The answer is clearly some sort of buddy system where men only go around in pairs or larger groups in order to protect against false accusations. A single man is just asking to be a victim.
I dunno, the way some men dress, it's like they're begging to have false accusations cast against them.
If you're going to wear a Roethlisberger jersey, you have to expect that.
Dick cam, running 24/7, video uplinked to the cloud, so there's a constant record of all boning circumstances.
GoPro belt buckles is the answer!
Damn. Wait 30 seconds, get pwned.
T-shirts with the slogan "I am the 94%", now available in both men's and women's styles.
So since there isn't a current foreign policy/mid-east weirdness/et cetera thread, gonna drop this here:
On Lebanon's improving security situation, thanks to mainstream Sunnis fighting against IS with the help of Hezbollah. Includes the awesome sentence "Either way, Hezbollah is now playing a starring role in the emerging regional containment strategy for IS, despite its terrorist labeling by some actors."
(With the help of Hezbollah & the cooperation of US, Saudi, Iranian, etc. intelligence, that is.)
Maybe they could have an orientation for college freshman where they give the boys whistles so that when they are alone with a suspicious female, they could whistle for extra people to come witness the entirely benign coed interaction.
I think men should consider wearing a special device that grabs a woman's tongue when she's about to make a false accusation. Also, a "Model Accusers" course where women dress up in lots of foam padding while they make pretend false rape accusations so that men can learn how to defend themselves in a supportive environment.
13: When I started working in mental health doing outreach, that was the whole of my agency's response to our concerns about having to be out after dark in certain neighborhoods.
BG, that's horrifying. I got mine at the mandatory freshman rape prevention seminar my first week of college.