As I read this, my face wore a puzzled look for a few moments as my mental gears churned in confusion, but then the supracranial light bulb appeared, and I let loose with a guffaw.
(I think this post and the one immediately preceding it got their post titles mixed up.)
These people are about to get married. I don't think "Danger in associations!" is a very nice title for a post about their wedding.
You're right, it's not very nice.
On the other hand, there is a certain amount of danger involved, statistically speaking.
On the other other hand, I notice I'm being more of an asshole than usual today, so I should probably be quiet for a while. At least until I've gotten some sleep.
I was kidding, and I myself am a statistic.
You're not an asshole. You're just a commenter who needs a dad.
It's OK; with the passing years, I've come to embrace my own assholity and to wear it as a badge, not of honor, but of humanity. I do feel like I could use some sleep, though, so goodnight, all!
For those who don't have the same association, see The Shining Recut Trailer.
I'm completely with you.
Jack White Collaborates With Insane Clown Posse to Cover Mozart.
Wait, what?
Mozart / Respected for the most part / something something knows art
What really gives this video authenticity is the last frame: "to hear this single in it's entirety..."
some have it: "Mozart, dope for the most part / Respect it, cuz he knows art / Likes music and he shows heart / And he loves chicks licking his ass when it goes dark."