That is neat.
First try was Mexico in the 70s and it gave me this which is great.
'90s Swedish Euro Disco... my secret shame.
Ogged, was it this?
Some awesome Iranian Morricone
No 60s Mongolian pop? This thing is so lame.
Be the change Jesus. You can add it, it's a work in progress.
I gave them R.E.M. They owe me.
4 Could have been this too: That whole album is awesome.
Monkees though (for all the difference that makes).
Now I'm going slightly nuts because the 2nd paragraph of the OP reminds me of some radio story I half listened to about a singer in a country (middle east) in a decade (recent) who did blatant knockoffs of western pop and the government killed him and he's still beloved and I can NOT remember any further details because I clearly have some horrible degenerative thing.
That's not a nice thing to say about a cat.
Ogged, was it this?
None of those! I'll look it up when I have a moment.
Ethiopian jazz & soul music from the Sixties through the Eighties was pretty freaking tasty.
I was in an Ethiopian restaurant once and they played great song after great song. I made a list of the artists, but I don't know if I can find it.
There's a great collection with tons of volumes. Called Ethiopiques.
Evernote for the win. I was in an Ethiopian restaurant on December 12, 2008, apparently. They were playing this guy.
Mulatu Astatqe is where people usually start, but there are also amazing solo piano compositions from Tsegué-Maryam Guèbrou.
A ton of really interesting music got recorded in Greece starting in the 20s and 30s. Rembetiko is the name of the style I listen to most often.
There's a record label that specializes in old mostly middle-eastern recordings,
Connaiseur advice for best Googoosh tracks?
I keep meaning to try Ethiopian food.
music got recorded in Greece starting in the 20s and 30s
This is beautiful.
best Googoosh tracks?
Don't know down to tracks. You're just supposed to start singing along and get wistful about your youth.
22: Do it! And drink their coffee too!
Isn't all coffee their coffee anyway?
Yes, but they kept the best stuff for themselves.
Oh Em Gee, there is a cumibia cover of Satta Massagena, El Miticos del Ritmo. Smiley with heart eyes.
|| jesus & other portlandites, I'll be in your town sat thru mon, if you are around / interested in poss meet up. I'll be with retinue so to speak. >
OK, I misspelled a word and neither of you did anything with that. Are you both healthy? Old age can make people weak, at least that's what I hear.
I have a couple of CDs from my local market. I'd put this one first:
There's a video biography, footage of her as a child, interviews with her son. I liked it a lot.
Nowhere else on earth to share this: The director of the (sensitive, well-done) biography I mentioned has a modeling page, linked I hope passively on IMDB.
I guess the best way to preface this information is NSFW
I confess to being too weak to jump to the fb fan page, helpfully linked.
This is beautiful.
Yes it is!
I have a couple of good rembetika albums, a few comps and a few Vassilis Tsitsanis albums. This is good.
Ethiopian jazz & soul music from the Sixties through the Eighties was pretty freaking tasty.
Ethiopia generally in fact. My father was there, riding into Addis Ababa on horseback some time around the summer of 1966. (Not in a conquering-hero sort of way. He needed to get to Addis Ababa; he had a horse. The rest was obvious.)
His panama hat was taken off him by an Ethiopian police sergeant, not, as he initially feared, because it was so decrepit that it actually contravened Ethiopian sumptuary laws, but because the top had come adrift and was flapping around like the open lid of a can of baked beans, and apparently the cutting-edge hot ticket among the trendy youth of Addis Ababa in 1966 was to have a panama hat on which the top had come adrift and was flapping around like the open lid of a can of baked beans, and the Ethiopian police sergeant had a small but fashion-forward daughter.
34 is fascinating. I would know more.
He was returning from Axum. You know, where the Holy Grail is.
re: 36
I have a few compilations of Ethiopian music, and they are pretty good. Mulatu Astatke had his period of being hip recently.
He needed to get to Addis Ababa; he had a horse. The rest was obvious.
"But I can't carry this horse all the way to Addis Ababa. It's 900 pounds. Must think outside the box."
jesus & other portlandites, I'll be in your town sat thru mon, if you are around / interested in poss meet up.
Could be tricky to schedule, but we'll email.
It is your fault that I clicked on the radio link and somehow ended up listening to this. How far is this from being even remotely performable by the very low political correctness bar of today's Eurovision?