Re: Cuckservative


I don't understand why people claim that Trump won't make it anywhere in the primaries because the establishment/money men (yes, they're all men) will converge around a mainstream alternative and push Trump out. Trump is his own money man- if he's really worth 10B, why not blow 10-20% of it funding his own now-or-never campaign? Even if the 10B isn't real or is illiquid, most campaign spending is racked up as debt anyway and isn't paid off for years, as long as he has the asset sheet to back up loans he could do it.

Posted by: SP | Link to this comment | 07-27-15 11:53 AM
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Leaving aside Trump, I was surprised how openly sexual the language used is.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 07-27-15 12:00 PM
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2: Yeah, when I first saw the term, I could not figure out the etymology. "Cuckold" did not occur to me.

Posted by: JP Stormcrow | Link to this comment | 07-27-15 12:04 PM
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2: Yes, to the point where I'm wondering whether there are actually (any significant number of) Republicans using that language, or if it's nutpicking -- some insane KKK member made up a word, and now people are writing articles about it.

Posted by: LizardBreath | Link to this comment | 07-27-15 12:04 PM
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Unless defining masculinity in terms of control of female sexuality has had some negative consequences in the past, I think everything will be just fine.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 07-27-15 12:08 PM
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Part of the Trump phenomenon is that the Republican Party base has largely turned into a Jerry Springer audience. It's no longer animated by ideas or any sort of coherent political philosophy; it gets all of its energy by finding enemies at which to scream insults. Yes, I know this tendency exists on the Democratic side as well, but it's not as prevalent and the motivation is different; there isn't really a Democratic equivalent of this kind of trollish dumbassery. I imagine a Venn diagram of Trump voters and Limbaugh listeners would have huuuge </TrumpVoice> overlap. The only person who is going to do this remotely as well as Trump is Cruz and he's too much of a look-at-me smartypants to really sell it to the broketooth masses.

Posted by: apostropher | Link to this comment | 07-27-15 12:09 PM
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2, 3: Cuckolding and the purity of white women is a real obsession with them.

I don't know why, but I'm frequently amazed when actual fascists openly display all the character traits of the fascist personality type. It's like seeing a villain actually twirl his mustache.

Posted by: rob helpy-chalk | Link to this comment | 07-27-15 12:10 PM
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See also, the guy down the street who has literally yelled at my kids to get off his lawn.

Posted by: rob helpy-chalk | Link to this comment | 07-27-15 12:12 PM
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I actually saw one of those trucks in NH this weekend.
Anyway, I'll wait for one of the technocrats to point out that this is all pointless and the election will come down to economic fundamentals anyway.

Posted by: SP | Link to this comment | 07-27-15 12:18 PM
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Anyway, any way you want it...

Posted by: SP | Link to this comment | 07-27-15 12:19 PM
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7.first: See also various comments about Obama being a half-breed.

Posted by: togolosh | Link to this comment | 07-27-15 12:21 PM
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Unfogged: the place to go to find out what the hell people on twitter have been talking about for the past day.

Posted by: Tom Scudder | Link to this comment | 07-27-15 12:22 PM
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Cuckolding and the purity of white women is a real obsession with them.

Also, having things "shoved down their throats".

Posted by: apostropher | Link to this comment | 07-27-15 12:22 PM
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With conservative policies largely experiencing an unbroken run of dominance for the past 4 decades, it makes sense that the conservatives who are most enraged are the racist and homophobic ones since those are the only issues where society has been going against them.

Posted by: Cryptic ned | Link to this comment | 07-27-15 12:27 PM
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I can't help but note that Limbaugh is himself fading/failing: he's showing up on AM stations for the first time in 25 years, I think he's not even on the air in a few cities, etc. He's not totally washed up, but him backing (or at least defending) Trump doesn't mean what it would have 10 years ago. I'm not sure if that's just a fluke of timing or a natural effect - Limbaugh's getting marginalized because his audience is shrinking, and his audience is all-in for a nut like Trump because they're shrinking and fading as a bloc.

What's amazing, of course, is that 20% of the American electorate will vote for the GOP candidate despite finding Trump appalling. They'll tell themselves Trump doesn't really represent GOP values, even though there's not a dime's worth of difference between his policy positions (such as they are) and those of Bush, Walker, or Cruz. Those are the people who need to be shunned.

Posted by: JRoth | Link to this comment | 07-27-15 12:27 PM
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Limbaugh is no fun since he stopped taking drugs.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 07-27-15 12:30 PM
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He's not the only one.

Posted by: ogged | Link to this comment | 07-27-15 12:39 PM
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Yes, to the point where I'm wondering whether there are actually (any significant number of) Republicans using that language, or if it's nutpicking -- some insane KKK member made up a word, and now people are writing articles about it.

That people like Erick Erickson are speaking against the term implies that they, at least, see it as getting bigger than it should.

Posted by: Minivet | Link to this comment | 07-27-15 12:40 PM
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15- I believe you meant to say 27%.

Posted by: SP | Link to this comment | 07-27-15 12:40 PM
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It would be nice if Trump were our next step toward becoming California nationally (the equivalent of Prop 187), though.

Posted by: Minivet | Link to this comment | 07-27-15 12:41 PM
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You want Trump to take all our water?

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 07-27-15 12:47 PM
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He's made entirely of almonds, you know.

Posted by: apostropher | Link to this comment | 07-27-15 12:53 PM
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Scott Walker inspires much more visceral loathing from me than Trump.

Trump's schtick is being a massive egomaniac greedhead. Walker seems to be more about inspiring others to be petty resentful little shits. If it came down to it, I'd cast my vote for Trump.

Posted by: AcademicLurker | Link to this comment | 07-27-15 12:55 PM
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There are actual dudes using the term cuckservative on the internet. They are largely trolling other conservatives. It seems to me to be the stupidest rhetorical move ever.

Here is some insanity where white supremacists are going nuts over a kids show because of its imagined "cuckold" theme:

Posted by: lemmy caution | Link to this comment | 07-27-15 12:57 PM
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23.last: Walker has that signature cruel streak that marks a genuine conservative. Trump seems like he'd be vindictive but he doesn't seem to take the kind of pleasure in cruelty that someone like Christie or Walker does.

Posted by: togolosh | Link to this comment | 07-27-15 12:59 PM
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A cuckservative is a Republican who has sold out to the liberal academic Establishment and acknowldged that gender can be a useful category of analysis.

Posted by: fake accent | Link to this comment | 07-27-15 1:16 PM
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I'm surprised they didn't go with cuntservative- similar sexism, same belittling of perceived weakness, better consonance. I guess it lacks the key racial element.

Posted by: SP | Link to this comment | 07-27-15 1:22 PM
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Also, a literal obscenity probably puts it out of line. "Cuck" is a truncation of a word that itself, while it has a sexual reference, isn't a swear-word.

Posted by: LizardBreath | Link to this comment | 07-27-15 2:06 PM
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I'm really having trouble following who is screwing who and who is being humiliated. If, say, Walker is the cuckservative, he's watching Trump screw his audience? Or black America? Their supporters are the wives?

Posted by: heebie-geebie | Link to this comment | 07-27-15 2:28 PM
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Your wife is like a box of chocolates, but somebody else took all the cherries.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 07-27-15 2:31 PM
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Your wife is like a fruitful vine, but Obama got all the grapes.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 07-27-15 2:34 PM
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29- I had the same problem, but I think the idea is that the Republican establishment and any voters who support them are watching Obama screw their wives.

Posted by: SP | Link to this comment | 07-27-15 2:35 PM
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So the wife doesn't actually represent any group of people, and Trump supporters aren't part of the scene in any way? This is a terrible metaphor.

Posted by: heebie-geebie | Link to this comment | 07-27-15 2:48 PM
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It's only a terrible metaphor if your wife is seen as somehow less under your control than your political ideals.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 07-27-15 2:50 PM
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It doesn't really matter whether the metaphor makes sense. You just need to know that your political opponents are unmanly if they are male or unwomanly if they are female. That, and colored people are stealing your money, is pretty much the whole of the conservative psyche now.

Posted by: apostropher | Link to this comment | 07-27-15 3:05 PM
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I thought the idea was to convince them that any sort of political compromise was the same as selling your wife into white slavery.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 07-27-15 3:08 PM
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That is, not just that your political opponents are unmanly, but that you'd better watch your own balls before you let them get snipped off.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 07-27-15 3:09 PM
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So maybe the Democrats are the porn industry facilitating the production. Walker supporters have a ficticious wife who Obama is pretending to bone. Trump and his supporters are like Dustin Hoffman, banging on the glass during the wedding at the end of The Graduate. Unfogged is Mrs. Robinson.

Posted by: heebie-geebie | Link to this comment | 07-27-15 3:14 PM
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I've been waiting a long time for the awkward conservative electoral coalition to turn its viciousness on each other. I sure hope it's finally happening. Long live the People's Trump of Judea!

The Cruz-McConnell slapfight has been awesome so far. I don't get the feeling that either guy is likely to ratchet anything down, much less bury hatchets. It's giving me a special feeling.

Posted by: apostropher | Link to this comment | 07-27-15 3:20 PM
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(Speaking of porn.)

Posted by: apostropher | Link to this comment | 07-27-15 3:21 PM
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Coo-coo-ca-choo, Ms. Apostropher.

Posted by: heebie-geebie | Link to this comment | 07-27-15 3:22 PM
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Posted by: apostropher | Link to this comment | 07-27-15 3:25 PM
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So the wife doesn't actually represent any group of people

I don't think it would occur to the people who use this analogy that a wife could represent a person, much less an important agent on the political scene.

I mean, maybe a wife could represent the honor of America. But a constituency? With interests and opinions?

Posted by: rob helpy-chalk | Link to this comment | 07-27-15 3:47 PM
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Couldn't the wife represent women of America, with their hysteria and fickleness?

Posted by: heebie-geebie | Link to this comment | 07-27-15 3:49 PM
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I think the way it works is that your wife is only a fickle harlot if you have already been dishonored, and clearly the blame needs to be placed on someone that's not you.

Posted by: rob helpy-chalk | Link to this comment | 07-27-15 4:05 PM
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15- I believe you meant to say 27%.

No, the 20% I reference is the chunk that reliably votes GOP in addition to the 27%.

Posted by: JRoth | Link to this comment | 07-27-15 4:08 PM
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So I've been googling, but I can't find any hardcore porn of a conservative having his wife screwed by an effete coastal elitist liberal. Can anyone help?

Posted by: JRoth | Link to this comment | 07-27-15 4:09 PM
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The whole fact that the beauty of the white woman is at the core of one of their rallying cries really weirds me out.

Posted by: rob helpy-chalk | Link to this comment | 07-27-15 4:12 PM
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You people are terrible at metaphor. I blame the analogy ban.

The "wife" in the cuckservative metaphor is the Living Spirit of True American Conservatism. Republican leaders are supposed to protect her, but instead they've been selling her out to liberals.

Basically, picture the Statue of Liberty in the political cartoons in The Onion.

Posted by: JRoth | Link to this comment | 07-27-15 4:15 PM
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This list of "10 Signs You Might Be A Cuckservative" is really... quite something.

3. You believe that the Democrats are the "real" racists
Cuckservatives have spent the past twenty years trying to appeal to blacks out of fear of the left calling them "racist," going so far as to claim that the left are the "real" racists. Indeed, cuckservatives have gone so far in trying to appear anti-racist that we now have libertarian hero Rand Paul cuddling up to race hustler Al Sharpton and incompetent boobs such as Tim Scott and Michael Steele being promoted to positions of power in the GOP based on their skin color.
Despite cuckservatives' genuflecting, blacks have continuously voted Democratic in numbers of 90 percent and up going all the way back to the 1960's.

Posted by: urple | Link to this comment | 07-27-15 4:16 PM
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It dawns on me that I may have just inadvertently opened the door for some of the worst people on the internet to come visit this humble blog. It may make sense for someone to de-link the link in 50.

Posted by: urple | Link to this comment | 07-27-15 4:19 PM
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(51 despite the fact that it's a remarkably illuminating article that everyone should read.)

Posted by: urple | Link to this comment | 07-27-15 4:20 PM
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That is amazing logic.

Posted by: heebie-geebie | Link to this comment | 07-27-15 4:35 PM
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Wait, so the way to not be a cuckservative (which autocorrect tries to change to duck service and chuck servitude) is to just be an avowed racist? Good electoral strategy. Although I guess caring about elections is also weak.

Posted by: SP | Link to this comment | 07-27-15 4:45 PM
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No one would dare to call Donald Trump anti-racist.

Posted by: urple | Link to this comment | 07-27-15 4:49 PM
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If you believe Mexicans are hard workers... You may be a cuckservative.

Posted by: Jeff Cucksworthy | Link to this comment | 07-27-15 4:51 PM
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I was worried about reading the link in 50 because I know what that site is, but I didn't even get through the first sentence before I saw the word "Neoreactionary" used, as far as I can tell, non-ironically, which made the whole thing worthwhile.

Posted by: MHPH | Link to this comment | 07-27-15 5:02 PM
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I couldn't tell if #7 on that list is a perspective manufactured entirely in response to Trump's recent McCain comments, or if there is actually a preexisting strain of conservative belief that society generally pays veterans too much automatic respect. I have to believe it's the former, but that just seems awfully... transparent?

Posted by: urple | Link to this comment | 07-27-15 5:04 PM
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57: Huh. I didn't know what that site was, but poking around, the "About" page is also really... quite something.

Posted by: urple | Link to this comment | 07-27-15 5:07 PM
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58: I think it's probably at least partially the latter, but only in the sense that there are veterans they really seriously hate. Right up until the person does something leftist* they are True American BadAsses! and as soon as they do they are a Weak Sniveling NotManly Traitor. The main idea is that only REAL veterans are heroes and you can tell which ones those are by how militaristic/conservative/hawkish/fascist they are. There's a decently sized group of people on the right who hate, e.g., Kerry or McCain and almost certainly did so before their respective runs for president.

*In the Mussolini-and-left-from-there sense, obviously.

Posted by: MHPH | Link to this comment | 07-27-15 5:14 PM
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60 sounds plausible.

Posted by: urple | Link to this comment | 07-27-15 5:26 PM
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I saw an meme-image that had a photo of some right-wing paramilitaries "guarding" a recruiting center after the Chattanooga shootings. The caption read something like "If you are so patriotic, why don't you go in and sign up." I didn't forward it, because I couldn't tell what perspective the insult was really being thrown from. (Is that a good reason?)

But it got me thinking: the appeal of being paramilitary is really different than the appeal of being military. Someone who wants to parade around outside a recruiting center exercising their second amendment rights is enthralled by the power of violence justified by an imagined higher cause, but not really interested in subsuming their identity in a group. They are also, quite possibly, a total coward. Why be a soldier when you can be a mall ninja.

Posted by: rob helpy-chalk | Link to this comment | 07-27-15 6:05 PM
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The rationalwiki page for Mall Ninja is remarkable for having this extended discussion of traditional Japanese swords and why any sword owned by a Mall Ninja is an infinitely inferior trinket.

Posted by: rob helpy-chalk | Link to this comment | 07-27-15 6:10 PM
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Someone who wants to parade around outside a recruiting center exercising their second amendment rights is enthralled by the power of violence justified by an imagined higher cause, but not really interested in subsuming their identity in a group.

At a guess, it's not that they have a problem with abandoning themselves to a group, but that they suspect (rightly) that the armed forces might be too left-wing for them. They don't want to have to sit through compulsory lectures on valuing equality and diversity and courageous restraint and respect for others, or have some earnest welfare NCO counselling them about their alcohol intake and advising them on the value of saving their pay and managing their debts and watching their diet. They just want to shoot guns and strut around the place.

Posted by: ajay | Link to this comment | 07-27-15 6:23 PM
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In the tea party paramilitary, everyone's a general.

Posted by: CharleyCarp | Link to this comment | 07-27-15 6:27 PM
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From rob's link, this
historical ninjas were hardly pajamas-wearing stealth assassins, but more like "that farmer who inconspicuously just stabbed that guy with his sickle and ran into the crowd"

is true, and reminds me of the fascinating fact that actual historical ninjas did not wear black clothing and masks. They wore whatever would allow them to get close to their targets; so farmers' clothing, servants' clothing etc. The all-black clothing was actually worn by kabuki theatre stagehands - they would come on stage to shift the scenery around between scenes, and the audience were supposed to ignore them (black clothing helped), just as the characters did.
So when you had a play with a ninja character, he would come on stage dressed as a stagehand, and then suddenly "break character" and stab one of the main characters, giving the same "oh shit where did that guy come from" feeling that a real ninja would have produced by having some invisible lower-class person suddenly interfere in the lives of the nobility by stabbing them.
(cf. GK Chesterton, "The Invisible Man", in which four people are prepared to swear that no one entered the victim's flat, despite the murderer's footprints being visible in the snow; the murderer was, of course, the postman, whom no one regards as actually being a person, just a sort of animate accessory to a postbag.)

Posted by: ajay | Link to this comment | 07-27-15 6:36 PM
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That is fascinating.

Posted by: nosflow | Link to this comment | 07-27-15 6:44 PM
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I suppose the modern equivalent would be to have ninjas dressed as homeless people.

Posted by: ajay | Link to this comment | 07-27-15 6:57 PM
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In real life, that is. If you're making an HBO show, then the ninjas are the Background Strippers.

Posted by: ajay | Link to this comment | 07-27-15 7:29 PM
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Wait, so the murderers in many Agatha Christie stories were ninjas?

Posted by: fake accent | Link to this comment | 07-27-15 7:43 PM
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No, they were strippers. Do try to keep up.

Posted by: ajay | Link to this comment | 07-27-15 7:50 PM
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TVTropes notes, incidentally, that only one Agatha Christie novel actually has a murderous butler, and that one weakens the impact by having everyone else also be the murderer.
It also lists "The Brothers Karamazov" as an example.

Posted by: ajay | Link to this comment | 07-27-15 7:54 PM
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Or GOP presidential candidates.

Posted by: Barry Freed | Link to this comment | 07-27-15 8:03 PM
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73 to 68

Posted by: Barry Freed | Link to this comment | 07-27-15 8:04 PM
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no, the wife isn't the women of America, the wife IS America (you should envision the Statue of Liberty but with her hair all disheveled, wrapped in a quilt made out of flags and constitutions), who is being screwed by the liberals (conveniently incarnate as the president who is a black man), due to the weakness and cuckoldry of the feeble, ineffective establishment Republican men like John McCain. It is the Real True American Hero Men like Donald Trump who recognize all the parts of the metaphor for what they are and are willing to call spades spades and speak truth to power and whatnot, hairpieces boldly flapping in the breeze, but all for nothing probably because of how the Lamestream Media is all just another tool of the New World Order and the Day of Judgement is nigher and nigher. So the only sensible thing is to buy more guns and duct tape.

Posted by: E. Messily | Link to this comment | 07-27-15 8:23 PM
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And gold!

Posted by: teofilo | Link to this comment | 07-27-15 8:31 PM
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Which has more intrinsic value, duct tape or gold?

Posted by: rob helpy-chalk | Link to this comment | 07-27-15 8:36 PM
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Also: ¿que es mas macho?

Posted by: rob helpy-chalk | Link to this comment | 07-27-15 8:36 PM
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Gold duct tape.

Posted by: E. Messily | Link to this comment | 07-27-15 8:40 PM
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17: I'm watching you, ogged.

Posted by: alameida | Link to this comment | 07-27-15 9:28 PM
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I feel I should pick up the slack left by alameida by posting about how lovely the weather is in Narnia right now and how I'm just about to go for a luxurious swim in my pool. WHICH I AM. (It's not a private pool but it might as well be because there's no one else in it.)

Posted by: ajay | Link to this comment | 07-27-15 9:35 PM
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I've been trying to think of a heroin joke to tie together 80 and 81, but I'm not coming up with anything.

Posted by: teofilo | Link to this comment | 07-27-15 9:49 PM
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A recent return to OKCupid reveals that there are quite a few NYC-area dudes who would really love to introduce you to the idea of cuckoldry. See, you would develop an intense primary emotional relationship with the man whose profile has his face blurred out, but you would be very sexually dissatisfied by him, and so he'd have to invite random physically imposing dudes over, whom neither of you know, to mate with you. SOUND FUN? WHERE DO YOU SIGN UP?

Posted by: AWB | Link to this comment | 07-27-15 10:05 PM
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It seems to be a surprisingly common fetish. Totally shot through with remarkably explicit racism and weird obsessions with gendered power dynamics, of course.

Posted by: teofilo | Link to this comment | 07-27-15 10:09 PM
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81 It's not a private pool unless you can swim naked in it.

Posted by: Barry Freed | Link to this comment | 07-27-15 10:28 PM
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82: there (being only an imperfect alameida substitute) I cannot help you. What you win on the use of upper-case letters, you lose on the absence of drug jokes.

83: I am not clear on this except in the general sense of "AWB discovers yet again that dating in New York is really really weird". Are the dudes suggesting that they should be the Pantaloon in this scenario, or the (I suppose) Harlequin? Either way is odd but they would seem to get more out of the second.

Posted by: ajay | Link to this comment | 07-27-15 10:31 PM
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85: well, technically you can swim naked in any pool. A private one is one where you can swim naked in it twice.

("A good landing is any landing you can walk away from and a great landing is one where they get to re-use the aeroplane.")

Posted by: ajay | Link to this comment | 07-27-15 10:34 PM
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86.2: They are men who long to watch helplessly as the woman they possess in all ways except sexually is ravished by some semi-bestial mindless enormous non-white dude. It's all the racist fantasy described in the OP's link, except getting off on it rather than sneering at people who get off on it.

That is, there don't seem to be many women who get off on it, or large well-endowed men of color who get off on it; the fantasy is for the enjoyment of the white man who is scripting his own humiliation at the hands of men who are inferior and women who are property.

Posted by: AWB | Link to this comment | 07-27-15 10:53 PM
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That is, there don't seem to be many women who get off on it, or large well-endowed men of color who get off on it

You astonish me.

Posted by: chris y | Link to this comment | 07-28-15 2:12 AM
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I love these intensely scripted paraphilias. I was reading somewhere about a website for men who get off on women who get off on watching men fight. It all comes back to this scenario where two dudes fight and then the woman mates with the victor.

I liked it in part because of the meta-getting off. The dude was getting off on the fact that the woman was getting of on it. It was both recursive and sharing.

That said, I don't want to fight you, bro.

Posted by: rob helpy-chalk | Link to this comment | 07-28-15 6:08 AM
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It's all the racist fantasy described in the OP's link, except getting off on it rather than sneering at people who get off on it.

I imagine there is substantial overlap between the group of people who get off on it and the group of people who sneer at people who get off on it.

Posted by: rob helpy-chalk | Link to this comment | 07-28-15 6:10 AM
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Like Roller Derby.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 07-28-15 6:14 AM
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Trump advisor says, 'You cannot rape your spouse.'

Posted by: Just Plain Jane | Link to this comment | 07-28-15 6:32 AM
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54: "duck service and chuck servitude" would be a great socialist or anarchist slogan.

93: What horrible, irredeemable, pathetic trash. But I keep on watching it. Part of the problem. I really want to see how this is going to end.

Posted by: dalriata | Link to this comment | 07-28-15 6:42 AM
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I mean, will the conservative media as a whole back that up? Will Trump himself? Or will they accept some level of respect for women? That's such a brazen and misogynist statement, not even true from a legal perspective for (sadly only) decades, that I'm still in shock over it.

Posted by: dalriata | Link to this comment | 07-28-15 6:55 AM
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On topic: Apparently, there's a degree of diminished mental capacity where you can't handle your own finances but can still buy guns.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 07-28-15 7:24 AM
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93: Ooh, I missed the part where the guy who said this is Trump's lawyer.

Posted by: rob helpy-chalk | Link to this comment | 07-28-15 7:59 AM
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The lawyer is an idiot and an asshole, and embodies that which gives the profession a bad name. That said, in a number of places, marital rape is treated differently.

Posted by: CharleyCarp | Link to this comment | 07-28-15 8:06 AM
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98: I had no idea. That list is absurd and depressing.

Posted by: dalriata | Link to this comment | 07-28-15 8:31 AM
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Also, I doubt this story has legs.

Posted by: apostropher | Link to this comment | 07-28-15 8:34 AM
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91: I suspect so too. Most of these paraphilias are simply unknown among communities that don't get off on them. (Ever run into "lift and carry" vids?)

Posted by: AWB | Link to this comment | 07-28-15 8:40 AM
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Lift with your knees?

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 07-28-15 8:46 AM
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100 No. Though it now occurs to me (Rule 34 and all that) that there must be videos out there of Serena Williams look-alikes in sexy tennis apparel lifting and carrying white dudes. Not going to check.

Posted by: Barry Freed | Link to this comment | 07-28-15 9:01 AM
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103 to 101

Posted by: Barry Freed | Link to this comment | 07-28-15 9:02 AM
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It doesn't do anything for me, but this is damn impressive.

Posted by: Eggplant | Link to this comment | 07-28-15 9:07 AM
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They're mostly like this. Nothing particularly sexual happens. A strong, skimpily dressed woman punishes a man for some imagined infraction by doing what seems to merely bore/annoy the man, which is that he is carried around a room, occasionally while being made fun of for not being very big or strong.

Posted by: AWB | Link to this comment | 07-28-15 9:09 AM
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105: In heels! The LnC guys must have lost their minds.

Posted by: AWB | Link to this comment | 07-28-15 9:11 AM
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Obviously the real cuckservative is Mike Cuckabee.

Posted by: Unfoggetarian: "Pause endlessly, then go in." (9) | Link to this comment | 07-28-15 10:05 AM
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66: The black-clad stagehands are an important Brechtian element of Masahiro Shinoda's Double Suicide 1969. But part of the metatextual point of that is that the original play was bunraku, Japanese puppet theatre, where of course on stage manipulation was necessary. I don't think they are so common in Kabuki, and never heard of a stagehand stabbing anyone. Ninja are not common to bunraku or kabuki texts.

(Thinking about this, I was reminded that my favorite Chikamatsu rendition is Masumura's Double Suicide at Sonezaki, which to me communicated more of the probable atmosphere of the late 17th century, with Grand Guignol, violence, horror, and cruel humor)

2: As someone who has absorbed a metric fuckton of Japanese media and culture, let me assure you that no Japanese will give a flying fuck about the mystification and mythification of the historical ninja.

Ninjas can: stare someone into suicide, walk through walls, physically transform into another's appearance, have poisonous skin, absorb all of another's blood through their skin, grow a sword tail, rubberize their body...etc.

Most recently watched a supposedly ultimate 1970 version of 47 Ronin with Mifune as Oishi, and yes they had black-clad nocturnal ninjas of the Yagyu clan.

Posted by: bob mcmanus | Link to this comment | 07-28-15 2:28 PM
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