Being the dutiful son that I am, I called my sainted mother today.
She's a veteran?
A son doesn't need a special occasion to call his mother, heebie. I called her today, not because of the day it is, but because my filial piety leads me to make calls.
And of course any call I make is a call made on some day.
She's a veteran?
Have you met Stanley?
I dread to use "so there!" when I'm at odds with you, but I'll keep in in reserve. I'm dubious. Actually, forget it.
I said the word "cunt" today while teaching.
I said the words "Quotient Group" today while teaching.
I shared the word "cunctation" today with a colleague.
10: OMG. I have never seen this before. Useful! But it's about as practicable as "niggardly," in that it's bound to provoke an unintended response.
I also said "dick" and "fucker," but it's because I'm teaching the novel from which my pseud came so long ago.
Is "cunctation" actually more useful than "delay"?
13: No, but it's useful in that I didn't know it before, and it is a concept very familiar to me.
I learned "cunctation" back in HS when I used to browse the dictionary in my leisure time. I believe I used it in the student newspaper.
Stanley's mother wears Army boots.
My mother resembles this remark!
Er, well, she bought me some Doc Martens one time in middle school, when I wanted to be suburban punk rock.
The subtitle of my autobiography would ideally be "A Cunctatory Life".
If you ever got around to finishing it.
Thanks for making that explicit, Stanley.
Just to be clear, I'm pretty sure 20 is a joke poking fun at me and not, in fact, a sincere expression of gratitude.
Oh, Stanley. You should really RTFA check out Standpipe's blog.
13. I've never actually used "cunctation" in anger, but I've believed for as long as I've known the term that it necessarily implies causing a deliberate delay, whereas one can also "delay" stuff due to oversight, ignorance, indifference, indolence and general incompetence.
This is quite likely an artifact of having studied the Second Punic War before I came across the English word.
And now we know what the last comment on Unfogged will be.
Over Thanksgiving, I am going to teach my siblings to end stories with, "and then I found five dollars."
16: My mom was in the Israeli Army (just her legally required service), so when kids would say tease me with , "Your mom wears army boots!", I could only reply, "Not anymore!"
People still actually use "your mom wears army boots" ingenuously?
And now we know what the last comment on Unfogged will be.
When the last pun is strangled with the entrails of the last cock joke.
29: I don't know.
For one thing, the conversation depicted in 28 would plausibly have happened about 35 years ago.
Secondly, it never happened.
a monologue of any length whatsoever
What is the minimum length for a monologue?
who wouldn't want to meet neb's family?
I saw that movie. It's good, in about the most non-flashy way imaginable. I second your mother's recommendation.