I used that razor for a long time, ever since I received one in the freebie box they gave to all the incoming freshman at my college. (Among the other items in the freebie box was an invitation to open a Bank of America checking account, which I still maintain. Also, many douches, no seriously, which were the source of much hilarity in the dormitory bathrooms. I never bought another one, but the smell of some vinegars, in particular for some reason the kind they use in vinegar-flavored potato chips, still makes me gag.) Eventually I decided the replacement cartridges were too expensive and started buying cheapo single-blade disposables, and anyway I don't shave my legs very often. (And then I found five dollars.)
This is very odd. I had a long conversation with myself in the shower this morning about "women's" razors. Conclusion: I hate them, and good "men's" razors work better.* (I'm fond the the "Fuck It -- We're Going with Five" ones.)
*I don't find the chunky shape and embedded bars of lotion, etc. useful at all and at least the one I was using this morning (Venus?) doesn't work nearly as well as the 5-blade fellows.
Maybe that's how I got started using it. I also don't shave my legs very often. I also am terrible about noticing prices, and wouldn't have ever thought to compare the price of the cartridges.
I've been patiently waiting for the day when the number of blades on a razor surpasses the number of minutes per day that it takes to tone your abs. Soon, my pretties!
Everything is terrible, but you should in fact count yourself lucky that this is only the first time since college you've faced this wrenching dilemma.
Yeah, obviously the handles are a conspiracy. But men's razors are hardly better. They've got us by the short hairs (as it were). Just keep fucking around with perfectly good products to keep the wheels of capitalism churning. (Seriously -- it's churning. If they were stockbrokers, it would be illegal.) But what're we going to do? All start using straight razors? Unlikely.
It does seem odd that they constantly change the way these things look and feel. I mean...it's not like anyone is going to go looking for spare parts for their electric razor, so there's no planned obsolescence involved in the corporate strategy. And yet both times I've gotten a replacement electric razor there was not one available that looked or felt even vaguely similar to my old one. The handles are all different, they exert different amounts of pressure on the face -- not better or worse, just different. These are things we get used to, and it would be nice to not have to change our routines.
but you should in fact count yourself lucky that this is only the first time since college you've faced this wrenching dilemma.
You should count yourself lucky that I set the complaint bar for posts as high as I do. There are literally dozens! Dozens! of daily things I put up with, without posting them on Unfogged.
When I made a similar complaint neb suggested the non-cartridge kind of safety razor. I haven't tried it, having temporarily found a reliable supply of the old two-blade cartridges. But I might be driven to it someday.
The embedded bars of lotion are so silly. I mean, it's a strip the thickness of a pencil lead and the hardness of talc, and when wetted it's supposed to deposit what -- half of a microgram? -- of emollient onto your skin? I think it's supposed to encourage women to replace their cartridges more often, since their rate of deterioration is faster than the rate at which the blades dull, and once they get all moth-eaten you'll want to replace.
In the thread from 9, rfts links to the safety razor in question in comment 256, but I still can't figure out what exactly these safety razors are.
the old two-blade cartridges
I still use those also. They used to sell retailer-brand re-fills, but not anymore.
There's something jarring about seeing a picture on the front page. The only image should be the site header, dammit!
It's more CHANGEBAD than anything else. Also it makes me wonder if you're going to go all Sausagely on us with the pictures.
You should at least get paid if you're going to do product placement like that (cf. Veronica Mars, season 3, on the Venus razor).
But I've posted pictures before. Are you sure it's not that you keep trying to pick it up off the screen? It's so realistic, sitting there.
A friend of mine, tired of the cost of Gillette refills, decided recently to start using an old-fashioned safety razor. I think he's still alive, but when I mentioned this decision to somebody old enough to have used those razors when they were the only option, he blanched.
he blanched
...with a blood flow no one can stanch...
17 gets it right. Most pictures embedded here are of things that nobody could resist picking up.
Comment 1 is pretty much my story too, except for the part about getting the douches in the welcome package. My freshman year of college was right when those shower poof things made of gathered nylon netting came out, and we got one of those and this terribly sweet smelling Caress bodywash.
I got a razor from Gillette in the mail on my 18th birthday, and have used Gillette razors ever since. Sneaky fuckers.
On the other hand, I kinda like seeing their building as I drive into town. Very old-school.
I used to worry that they'd stop selling the sensor XL blades, or whatever it is that I've used for maybe 10 years. But I've recently found I haven't been happy with the closeness of the shave and maybe it's time to move to a different razor. The problem is that the last time I tried one of those newer-multi-fangled razors, it irritated my skin enough that I went back to the sensor XL.
You could just grow a hipster beard on your legs, heebie.
I'm growing soul patches just under my knees.
I use (and approve of) the old-fashioned safety razors being discussed. The places online that discuss them usually report that women can use them for their legs with no particular difficulty, but tend to prefer models with longer handles. And the blades are very cheap - I paid $12, with shipping, for a pack of 100.
I used to be a Mach3/Fusion/etc user. My SO now uses the old handle from the Mach3 with the Venus cartridges; they're compatible. We were once staring at them in a drugstore and muttering about blade count and compatibility, and a young woman stepped into the aisle and introduced herself as an engineer at Gillette. Besides telling which ones would work with which others, she opined that the real merit of the increasing blade count was more the closer spacing between blades, not so much the total number of them.
I occasionally consider straight razors, in a "But how would I shave if industrial civilization collapsed?" kind of way. Then I stop and figure that (a) I'd probably be dead and (b) why would I care about my beard then?
Shaving is what the shorter Samurai sword is for.
The Damascus-steel-and-mammoth-ivory straight razor I linked to in the thread in 9 is no longer available. Fuck. I knew I should have bought it while I had the chance.
Even if civilization collapses and you've trained yourself with straight razors just in case, you'll probably just have to re-train yourself to do it by candlelight.
We were once staring at them in a drugstore and muttering about blade count and compatibility, and a young woman stepped into the aisle and introduced herself as an engineer at Gillette.
And said, "I heard what you were saying. You know nothing of my work."
My dad had a heavy beard, and carried an electric in his glove compartment, almost shaving at every stoplight. He gave me an electric for my 18th, but I switched to a Trac II when they came out in 1971. Still use two blades the 2-3 times a year I shave my neck.
...uses the old handle from the Mach3 with the Venus cartridges; they're compatible.
One hopes.
2: Yeah, razors with embedded vitamin e/aloe/whatever strips, blegh. I have to pay extra for men's razors with no Moisturizing Lubricating Comfort Strip bullshit because the generic ones all have it.
The Damascus-steel-and-mammoth-ivory straight razor....
I tried to shave with a cutthroat razor once.
I replaced the lotion strip on my razors with one of those abrasive wheels that shoot sparks because I'm fucking serious.
OT: Would someone be willing to explain this joke to me? It's apropos of the Muslim community center in the vicinity of the World Trade Center, and the comparison of dick-length among religions:
A Jesuit, a Dominican and a Franciscan are walking in the Holy Land, and bickering over which order has done the most to promote the Lord's work. The Jesuit and the Dominican are about to come to blows when the Franciscan, peacemaker in the spirit of St. Francis that he is, suggests that they all three ask for a sign, since He must be nearby, to resolve the question. So they fall to their knees in prayer, and ask. Suddenly there's a clap of thunder and a blinding light in a clear sky, and a small scrap of parchment flutters to the ground.
The Dominican picks it up, and reads it out loud--it says (in Latin, of course) "Children, do not fight. You are all equally cherished in My sight. Signed, God, SJ."
Apparently this is gut-bustingly funny if you get it. Is it just funny because the message is in Latin, on a piece of parchment? I don't get it.
Otherwise, carry on.
I go on picnics with a hammer, a tape measure, a wrench, pliers, and two screwdrivers.
I shave with a belt sander.
Wuss. I shave with chemotherapy.
Well, God is a Jesuit, here. This is certainly relevant, but I'm not sure how it makes it funny.
38: SJ = "Jesuit." So the joke is God is a Jesuit. There is a whole genre of Catholic in-jokes involving the snootiness of Jesuits.
My favorite Jesuit joke:
A Jesuit and a Franciscan are walking down the street. A yuppie comes up to them and says, "Fathers, can you help me? What sort of novena should I say in order to get a BMW?" The Franciscan answered, "What's a BMW?" The Jesuit answered, "What's a novena?"
38: Signed, God, SJ.
It should be "God, S.J." The joke is that God is a Jesuit (formal name, Society of Jesus).
Nothing to do with the mosque. The joke must be from 1700.
42: Ah. I think that must be it. That it was an in-joke was apparent; I just didn't know what it was about. Thanks.
My favorite joke to tell without getting it:
Q: What does the H. stand for in Jesus H. Christ?
A: Haploid.
I do actually get the joke now, but there was a stretch where I couldn't remember why exactly the joke worked, and so I'd say to biologists, "You guys will love this joke but I'm not sure why."
I should be embarassed to admit to this in public, but I recently acquired the Schick Intuition (my mom bought a package at Cosco and didn't like it), and as cheesy as it is, I quite like it. I used to use the Venus razors - I liked how simple they were - but it turns out that the ridiculous "soap" stuff on the razors is actually quite nice and smooth. Go figure.
A Jesuit and a Franciscan are walking down the street. A yuppie comes up to them and says, "Fathers, can you help me? What sort of novena should I say in order to get a BMW?" The Franciscan answered, "What's a BMW?" The Jesuit answered, "What's a novena?"
There's an isomorphic Jewish joke involving orthodox, conservative, and reform rabbis.
49: Which rabbi is too poor to know what a BMW is?
50: Oh, snap!
The snap of anti-semitism, that is.
The Muslim community center brouhaha is bothering me enough that I'm sort of enjoying these jokes.
Jesus and Mohammed are out for a walk one day, and come to a bridge crossing the Jordan. Jesus stops and says "Hold up, Mo, I gotta drain the snake." So they both drape their penises over the side of the bridge and proceed to urinate. Mohammed looks over at Jesus and says "Man, that water's cold!" A moment later, Jesus looks back at Mohammed and says "Yeah; and deep, too!"
(I should hat/tip someone for this, but I'm totally lifting it without permission.)
The physics involved in 52 are baffling to me.
The joke is that they have penises of unwieldy length.
And Jesus's penis has dipped deeply.
But also it took a few seconds for Jesus to notice.
Jesus threw his wang over the bridge because he wanted to piss deliberately, he wanted to dip deep and have all the marrow sucked out of it.
So the reference to cold water is not a reference to the well-known effect of low temperatures on wieldable penis length?
51: No. I really don't know enough to guess. Which rabbi was too unworldly, if that is better phrasing.
A true master can wield a penis of any length.
I thought Jesus was hung like this [obligatory gesture].
I don't understand the joke. And doesn't Jesus's penis walk on water?
60: the ability of a master to wield the length in question seems irrelevant to the question of whether thermally-induced changes in said length are germane to the joke's intended humorous juxtapositions.
62: So that's what He meant when He spread His arms and said He loved me "thiiiis muuuuch."
Still doesn't explain the one set of footprints on the beach though.
65: That was when He draped you over His penis, towel-style.
I really don't know enough to guess.
Exactly, Jew-hater.
67: No, Moby doesn't even see Jews.
Still doesn't explain the one set of footprints on the beach though.
(I should hat/tip someone for this, but I'm totally lifting it without permission.)
I've heard that joke, in a different form, attributed to Richard Pryor, but it may predate him.
I admit I wasn't very worried about attribution.
73: Journalism isn't a very good living these days.
HEEBIE THIS IS MY SAME RAZOR. i figured it was discontinued as i haven't been able to find blades either. and then mine kinda got busted; somehow blades don't stay put in it anymore.
at one point i tried one of those Venus razors but i didn't really like it! i forget if i didn't get a close shave or i got razor burn but whatever it was it was bad.
since all sensor blades fit all sensor razors, i shelled out $7 for a men's sensor razor and then i could use my one remaining women's sensor excel triple blade. now all i can find in the stores are sensor non-excels. don't know what the difference is but i know it must be worse.
i like broke out in HIVES when i shaved sloppily, the last time. now i shave carefully. but not often.
This was my razor for years after it was discontinued. Loved it. Have now moved on to the Venus, but so so reluctantly.
I'll be contrarian and say that I find the various new iterations of Gillette to be steadily better. I started out with some two blade thing (Atra?) then the Sensor, now Mach 3. I also tried my Dad's Gillette powered something or other and thought it was great, the only reason I haven't switched is the cost. The Mach 3 also lasts significantly longer than the previous ones I used so there the extra cost isn't an issue.
Speaking of Jesuits, should I as an atheist consider working at Jesuit universities? My general feeling is that given that religion isn't actually going away soon, it's good for the world to promote strains of religion which are interested in science and truth for it's own sake. And in particular, any religious school that's willing to hire me can't be too bad. However, maybe I'm missing something? Is there some important way that they're evil?
The Jesuits are now awesome. I think working at one would be entirely unproblematic.
I thought for some reason that Gary Wills was a Jesuit, but no.
re: 18
This has come up before in previous shaving threads, but I use a safety razor, with the traditional double-edged blade. It's cheap -- the blades are a tiny fraction of the cost of fancy cartridges -- and I never cut myself (something I used to do all the time with the Mach 3). I've been using it for several years now and still think it's great.
I received a joke as an e-mail forward years ago in which two protestants meet and began discussing their respective faiths. It turns out that, as they move from general to specific, they believe exactly the same things until they discover that one adheres to one particular Reformation-dated confession and the other to a slightly different one of a few years later. Then they accuse each other of heresy and fight. If I hadn't deleted it as I did with all e-mail forwards, I'd remember the details.
Apparently, I remembered the details wrong, but google's suggested search terms helped me find the punchline.
82: slightly similar to the story about the two drunk guys in a Dublin pub.
"Have I seen you round here before?"
"Sure, I've been coming here for years."
"Really? Me too. Are you from around here?"
"Yes, lived here all my life."
"Me too. I grew up on Connell Street."
"Me too! Where did you go to school?"
"St Martin's."
"Me too! Do you remember Miss Finnegan?"
"Oh yes!..."
Another customer asks what's going on, and the barman says "Oh, the McManus brothers are drunk again."
Wait, are those blue strips on Mach 3 blades some sort of lotion? I use them as a rough indicator for how long I've been using the blade.
What do people mean when they talk about safety razors? I thought that Gillette razors and the like were safety razors.
I like these cheap blades that Nathan is talking about. Can anyone recommend a good one?
teraz, Labs said that the Fusion cartridges last even longer than the Mach 3 ones do.
The 'safety razor' is the type that takes a single naked doubled edged blade.* Not a cartridge.
* yes, yes, I know that some old ones used a single sided blade.
88. Can you even buy them anymore? I'd love to have one, but I just don't see them.
re: 89
I linked to one above. I bought mine from there, although they seem to be out of stock of that particular one.
Loads of places sell them.
There's been a bit of a cult-ish revival of old-school shaving products. Some a bit silly, but some not. So safety razors and blades are quite easy to get.
Oh, right. Never occurred to me to look online. I usually just pick up shaving stuff in the supermarket or the chemist when I'm there.
You can usually get the blades for safety razors anywhere. Boots, etc, but the razors themselves aren't sold in ordinary high street chemists as far as I can tell.
I used to shave with a safety razor back in the day. Usually I'd cut my legs to ribbons. Okay, not ribbons, exactly, but I always cut myself. I like those seven-bladed pink plastic things with the lotion strips.
Who was it who was going on the other day about Frank Furedi and the RCP/Spiked gang? There's a beauty here:
The liberals are formally correct. Of course, religious freedom, like broader political and social freedom, is to be supported. They are also correct in challenging conservatives' guilt-by-association, in which any expression of Islam in the vicinity of Ground Zero must be considered offensive. However, their approach is also problematic. Very few conservatives are arguing that the government should close down the mosque, so the point about the formal separation of church and state continually made by Bloomberg and others is not really relevant. Moreover, many liberals do not stop at simply asserting religious freedom - and the way they have framed the issue has also led to some patronising assumptions, in particular about the motives of the working class.
Also from the link in 94:
If opposing Park51 is bigotry, then liberals must see a nation of bigots, as polls show that a majority of Americans oppose it.
Well, yeah.
Usually I'd cut my legs to ribbons
I use a safety razor to shave my face and I like it quite a bit, but I have never figured out how one would shave their legs with one. I assume it can be done since women shaved their legs before the invention of the cartridge razor.
87: teraz, Labs said that the Fusion cartridges last even longer than the Mach 3 ones do.
My experience as well. I've used Fusion for a while and they really do work well for me (very thick, dense beard)--both in terms ability to perform adequately with my usual hurried slapdash shave and blade longevity. Had a decent hurried shave with >1 week old one this morning. (Although I think my head has overflowed with razor names over the years, I could not recall its name when I first read this thread, and both my wife and I are in continual danger of coming home with incompatible blades.)
98: Swimming shave downs with safety razors back in the day generally were quite the gore fests for the hirsute amongst us. Not sure the loss of blood didn't negate whatever benefits were sought.
The "rub your blade cartridge backward along your forearm as an easy strop to extend blade life" technique that was being passed around about 6 months ago in YouTube form actually works. I've only been shaving once or twice a week lately, but I've been on the same Mach 3 cartridge for 4 months now and it hasn't dulled appreciably--I may very well get another 4 months out of it.
Chopper pretty soon you'll have to stop shaving entirely to fit in at the new digs.
I've only been shaving once or twice a week lately
I dunno. No sooner he gets a new job than he starts letting himself go to seed.
101: Months! Back when I shaved my whole face, I had cheap disposables that didn't seem to stay sharp through even one shave.
Mach 3 blades last me four to six weeks, shaving about three times a week. The Sensor was about half that, so no real extra cost. The couple times I tried using cheap disposables they started out dull and got worse quickly.
I assume it can be done since women shaved their legs before the invention of the cartridge razor.
Did they? When was it invented?
I usually only use a normal razor blade a few times before I chuck it, but that's because I only shave my neck at the moment ['cos beard], and then only every couple of weeks [the rest of the time I use a trimmer]. I don't ever really remember changing them because they got blunt, more just because after a while I can't remember how long they've been on there and it's easier to just change. I bought a box of 100 blades for about 10 quid several years ago, and I'm barely into it, so I don't really worry about the cost.
However, when I shaved my whole face regularly, I think I usually changed the blade every week or two.
started out dull and got worse quickly
This is now my new personal tagline.
Faced with a similar situation wrt my terribly old-fashioned, merely three-bladed razor, I bought a year's supply of cartridges on ebay. You should do a search. If the product is being discontinued, you can probably find them on clearance.
I usually just wax or let it grow. Razors irritate my skin, and those "lubricating strips" make me break out into a rash.
I've been waxing since I found a cheapish place near work -- it worked fine for a couple of months, and then this month has been ingrown-hair fest, despite my usual confused attempts at exfoliation. Do you do something to avoid that, or is it just not a problem for you?
I assume it can be done since women shaved their legs before the invention of the cartridge razor.
Did they? When was it invented?
Yes. 1965. twin blades, 1971.
106: According to this, underarm and leg shaving took hold in the interwar period, driven by a conspiracy of ad-men.
2G feminists largely stopped shaving in the 70s, but everybody seems to have gone back to it for reasons I don't fully understand.
112: Wax is best -- I loathe shaving. This product works really well for ingrown hairs.
115: Fallout from generalized hippie-hatred? Not shaving is dirty? Feminists are unfeminine? I'm not sure, either.
For subtil and divers reasons, I've only been able to shower and shave about twice a week for the last two weeks, and a lot of excess skin seems to accumulate - when I scrape my cheeks after shaving, my fingernails get loaded up with something grayish. It's rather disconcerting. Not sure why I never noticed it before; maybe I simply never happened to scrape my cheek in such situations.
And then I found five dollars while fucking a clown.
115: Seems largely of a piece with "choice feminism" and the general drift of 3G/4G pro-sex pro-boob "I'm not a feminist but..." feminism.
Sorry if this has already been mentioned, but I discovered that my Venus handle fits the Mach 3 cartridges (the men's version), and that the Mach 3 cartridges are often cheaper in stores -- though not online. I'm a fan of both.
112: I tend to go with the stuff marketed specifically for Brazilian waxing. If it's gentler down there, I figure it's gentler everywhere else.
116: How many pads are in the little tub? $38 is a lot of money for a tub of thingummybobbers-dealyjobber-whatsits unless there's a lot of them.
Minivet, if your captors let you free, could you go over to the Japanese baths in SF and try out the deal where they scrape off old surface skin. I keep wanting to try that, but haven't gotten around to it. Then you could tell me if you liked it.
When my dermatologist suggested I exfoliate, I misunderstood. Anyway, it all worked itself out, and the former girlfriend really likes the trees I planted, even if it was a bit of a surprise.
116: My old employer! I like their stuff.
122: There are 50 -- but you can easily cut them in half. Also, they have a lot of 20% sales and buy one get two dealios.
I've been toying with a conspiracy theory that Fusion cartridges aren't lasting nearly as long as they did when I first started using them, so I'm glad to see others saying they're still getting good results.
127: Maybe it's just a very carefully targeted conspiracy.
I've been toying with a hypothesis that wild, woolly fully-untrimmed bush will only ever come back in fashion as a replacement for shorts.
128: Specifically, a conspiracy to keep me tired and stressed-out, which tends to make my skin more sensitive to shaving.
Hey k-sky, this is OT, but since you're around, is there an industry term for the final little segment of a TV show (usually a sitcom) where they tell one last joke (classicaly followed by a freeze-frame of everyone bursting out laughing)?
A good while back Sir Kraab and I rented a tape from our local video store that consisted solely of the last such scene from dozens of CHiPs episodes, one after the other. It was awesome, and we've been wondering ever since about what that scene is called, when it became common, etc. Any insight?
132: It was final scenes from CHiPs, ben, not CHaPs.
i quite shaving my face, and just use my hair clippers on the lowest setting.
appropos this: "Most of the men one meets strike one at first as being carelessly shaven, and at first we were inclined to regard that as a sign of a general apathy, but we understood better how things were when a friend mentioned to my son quite casually that he had been using one safety razor blade for nearly a year...." from delong from HG Wells about russia 1920
131: Bumper or tag? That's what they call the bits that run next to the credits these days. IIRC, those bits on CHiPs are different though: they're longer and more integrated into the story. And they lead into the credits rather than running alongside them. "Buttons"?
133: Starring Erik Estrada, not Erik Extruded.
135: Right, they have one last little joke, usually taking the form of Erik Estrada seeming to be mad or upset, the other cast members looking concerned, then Erik flashing a grin to let everyone know he's joking. Everyone then starts laughing exuberantly, and the scene freezes and the credits roll over that frozen scene.
You still see something similar in current shows (I'm thinking for exmple of The Office, Community, 30 Rock), although the freeze frame technique seems only ever to be used ironically now.
136: Erik Extruded fell out of fashion once artisinal, hand-stretched penises became the industry norm. The 1990s remake starred Erick Exxxtraddle.
137: If you liked it on CHiPs, you should love it on Police Squad.
139: I love that bit -- where the coffee keeps pouring?
139: I DO love it on Police Squad. Come to think of it, PS is probably responsible for the freeze frame falling out of fashion.
Speaking of PS aren't we overdue for another installment in the Naked Gun franchise? k-sky, you should get on that.
142: what hilarious scrapes will OJ get into this time?!?
Whoa, Leslie Nielsen was born in 1926.
143: I for one wouldn't mind seeing more footage of OJ getting injured in hilarious ways.
146: Racism isn't hilarious, Stanley. It's not even funny, not even a little bit. Racist.
Racism is funny as long as you're laughing at it and not with it.
Comedy racism is when a black guy falls down an open manhole cover and dies.
Mockingjay comes out tomorrow. It got a good review in the L.A. Times.
I probably won't get my hands on a copy until next week, but what if I die first?
139: I completely forgot about those. They're all funny. My favorite is the one where the crook escapes while they're all frozen.
152: Gotta be Peeta -- he's gotten so much more time on stage. I figure Gale either dies tragically, or finks out unexpectedly. I owe Sally Mockingjay when it comes out (I read the first two after getting them for her), so I'm glad I was reminded about it.
My favorite is the one where the crook escapes while they're all frozen.
He doesn't, remember? He's getting away, but there's someone frozen in the door and he can't get past.
Yeah, but Collins kills off appealing characters. She might well off Peeta. I figure one of the two is doomed, but I can't guess which.
Are you going to go at midnight to buy the book?
The library got 76 copies, but I was 113th on the waiting list. So I probably won't get a copy before I leave for a weekend trip on Thursday. Which means I won't get a copy before next Tuesday. What if I die of not reading Mockingjay for a week?
Maybe I'll buy the book tomorrow after all, although I don't usually like to buy hardback books.
There's a difference between killing appealing characters, and killing characters you've spent a lot of time with onstage -- the sweet little girl in the first book was appealing, but cheap to kill off. I doubt she was on more than twenty pages. Peeta's gotten character development and all that, which it'd be much more unusual to waste.
And no, Sally's not even home, and she's not on tenterhooks. She was enraptured by the first book -- blood, death, suspense, genetic engineering, futuristic fashion design! but not thrilled by the second, and I have to say that I'm with her -- the second didn't have a lot going on. Hopefully the third will be better.
I hear Kevin Smith is doing the film interpretation, Mockingjayandsilentbob.
Late to the thread, but our nanny asked me to find her some of these on the internet a couple of months ago. She explained that this was the only razor with which she never cut herself, and that they had discontinued this model and that she was in a desperate way.
Luckily, there are still decent supplies available on eBay, but for how long?
It got a good review, that some are complaining has spoilers in it, but I don't think are anything we weren't going to find out in the first chapter or so.
Okay, predictions. She agonizes over her feelings for the two of them for most of the book, is having a moment with Gale when she realizes she really loves Peeta, Gale picks up on it, and heroically kills himself, maybe rescuing Peeta or maybe just being generally heroic. I give that 60%, Gale finks out and probably dies after finking out 20%, and the last 20% is the same as the first 20% except with the names switched.
Yeah, I'm with your 60% prediction. I'd give her a 10% chance of choosing neither, which I'd take out of your second two options equally.
135 is right re:131, though "Tag" is in more use now than "bumper". "Button" is the last bit on the end of a scene, not a show -- could be a joke or a dramatic reversal, complication, etc.
116: I generally hate Paula Begoun, but her Paula's Choice salicylic acid lotion and the glycolic acid one are both really good.
I don't know whether this is any good.
Aha -- the ingrown hair preventing thingies mentioned above are currently 15% off + free shipping using code SEPT10.
162: I'm hoping she chooses neither, but I'm not sure why I'm such a spoilsport. I'm four chapters in after my lunch break and so far glad I didn't go back to reread book 2 even though I don't remember it clearly. The summary of events is more than enough.
166: Your ingrown hairs are living in a pre-9/11 world, oudemia.