Everybody thought the tiger was real though. And dangerous. They liased with a local zoo.
They thought the pony was a bomb because they're fucking nuts. To me one of the greatest videos ever.
A police officer, who has not been named, was duly dispatched to the field to investigate, and was able to "confirm" that there was indeed a tiger lurking in the grass. They'll use the threat of release against the guy for years--"Don't want to go on the stakeout? Rrrowrr!"
2: That was pretty good. Of course, this is the classic explosion video. I'm not sure I want to know what the 37 people who didn't like that were thinking.
You think he's a stuffed toy, do you? You'll see when he has you for dinner. I've gotten used to seeing the blood and gore when he eats people, but the screams of agony still get to me, so make sure to let him go straight for the jugular.
I'd never seen, or heard about, 4 before. I suggest that anyone else in my position watch it immediately. One of the greatest things ever.
6, 7: I heard about that video years before I saw it. Dave Barry did a gool column on it, back before streaming video.
8: Likewise, but you're supposed to refer to him as "Dave Barry, back when he was funny,".
So yes, the exploding whale is great, but for me the poignancy of the toy pony sitting next to the bomb just gets me. Maybe I read The Velveteen Rabbit a few too many times as a kid. Someone loved that pony, no one loves a dead whale.
I also love the way the pony simply disappears. leaving nothing behind. Pony, then boom, then no pony.
I do like imagining the scene where some parents have spent all day dealing with a distraught child and looking for the lost pony only to turn on the evening news.
I'm quite impressed by the dry humour of the spokeswoman for the police in the tiger case: Hedge End savannah, indeed.
The police do make a good point, though. Nothing makes a toy pony look suspicious quite like being found between a school and a park.
My daughter loves My Little Pony, and has a bunch. If I showed her that video there's a 50% chance that she would cry and be traumatized, and a 50% of thinking it was awesome and trying to blow up one of her ponies when I wasn't looking.
15: well, it puts paid to any talk of the police being shackled by Health and Safety bureaucracy. If you can tell one of your officers "We think there's a tiger in that field somewhere, walk over and have a look" and he then does it, then a) clearly you still have enough or even too much freedom of movement and b) the officer in question has earned a pint or two.