"Maybe the feds can take over Texas schools. "

Didn't that come close to happening already, and that's how Ross Perot got involved?

Also, the second link doesn't go anywhere, though it it a very juicy headline.

Posted by: Doug | Link to this comment | 08- 7-24 5:38 AM
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Oh crap, I'm not on my computer anymore to fix that.

Also those are just the headlines I remembered off the top of my head. I'm sure there's a lot more stuff that's gone down.

Posted by: heebie | Link to this comment | 08- 7-24 5:47 AM
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That link was probably something like this.

Posted by: Thorn | Link to this comment | 08- 7-24 6:00 AM
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Thanks, Thorn!

Posted by: Doug | Link to this comment | 08- 7-24 6:05 AM
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I have definitely told this story before, but:

LBJisd submits scores to state agency, TEA. However, the spreadsheet shows 0 seniors graduating in 4 years, and ~50 graduating in 5+ years. (In reality it's like 500 graduating on time, 50 graduating in 5+ years.)

Our admin sees the mistake after a few months and sends the corrected spreadsheet in. TEA says, "Oh thank you!! Very helpful. You'll be graded on your original submission, but we appreciate the update."

So then the shit hit the fan. The superintendent and chair of the board met w a TEA rep. The superintendent likes to tell this part when he tells the story, "So I asked them, which data are you going to send to DC for federal funding? They said, 'oh, the corrected version, of course!' But we're still being grades on the first version."

So I think we're getting an F for that year. Hasn't officially been released though. Because the grading formula is tied up in the courts.

Posted by: Ladybird | Link to this comment | 08- 7-24 7:33 AM
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I have definitely told this story before, but:

LBJisd submits scores to state agency, TEA. However, the spreadsheet shows 0 seniors graduating in 4 years, and ~50 graduating in 5+ years. (In reality it's like 500 graduating on time, 50 graduating in 5+ years.)

Our admin sees the mistake after a few months and sends the corrected spreadsheet in. TEA says, "Oh thank you!! Very helpful. You'll be graded on your original submission, but we appreciate the update."

So then the shit hit the fan. The superintendent and chair of the board met w a TEA rep. The superintendent likes to tell this part when he tells the story, "So I asked them, which data are you going to send to DC for federal funding? They said, 'oh, the corrected version, of course!' But we're still being grades on the first version."

So I think we're getting an F for that year. Hasn't officially been released though. Because the grading formula is tied up in the courts.

Posted by: Ladybird | Link to this comment | 08- 7-24 7:33 AM
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Posted by: LBJ | Link to this comment | 08- 7-24 7:36 AM
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Don't worry, we always grade on the second double post.

Posted by: fake accent | Link to this comment | 08- 7-24 7:59 AM
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You have indeed told that story before.

Posted by: Mossy Character | Link to this comment | 08- 7-24 8:10 AM
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I wonder if there's a hidden downside to attempting to destroy public education in the largest city in your state.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 08- 7-24 8:20 AM
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Maybe they can take the books from the school libraries and sell them to the prison libraries.

Posted by: Mossy Character | Link to this comment | 08- 7-24 8:23 AM
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Wasn't Jade Helm supposed to resolve all this stuff?

Posted by: CharleyCarp | Link to this comment | 08- 7-24 8:26 AM
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5/6 reminds me of when someone I know had a phone therapy appointment, had ended up at home with a boyfriend she felt unsafe with present (plans had fallen through or something, I forget), got on the call and explained the need to cancel, the therapist said "If there's anything else you want to talk about, since I'll be charging you anyway..."

Posted by: Minivet | Link to this comment | 08- 7-24 9:35 AM
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