Actually, I appreciated the sad between the jokes ten years ago, too. But it didn't make me uncomfortable.
This is the "I never meant to give you mushrooms, girl" song.
Off to teach.
Off to reinforce the subhuman status of 6-chunkers.
Nothing to say about any of this except that you are wrong, heebie -- you are young.
Peep did not see any humor in the song.
Maybe I have a glimmer of youth, because I experienced a hint of humor paired with a twinge of discomfort from this piece.
I grow old . . . I grow old . . .
I shall listen to rappers not so bold.
Listening to that I kept thinking that I know there are other pop songs on that theme, but I'm having difficulty thinking of them at the moment.
Going back a ways, that song could be the grandchild of "Poor Jenny"
I went downtown to see her she was locked in a cell / she wasn't very glad to see me that I could tell / in fact to tell the truth she wasn't lookin' too well / Poor Jenny!
But I think there is also a Velvet Underground song that is related that escapes my mind at the moment.
All the kill-my-wife bits in Eminem songs turned me sour on him completely. I just can't even take him seriously, even when he's jokey, like in the OP's song.
I fail to see any humor in that song. I like Eminem, though. (Not that song, so much, but plenty of his others.)
13: This has been driving me nuts, and I just placed it. The Everly Brothers, right?
13: This has been driving me nuts, and I just placed it. The Everly Brothers, right?
I thought about providing a link, but I assumed that it would be easily googleable.
5: Off to sell out.
Off to not do stupid things like buy 25 mushrooms.
['I was always old; I couldn't figure out why anybody would eat those things when you knew quite well that the motherfucker selling them has no idea where they came from and probably found some random shit in a field somewhere to fill out the count.']
That song is still straight-up funny. In a dark way, sure, but funny.
Except that Eminem apparently doesn't actually know how hard it is to overdose on mushrooms. You'd have to eat, like, several pounds of them.
(Oh wait, nooo, the guy at the end of the song is just tripping! I see what he did there...)
Except that Eminem apparently doesn't actually know how hard it is to overdose on mushrooms.
He's probably just got a better supplier than you.
why anybody would eat those things
The hallucinations, mostly.
21: Unlikely, since I'm like hours away from British Columbia, Land of the Good Shit.
I once offered DS a bag from Sasketchywan, but he was having Nunavut.
I was all, like, being a Prince Edward I-land.
Also, Michael Moore is making a new movie? I guess I vaguely knew that, but there seems to be less coverage of it than of his last ones. Or maybe it's just that I'm paying less attention.
Hmm. In my old age I mistook one thread for another.
25, 27: There was a lady involved. It was a Missus Saga.
28: Stanley was all "Nigadon't" but the lady was all like "Nigadoo!" Until Apo said "Nigapleez!"
Goddammit. That whole joke revolves around this link.
30: It was the best of times, it was the Maritimes.
31: As opposed to the Sexytimes (per di's thread).
Yukon lead a Whitehorse to water but it still might have Nunavut.
33: Shit, I had forgotten 24. Sorry, Stanley. And I was so proud ...
34: Too many cooks in the Kitchener, I guess.