Unfortunately I'm out of the country the end of March, so I can't make it. I'll be there in spirit.
I'll be in the country, but in Arizona, which I don't think is very close. Let me check a map.
I hope both of you enjoy your trips! I'm sure we will too.
I might be able to come down for the 26th or 27th.
2 I'll get you one, got plenty on hand. And I'm out of the country too but I'll be there in spirit as well.
J, Robot, I'm happy to keep up our DC bedsharing tradition if you need a place to stay over! I think it's safe to assume trapnel will be out this time around.
Yeah, it turns out it's a fair distance between Arizona and DC. Oh well.
I'm in NY the week before (14-17 March).
7.2 Let me be the first to suggest Fresh Salt.
6: Ms. Robot is a married woman, Thorn!
9: I was back then, too! Thorn, that sounds awesome--will be in touch. My surgery is scheduled for the 29th, so it will be good to be distracted beforehand.
I just bought a train ticket out, bummer. I might be back Tuesday night instead of W, will check in again to see if that's relevant.
Hmmm. I'm going to be in the area some weekend in March - I'll see if I can make this work.
I'll be around that week! And, I've been bad about keeping up with the blog, so I am blissfully ignorant of whatever horrible thing Thorn might have done that is causing everyone else to flee.
I'll piggyback on this to say I will probably be in SF sometime next month (don't know the dates yet), and in NY on April 20 - May 4.
Yay, torrey pine doesn't scorn me! Does facebook messaging work to reach you? You're welcome to email me, and I'm sure we'll bump this when the time gets closer. I'm not trying hard to pin anything down right now unless anyone had serious time limitations, which doesn't seem to be the case except maybe for J,R.
Also, nosflow, obviously I can be a complete gentleman. Sheesh! Though we will totally pass as a pair of hip co-moms with her current hairstyle and ongoing excellence with children.
Hoping to be around DC on March 26-27...
15: Sure, facebook messaging works fine... either that, or facebook is a lot smarter than I realize.
Sounds like something that weekend will work, then. If any of you have a preference about with or without children (not offended if you'd rather not see them or if you'd rather see them than me, just want to make things comfortable!) please let me know. The Jacobian-Bonsai family knows we'll be in the area and some or all of them may be free too.
I've talked a little to people and think this coming Saturday, when J should be with us all day, would be best. My aunt wants to meet us at the zoo Sunday. I'm completely open.
I'll try to make whatever date is picked. My travel was aborted due to a work emergency which is ongoing so I can't be 100% sure I'll be able to be there.
I'm sorry to hear about the emergency, though it would be great to see you!
I will be back Tuesday, so W evening would work for me. I'd be happy to meet someplace kid-friendly and hang out for a while that way. What's your base neighborhood? I live near Rockville, the town center there might work if the weather's nice.
We'll be near the Capitol Heights Metro stop. The weather predictions seem to change each time I check, but I'm hoping will become more clear once this storm blows through the northeast. My email is linked to my name here if you'd like to get in touch that way, lw.
Sorry, Capitol Heights neighborhood, near the Columbia Heights stop. Probably not a good sign that my brain is already fried.
I'm out of town next weekend, but if something emerges during the week I'll do my best to join. I'm not far from the Columbia Heights stop (though 25 is confusing: the Capitol Heights neighborhood is nowhere near the Columbia Heights stop).
Forget everything I've said about Capitol Heights, yeah. Sorry!
Since this is probably about to fall off the front page again, there's a tentative plan for something Wednesday evening with lw. Does anyone have suggestions or preferences for Saturday? I'm basically open, which I realize is also unhelpful.
Forecast is 45/59 and partly sunny. I'm not sure of a good kid-friendly venue to suggest though.
I know a nice place for drinks and food in Takoma Park with a patio, Republic, but a) kind of expensive and b) might be too cold to sit outside comfortably.
Both a) and b) sound less than ideal, though both workable if that's what ends up happening. The only one who can't stand cold is likely to wear her giant puffy coat all week anyway unless I find a way to stop her and the rest of us are fine with that sort of temperature.
I might as well say openly for planning purposes that because of complicated custody wrangling stuff that will sound ridiculous but I swear doesn't reflect badly on me, I'm not currently allowed to drink in front of the girls and that probably won't change by the time we travel, though it's fine for others to do so. So make yourselves comfortable with whatever sort of drinking works, but I'll probably have to sit it out. (No one thinks I have a drinking problem and I don't, but I'm trapped in some really stupid bureaucracy and can't quite get out. The girls don't know about the restriction and haven't noticed in the months it's been in place, which probably says something.)
There's been an off-blog request that Saturday afternoon be the time we choose, which certainly works for me.
Thanks to torrey pine, we have a cunning plan. Saturday lunch at 1 pm at Busboys and Poets at 14th and V streets (northwest).
If everything goes absolutely perfectly in the lab the next two days I should make it, but the chances of everything going perfectly are not great. I just spend all day getting to the point where I should have been at 10 am. This is my official bitching.
My bad. But finding a brain isn't easy.
Ugh, it's totally understandable if you're too busy. But you're togolosh! You can do it!
Slight change to 2:00 pm so we miss the lunch rush since there will be 10-12 of us. I'll probably deal with this by feeding the girls before and then letting them snackat B&P while chatting with Noser and Rilee, so that works fine from my side.
I might make it but I doubt it, sorry. We're going to the first birthday party of my wife's co-worker's daughter. That sounds like a tenuous relationship when I put it like that, but she goes to the same day care as our kid, so they're also friends to the extent that an 8-month-old and a one-year-old care about it. I'll have to see what time it starts and ends. But I probably shouldn't send the two of them to it without me, and it might actually be fun to show our girl off to the commentariat, so I'll see if I can make them both work.
That would be great, though you know how J, Robot gets around babies. She may desert me and follow you home!
Okay, planning to be there with fam!
Yay, md 20/400. I actually have a story for you. Someone from school asked how I know you, guessing we'd gone to college together maybe. I did not say "eclectic web magazine" quite.
Yay! Just to warn you, busboys and poets doesn't take reservations, but I will try to get there early at 1:30 to put our name on the list.
Thanks, torrey pine. It's been so nice of you to organize this too! We are going to do a relatively quick cherry blossom trip and will try to be on time. The girls are delighted to be here and looking forward to meeting more friends.
Thorn and I are running a little late.
Ok, we're all in a cab on our way from the Mall.
Remember the drinking, violence and live-blogging. We'll do the same here.
I have ordered a much needed mimosa.
I am on my second mimosa. The kids are all adorable.
We are discussing Girl Scout camp and the risk of bears.
52: The fourth mimosa is like Gremlins.
I need to learn to hang my food so take notes please.
We are reprising the Cruz sex scandal discussion.
How much longer will the party be on? We might be there as early as 5 but I'd have to persuade Cassandane to skip some shopping.
Missed the Busboys and Poets gathering. It was fun having burgers with thorn and the kids when I finally caught up to them, though.
It was great to see everyone! I didn't pay attention to Cyrus's message here or in the other place at the time, but we managed to find Cyrus, Cassandre, and Atossa (am I remembering pseuds right?) for walking around parks and dinner while J got some robot rest. I was predictably bad about getting to talk to adults, but the girls sure had plenty of it themselves and I treasured the conversations I did get.
It was lovely to see you and the girls Thorn! Also Torrey pines and MD, and j,robot. Thanks all for the chance
Yah, it was great seeing everyone! Take care, and good luck with everything...
Oh and lw, Wednesday is still free and we'd love to have dinner. At the moment I'm feeling confident enough in the girls' behavior and maturity to be fine with the place you suggested, but other options would work too!
It sounds like our venue was more kid-appropriate than that of the Portlad meet-up.
And now Thorn and I are sharing yet another king bed together in DC, though sadly missing x.trapnel this time around.
65 was originally to 63, but I guess it works just as well to 64 too.
63: Apart from the movie with the live intestine-devouring and the flame-throwing vagina, plus the no-kids policy, it was totally kid-appropriate.
We didn't even manage to keep a no-kids policy in the bed, though close enough to be a luxurious novelty to me.
68: I thought we already did this Jocasta bit in the other thread?
the Portlad meet-up
Ok, one, rude; two, Minivet's lost a lot of weight.
Kids are going to have to learn about flame-throwing vaginas eventually. No use sheltering them.
I'm on a futile quest to separate dinner from discussions of bodily functions, flaming or otherwise, alas.
Yeah, I wondered if I should have phrased that better. Most specifically, we're trying to cut down on detailed discussion of train bathrooms and use thereof, but I don't think vulvas shooting flames are enough of an improvement to be worth suggesting.
I was 20 before I figured out that train toilets flush onto the track. Thanks to Greece, which didn't even try to hide it.
Next time we're in Pittsburgh we'll make sure you're available for dinner, Mobes. Sounds like you and these children have much to discuss.
I thought the signs about not using the toilet while the train was in the station were because the flushing mechanism which carried the waste away to a tank for later removal only worked when the train was moving.
You can tell that to them. If I meet them later, I have other toilet stories.
Amtrak used to flush onto the track, but I think they changed that in the 1990s.
If you do visit, I promise to talk about something else if you ask nicely.
After two hours of bedtime so far tonight and still no fucking quiet from their room (I even gave up the big bed and went to the couch myself to make them more comfortable!) I think I've given up asking nicely for the rest of my life, since it does no good and I get more and more furious. I should maybe look into whether I have any flame-shooting abilities of any sort.
86: I know some bedtime reading that works pretty well.
Not a bad idea, except at this point I'm not speaking to them. I already threatened to take away our museum trip tomorrow and make them have quiet rest time all day, which is ironic because I can't get them to be quiet or rest and so why on earth would I aim for more of this when I could be doing something I enjoy? (They've really been great. Mostly I'm the one with the problem. I'm just paranoid we're ruining the lives of anyone in the building who can hear them, plus I just can't handle the giggles and whines and shrieks anymore but can't fall asleep through same. ARGH. Sigh.)
You could relax by reading about train toilets. Apparently, they have changed a lot since I last road an intercity train (1992).
Thorn, if it is any consolation, our two are making me reconsider a vasectomy as recreation today.
Unless it was a royal we and I meant testicles.
Or you're in a community property state.
I really don't think a vasectomy would help me much. Do you think they infected each other somehow? (Latest update is I apologized for my bad temper, said I would stop shushing them but that if anyone banged on a ceiling/floor/wall they'd have to be totally silent. They've now made the bed beautifully and are fussing at each other a bit but basically getting along at least.
I'm not sure how my testicles could infect one another.
Kiddos gonna kid, tho. Noser and rilee played for hours and hours outside and still were loathe to go to bed tonight. Who knows .
lw, drop me a line here or by email if you'd like to do dinner, but no pressure. The girls would love to go to a new state, and Maryland certainly is that. But we can do that regardless.