Re: Friday Two-fer


ALSO. I feel like I can't truly rant and complain about my kids here anymore because they're actual people. It feels much more isolating when things are going very badly, unlike when they were little and I had no qualms about airing all our dirty laundry. I personally would like to air the dirty laundry, but now it feels like a violation of their privacy.

Posted by: heebie | Link to this comment | 05-24-24 6:02 AM
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Have you tried sending them a threatening letter?

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 05-24-24 6:05 AM
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How on earth do you crack your *scalp*? Your kids have joints in their skulls which they can move??

Posted by: ajay | Link to this comment | 05-24-24 6:05 AM
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I did not bother challenging the absurdity of the scalp claim. It's on TikTok, Mom, sheesh. (And I just made up the ribs one wholesale.)

Posted by: heebie | Link to this comment | 05-24-24 6:10 AM
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3: it depends how much of a run-up you take.

Posted by: Alex | Link to this comment | 05-24-24 6:46 AM
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4: Ban Tik Tok.

Posted by: NickS | Link to this comment | 05-24-24 7:27 AM
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A few years ago, NPR ran its most explicit and elaborate trigger warning ever, including a brief history of trigger warnings and discussion of why they are controversinal, before a story on medical research of knuckle cracking.

Posted by: unimaginative | Link to this comment | 05-24-24 1:09 PM
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I'm not sure what to think of the Trump threat thing. It's not good, objectively. But also threats and violence are pretty certain to happen in any scenario where Trump is beaten.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 05-24-24 6:18 PM
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8: Not sure which threats/violence you mean and what that would imply. Do you think they would have to be proscribed as enemies of the state for Trump to be solidly beaten?

Posted by: Minivet | Link to this comment | 05-24-24 6:32 PM
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I think the worse Trump's election chances work, the more threats and violence we'll see from his followers.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 05-24-24 6:37 PM
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Work s/b look

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 05-24-24 6:37 PM
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He's obviously not the kind to go out on a high note.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 05-24-24 6:46 PM
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Oh, so by "not sure" you mean you're not sure if it's a sign of weakness or strength, not that you're not sure if it's practically needed or not.

Posted by: Minivet | Link to this comment | 05-24-24 6:55 PM
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Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 05-24-24 6:57 PM
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I've had like six covid vaccines and four whiskeys and some beer. So, I've probably got RNA.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 05-24-24 6:59 PM
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I stopped cracking my knuckles when I was on Atomoxetine, started again when I went off it.

Posted by: Unfoggetarian: "Pause endlessly, then go in" (9) | Link to this comment | 05-24-24 7:00 PM
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I don't know what that is, but I'm going to assume Jameson is better.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 05-24-24 7:02 PM
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16: My brain has been really interesting that way. I compulsively chewed my fingernails throughout my childhood and adult life until I was almost 40. I got out of an extraordinarily stressful professional situation and 1.) I have never chewed a fingernail in the 20 years since and 2.) I started having songs get stuck in my head again -- which I hadn't noticed had stopped.

Posted by: politicalfootball | Link to this comment | 05-24-24 7:54 PM
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I chew off my fingernails into nice strips and then keep them in my mouth and save them. Legally, I'm sane.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 05-24-24 8:09 PM
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I have never been cut off my a bartender either.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 05-24-24 8:13 PM
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My s/b by

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 05-24-24 8:29 PM
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Stupid RNA.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 05-24-24 8:37 PM
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7 and they were right to do it too

Posted by: Barry Freed | Link to this comment | 05-25-24 1:11 AM
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I started having songs get stuck in my head again -- which I hadn't noticed had stopped.

That really is strange.

Posted by: heebie | Link to this comment | 05-25-24 5:59 AM
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I still have that karaoke scene from The Fall Guy stuck in my head. Emily Blunt singing Against All Odds.

Posted by: CharleyCarp | Link to this comment | 05-25-24 7:31 AM
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Emailing Ron DeSantis he should ban woke RNA.

Posted by: Minivet | Link to this comment | 05-25-24 8:48 AM
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OP1: I must regretfully share that this type of GOTV tactic, "social pressure" has shown some effectiveness in trials and is utilized by professional operations on our side of the aisle as well. This version is more extreme and tasteless, per Trump's SOP, but it likely can get folks to the polls.

Whom you vote for is secret, but if and when you vote are public record, available on request with your state's voter file. These are idle threats, but it is theoretically possible to print a list of non-voters to show to a heartbroken Trump.

Posted by: Lee Atwater’s Glioblastoma | Link to this comment | 05-25-24 9:19 AM
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i learned yesterday that someone i actually know - like, not a connection via someone i know, but directly i know this person - was arrested because of her participation in january 6:

she is a notorious nasty piece of work! who i know! who once gave my child a gift (this was years and years ago when she was noticeably wacky but not outright horrific, was not possible to politely refuse). years and years ago when we first met her it seemed pity was the right reaction, there was clearly something deeply off about her. but then she spent years and years seeking out positions from which to exploit and oppress other people, with a grotesque specialty in what sure looked to me like elder abuse.

i was shocked on learning the news and also completely unsurprised, a strange combination. an awful, manipulative hostile crazy person. guess she found her people.

Posted by: dairy queen | Link to this comment | 05-25-24 10:17 AM
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I've mentioned the only person I know arrested for what he did on 1/6. I can't say anything about his character prior to Republicanism, because he was maybe twelve the last time I saw him.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 05-25-24 10:54 AM
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I still have that karaoke scene from The Fall Guy stuck in my head. Emily Blunt singing Against All Odds.

I've had Queen's "Don't Stop Me Now" in my head all week (which, hooray!) but my crowning glory was when I got some of the kids to join me in singing "Casserole Night" to the same tune:

Cass! er! role! niiiiight!
I'm having such a good time, I'm having a ball.
Cass! er! role! niiiiight!
If you wanna have a good time, give me a call!

Not all the kids though. Others found us mega-annoying.

Posted by: heebie | Link to this comment | 05-25-24 11:31 AM
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Now I had the theme from the Fall Guy tv series in my head.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 05-25-24 12:03 PM
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She introduced herself to the Telegram group on Jan. 2, 2021, noting she was "Trained in self-defense, Iyengar Yoga, and Modern Buddhism (New Kadampa)" and was "a devout Christian." Under the section special skills, she allegedly wrote, "knife throwing but also, Peace Pilgrim."
"I see the light in everyone," she allegedly added, according to court documents. "I wouldn't call myself a diplomat but I have the power to diffuse anger ... Modern Buddhism AND Christian faith have given me eyes to see. I'm also great at herbalist First Aid. And I was a Girl Scout. 'Be prepared:' always. Peace."

dq, you might be interest in the long-ish Contrapoints disquisition on when crunchiness intersects with fascism. It's behind a $2 Patreon paywall, but seems to be just unlisted YouTube. I'll clip clop the link to you on BlueSky.

Posted by: Minivet | Link to this comment | 05-25-24 1:52 PM
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thanks mini but that whole dynamic was on vivid display throughout my childhood & youth & remains so to this day!

Posted by: dairy queen | Link to this comment | 05-25-24 4:16 PM
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This guy was in my class at my very small (and very, very, very, very, very conservative (like, I'm a white straight-presenting normie Dem guy, and I was in like the left-est 5%)) college:

"The FBI located [Cleve] Meredith at a hotel approximately one mile from the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 7, and arrested him. He gave consent to search his phone, truck and trailer, which was physically present at the hotel. The FBI found a 9 mm semi-automatic firearm, an assault-style rifle with a telescopic sight, approximately 2,500 rounds of ammunition, and multiple large-capacity ammunition feeding devices inside the trailer. Meredith has been detained since his arrest."

He didn't make it to Jan. 6 with those 2500 rounds because he had a car breakdown.

Anyway, he was sentenced to 28 months back in late 2021, so I guess he's served his time by now.

Posted by: Doug | Link to this comment | 05-26-24 1:56 AM
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34: BOP says he was released 12/30/2022. I guess he got some credit for time served at a minimum.

Posted by: Minivet | Link to this comment | 05-26-24 2:45 PM
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I wonder if that date is not a "fuck you" to be sure to mess up his Christmas or just the end of the year clearance.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 05-26-24 5:04 PM
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Shanghai to include 12 assisted reproductive technology services into city's health insurance coverage to relieve financial burdens on people in need (Global Times link)

Posted by: mc | Link to this comment | 05-26-24 6:30 PM
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Sperm retrieval?

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 05-26-24 6:33 PM
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Sperm are notoriously evasive.

Posted by: Ahab | Link to this comment | 05-26-24 6:58 PM
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The soundtrack of "The Fall Guy" is making my nostalgic.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 05-26-24 7:36 PM
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Lee Majors is still alive.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 05-26-24 8:31 PM
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35: Thanks, Minivet. It makes sense -- well, as much sense as 2 1/3 years for trying to overthrow the constitutional order can make sense -- since I don't think they let him out before his trial, so he was in custody from January through sentencing in December.

41: Of course he is. We have a lot more technology than we did in the mid-1970s. We probably don't even have to rebuild him.

Posted by: Doug | Link to this comment | 05-27-24 1:04 AM
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I did a new blog post! Despite being on vacation in New Orleans, which is great.


Posted by: teofilo | Link to this comment | 05-27-24 8:46 AM
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Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 05-27-24 9:16 AM
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Posted by: mc | Link to this comment | 05-27-24 4:14 PM
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Those martyrs are now shared by the Catholic Church and the Coptic Church, as on May 11, 2023, in front of the patriarch who had come to the Vatican, Francis announced that the 21 Christian martyrs would be entered into the Roman martyrology.

Posted by: mc | Link to this comment | 05-27-24 4:24 PM
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It's a straightforward case of martyrdom, but I suppose the "Coptic" parts makes it unique.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 05-27-24 5:43 PM
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The key piece as I see it is that Portuguese explorations down the coast of Africa in the fifteenth century led to a small but vibrant trade in African slaves into Europe [...] also seem to have been present in Spain to a lesser extent. This would naturally have led the Spanish to include a few on their expeditions into the Americas
That's totally reasonable, but I think some more work is in order to prove that "naturally". But, supporting the supposition, AIUI the standard Spanish trade wind route to LatAm had a stop to top up supplies at the Canaries* which as you note were the original Atlantic sugar plantations.
*Maybe even Cabo Verde as relations permitted?

Posted by: Mossy Character | Link to this comment | 05-27-24 7:00 PM
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For a fifteenth century Spaniard, sailing across the Atlantic to a new world was basically the same as science fiction is for us. And if there's one thing I've learned from science fiction, it's that when you explore new worlds, your crew needs to include someone black to die sometime in the first act.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 05-27-24 7:10 PM
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"Scramble for Africa" [...] one contributing factor that I don't think has gotten enough attention is the immense growth and prosperity of the older colonies [...] the rise of the United States especially, and to a lesser degree Canada, Australia, and New Zealand,

Posted by: Mossy Character | Link to this comment | 05-27-24 7:23 PM
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I finished the post and feel it fair to note that the argument in 49 is not mentioned in it.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 05-27-24 7:32 PM
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(Israel arguably constitutes a third wave all on its own, in which the lessons of both previous ones have been ignored.)
And New Caledonia a fourth!

Posted by: Mossy Character | Link to this comment | 05-27-24 7:34 PM
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the French in Algeria, the British in and expanded South Africa as well as new colonies like Rhodesia and Kenya, the Italians in Eritrea, and the Germans in Namibia.
And far more so the Portuguese in especially Mozambique and Angola. By 1975 the white settlers there were IIRC equivalent to ~10% of metropolitan Portugal.

Posted by: Mossy Character | Link to this comment | 05-27-24 7:45 PM
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the small Dutch colony at the Cape of Good Hope
Home AIMHMB to its own miniature widowed land debate regarding the effects of smallpox on the Khoisan.

Posted by: Mossy Character | Link to this comment | 05-27-24 7:46 PM
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50: We don't have many Canadians here these days. I think we've only ever had one New Zealander and I can't recall an Australian.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 05-27-24 8:08 PM
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Death rates for the few Europeans were immense due to the unfamiliar disease environment
Them, and their horses. On display as late as WWI: compare the South African campaigns in German SW vs German E Africa.,_1916
(Both of which, to your theme, were shaped by Smuts' ambitions for a S. African sub-empire extending north to a Zambezi-Cunene line.)

Posted by: Mossy Character | Link to this comment | 05-27-24 8:27 PM
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Given the death rates of the porters, which to be sure was probably disease alone, I'm not sure the Europeans were coming off worse in terms of dying in Africa.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 05-27-24 8:38 PM
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If you lose 13% of the male population of Kenya while having them carry your stuff, that seems like very poor use of resources even for a racist.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 05-27-24 8:41 PM
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which to be sure was probably disease alone

I was trying to say "not disease alone." My thinking being that Europeans didn't appear to have died of disease at the same rate, so lack of care or overwork or something similar was also a cause in the porters' deaths.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 05-27-24 8:50 PM
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As the vector for trypanosomiasis (i.e., African Sleeping Sickness), the tsetse fly had a devastating effect on horses and mules, and during the course of the conflict, an estimated 150,000 animals were killed by this disease (Strachan 2004).

Posted by: Mossy Character | Link to this comment | 05-27-24 8:52 PM
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Maybe they were comparing themselves to Leopold and figuring they were being careful.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 05-27-24 8:59 PM
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So the European powers decided that a new wave of colonization of still "primitive" regions of the world was their national destiny, and they went looking for worlds to conquer. The main worlds remaining were in the small islands of the Pacific, parts of mainland Southeast Asia, and most importantly the vast majority of Africa.
In the same period the Russians pushed into Central Asia, the Mexicans into their north, the Argentinians into their south ("Roca, railroad and Remington" or something similar).
This brings up my dim memories of the WWI German war aims debate. A lot of prewar thinking was that great powers needed chunks of the tropics, but AFAICR for resource autarky, not settlement. In which connection,
What happened?
One of the dumb things: rubber became important. I don't know details on timing and motives, but rubber mattered in the Congo and SEA, and I'd be unsurprised if there was an expansion of white/white-owned settlement in the Amazon in the same period.

Posted by: Mossy Character | Link to this comment | 05-27-24 9:38 PM
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I guess the Social Darwinism of the time might have called for space to dump/grow food for the festering European underclass.
But OTOH SD didn't see the non-white races just dying out. It saw them outbreeding the whites. Hence all the apocalyptic recklessness.
Anyway, I guess there's a bunch of Maji Maji in teo's future.

Posted by: Mossy Character | Link to this comment | 05-28-24 4:43 AM
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58 is a bit startling. I notice that the Wiki says (unsourced) "Of the porters who died, 45,000 were Kenyan, amounting to 13 percent of the male population." There are lots of sources for other statements, and it's written to make it look as though Strachan or Paice also said that, but they didn't.

If 45,000 is 13% of the male population, it implies that the population of Kenya in 1914 was only 700,000.

That doesn't really ring true, because it isn't true, or even close to the truth.

Posted by: ajay | Link to this comment | 05-28-24 4:56 AM
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64: It seemed a little low to me too, but I figured maybe Kenya had less territory then or was 90% women.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 05-28-24 5:22 AM
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On this date 270 years ago, George Washington started the Fayette County tradition of confused and unnecessary shootings. Later imitators have avoided using a guy with a hatchet for a headshot, probably because of changing culture and lack of French people.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 05-28-24 6:17 AM
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Posted by: Mossy Character | Link to this comment | 05-28-24 6:36 AM
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The more I think about the Apes the more I like them.

Posted by: Mossy Character | Link to this comment | 05-28-24 6:37 AM
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There was probably some English guy back in London reading reports from America and thinking "this fucking guy again" as George Washington's name popped up decade after decade for his whole career.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 05-28-24 6:44 AM
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65: it's funny that on the other thread we are worrying about AI making up ridiculous shit that people couldn't possibly believe, when people seem to be much better at it.

Posted by: Ajay | Link to this comment | 05-28-24 10:05 PM
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Ridiculous shit made up by robots trained by underpaid Kenyans!

Posted by: mc | Link to this comment | 05-28-24 10:13 PM
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Posted by: mc | Link to this comment | 05-28-24 10:13 PM
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It's underpaid Kenyans all the way down.

Posted by: ajay | Link to this comment | 05-29-24 12:57 AM
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Posted by: Mossy Character | Link to this comment | 06- 2-24 11:29 PM
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