I have not seen BIOR, but is it correct to guess that, if it actually involves Rio, it just happens that some of the movie is set during carnival?
I was unaware that Stanley Donen had directed a movie starring Demi Moore.
Jetpack gets it right. Though, along with the T was the A. The movie poster for Rio was an important cultural touchstone for junior-high age boys in the early eighties.
2: No carnival so far, but there's still time.
The movie poster for Rio was an important cultural touchstone for junior-high age boys in the early eighties
Oh, that movie. Never saw it, but I remember the poster.
This new free channel is awesome. They're now showing The Extreme Adventures of Super Dave. Yay, free TV. USA. USA.
My roommate has captured a stinkbug under a glass. It's walking the glass, looking for an out. I'd like to toss the bug outside (paper-under-the-glass style), but it's about to snow, like, eleventy million snows. What to do?
Put it in the basement, Stanley. Doesn't it already sort of stink down there?
Put it out the window, Stanley. It belongs to nature, let nature deal with it.
I'm annoyed that we've had stinkbugs in our house, yet relieved that we have yet to encounter their signature characteristic.
Oh, and everybody's right about Blame it on Rio, although, iirc, it really failed to live up to the hype (as did Rio itself, as I believe I've mentioned before. But I'm not an ass man).
What's wrong with a movie about being attracted to a friend's daughter? C'mon now. Michael Caine. Sex in specs. Joey Baloney. And some chicks. In Rio. Pre boob job Demi. No wonder it got a green light,
I think stinkbugs smell pretty good. It's a nice plantlike smell. Although having more than a couple at one time might get old.
This refreshing drink tastes exactly like stinkbugs smell, for example.
The movie poster for Rio was an important cultural touchstone for junior-high age boys
You said touchstone, heh, heh
The first rated R movie I snuck into underage. I had a sheltered childhood. Worth every penny.