, at least--and yet I still kept the *fact* that I was having sex secret (I prefer to think of it as "private"), and would never have even dreamed of asking about a sleepover. I *did* talk to my mother about all sorts of things, and the rule that anyone I dated or was friends with had to come home and meet the parents was absolutely firm. I think that not knowing who your kids are messing around with is appalling and dangerous; I just don't think that it's the inevitable result of a "no sleepovers" policy. I don't see why it isn't completely possible to say that one doesn't think it's really wise for teenagers to be treated, sexually, as full adults *and* that they should nonetheless have all the information and access to support/contraception/health care/etc. that adults have, just in case.

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still insist on meeting any young men who want to date one's daughter.

Or any young women who want to date one's son. Or men who want to date one's son. Or women who want to date one's daughter.

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I don't see why it isn't completely possible to say that one doesn't think it's really wise for teenagers to be treated, sexually, as full adults *and* that they should nonetheless have all the information and access to support/contraception/health care/etc. that adults have, just in case.

But for God's sake, don't infantilize them.

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I really like 716's articulation of the unawareness/suspicion/acknowledgement/endorsement continuum.

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720: Indeed. Because nothing pisses people off more. Shit, even PK hates being infantalized.

(And I know you're being sarcastic, Teo, but I'm right anyway. We adults are used to the sarcasm of the young.)

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Yeah, I'm not really the best person to argue with on this issue. I'm not far enough removed from the age in question.

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Maybe so, but you're old enough to make a pass at, and that's really all that matters.

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Shit, now I've painted myself in a corner. I was going to email you in re. my big cross-country drive, and now I'll seem all predatory.

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Go ahead and e-mail me, but I'm pretty sure I'm not on your route.

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I did, and you might be surprised. But I admit I haven't looked at the road atlas yet.

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Son, I have to warn you about the dangers of predatory older women.

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What's wrong with 'em, Pops?

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I'm with those above who are saying it's one thing for parents to maybe know what is going on versus actually endorsing it. Sames goes for alcohol. You can't control your kids and, if you try to, they will rebel twice as hard. All you can really do is try to teach them lessons and hope they negogiate the landscape wisely. Above all else, they need to know you are always there for them if they fall, but you can't carry them across into adulthood, they have to make that (sometimes difficult) journey themselves.

I really don't get the parents who take the attitude that "well they're gonna do it anyway, they might as well have sex or drink in my house where at least I know they're 'safe'". That really only promotes the bahvior. Kids need to feel that parents are parents and not their buddies so they can understand boundaries. When I was a teenager, I was deathly afraid of getting a girl pregnant. My mom put the fear of God into me about what effect that would have on my life before I was an adult. So, instead, of course oral sex was pretty frequent, but no intercourse until I was out of high school. I remember feeling almost like a freak because most of my friends had done it by then (and, esepcially as a guy, there was alot of peer pressure). But, looking back, I can imagine that if my mom had instead taken the approach that "oh, it's ok if your girlfriend stays over night here or, sure, you can stay at her house" that it would have been perceived as an endorsement to do whatever we wanted.

... and, as for alcohol, one time a bunch of us were at this guy's house and his mom had even bought us the booze (what a loser!) and I end up blacking out and cracking my head open on their back patio. Now, I got drunk my fair share of other times too, of course, but this just goes to show they're really not keeping anybody any safer (and that guy really turned out bad, not surprisingly).

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719 -- Of course. I've only been down this road with a daughter so far (and, of course, when I was playing for the other team, was one of the young men who wanted to date someone's daughter).

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728 - too bad you're not passing my way!

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still insist on meeting any young men who want to date one's daughter.

I thought your policy was to insist on evidence of their having read Gravity's Rainbow.

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734 -- Not for a first date.

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All right, who's been searching for tempting defiance teofilo cute tia and ending up at my blog?

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713: People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones


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They tend not to know their place, son.

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729: "the dangers" s/b "God's gift"

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All right, who's been searching for tempting defiance teofilo cute tia and ending up at my blog?

I'm sure I don't know what you're talking about.

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Do I really have to say it?

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737: You were going to mock me for having a surname that means "penis."

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I love this blog. It's really my kind of blog, you know?

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Dagg I cannot brook your missing Weiner's joke.

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And I shouldn't, why?

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I guess I do.

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You do what?

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744: Weiner's joke was so gossamer, I saw right through it.

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Hm, I once had a Turkish friend whose surname, in English, (like "Koontz" but exactly like the English word) meant "vagina". What are they doing in that part of the world?

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You do what?

You know what.

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No no no. "I remind you of the man." And then I say, "What man?", and so on.

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Right, right.

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There's a Croatian football player called Dado Prso. Prso/Prsa is the slavic word for 'tit'.

Condaleeza is also pretty close to some Czech slang/swear words.

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I'd say, at least as far as sweden, All 12 year olds, most 13-14 year olds and a significant minority of 15-year olds aren't ready to have sex I guess it may vary in other cultures.

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738: Yeah, that's kind of the charm, though, isn't it?

Also, give! What does "Condaleeza" mean in Czech?

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The swedish film "Show me love" had some limited arthouse success in the states. In one subplot, a 13 year old loses her virginity, which is portrayed as unremarkable. I remember being a little surprised no US reviewer mentioned it. I wonder if the subtitler emitted the character's age (the actress was older).

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I see that Yanks have not given up on prudery while I was on holiday. On funny names, viz:

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Googling, I see the character was fourteen, but that her age can't very well have been emitted from the subtitles, since it's a plot point.

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751 reminds me of this gem of an interchange.

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David, have you seen Swedish Wedding Night? I saw it 30+ years ago and loved it. I was the only one in the theatre laughing, because Swedish films were supposed to be grimly serious.

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I was afraid someone would bring that up.

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761 to 759.

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google turns up this site,, which suggests "Condaleeza in Czech phonetic translation is „kunda lízat“ which means *terrible word for… female genetalia* and „to lick“"

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One of my favorites, Matt!

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Yes, that's right.

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760: Nope. It's based on a novel by that dude who killed himself. Didn't know he wrote any humorous books, or maybe it's only the movie.

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Stig Halvard Dagerman?

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After reading his biography, I wonder whether I was supposed to be laughing. But there was one character, a milkmaid, who talked lyrically and at length about her love for her cow, and another love scene between the city cousin and the country cousin which was hilarious by any standard. Perhaps it was black humor, and everything does end badly. It seemed like a parody of movies about the idyllic / "Deliverance" countryside

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It sounds like the Swedish Cold Comfort Farm.

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I've googled some more, and the novel is described as humorous, with dark undercurrents. You probably were supposed to laugh.

I should read Dagerman, he sounds intriguing. I've barely read any Swedish fiction, to be honest.

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The movie was fun.

At the time I felt that it was a parody of Bergman combined with a parody of the various kinds of countryside films.

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If you're too shy to ask straight out, try getting some engraved invitations printed up that say something like "The Honor of a Kiss is Requested". Then you can just fill in her name and hand it to her. Totally classy.

Look for a closeup of such a card, possibly shot with a vaseline-smeared lens, in Guy Maddin's next movie.

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