I guess late night bacon is the new, hip term for phoning it in.
When I was young and WalMart wasn't just throwing microwaves out the door for the price of a pack of bubble gum, we had a special microwave bacon cooker. It had ridges and a slanted surface to move the grease away from the bacon as it cooked. None of this paper towel shit like you see from professional chefs these days. We respected the microwave. We saw Gremlins and knew the risks.
Um, totes stomped your nuked bacon, heebers. Sorry.
Based on my admittedly limited experience with online recipe reviews, this is perfect:
My kids love this recipe! But I substitute water for the bacon, and I like to put in the freezer for an hour instead of the microwave. I've even served it for breakfast and my kids will sometimes put in their OJ (gross! I know... They renamed it Breakfast Bacon Surprise - LOL!
Recipe for a post with few comments: Take 1 link to a post with a bunch of funny comments already attached. Put it on your blog. Enjoy!
Some of those comments are pretty good. And Rachael Ray is a maniac.
I recently got an email from the Rachael Ray franchise that implied I had signed up for it. A bit disconcerting considering that I had merely looked her up online and briefly visited her site a week before (I had forgotten who she was).
"This is definitely my boyfriend's favorite late night snack at my house! Wait, except I have no boyfriend, it's just me and my three legged dog. Oh, and there's no house, just a crappy studio apartment by the tracks. And then there's the fact I can't afford bacon, just Purina Beggin© Strips. But you know I OHHH GAWD WHHYYYYY DID I QUIT COURT REPORTING SCHOOL"
There's only like ten keys on that freaky little adding machine/type writer. No wonder she quit. How could you type every letter with ten keys?
There's only like ten keys on that freaky little adding machine/type writer. No wonder she quit. How could you type every letter with ten keys?
9,10,11: Apparently a keyboard with zero keys isn't very convenient either...
My favorite was "Julia Child is not rolling over in her grave. She's clawing her way out to kiss the feet of this culinary genius."
It's shocking how few people over there can be bothered to spell Ms. Ray's first name correctly.
Totally off topic random announcement. I was laid over in Narnia's airport and suddenly realized why it's called Narnia. I suddenly yelped in awesome, and the Narnians had one more reason to think I'm crazy. But I had to share the belated, I'm-so-dumb, unfogged admiration.
Back to travels/travails.
Place in the microwave on high for 6 to 13 minutes.
How does this produce a cook time of 5 minutes?