Re: It's been awhile since I waxed on about my fake chest.


You should vary the number and size of the prosthetics over a semester of teaching.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 08- 2-24 7:01 AM
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I'm so happy you've found something that works! I had a breast reduction last year and in addition to the many ways it's helped my health, I love that I can just wear clothes and have them fit and not have to work around anything. It's great that you can get a feeling of normalcy.

Posted by: Thorn | Link to this comment | 08- 2-24 7:05 AM
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Because I shop for used outdoor gear, I sometimes see people selling "plate carriers." That sounds similar, except for bullet resistance.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 08- 2-24 7:51 AM
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2: thanks, Thorn! And I'm glad you're more comfortable now, too.

3: One iteration had me looking at those undershirts that catchers wear, with the big superhero pecs.

Posted by: heebie | Link to this comment | 08- 2-24 8:15 AM
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More power to you, heebie. Glad you've found a way to look the way you want along with feeling good. The word wax in the post title totally got me-- "wouldn't that be painful?"

Posted by: lw | Link to this comment | 08- 2-24 8:53 AM
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There's a wax off joke in there somewhere.

Posted by: JP Stormcrow | Link to this comment | 08- 2-24 9:02 AM
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4.2: Those aren't bullet resistant either.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 08- 2-24 9:05 AM
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Ask Moby how he knows this.

Posted by: JP Stormcrow | Link to this comment | 08- 2-24 9:37 AM
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Time for some seins theory.

Posted by: Minivet | Link to this comment | 08- 2-24 9:51 AM
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Pirates games are really boring.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 08- 2-24 9:56 AM
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Congrats on finding something that works, heebie! I'm so glad tomboyx is there for you - they also make compression briefs for transfems on the same double-layered fabric principle, and those have been pretty crucial to my wardrobe these last few years. (I do look forward to options broadening a bit once last week's orchiectomy finishes healing up.)

Posted by: lourdes kayak | Link to this comment | 08- 2-24 11:02 AM
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Lots of people say polartec alpha is a miracle fabric, but maybe that's a different application.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 08- 2-24 11:12 AM
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11: how are you feeling from surgery?

Posted by: heebie | Link to this comment | 08- 2-24 11:44 AM
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They probably itch as they grow back.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 08- 2-24 11:59 AM
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13: It's weird! I've never done anything before that involves losing body parts, and there's definitely a lag as the brain gets used to it, especially because I was pretty foggy from anesthesia the first couple days. Every day feels a lot better though; after the first couple nights I didn't even need Advil. There's some annoyance waiting for stitches to dissolve and my being unable to ride a bike is kind of a logistical pain in our one-car household. But overall I'm just really, really relieved to have the procedure behind me, thanks for asking.

Posted by: lourdes kayak | Link to this comment | 08- 2-24 12:17 PM
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Congrats! I'm so glad it went well.

Posted by: heebie | Link to this comment | 08- 2-24 1:38 PM
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I'm glad you were able to find a solution that you are happy with, heebie! That's a long time to feel dissatisfied with your outward presentation.

Posted by: jms | Link to this comment | 08- 3-24 10:13 AM
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Congratulations on your procedure, lourdes, and glad it went well.

after the first couple nights I didn't even need Advil.
I'm always amazed by how tolerant of pain other people are. I guess I'm a giant baby, because I'm always like, give me all the drugs doctor, I need everything you've got.

Posted by: jms | Link to this comment | 08- 3-24 10:18 AM
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Congrats lourdes!
jms and lks, if you have any thoughts on the ROK gender/culture war I'd be curious.

Posted by: Mossy Character | Link to this comment | 08- 3-24 11:46 AM
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congratulations to lourdes! and i am so glad you found something that works, heebie - seems like a somewhat limited set of standard options, but i suppose not too surprising? i mean we seem to have an endless avalanche of differentiated goods on so many fronts, but alas not this ... front ...

Posted by: dairy queen | Link to this comment | 08- 3-24 4:55 PM
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Thanks all!

18: well, I'm no badass, it's just that the things most sensitive to pain were the things that got taken out, and (knock knock) there isn't much phantom signal currently on the line. Other things I've had done were plenty painful, getting facial hair nuked easily the worst.

19: I enjoy visiting ROK but don't have deep knowledge and already live in a country with pretty bad gender polarization (wasn't there a thread earlier this year about some study where South Korea was the only place doing worse than the US?). Some guesses: 1) when the younger generation finds it impossible to come up to their parents' standard of living, feminism makes a good scapegoat (a falling birthrate is the fault of women in particular rather than it just being unaffordable to start a family); 2) usual Internet awfulness; 3) compulsory military service for men in ROK seems to be a flash point; 4) I would guess the ignominy of Park Geun-hye did gender relations no favors; 5) I don't know what counts as specifically Korean patriarchy but there seems to be something going on. At least our experience as foreign women was that guys feel entitled to stare at you, attempt to start conversations with you, walk really close to you on a whole different level from in the US. In many ways Japan was similar, though only in Japan did I actually see signage on an airplane disallowing upskirt photos of flight attendants.

Posted by: lourdes kayak | Link to this comment | 08- 3-24 6:40 PM
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The passengers are not protected?

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 08- 3-24 7:05 PM
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The passengers have a tactical advantage so long as they're sitting down.

Posted by: lourdes kayak | Link to this comment | 08- 3-24 7:07 PM
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Strap hangers being not allowed on planes yet.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 08- 3-24 7:09 PM
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I mean, it's a lamentably real thing.

Posted by: lourdes kayak | Link to this comment | 08- 3-24 7:09 PM
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For a second, I thought that was going to be a link to a plane with only standing room.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 08- 3-24 7:19 PM
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The bar in San Diego where straight guys go to meet trans women is called the "Standing Room Only Lounge." I still don't understand if it's some kind of double entendre or what. There are seats.

Posted by: lourdes kayak | Link to this comment | 08- 3-24 7:48 PM
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That seems really specific for everyone in San Diego to keep track of.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 08- 3-24 8:05 PM
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On the original topic, do breast implants hurt beyond the recovery from the surgery? Assuming the size of the implant is about the same what was removed, so no inflationary pressures. And excluding all the stuff than can go wrong down the road with leaking implants.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 08- 4-24 7:41 AM
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Chronic pain isn't the most common complication but also not unheard of? There's a thing called capsular contracture that doesn't seem fun. Possible loss of skin sensation is the thing that really put me off considering it (that's for straight augmentation, not post-mastectomy reconstruction, which might have a different risk profile).

Posted by: lourdes kayak | Link to this comment | 08- 4-24 10:27 AM
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19. I don't live in ROK so this is mostly unfounded speculation, but my sense is that Korea has changed so much and so rapidly over in the space of a single generation, that its culture really is fractured. Its very modern image, which is consciously cultivated for the international market, reflects "western" social values, including feminism, egalitarianism, and optimism. These values are attractive, especially to young women, but they're out of sync with the cultural identity of Korea, which is still very traditional, patriarchal, and obsessed with social order.

I'm sure there are a lot of other factors in play, but the result really does seem to be something like an actual war. The open, bilateral conflict has been especially visible with the election of President Yoon Sukyeol (who, for example, campaigned partly on a platform of abolishing the Ministry of Gender Equality on the ground that it was unfair to men), but it manifests in lots of ways (molka, incel violence, Megalia/WOMAD, to take some extreme but widely-discussed examples).

Posted by: jms | Link to this comment | 08- 4-24 10:43 AM
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The gender equality always worry about discrimination against women and never about how to make pole vaulting fair for those with huge penises.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 08- 4-24 12:40 PM
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32: The drag is significant when swimming as well, IME.

Posted by: apostropher | Link to this comment | 08- 4-24 1:14 PM
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Have you tried wearing a swim suit?

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 08- 4-24 1:58 PM
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I'm not going to read the article about RFK jr and the bear corpse because it might humanize him.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 08- 4-24 2:38 PM
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I feel like that story is more mystifying than humanizing, but if he regularly eats dead bears that he finds on the road, that at least explains why his brain is full of worms.

Posted by: jms | Link to this comment | 08- 4-24 3:10 PM
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It's a connect to the every-man who eat dead animals from the road.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 08- 4-24 3:13 PM
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+ ion

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 08- 4-24 3:15 PM
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Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 08- 4-24 6:41 PM
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People should join Bluesky just to see the "This is just to say..." about the RFK-bear thing that I can't share because the guy is set on private.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 08- 4-24 6:46 PM
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I think it was by the Tom Tomorrow guy.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 08- 4-24 6:47 PM
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"We must do something in the morning," said Tom tomorrow.

Posted by: heebie | Link to this comment | 08- 4-24 7:08 PM
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I'm worried about Gainesville over the night.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 08- 4-24 7:13 PM
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I can't tell how many dimensions to read into that joke. Zero? Twelve?

Posted by: heebie | Link to this comment | 08- 4-24 7:20 PM
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My uncle can't move well now and the hurricane crept up on us.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 08- 4-24 7:24 PM
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He was keeping us informed about my cousin who was dying in Texas and we forgot about him.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 08- 4-24 7:26 PM
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My uncle is in Gainesville is the key bit that I left out.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 08- 4-24 7:29 PM
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I think I might be in Dallas soon and I don't know what do to about that.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 08- 4-24 7:32 PM
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No one flies DC-9s anymore.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 08- 4-24 7:36 PM
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Also, I just heard Harris's voice for the first time. I really hate the news on TV, but she had a commercial. It's a very presidential voice.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 08- 4-24 7:38 PM
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Are you spider supposed to stand for the national anthem if it's on the TV and you're in a bar?

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 08- 4-24 7:43 PM
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Have you tried not going to Dallas?

Posted by: mc | Link to this comment | 08- 4-24 7:44 PM
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My cousin didn't make it.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 08- 4-24 7:47 PM
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I haven't been to Dallas since maybe 1986.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 08- 4-24 7:48 PM
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I'm sorry about your cousin.

Posted by: heebie | Link to this comment | 08- 4-24 7:53 PM
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Thanks. She was barely older than me.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 08- 4-24 7:53 PM
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Texas is probably not healthy.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 08- 4-24 7:55 PM
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Anyway, death stalks us all, but I am never moving to the south.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 08- 4-24 8:01 PM
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I bet that if I give a southern bartender $80 thinking it was $60, they would just pocket the extra $20.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 08- 4-24 8:06 PM
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I should never have gone to Dallas

Posted by: Opinionated JFK | Link to this comment | 08- 4-24 8:40 PM
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You should worry about your nephew, the bear eating guy.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 08- 4-24 8:42 PM
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Honestly, the bear eating is his best quality.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 08- 4-24 9:09 PM
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That's how he got the brain worms

Posted by: Barry Freed | Link to this comment | 08- 4-24 9:49 PM
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Condolences, Moby.

Posted by: Mossy Character | Link to this comment | 08- 4-24 10:35 PM
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Thanks, acronyms.

Posted by: Mossy Character | Link to this comment | 08- 4-24 10:35 PM
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I'm sorry about your cousin, Moby.

I was just in the Dallas area, and it wasn't bad as long as you do as local people do and stay in the air conditioning. I did eventually have a meal that wasn't Tex-Mex, but it was several days into the visit.

Posted by: Doug | Link to this comment | 08- 5-24 1:40 AM
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My condolences Moby

Posted by: Barry Freed | Link to this comment | 08- 5-24 2:45 AM
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Yeah, sorry Moby.

Someone at work who is just a few years older than I am recently lost her twin brother to s massive stroke.


Does anyone know how to turn off Google's Generative AI? It's really annoying me right now and giving me bad information.


Posted by: Bostoniangirl | Link to this comment | 08- 5-24 4:39 AM
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58: The climate gods do seem to have it in for us. I keep offering up burnt sacrifices every day throughout the day, but they don't seem to be helping. Maybe I should switch to edibles?

Posted by: apostropher | Link to this comment | 08- 5-24 4:40 AM
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how to turn off Google's Generative AI

Don't shower for a few days before your next date and chew with your mouth open.

Posted by: apostropher | Link to this comment | 08- 5-24 4:42 AM
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Yeah, sorry Moby.

Someone at work who is just a few years older than I am recently lost her twin brother to s massive stroke.


Does anyone know how to turn off Google's Generative AI? It's really annoying me right now and giving me bad information.


Posted by: Bostoniangirl | Link to this comment | 08- 5-24 4:44 AM
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If you're using Chrome, there's an extension.

Posted by: apostropher | Link to this comment | 08- 5-24 5:04 AM
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The extension shouldn't be used by pole vaulters.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 08- 5-24 5:40 AM
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My condolences, Moby.

Posted by: peep | Link to this comment | 08- 5-24 5:52 AM
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72: Helpful for my desktop! I use safari in my phone, though I could switch to chrome.

Posted by: Bostoniangirl | Link to this comment | 08- 5-24 6:53 AM
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Thanks all.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 08- 5-24 6:54 AM
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OT: The Butler Farm Show is open.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 08- 5-24 11:21 AM
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29: They don't hurt, per se, but my chest has felt uncomfortable since my mastectomy and implant reconstruction. Some of that is capsular contracture and scar tissue, and I'm sure my failure to regularly stretch doesn't help, but I'm basically never not aware of my chest feeling wrong. So that's fun!

Posted by: J, Robot | Link to this comment | 08- 6-24 1:17 PM
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That seems unpleasant. Even my ankle gives me a break.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 08- 6-24 1:20 PM
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71: Bookmark for google minus the later changes, including AI "help".

Posted by: Mooseking | Link to this comment | 08- 6-24 1:29 PM
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78 etc: also a difference is that regular implants go on top of your breasts. Reconstructive implants are under the muscle.

Posted by: heebie | Link to this comment | 08- 6-24 4:05 PM
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How would you even lift weights?

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 08- 6-24 5:28 PM
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