I stole a goat one time. But then I returned it, several weeks later, to its rightful owner. Or at least I returned it to the fields of its rightful owner. I think my conscience is clean.
1: Hey! Me too! Although I returned it right after the croquet game.
Yes, I had the devil of a time placating old Mr. Blenham
Although I returned it right after the croquet game.
Well, obviously.
2: That happened your year? Wow. I've never met anyone who actually participated in that particular ritual.
Also, is there any truth to the rumor that a goat was roasted Homeric-style during the game?
5: Ha! Truthfully, I wasn't with them when they stole Billy (although I was "in on it" and they used my then-boyfriend's car* -- and he was a middie!). I did return the goat though to the front desk of "The Hall" (the giant middie dorm). So I got to walk through town in my summer-dress finest leading a goat on a rope.
*He still has this car and the headliner is still goat-torn.
6: Ah, see 5. We pet and fed the poor dear and kept him looped to the Liberty Tree.
So I got to walk through town in my summer-dress finest leading a goat on a rope.
Unfogged hotttness high-water mark? You decide.
I stole a goat one time. But then I returned it, several weeks later, to its rightful owner.
Did he really want your sloppy seconds?
Did you say you needed a pig stolen?
I think stealing one goat is so much easier than stealing a hundred pigs that the two should be considered current topics.
I'm reminded of the canadian serial killer who fed the victim's corpses to his hogs. What is a half rack of ribs, if not a murder cover-up?
I wasn't with them when they stole Billy
The Pan High mascot?
I knew a girl who stole a kitten once. The principles must be similar.
16: my estimation of your character would be irrevocably sullied, unless, of course, you broke off all social relations whatever with her as soon as you found out this shocking fact. but naturally I won't do you the injustice of assuming anything else is the case. I imagine even a young flippanter was a boy of sterling moral qualities.
"Describe physiological reaction of profound puzzlement."
17. Perhaps she stole the kitten from its villainous owner who was planning to eat it for dinner.
I'm going to a wedding where there will be a bunch a farmers, so I will ask for pig-stealing tips.
17: Let's just say I don't talk to her anymore.
On using the novels of P.G. Wodehouse as a guide: Empress of Blandings was some pig, but even she could not have been more difficult to pignap than 3-5 ordinary pigs. Even Jeeves might have momentary trouble spiriting away more than a dozen swine.
When I was much younger and much stupider, during a late night revelry, I was part of a small group that determined to "borrow" briefly some horses put to winter range on the Blackfeet rez. Much laughter was had, attainment of the objective was extremely limited, but no one went to the hospital.
7 -- Anyone I know? (To save a trip to the archives, it's been previously established that while a student, our friend Oud dated a fellow who was (a) a son of the man who had held the job I then had previously to me and (b) the best friend of the brother of a young woman who had lived with us as a foster child a few years earlier.)
On the pig stealing, I asked my dad and he gave me an answer that could be summarized as "Practice, practice, practice."
23: Now ask him how he'd steal a dressage horse.
Your dad has practiced stealing pigs a lot?
How does this work? Start with white mice, then work up through guinea pigs and baa-lambs and so forth until you feel you're ready to deal with a damn great boar with attitude?
Obviously, the grays have wrapped up their cattle analyses and now are tractor-beaming pigs up up and away.
He has experience with pigs from his youth and has had more recent legal involvement with pig thievery. Most of the bigger farms have security cameras now, he says.
Yo, dudes and dudettes! What's the haps?
He has experience with pigs from his youth and has had more recent legal involvement with pig thievery.
Go on.
29: if the pigs are stolen by executive order, it's not illegal.
Unfogged hotttness high-water mark? You decide.
No contest.
Oudemia: OT, just in case you knew him, apparently NMM to Mr. B\erns
I learned at the viewing for my grandfather, while looking at old pictures, that apparently a relative we were looking at in a black and white photo had gone out to feed the pigs, and died, and succeeded in feeding the pigs more than anticipated. This created much laughter amongst the people being told the story. Laugh at a funeral and all that.
32: Oh no. Did folks still call him L0g0s Larry? His wife told me the story of their courtship and it was adorable beyond reason.
34: I heard the name (& of course the less kind "Polonius"). He retired around the time I started, so not many of my contemporaries knew him.
G\isela is still well, had a hand in organizing today's memorial service.
it's a shame john emerson isn't here to bond with rance.
36: Hott
Only to be expected, given the title of the post. Which is, however, racist.
17: Wait, you have your own personal mercenary yet think that social relations should be severed over kitten stealing?