Re: Hurricane Helene Here


A hurricane of threads today.

Posted by: fake accent | Link to this comment | 09-27-24 11:13 AM
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I guess the Adams thread is technically from yesterday.

Posted by: fake accent | Link to this comment | 09-27-24 11:13 AM
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Ok, this storm has done some staggering damage.

Posted by: heebie | Link to this comment | 09-28-24 2:35 PM
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But my uncle didn't lose power for long and his area kept its trees.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 09-28-24 3:05 PM
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Its not moving very fast and still has a lot of rain to dump.

Posted by: Spike | Link to this comment | 09-28-24 3:17 PM
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I just looked at the hurricane track. Apparently, Helene got to Indiana, refused to enter, and turned away.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 09-28-24 3:26 PM
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Jesus, but it sure did fuck up western NC. They've closed Appalachian State for the next week and Noah's on his way home now.

Posted by: apostropher | Link to this comment | 09-28-24 4:50 PM
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The news and videos out of the NC mountains are scary. No power, no communication. If you want to find out if someone's OK, you have to drive to their house and knock. But roads are out all over. So there are people that are fine but nobody knows that they are, and there are people in distress with no way to get word out. I've seen some grim reports from rescue crews but about third hand so I don't know how much is true.

Posted by: chill | Link to this comment | 09-28-24 5:10 PM
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If you're going to name a kid "Noah", you have to expect the occasional catastrophic flood.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 09-28-24 5:17 PM
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It's too bad the lieutenant governor burned his penis with s pizza during this trying time.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 09-28-24 5:28 PM
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I'm interested to see how presidential candidates will manage to rush to the scene without getting in the way.

Posted by: Spike | Link to this comment | 09-28-24 6:13 PM
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That guy could do the thing with the throwing people the rolls of paper towels again.

Posted by: Spike | Link to this comment | 09-28-24 6:15 PM
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OT: This guy used to be the assistant cop to Alfred Molina in Three Pines.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 09-28-24 6:32 PM
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That's Donald Sutherland's son. But not the Kiefer one.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 09-28-24 6:35 PM
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The guy from Babe!

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 09-28-24 6:38 PM
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Apparently, only one of Donald Sutherland's kids got typecast as a Canadian when, legally, they all were Canadian.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 09-28-24 7:05 PM
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The guy from "Babe: Pig in the City."!

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 09-28-24 7:15 PM
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Apparently Donald Sutherland died.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 09-28-24 7:33 PM
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Still haven't heard from my crazy sister who lives outside of Asheville along the Toe River.

Posted by: Sir Kraab | Link to this comment | 09-29-24 9:40 AM
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Still haven't heard from my crazy sister who lives outside of Asheville along the Toe River.

FWIW, I just saw a post from Suzie Bright who's husband was travelling to Asheville who said he had been out of communication for most of the day and then texted the following.

We triaged and excavated 200 people today. No water. No power. Generator only. ALL roads are close above the valley. I-40, I-75, Hwy 26 all closed. I-40 got a slide, over all four lanes. Other roads are hauled out with washouts, or covered in trees and power lines.

I-40 is likely to open late tomorrow due to heavy equipment working all day and all night. There's linemen coming from everywhere, including NJ, California. A Fire Dept guy from California died tonight doing a rescue. The destruction is Overwhelming. From here east: Salem, Charlotte, Raleigh are all clear with no damage. It's just west that's the problem.

We're flushing the toilets with water from the hotel pool and rinsing ourselves with it. We're using bottled water to drink. I've only seen a little bit. We drove up the road about 4 miles 5 miles to get cell service. . . . .I know family and friends have been so worried about us here because no information has been able to get out. We've had no information about anything in the outside world. We don't know anything we can't see from here.

Posted by: NickS | Link to this comment | 09-29-24 11:53 AM
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I've been too exhausted & depressed to engage with politics since we got back from summer vacation, and now I'm feeling yet more depressed: far-right wins Austrian election, social democrats in 3rd place, their worst ever result. Combined vote of "center"-right (not really; they've been copying the far right since 2016) plus far-right: 55%. That's down from 57% in 2017, but given the number of scandals hitting both parties since then, it's pretty shocking. Social democrats + greens together only got 29.4, with two left tiny parties only wasting about 4.5% between them; the potential 'progressive' Red-Green-Pink (European-liberal NEOS, 9.2%) bloc only had 38.6%, 43% counting the wasted minor parties. Weakest parliamentary left bloc (31% seats) since WW2.
Oh, hey, it's kind of on-topic, because we just had basically the biggest flooding in centuries about two weeks ago -- so naturally the climate-change denier party wins today.

Posted by: x. trapnel | Link to this comment | 09-29-24 12:12 PM
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21: That's really awful. Yikes.

Posted by: Bostoniangirl | Link to this comment | 09-29-24 2:18 PM
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19: I hope you hear from her soon and she's well.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 09-29-24 2:22 PM
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Posted by: Mossy Character | Link to this comment | 09-29-24 3:10 PM
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What's the salience? Trump obviously needs to have Maria hung around his neck, but OTOH ISTR people here saying the PR Maria refugees in FL are Trumpist.

Posted by: Mossy Character | Link to this comment | 09-30-24 5:12 AM
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Bad things sometimes happen to awful people.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 09-30-24 5:47 AM
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NMM to Dikembe Mutombo.

Posted by: apostropher | Link to this comment | 09-30-24 8:13 AM
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19: I hope you hear from her soon and she's well.

Seconded. Fingers crossed.

Posted by: NickS | Link to this comment | 09-30-24 8:13 AM
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My sister has been located safe at a neighbor's. We haven't talked to her directly but tracked her down via go-betweens on social media.

Posted by: Sir Kraab | Link to this comment | 09-30-24 9:00 AM
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Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 09-30-24 9:06 AM
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Networked computing ftw.

Posted by: Mossy Character | Link to this comment | 09-30-24 9:07 AM
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27 it feels almost like we've lost an old commenter here

Posted by: Barry Freed | Link to this comment | 09-30-24 9:12 AM
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27: is it weird that my first thought up on learning about Mutombo's passing was to check Unfogged? No one will sex Mutombo ever again.

Hi all!

Posted by: Chopper | Link to this comment | 09-30-24 9:12 AM
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Posted by: Barry Freed | Link to this comment | 09-30-24 9:13 AM
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No one will sex Mutombo ever again.

Nor themselves to Mutombo.

Posted by: JP Stormcrow | Link to this comment | 09-30-24 9:14 AM
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I know we say NMM, but surely someone will.

Posted by: Chopper | Link to this comment | 09-30-24 9:15 AM
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You people are awful trusting of mortuary workers.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 09-30-24 9:16 AM
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33: if it's weird, I don't think I'm normal.

Hey everybody!

Posted by: k-sky | Link to this comment | 09-30-24 9:19 AM
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Oh no! Very sad.

Posted by: Minivet | Link to this comment | 09-30-24 9:19 AM
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Hi, Dr. Nick!

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 09-30-24 9:24 AM
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39 to 38.

Posted by: heebie-geebie | Link to this comment | 09-30-24 10:33 AM
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Maybe what he needed was...our love.

Posted by: Alex | Link to this comment | 09-30-24 10:42 AM
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Our friends finished a move from Houston to western NC just a few weeks ago (though they've been in the process of moving for several months). Fortunately, they lost power for only 12-hours and got cell service back Sunday morning. So many cheers for the utility crews getting people reconnected.

Posted by: Mooseking | Link to this comment | 09-30-24 11:53 AM
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Roughly two-thirds of Gainesville lost power, and the utility had something like 550 separate outages marked on their outage map. There's still 242 outages listed right now, but they only affect 3% of homes.

Posted by: Kymyz Mustache | Link to this comment | 09-30-24 12:02 PM
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Just beyond infuriating to watch Trump tell bald-faced lie after bald-faced lie about the response and know that there is a whole big media ecosystem amplifying them, with some leakage into mainstream coverage. Will commentators call them out as harmful self-interested lies? The pushback I have seen has been tepid and all of the type that "privileges the lie."

Posted by: JP Stormcrow | Link to this comment | 09-30-24 1:58 PM
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Just beyond infuriating to watch Trump tell bald-faced lie after bald-faced lie about the response and know that there is a whole big media ecosystem amplifying them, with some leakage into mainstream coverage. Will commentators call them out as harmful self-interested lies? The pushback I have seen has been tepid and all of the type that "privileges the lie."

Posted by: JP Stormcrow | Link to this comment | 09-30-24 1:58 PM
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