I suppose I could post a photo, though I thought twice about having posted the photo of it to FB and G+ (it's kinda gnarly) and deleted it.
I banged my knuckle while playing drums, and then continued to play drums, causing the wound to bang against my leg
Rock and roll!
I admit I'm oddly pleased when I come away bleeding a bit.
This wasn't just an elaborate story to make a "solution" pun?
4: It really happened, but, yes, that was intentional.
Maybe laundry isn't your biggest problem, Stan.
Start taking the daily 81mg aspirin dose. Not only will you stave off heart attacks and some strokes, you will also bleed like prime quality inbred royalty from the slightest cut or abrasion.
Peroxide for bloodstains. Oxiclean or any other 'oxygen bleach' turns into peroxide when you add water, and also works.
1) get a lot more blood
2) use it to dye your jeans a reddish brown
3) avoid dogs for while
The second part of 8 is not my experience.
Cover your pants with menstrual pads before you play.
Agree with 9; the 3% stuff for your cuts will work, too. Gotta oxidize those double bonds.
Just match the pants with one of these and you're good to go.
11: Then I must be royalty. I finally cut the dose back to every other day and still bleed and bruise more than I used to but at least the nosebleeds aren't happening every time I sneeze.
Bac-out, especially when it's applied within a couple of hours works miracles with blood stains.
Just leave the stain in and wear the pants to all your gigs to show how rock and roll you are.
These are just the cheap version of neb's new red-lined jeans.
8: Yes, I often leave aikido classes with thumb- and fingerprint bruises all over my arms.
Paired with the right accessory, you've got yourself a dynamite Halloween costume.
17 is right, especially if you're a fey, whimsically psychedelic torycore Mumford & Sons x Belle & Sebastian outfit.
If on the other hand you're a nordic nazi black speed metal medical-horror noise squad, give the jeans the viking funeral, as presumably you usually perform in perfectly pressed business attire.
Hey, some black metal is slower in tempo than speed metal and I'm sure some is hardly National Socialist at all.
I'm sure some is hardly National Socialist at all
"New and Improved! Now with 30% less National Socialism!"
Say what you will about the tenets cleaning power of National Socialism, at least it keeps your whites white.
15: Maybe I have unusually thick blood? In which case it's a good thing I started taking low-dose aspirin!
Plain cold water in the washing machine. When my psoriasis was really bad, I'd end every day with bloodstains on my clothes. Almost everything came out of a cold wash clean
Ammonia! Pour some on the stain and let it sit a few minutes, then wash in cold water.
I vote for 6, which I learned after helping to slaughter a cow.
And I thought my grandma was slow to share her cleaning tips.
Midway sucks maybe 30% less than ORD.
33: The thing that freaks me out about flying into Midway is, it's all houses and houses getting freakily closer and closer and then, just when you think that's it, you cross Cicero Ave. and land.
I know what you mean, but as long as I do not live in those houses, it's not my problem.
Last minute thought inspired by non-marching morons blocking aisles while dicking around with their electronic toys. If you can't get your blood out, add some from a few other people and critters. A reasonably good defense attorney will be able to get you off via reasonable doubt.
Salt water worked like a charm, for the record.