That's not what your mom said.
(To either 1 or 2, really.)
3: She told me, "That little bitch wanted it."
Nosflow appears to be wrong on the internet, but it's no big deal, really.
Cosma, how can I make it up? What if I taught myself R or something, would that help?
I have like some cognitive failure that prevents me from understanding xkcd ever. What's the "metal rectangle full of lights"? Surely not a computer monitor, aren't computer monitors mostly encased in plastic?
The metal rectangle full of lights is the computer monitor that the guy is pointing to. It's true that monitors are usually plastic. Maybe this is a special one, or maybe Munroe is being careless.
maybe Munroe is being careless.
Surely not!
I thought perhaps that it was different from a regular computer monitor, being constituted primarily of metal rather than plastic, and that it was on this difference that the joke turned.
What made you like this xkcd in particular, Ben? It seems to me no better than the average xkcd comic, and worse (i.e., more incomprehensible) than many.
It could be an aluminum-case iMac. It doesn't look like one, but with Munroe, that'd be par for the course.
Nosflow indiscretion error in 16?
18. I refer you to the named author of the front-page post.
I thought "Neb" was short for Nebuchadnezzar.
20: No, he's short 'cause he's got little legs.
I just love stuff that's about perception and action.
Nosflow indiscretion error in 18?
19: The rules are subtle and arbitrary.
24: And Brock is right! I ban myself.
I thought this was a better-than-average xkcd, although I'm not as opposed to most of them as nosflow is.
XKCD should do something new. Munroe should continue to draw the strip, but farm the writing out to Chris Muir (or maybe Muir could draw and Munroe could write).
First neb liked New Belgium Brewery. Now he likes xkcd. Pretty soon he's going to start wearing a Park Ranger uniform. I'm sure of it.
I don't like xkcd, I liked this xkcd. And if wearing a Park Ranger uniform works for me as it did for teo, hell yes I'll start wearing one pretty soon.
Nebuchadnezzar's nickname was "Chad", anyway.