I can't play this, but on the basis of the Sacred Heart picture in the bottom left corner, I am betting these two are Irish.
Are you scared of it? It's not scary.
The dancers (Cleary and Harding) seem associated with Riverdance in some manner I'm too lazy to google, so points to Gonerill.
Sure, the hand and arm movements are nice, but what really makes it is the expressionless stares. (I watched with sound off.)
Are you scared of it? It's not scary.
No, I was getting an error, that's all.
You really should watch the video, then. It will reassure you.
It will reassure you.
Maybe if everyone in America watched the video we wouldn't vote in fascistic criminal asshats this November! "Watch this video, everything's going to turn out all right, we're going be OK."
If you liked that (the music, not the choreography), you might also like this.
11: Like clapping for Tinkerbell, kind of?
You were probably talking about the choreography, but the two of them are arrestingly pretty.
13: Yes, and if the Republicans win it means we didn't watch hard enough.
if the Republicans win it means we didn't watch hard enough.
Right now Fiorina is running an ad with the video of Boxer calling out the general for calling her "ma'am" instead of "Senator". It bothered me at the time, and still does, but if that is the worst they have on Boxer I think she wins. Plus Boxer is running video of Fiorina saying that the HP jobs needed to go to China or whatever. Sucks to be you, worker bee.
If the Republicans win, it's because the hand dancers weren't pretty enough. Be prettier, pretty hand dancers!
I have a slight variant of that pattern of wallpaper in my dining room. Same colors. I'm pretty sure I know where they got it from.
Ok, it's more impressive with the sound.
I don't think it was cut off on my work computer, but the right edge of the video is cut off now. Didn't this come up recently when someone else posted a video?
I liked it, heebie! (And I was fully expecting to hate it from the first 2 seconds.)
19: Yeah, hands provide nice percussion as well as visuals.
I love this. But part of me also feels like, if you're going to put this much effort into something, you might as well cure AIDS.
Seriously, I cannot even follow what they're doing.
I also wonder if there's deaf people watching this being like, "oh, what the fuck EVER, that's bush league." And who are about to issue a challenge to the local Semaphore Club. (Put it on youtube!)
I've actually wondered if there's a genre of ASL song/dance/I'm not sure what you'd call it: artistic performance consisting of deliberately visually pleasing/rhythmic saying stuff in ASL. I'd think there would have to be, and that it would translate really really really badly as in not at all to non-ASL communication, but what do I know?
25: I liked it
26: yes, there are several genres, and they don't translate.
I'll come back later but I have to frantically finish grading papers and then go teach.
Ooh, cool. Talk about it some when you have time? It sounds fascinating.
Sorry I lied about coming back to tell you stuff. I'm in Indiana! at an international conference about signed languages. I know how to say "danger" and "weird" in French and Australian sign languages now, and I am about to fall over from exhaustion. Someday soon!
30: Have you *seen* The French Connection and Crocodile Dundee? Tons of danger and weird.
Both of those movies gave me a deeper appreciation for Gene Hackman.
30- no, I just have a really low tolerance for learning stuff.
29: Don't worry about it -- it's just something that I speculated must exist, and would be fascinatingly ASL-specific: I'm mostly pleased that I'm right that there is such a thing.
But I'm still interested whenever you get around to talking about it. Maybe it'd make a good post for your blog?
34: I've seen ASL poetry that's fascinating; in addition to rhythm you can use space, visual metaphor and visual puns in really intricate ways.
And if you watch the footage from the marches at G/allau/det back [ whenever they were happening a lot ] you can see ASL protest chanting, which is also pretty rad.
Oh hey, I know what this is now. The hand gestures they're doing are fairly standard moves that choreographers and dancers use to "sketch" complicated footwork routines. That's how they're so fluent in it.