I read that as a two year old neighbour, and was wondering where he fitted into the snow-clearing.
I like my neighbours too. (Even if one of them is voting Tory - he fixed our drainpipe for us because he was out with his ladder and noticed it had come loose.)
Our neighbours seem to be split roughly 50/50 Lib/Lab. What astonishes me is how many of them seem to be enthusiastic enough to put up a poster. They're all great people - it's nice having real neighbours; the last house we lived in most of the street was fairly transient.
You don't need the pause/play symbols for that one. By definition, that's on-topic for any thread here.
There are about four old ladies on my street that are engaged in an extremely petty competition to see who can annoy the others the most. My sympathies are with the one being annoying by trying to enforce city rules. The ones trying to be annoying by breaking city rules keep attracting dozens of pigeons and parking like an assholes.
3: I'm surprised my inbox isn't full of emails offering to sell me leaves from the Indonesian gatal-gatal tree.
6: You can get the same effect by sticking your penis in a beehive. I think. Never tried it myself.
Bears love honey and I'm a Pooh bear
So I do care, so I'll climb there
I'm so rumbly in my tumbly
I'll just fuck this hive.
I was not on the camping trip, but I knew the people involved:
On a camping trip, druggy wild man decides he's going to fuck a melon, and the poor melon gets sort of passed around the group and sodomized.
Hours later, someone says "Where's Weird Kid?" They peered around with flashlights and found him behind a tree, making love to the melon. He was curious but too embarrassed to join the revelry, so he found a nice quiet spot to make love to his melon.
"Where's Weird Kid?"
Call me a stick-in-the-mud, but I would find "weird kid" to be insufficiently precise in that situation.
Eh, stick-in-the-mud, stick-in-the-melon, what's a few terminal letters between friends.
10: So was this sort of pass-the-fruit-and-fuck-it behavior consistent with the norms of the subculture in which you moved at the time?
14: Probably the same kids that jerked off Ogged's dog.
So was this sort of pass-the-fruit-and-fuck-it behavior consistent with the norms of the subculture in which you moved at the time?
"Endorse every last idea and roll with it" was the norm for these Humboldt hippies. I didn't roll with them much or ever live there, I just dated a guy there and visited him a few times.
I just dated a guy there
Did he try to get you to wear one of these?
Are you unafraid to google "slutty melon costume" from work? Did you just know that link?
In general I get along well with my neighbors, and two of them have been over for dinner a few times. But I was depressed this week to see a Marco Rubio sticker on the truck of another one. We're nowhere near Florida.