Excellent! Where are you staying?
Convenient. I can suggest plenty of meetup venues; do you have any preferences?
No strong preferences, now that the public pot lounge seems to be closed
Probably because the entire city has become a public pot lounge, obviating the need. It's been only months since legalization became effective, and you can't swing a dead cat around here without hitting a pot shop.
Shops everywhere, but places to light up? Is that just managed by the paper-bag test?
Well, no lounges, but people just go outside. Walking down Alberta, the main street in my neighborhood, I smell pot smoke all the time.
Right. Not something for a self-conscious careerist to engage in, I think.
Anyway, how about Monday evening? Seems the least likely night for me to schedule something else like a show.
Tonight, Tanuki, 6 p.m. The place is a divey izakaya that shows Japanese slasher flicks, so knives out, motherfuckers.
Me, Minivet, Emerson. How could you not want to join us?
*I* want to be there but there's this participatory democracy stuff. And tomorrow family brunch.
Wait, you're not going to the vegan strip joint?
Done, and very nice! Though "Japanese slasher flick" seems an incomplete description. One scene had a woman shooting copious flames out her vagina.
I'm happy to report that I was not facing the screen. The conversation was occasionally interrupted by gore.