Good luck. I think of you all a lot and wish you so very much beneficial distraction.
The only thing it's occurred to me that this blog could actually provide is a consultation between your daughter and E. Messily about whether or not it is worthwhile to be born and exist. Has this happened yet? E. Messily vs. Silenus?
...where by "this blog" I mean "this community," not that the discussion would happen literally here. A message could be conveyed, somehow.
Everything sounds like it sucks, and I really hope it all works out. I can't imaging dealing with all of these chronic health issues and health insurance at the same time.
On a less serious note, it's a sign of how small Glasgow can be, that I knew Joanne (from the T/ igerm /ilk picture) three different ways before I became friends with my friend who was actually in the band.
Dealing with U.S. health insurance from abroad must be extremely enjoyable and rewarding.
No, wait, it sounds like it sucks.
The only thing it's occurred to me that this blog could actually provide is a consultation between your daughter and E. Messily about whether or not it is worthwhile to be born and exist.
Jesus christ, can you rephrase that in a nicer way?
It must be weird to walk around Glasgow with everybody who you see thinking, "I know who you are. The naked woman in the tub nursing the tiger doll."
I can try. E. Messily seems to have a pretty thoughtful, rigorous, well-informed take on why received ideas about disability and worthiness are damaging and hateful, she's smart and compassionate, and she has written comments here on a few occasions about how toxic it is to maintain a whole category of states of being that are worse than death. I don't know. If I were frequently talking about a wish that I hadn't been born or could pass away into nothingness, I guess I'd see her as a reasonable moral authority to appeal to. It was a presumptuous third-person remark though. I realize that people are not resources. Sorry, E. Messily. I can apologize more pointedly for offenses more serious than awkwardness if I've given them.
If I'm just digging the hole deeper, please feel welcome to delete these comments and/or ask me to leave, not comment on alameida's posts (probably a sensible guideline for me in general), whatever administrative stuff seems wise. I am sorry.
That's better! The first comment made it sound like you were questioning whether or not it was worth it for Girl X and E. M. in particular to exist.
I'll try to think of something smart and compassionate, but also hilarious, to say about this tomorrow. Right now I'm going to bed though. (no offense taken, LK)
Also, everyone should try to see me as a moral authority, in general. We'll all be much happier after Tigre Halford installs me as the Supreme Czar of Ethics and Morality.
On a less serious note, it's a sign of how small Glasgow can be, that I knew Joanne (from the T/ igerm /ilk picture) three different ways before I became friends with my friend who was actually in the band.
That's a friend of the band??? I thought it was a film still or fashion photo from 1954 like all the Smiths record covers.
Fingers crossed, Alameida.
I didn't read LK's comments that way at all.
(Also, my condolences LK)
I always figured it was a Japanese person. This comment may or may not be racist, and it may or may not be a Japanese Glaswegian.
And also that fucking sucks Alameida, but you don't need me to know that.
I knew Joanne (from the T/ igerm /ilk picture) three different ways before I...
I'm srill trying to figure out if I'm supposed to read that the way I know apo would.
Hm, Stuart has just lately been getting reminisce-y about the album sleeves, here you go.
re: 15
No, almost all their covers are Glasgow people. Friends of the band, 'scene' people, etc.
re: 19
Definitely not in the biblical sense. I'm sure she'd have thought I was dreadfully unhip. I had long hair at the time, and wasn't an 'indie' boy. And she had moved to Glasgow specifically because of the indie boys.* She was one of the very first people I met when I moved to Glasgow, though. She was wearing a yellow ballet tutu, and silver wellington boots, the first time we met, and she is tiny. Pixie-like. So she was memorable looking. We weren't at all close friends, though. Just nodding acquaintances. Later we ended up taking the 5-person same Old N/ orse class together, also with Sarah from the band, so I knew her slightly better, but not well.
* from Sunderland, I think.
19 was my thought too. "Bragging is unseemly, ttaM."
As an example of how slow my brain is working this morning, I skimmed the post and read "travel insurance" as that trip insurance that you're offered when you buy tickets, in case your flight gets cancelled. Then I reached the part about pre-existing conditions and wondered what a pre-existing condition would even be in this situation.
And then realized that I must still be only half awake.
She was wearing a yellow ballet tutu, and silver wellington boots...
Fashion hasn't changed since the 90s.
Wasn't fashionable then, not fashionable now. Think MPDG cos-play, only before either thing had a name.*
* I guess? When did cos-play become a thing?
When did cos-play become a thing?
Just down the road from me is an equestrian statue of William III in the armour of a Roman officer. So "quite a long time ago".
Then when did cos-play not involving horses become a thing?
I would assume there are lots of people walking around Scotland with silver Wellington boots. What with all the rain, I'd assume every color shows up.
I skimmed the post and read "travel insurance" as that trip insurance that you're offered when you buy tickets, in case your flight gets cancelled. Then I reached the part about pre-existing conditions and wondered what a pre-existing condition would even be in this situation.
Well, let's say you practice a certain religion that a large number of morons are terrified by - statistically your flight is more likely to be delayed or rerouted.
It can't be a real religion. All the normal ones are started by somebody Semitic.
All the normal ones are started by somebody Semitic.
What's the Pali for 'Fuck that shit'?
It can't be a real religion. All the normal ones are started by somebody Semitic.
And economics was started by someone called Smith, just like all the other made-up religions.
And economics was started by someone called Smith
William Petty might have disputed that, if he hadn't been dead for 80 years when The Wealth of Nations was published.