you have to actually read the scientists' handwriting, which is pretty annoying.
Or you could scroll down right below the images of their letters and read the transcriptions.
I don't believe that human-caused transcriptions exist.
That's so smart! That's why you make the big bucks.
And leave the windows open all winter.
And drink not-Yuengling. The problem with that is the not-Yuenglings that I've liked the best all have like 7% alcohol and I have trouble adjusting my pace.
And drink not-Yuengling.
Or you could still drink Yuengling, but more of it.
Why adjust your pace when you could just adjust your tolerance?
9, 10: In theory. In reality, too much pain.
9: I think it's canonically Kraft Dinner, not Yuengling that you have more of. Well, at least if you have a million dollars.
America doesn't even have Kraft Dinners.
Who needs Kraft Dinners? We have Yuengling.
Which is the depressing part- the scientists who are depressed about what's going to happen because the public is stupid and politicians act like they always have, or the naive ones who say they still have hope and who will have that hope crushed within 50 years.
Spike! You were supposed to stop at 9:29 am.
Well, sure that's what Romney says and you can go ahead and take him at his word if you want. But I remember enough about 2012 that I assume this means he's running.
If nominated, I will not win. If elected, I will do a shitty job.
I haven't clicked through yet; how do they feel about buying a house in Colorado?
You Just Killed the Troika ...Richard Seymour
"Varoufakis refuses to seek an extension of the bailout, and instead says he won't deal with the troika." Fuck off, IMF. V believes he (and allies) needs to save the world because the left is not prepared for collapse.
1 hour video presentation from 2013 by YV at bottom. Yeah, this guy is a stud. Listening to this, I have forgotten just how good I thought the first half of Modern Political Economics was, the critique of economics based on the in-commodifiable remainder of surplus labour of human freedom, creativity, and sociality.