Does it make me a bad person, that this makes me think of Clint Eastwood at the 2012 Republican National Convention?
Not necessarily a bad person, but probably a rapist.
I'd love to hear from Cosby's enablers what the fuck they thought they were doing covering for this shit and helping it to happen. It seems like there were quite a few, and a larger group who were at least aware there was something fishy going on.
Some African-American tried to prank me with a fake hand gun.
Susan Smith was more convincing.
If you want to DDOS a web site just because you're a sociopathic little shit, why would you offer such a transparently idiotic motive? Instead of, I don't know, "I did it for the luz"?
I dunno, doing it for The Luz would be pretty good, too.
"I'm going to cause deaths in New York City by denying people access to a news and culture magazine based in that city."
Weird, stupid people keep getting weirder and stupider.
The picture text should really be "Barbecue Sauce".
¿Daste la lulz?
(Based on a flyer on a lot of poles in my neighborhood.)
I just spent a bunch of time on Reddit arguing with people that the number of women coming forward is actually valid evidence that Cosby is guilty. Seriously. There are guys out there adopting a posture of "no physical evidence defaults to innocence" on this. I'm just astonished at the reflexive rape apologists over there. I know I shouldn't be but holy crap are there some idiots out there.
17 that crosses the line from idiocy to evil or whatever you want to call it and leaves it far behind.