Re: No No No


Good call that you're doing a Mutombo thread. I think my favourite "who wants to sex Mutombo?" was x.trapnel sidling up to me in that bar in SF across the street from City Lights. Genuinely felt like being part of a shameful conspiracy, especially as the guy next to me at the bar heard and looked at me as if it was the most disgusting perversion imaginable.

Posted by: Alex | Link to this comment | 09-30-24 10:46 AM
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I remember when I went to my very first Unfogged meetup (at Fresh Salt iirc) and since I didn't know what anyone looked like and no one knew what I looked like I made a sign like limo drivers use for airport pickups that said "Mutombo" and waved it around the bar till I found my fellow reprobates.

Posted by: Barry Freed | Link to this comment | 09-30-24 11:57 AM
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Rest in peace

Posted by: beamish | Link to this comment | 09-30-24 12:03 PM
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