I recall much less synth and flute in the original I cut my teeth on.
The original Paddy Reilly version, that is. Not the original-original.
Wouldn't know Paddy if I bumped into him on my own doorstep (ah, where's Emerson to challenge that assertion?). All's I know is that song about Reilly's daughter, with that nudge nudge wink wink about "a damned sight quicker than I *married* his daughter".
Caterpillars are the most lachrymose of insects.
Wow, what a coincidence. I heard this song for the first time recently (the Nanci Griffith version). It's a great song.
It means "teary" or "prone to crying", Stanley.
Caterpillars are the most consupiscent of lepidoptera.
the Nanci Griffith version
That's the first version I ever heard. I was just looking for it, but apparently it's not online.
Fucking horny caterpillars got me all confused.
I thought Sifu was funnin' me for feeling sad, is all. I think it's a genuinely sad story.
And I'm a big hippie teddy bear DOT COM, so whatevs.
Wait, what story's sad? The one in video? I didn't watch the video.
I was merely informed that this was the caterpillar thread.
as far as i know, the Papers Please was OKed for anyone in the US, not just at the border, a while ago by the supreme court.
15: Exactly. To quote Boyz II Men, it's so hard to say goodbye to yesterday. And that's how I feel about caterpillars. That's all. So sad. And yet, butterflies! This all makes sense.
I studied on this thing a bit overnight. Arizona has a lot of older white people with a sense of privilege and failing organs (some of whom are surely alcoholics). The immigrants have a surplus of young healthy kidneys. Solution left as an exercise to the reader*.
*Sadly my preferred campaign slogan --A Liver to Live Here--doesn't really work.
Caterpillars are the most consupiscent of lepidoptera.
Led me to this article in the Catholic Encyclopedia on "Concupiscence" which is a perfect example of "What is wrong with our thoughts?" mentioned in the review thread. It does not matter much how you answer this question: something has already gone fatally wrong with your thoughts, once you find yourself so much as asking it. Although you also can see in it the seeds of why the Catholic church has befuddled so much of humanity for two millenia.
Two highlights:
1) By the sin of Adam freedom from concupiscence was forfeited not only for himself, but also for all his posterity with the exception of the Blessed Virgin by special privilege.
2) A bit at the end on where they expound on problems with the (equally convoluted and insane) views of the reformers. The Catholic Church condemns these doctrines as erroneous or heretical.
14:And I'm a big hippie teddy bear DOT COM
Yes. The Stanley Boo Bear, available in fine toy stores & head shops everywhere. It's so caah-youuuuttte.
m, bong accessory sold separately
This seems like the appropriate thread.
Someone just sent me a link to a 2008 Glen Campbell performance of Wichita Lineman which is surprisingly great.
22: Pretty nice. To balance that, the most unnecessary cover ever--Sammy Davis Jr from 1970.