I don't know...she just doesn't look very greek.
I suppose I'm showing my age, but she seems to be a cross between Sophia Loren and Audrey Hepburn. That is a GOOD thing.
Christie Turlington has launched all my ships.
I knew you'd break the rules, baa. You're the rule-breakingest conservative ever.
Just wondering, truly, honestly, actually, kinda, well, sortof, well, maybe not entirely, but trying to maintain that story, and I'm sticking to it: how badly would she pass for Iranian, do you think?
I'm actually curious.
I've always found Christy Turlington to be one of the most gorgeous women ever.
You said it, Missy. I agree. I also picked her for this because she has a sort of indeterminate ethnicity that seems perfect for playing Helen of Troy.
Gary, she wouldn't.
The lovely Ms. Turlington only rates #77???
I'm guessing we won't be seeing that "panel of experts" posting on Unfogged anymore. Banned For Life is too good for them.
Banished to hell, even. I grow weary of fighting.
Yes, well, that panel of experts put mystic scarecrow Madonna at 19 and plain-jane Princess Diana at 12, so I think their expertise is very much in question.