As a federal employee, the president presumably gets Presidents' Day off anyway.
If Obama loses, he's almost certainly got enough comp time so that he can take the rest of his term as vacation.
Of course, if nobody can sign the approval form, maybe he isn't allowed to accrue comp time.
Really, being president of Germany is a better deal until the press starts to notice your loans and car lease.
I really enjoy being reminded that not all of Canada is boring. Thanks.
So, the cow-orker being denied treatment by the insurance company because they claim the standard treatment is experimental:
Spouse (also a coworker) told me that chemo will resume tomorrow. I asked what changed, and he said that they managed to find some way to borrow the money.
I asked him "What about resuming treatment and sorting the bills out later?" or some paraphrase of the question that had been put to me, in the last thread. He said that the hospital absolutely would not proceed until they could guarantee payment. They had tried (although I don't know what that consists of) and the hospital would not treat her.
Ontario is still unbearable, of course.
I really enjoy being reminded that not all of Canada is boring.
Kate Beaton is good for that. Here's her take on Riel.
What's Family Day? One of those provincial holidays they don't do out here?
From the link in the post:
British Columbia will begin to celebrate Family Day in 2013
Speaking of presidents, is anyone else watching this Clinton documentary on PBS?
No. Just you. You'd better but a tote bag or the station will fold.
I usually but the mug from the local NPR affiliate, but I've never butted anything from PBS' local hub. I suppose I really should.
You're the whole under 50 audience, leaving aside Elmo fans and whoever has kids that can sit through "Arthur."
Dude, Antiques Roadshow and all the weird cooking shows? I guess getting only what comes in via over-the-air antenna leads my household to watch more PBS than the average American television viewer, who presumably subscribes to cable or satellite. Although we do occasionally hook a laptop to the TV via HDMI to stream Netflix, but that's only on special occasions (most recently for Workaholics).
I think Antiques Roadshow is in Pittsburgh now. Maybe filming now, not airing. I get confused.
He said that the hospital absolutely would not proceed until they could guarantee payment. They had tried (although I don't know what that consists of) and the hospital would not treat her.
11: The Chester Brown Louis Riel comic Beaton mentions is really fantastic.
20: It aired tonight from some Pittsburgh-ish area. My Steelers fan commented, "These people sound like all my relatives."
I must have read about it in the newspaper.
I must have read about it in the newspaper.
And you're making fun of Stanley for watching PBS?
MySteelers is so over, it's all Pittbook now.
If you done read the paper, you don't find out about which banks have been robbed.
I done read the paper. Couldn't make hide nor tail of it though.
18 for some reason reminded me of the really, really bad quarter in grad school when PBS children's programming was kind of calming. I watched a lot of Dragon Tales. Dragon Tales is pretty fucking annoying. I think maybe I drew the line at Arthur.
Wikipedia tells me that Arthur is supposed to be an aardvark. The fuck? Arthur looks nothing remotely like an aardvark. He looks like a squirrel without the bushy tail. And Arthur's mom has breasts. Who the hell draws an aardvark-squirrel with breasts? The whole Arthur thing creeps me the fuck out.
I think you should do a short graphic novel, "Mr. Smearcase's Really, Really Bad Quarter in Grad School", or maybe just "The Bad Quarter in Grad School".
"Fortunately it was time for Dragon Tales." [repeated caption]
31: Do not make me refer you to rule 34. Let's not google it, ok?
32: Scenes include "Mister Smearcase realizes that it sometimes snows 3 feet in October when you live in Chicago" and "Mr. Smearcase simultaneously figures out that PhD programs are not for everyone and that SSRIs don't work for everyone."
Fortunately, it was time for Dragon Tales.
31: There was a rather dramatic change in appearance through the first few books. Arthur's Nose, Arthur's Eyes, and now (re-release of Eyes).
"Mr. Smearcase's Really, Really Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Quarter in Grad School"
True* story: Alexander V/orst (whose mother wrote about his very bad day) did not go to the University of Very Bad Days, where Mr. Smearcase went, but his brother did.
*if uninteresting
Although we do occasionally hook a laptop to the TV via HDMI to stream Netflix
Our Costco has the Roku 2 1080p box for 89 bucks. Came with two free months of Hulu + and Angry Birds. Good times.
Ogged's bashful offering theory does not seem to be gaining traction.
Though Melville is reliably proleptic in all things.
I don't know; this seems at least potentially compatible with ogged's theory:
Carroll argues that it "is not merely a carnal fantasy; it is also an emotional one -- a fantasy of 'unconditional acceptance' in which the female" -- or male, presumably -- "seems to say 'I exist wholly for you. I will never reject you. You cannot disappoint me."
I definitely thought 40 was going to link to the part where the whalers are all sitting there kneading the sperm with perfect camaraderie or whatever.
That just now popped up in my twitter feed from the lead singer of the Evangenitals. That book is fulla jizz anyway.
You know, I thought about 41 -- the "I will never reject you" business is actually quite nicely in line. But something about it seems to be maintaining the position of abasement in the recipient, which didn't quite make it all the way for me.
But something about it seems to be maintaining the position of abasement in the recipient, which didn't quite make it all the way for me.
Yeah, the discussion of semen as a contaminant that it follows from is definitely pretty far afield from ogged's conceptualization, which is pretty explicitly framed in opposition to that kind of idea.
Overall, while I can appreciate that this is potentially an interesting topic for study, I'm not all that impressed with any of the quotes in that article.
I remember a NY Review of Books article on porn from the 90's that talked about the money shot as satisfying a latent homosexual curiousity among male viewers. I suppose I remember because it rings a bit true to me. I would suggest the debasing is not only hostility to women but also hostility to that curiousity.
Though anyone whose insights about porn come from NYRB probably ought to be banned from the discussion, though.
(gotta admit I saved the Salon post in instapaper to read later - I'm sure my wife will be amused to find it there and wonder what the heck I was doing at work)
THEY WORK FOR YOU. Just received this from the city council, appearing exactly as reproduced here:
E-billing provides significant benefits to you, including:
• Improved security of information - all of the e-bills are sent using 128-bit encryption a secure method that meets government requirements
• Your bills are always received on time as they are less likely to get lost in the post or misplaced
• You can save copies of your e-bill on your computer
And we can save money because we don't need to proof read anything any more.
Oh. Not there. Copy and paste makes the HTML work. As it appeared in the gmail window each bullet was preceded by code for four non-breaking spaces which showed up as "& n b s p".
37: I'd heard he ate pop rocks and coke and exploded.
OT: The bases today aren't the same as when I was in high school, right?
No, they've closed most of the bases in Germany and England, but they've opened a ton in Pakistan and the Gulf States. They're mostly the same in the Pacific though, if you're after familiarity.
I'll never give up American East Anglia! Call me old-fashioned.
I'll never give up American East Anglia!
I wish you'd told the DoD before I had to sell my parents' house. The closure of the bases probably cost us 25%.
If you touch Anglia, that's second base.
55: Haven't you made that back through the sale of Downton Abbey memorabilia, though?
they've closed most of the bases in Germany and England
Including Greenham Common of blessed memory, which is now (among other things) a paintball arena. Sadly, it's conventional paintball rather than Strategic Nuclear Paintball, a game of which lasts fifteen minutes and ends up with every building in Moscow coloured red on one side.
The bases today aren't the same as when I was in high school, right?
So, do tell--in gentlemanly vague detail, of course.
Did you slide into first while she was waving you home?
50: it looked like that in Google Reader.
Have you heard about this? (most bizarre sex ed ever, in the UK)
Did you slide into first while she was waving you home?
I'm enjoying this image.
I am reminded, somehow, of Megan's naked Sharpie dance.
first base: necking.
second base: PIV.
third base: in the butt.
home run: in the other butt.
Honestly. Next you people will suggest I bandy a lady's name.
We should tell you. Lunchy's a plant. She's been getting prompted by a rotating crew of commenters through an earpiece all along.
Lunchy's a plant.
A plant, a horse; doesn't anybody around here date people?
How many commenters can rotate through an earpiece?
mairz gabutz and plantz gabutz and flippn terzgit bizzy
doesn't anybody around here date people?
Dude, have you met people? They suck.
They suck.
Only if you get to third base. Unless that's second base these days.
On deck circle, to hear the hyperventilating news media tell it.
You'll never get to the Show if you don't grind it out.
Why do I look to you degenerates for guidance again?
I recall Caitlin Flanagan declaring in the Atlantic a while ago that anal sex was the new third base, which made me wonder about Caitlin Flanagan's HUMINT gathering procedure. And our godless culture, of course.
Comedian Ali Wong does an amazing routine about anal sex that includes a bit how "it was like I had this whole other vagina following me all along. Like footsteps in the sand."
Haven't been able to find it on youtube, though. (I'm pretty sure she didn't bring it out on Leno.)
sorry, "footprints in the sand". dammit.
I recall Caitlin Flanagan declaring in the Atlantic a while ago that anal sex was the new third base
People on unfogged said that a while back! I was quite amazed.
I recall Caitlin Flanagan declaring in the Atlantic a while ago that anal sex was the new third base,
I Don't Know.
I don't get it, and somehow I think that googling "I Don't Know" won't help.
When you pay for the oral sex, who gets the money?
contrasted with
Just back from Ontario, where I celebrated (and by "celebrated" I mean something like "was present for") my first Family Day. I'm all for more stat days, but what a ridiculous name for a holiday. If it's not meant to resonate with a "family values" agenda (and I honestly believe it is not intended to carry a strong [and imo obnoxious] ideological message), then its bland and anodyne connotations (family: what we all think of when we imagine those other, real holidays) just says, 'We couldn't come up with a public figure or event worthy of commemoration here in Ontario.' In which case, why not a generic February civic/bank holiday?