She does indeed! Congratulations to Texas for turning away from the direct pipeline of crazy.
It feels like step 1 of a testing process. Like next time, they'll try somebody who thinks Obama worked as a gay prostitute but who knows the proper statistics on the numbers of substitute teachers employed.
A friend told me that this Hindu Far Right group managed to get "South Asian" changed to "Indian" in CA textbooks, and also downplay the role of Hinduism in the caste system. She said the group advocating for the is funded by people who are basically neo-Nazis, but the name is innocuous enough that CA officials didn't pick up on it.
Next step: Replacing "Pakistan" with "Assholia".
From a link in the link (arguing that dinosaur extinction was caused by the biblical flood):
Most of the dinosaur fossils which scientists have found are permanently preserved in positions of great distress as if they were trying to keep their heads above water or above the mud. . . . The Atheists cannot logically dispute these FACTS because the fossils exist.
Oh how the tables have turned!
I was going to dispute that, but then I saw the word "facts" in all-caps, and I was undone.
7: i used to be an atheist, but then I heard the good news of the TIME CUBE.
On the other hand it seems we've elected a chiropractor.
"I was too nuts to be elected to a Texas school board" is surely the first in a series.