Re: Guest Post -- No More Masticating

Amdo thukpa, especially thenthuk, is a variant among the Indians
Interesting, considering the distance.
Posted by: mc | Link to this comment | 02-19-25 8:07 AM
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I missing living in an area where I could find different styles of noodles on a regular basis.

Posted by: fake accent | Link to this comment | 02-19-25 11:11 AM
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Stochastic noodles are fine.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 02-19-25 11:20 AM
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fa, don't you live in Orange County? It's hard to think of a place with a greater diversity of noodles than you'd find in GG/Westminster/Buena Park/Santa Ana/Tustin/Irvine.

Posted by: jms | Link to this comment | 02-19-25 11:28 AM
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4: No, I moved north, not south when I moved out of [near the LA river]. It's over an hour to noodle-rich neighborhoods where I am now. I make occasional runs to the 99 Market in Van Nuys to bring stuff back for myself and my parents but don't usually go further than that unless I plan my whole day around it.

In the Bay Area, I was near Milpitas/Fremont/San Jose (where I lived), which was about as great for noodles as it gets in the Bay Area.

Posted by: fake accent | Link to this comment | 02-19-25 11:38 AM
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Our best noodle place uses chefs from Taiwan. Or used too. I don't know if they can do that still.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 02-19-25 11:52 AM
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They make noodles in a way that involves going "thwap" on a very solid table with a heavy rope of dough.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 02-19-25 11:54 AM
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7 there's a NMM joke to be made there but I can't quite get there

Posted by: Barry Freed | Link to this comment | 02-19-25 12:06 PM
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I'm afraid you're trying to make a play on the word "fap" here, but you'll have to go at it alone. (yes, I see what I did there.)

Posted by: heebie | Link to this comment | 02-19-25 1:08 PM
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A totally novel noodle act.

A totally noodle sex act?

Posted by: fake account | Link to this comment | 02-19-25 1:48 PM
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A novel about sex noodles.

Posted by: heebie | Link to this comment | 02-19-25 1:58 PM
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I like this country music tune about Japanese noodles. In the course of finding it, I discovered that it's actually a cover of a song from the '50s (or maybe earlier).

Posted by: politicalfootball | Link to this comment | 02-19-25 3:14 PM
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I thought that was going to link to this song 'about' a Japanese food, also a cover but only from the 1960s

Posted by: hydrobatidae | Link to this comment | 02-19-25 5:07 PM
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