Re: Presentation


Man, the media sure is good at covering events that happen within the media itself. It's the outside world they need to work on.

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I'm confused (perhaps from never reading msnbc): did the links go to three different stories? (Different write-ups of the same event?) Because otherwise, that's weird. Actually, on second thought it's weird either way.

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Different stories would be awesome. We need more Rashoman style coverage. Speaking of which, everyone has seen this, right?

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Two went to the exact same story, one went to the video that accompanied that story.

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That's pretty amusing, baa, thanks. And ogged, if you really consider this, each of those headlines reveals a fascinating new dimension of the story. Escape your old "one dimensional" "one headline per article" rut, dude. It's very 2005.

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I really wish I'd taken a screenshot of the headline that began "'Macaca' senator denies...."

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3: I know I should love "Psych! Hillary's Totally Going to Be President" best of all, but I can't get enough of the Arts notice entitled "Two Dudes Strokin' It."

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3: I don't see what's wrong with the revised travel blurb.

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I am also a fan of the arts coverage.

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As I read this, I am hearing:

"America, where are ya now
Don't ya care about your sons and daughters
Don't ya know, we need ya now
We can't fight alone against the monsters"

That hippie shit keeps me going.

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For some reason, it seems appropriate to post this link in this thread.

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I really wish I'd taken a screenshot of the headline that began "'Macaca' senator denies...."

They've done that more than once.

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What, no "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry Clinton" headlines? (cf)

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