Re: The Signal Jeffrey Goldberg Thing


Out of an abundance of caution, we should speculate irresponsibly.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 03-24-25 4:18 PM
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My whole life, I thought the entire security apparatus was stupid spy stuff primarily for the purpose of men feeling thrilled and smug about themselves. I thought that important war information could likely be derived just fine from entirely public information, like the way those UCLA students very near found Bin Laden. I read quotes about the mindblowingness of the levels of secrets and security and I was all, how fucking secret could the secrets get? People were fucking, or someone was killed. It simply cannot be that shocking and ultra-secrety-secret.

Anyway, apparently the Trump fuck-ups are going to conduct all their super sekrit business in public and we are going to find out whether the whole secret business was all that important after all.

Posted by: Megan | Link to this comment | 03-24-25 5:17 PM
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The most immediate fucking fucker upper in this is the brother-in-law of the singer from Creed.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 03-24-25 5:35 PM
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Insert "With DMs Wide Open" joke.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 03-24-25 5:39 PM
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Hillary Clinton weighs in.

From the NYT (garbage link, no real need to follow):

Mr. Hegseth was traveling to Hawaii on Monday, his first stop on a weeklong trip to Asia. He spoke to reporters traveling with him after landing in Hawaii, called Mr. Goldberg a "so-called journalist" and, when pressed, said that "nobody was texting war plans, and that's all I have to say about that."
The White House also appeared to contradict Mr. Hegseth. "At this time, the message thread that was reported appears to be authentic, and we are reviewing how an inadvertent number was added to the chain," Brian Hughes, the National Security Council spokesman, said in an emailed statement. He called the thread "a demonstration of the deep and thoughtful policy coordination between senior officials."

I think they're going to just lie about it, DARVO, etc. There's a culture of impunity to uphold.

Posted by: lurid keyaki | Link to this comment | 03-24-25 6:10 PM
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3: How did you know this? And it appears he (Waltz) is the one they are looking to throw under the bus*. So far Hegseth and T have simply attacked Goldberg.

5: a demonstration of the deep and thoughtful policy coordination between senior officials." Holy shitballs, the emojis alone ...

*I saw this reported as there being a lot of group chats about this....

Posted by: JP Stormcrow | Link to this comment | 03-24-25 7:19 PM
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And they are on a digital roll today. Apparently for much of today if you tried send your 5 bullet points you got:

Delivery has failed to these recipients or groups:
The recipient's mailbox is full and can't accept messages now.

Confirmed this with a family member who has to send one.

Posted by: JP Stormcrow | Link to this comment | 03-24-25 7:25 PM
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Goldberg said Waltz sent the connection request.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 03-24-25 7:27 PM
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Any theories yet about who they thought they were inviting?

Posted by: Unfoggetarian: “Pause endlessly, then go in” (9) | Link to this comment | 03-24-25 7:48 PM
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Jaw on the floor at this story.

Posted by: Ajay | Link to this comment | 03-25-25 12:03 AM
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Who is in the administration and called Jeff? Or Goldberg? Or Goldsomething?

Posted by: Ajay | Link to this comment | 03-25-25 12:04 AM
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11 this came up in a couple of GCs, but the source of the confusion is the use of just the initials J G and that would be US Trade Representative Jamieson Greer

Posted by: Barry Freed | Link to this comment | 03-25-25 12:16 AM
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1. Unsurprisingly, the State Department doesn't seem to have any opinions on foreign policy.
2. The beginning of the end for Vance and/or Waltz? One lives in hope.
3. Unsurprising, but worth re-emphasizing: there appears to be no thought at all given to the actual efficacy of bombing Yemen. KSA and UAE fought the Houthis at a length and intensity this administration (or any other) wouldn't contemplate, and lost.
4. Unsurprising, but worth re-emphasizing: Der Primat der Innenpolitik. Actual US interests (freedom of navigation) are mentioned once. Everything else is domestic politics.
5. Should they actually try to recover costs from Europe/Egypt (shockingly, no mention of invoicing Israel or GCC) we can expect some nice Commission studies trying to measure the actual ROI of counter-Houthi efforts to date. Should be interesting.

Posted by: Mossy Character | Link to this comment | 03-25-25 1:59 AM
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Maybe JD got mistyped as JG?

Posted by: apostropher | Link to this comment | 03-25-25 3:40 AM
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14 he was already on there as "JD Vance"

Posted by: Barry Freed | Link to this comment | 03-25-25 3:45 AM
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Maybe they thought he was Josh Grolin?

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 03-25-25 4:23 AM
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My boss's boss just posted a McMegan article on LinkedIn. Ugh.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 03-25-25 5:16 AM
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Tell him you've known her online for ages and ages?

Posted by: Doug | Link to this comment | 03-25-25 5:43 AM
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I was here only after she left.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 03-25-25 5:44 AM
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You could still be friends with her on LinkedIn?

Posted by: heebie | Link to this comment | 03-25-25 5:48 AM
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I'll think about it.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 03-25-25 5:53 AM
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Unsurprisingly, but more importantly (I'm thinking mostly of European elites here): the language. It shatters, if any shattering remained to be done, any illusion,
1. Of any adults in the room or internal technocratic checks;
2. That there are any layers to be understood in this administration.
Their internal and external communications are identical. They aren't posing for Trump, or the voters, or the influencers,* or whoever. They are exactly what they appear to be. Emphasis added:


Per the president's request we are working with DOD and State to determine how to compile the cost associated and levy them on the Europeans.
I just hate bailing Europe out again.
I fully share your loathing of European free-loading. It's PATHETIC.
we soon make clear to Egypt and Europe what we expect in return. We also need to figure out how to enforce such a requirement. EG, if Europe doesn't remunerate, then what? If the US successfully restores freedom of navigation at great cost there needs to be some further economic gain extracted in return.
Trump is always described as 'transactional', and that has always been too generous; charitably, the above is mercenary,** more accurately, thuggish.
"I will say a prayer for victory," Vance wrote.
Waltz responded with three emoji: a fist, an American flag, and fire. Others soon joined in, including "MAR," who wrote, "Good Job Pete and your team!!," and "Susie Wiles," who texted, "Kudos to all - most particularly those in theater and CENTCOM! Really great. God bless." "Steve Witkoff" responded with five emoji: two hands-praying, a flexed bicep, and two American flags.
Crusaders, in the worst sense: brutish, greedy, stupid, self-righteous.

*Charmingly, Notepad++ doesn't recognize this as a word. I shall keep it so.
**'Mercenary' implies to me a degree of straightforward commercial self-interest I don't see here. They want to:
1. Charge for a service they can't deliver (in fairness, something mercenaries have on occasion been known to do);
2. Assuming for argument they can in fact deliver, they have decided to deliver immediately, before:
3. Agreeing terms with clients;
4. Identifying which clients they would actually be serving (GCC, PRC);
5. Planning for collection from delinquents.
Miller is the only one talking like a rational economic actor. The rest are just a sloppy mess.

Posted by: Mossy Character | Link to this comment | 03-25-25 5:54 AM
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Posted by: Barry Freed | Link to this comment | 03-25-25 6:07 AM
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the use of just the initials J G

John Galt?
Jimmy Grantz?
John Edward Gammell?

You think I just want another puzzle to solve? Another John G. to look for? You're John G. So you can be my John G.

Posted by: leonard shelby | Link to this comment | 03-25-25 6:47 AM
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Judy Garland

Posted by: | Link to this comment | 03-25-25 6:55 AM
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Don't look at me. I'm dead.

Posted by: Opinionated J.G. Ballard | Link to this comment | 03-25-25 7:00 AM
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John Glover Roberts!

Posted by: jms | Link to this comment | 03-25-25 7:09 AM
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John Jacob Jingleheimer GSchmidt

Posted by: fake accent | Link to this comment | 03-25-25 7:11 AM
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I keep wondering if everyone knows who the other JG is, but no one wants to blow their cover. (In a maximally funny world, the real JG is a double agent for Iran, so they dodged a bullet by leaking to the Atlantic instead.)

Posted by: lurid keyaki | Link to this comment | 03-25-25 7:19 AM
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Jihad Gooner?

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 03-25-25 7:24 AM
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Waltz did the invite but it was Hegseth and I think Ratcliffe who posted actual operation al details. Hegseth is denying that and I am sure that will be the official position going forward.

I think their next steps will be a sign of how emboldened they are feeling and how cowed they think they have both R congressrats and the public. I think their impulse will be to go after Goldberg officially for somehow endangering national security but will probably not go far down that path.But we'll see.

Pre-scheduled Senate Intelligence Committee going on right now. Curious to see how that plays out. (In fact my wife is listening to it in another room but I had to flee; just cannot listen to those bozos (R senators, admin folk, and some D senators)).

Posted by: | Link to this comment | 03-25-25 7:26 AM
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Jonathan Goldberg

Posted by: Longtime Shirker | Link to this comment | 03-25-25 7:31 AM
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I'm now prejudiced against 50ish white, male middle class Christians from purple states. Which would be awkward if I were prone to self awareness.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 03-25-25 7:33 AM
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Is NYC mayoral candidate Zohran Mamdani getting any notice outside of local political geeks indulging in a brat summer 2.0 level of
enthusiasm? My impression from Queens is he is one of the few to combine showboating on platitudes and national/global issues with a
(not-an-analogy) hands-on boots-on-the-ground presence in local issues.

Posted by: Econolicious | Link to this comment | 03-25-25 7:34 AM
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Jonah Goldberg?

Posted by: jms | Link to this comment | 03-25-25 7:34 AM
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31 me.

Just going to mention for no particular reason that the large majority of "classified" info HRC shared in emails (actually most of it was *sent* to her) was info already in the public and published in the media often by leaks to reporters. Comments by government officials and even just sharing it were deemed* still classified because they could imply confirmation of the information.

*Mainly so by the on IG (there were big differences of opinions on it by several).

Posted by: JP Stormcrow | Link to this comment | 03-25-25 7:34 AM
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Jeff Goldberg is pretty much a piece of shit and has pushed The Atlantic in a bad direction.

Speaking of POSes I looked up Feith and he has been at the Hudson Institute opining mostly on Israel and Middle East. But nothing there since last May; he is 71 so may have retired.

Posted by: JP Stormcrow | Link to this comment | 03-25-25 7:42 AM
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23: this is a good example of the kind of piece that dances up to its conclusion obliquely to avoid actually saying something that's plainly mad. Is there some threshhold the author would propose at which all your conversations become ipso facto public? Isn't the very incident that motivated this piece an excellent example of why that would be stupid?

Posted by: Alex | Link to this comment | 03-25-25 7:50 AM
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Oops that's who I meant. Maybe they meant to leak to TNR (lol).

Posted by: Longtime Shirker | Link to this comment | 03-25-25 7:52 AM
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They probably meant to invite Iceberg.

Posted by: von wafer | Link to this comment | 03-25-25 7:57 AM
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Joseph Goebbels

Posted by: apostropher | Link to this comment | 03-25-25 8:01 AM
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Goldberg should call their bluff and publish screenshots of the entire chat. Burn the CIA officer, he's already known to Moscow and Beijing.

Posted by: Barry Freed | Link to this comment | 03-25-25 8:04 AM
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Witkoff was in Moscow when added to the chat. Brought up at the hearing.

Posted by: JP Stormcrow | Link to this comment | 03-25-25 8:06 AM
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Josh Marshall good here on the larger scandal of why they were on Signal in the first place and how it illuminates the whole Trumpian approach to governing.

Posted by: JP Stormcrow | Link to this comment | 03-25-25 8:09 AM
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My first thought was Jonah Goldberg, but then it turns out he's an anti-Trumper.

Posted by: Unfoggetarian: "Pause endlessly, then go in" (9) | Link to this comment | 03-25-25 8:13 AM
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43 that makes at least two eyes directly on innermost WH deliberations

Posted by: Barry Freed | Link to this comment | 03-25-25 8:16 AM
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Tulsi Gabbard was also overseas at the time lol

Posted by: Barry Freed | Link to this comment | 03-25-25 8:35 AM
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Probably not John Ganz. His article on this is called, "The Worst and the Dimmest". That captures something of the spirit of the Trump experiment. The Best and the Brightest got us into Vietnam, how much worse can a bunch of evil idiots do?

Posted by: peep | Link to this comment | 03-25-25 9:10 AM
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It's really interesting to me that this scandal seems to be getting about a quarter of the attention it deserves -- and thus much more attention, relatively speaking, than most of the other scandals. It's at the top of the Fox News front page right now.

There's no sex angle -- I think Trump is basically immune from that now anyway. Part of it is that Republicans like to think of themselves as being in favor of national security, and this flies too directly in the face of that.

But this isn't the first grotesque breach of national security in a Trump administration. He was, after all, charged with a crime in that regard.

I'm thinking that the hook here is the comedy of it. In addition to being appalling, it's funny.

Posted by: politicalfootball | Link to this comment | 03-25-25 9:15 AM
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Yeah, a big part is it's funny. The other part is that there's a lot of veterans and their families in this country and they're pissed, so it's a scandal that actually matters to a relatively Trump-friendly constituency, which short-circuits some of the unity that the right usually presents.

Posted by: Unfoggetarian: "Pause endlessly, then go in" (9) | Link to this comment | 03-25-25 9:19 AM
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49: this is a hugely underrated factor. The Boris Johnson lockdown parties were among other things hilarious - important officials schlepping suitcases of supermarket wine up Whitehall, someone pissedly wrecking Johnson's kid's slide in the rose garden, nerdy staffers making out under bureaucratic strip lighting - and that was why it hit different.

Posted by: Alex | Link to this comment | 03-25-25 9:25 AM
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There's no sex angle

There's no sex angle yet. I would not be surprised if the intended JG isn't someone one of the other participants on the call was trying to seduce or whatever.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 03-25-25 9:25 AM
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I'm thinking that the hook here is the comedy of it. In addition to being appalling, it's funny.

This is totally it. It's such a relief to laugh in the middle of a horror movie.

Posted by: heebie | Link to this comment | 03-25-25 9:31 AM
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Like the lobster scene in the middle of Annie Hall.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 03-25-25 10:20 AM
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Does the FBI Director always look like that or do people only put up really bad pictures of him?

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 03-25-25 10:23 AM
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He looks coked up

Posted by: Barry Freed | Link to this comment | 03-25-25 10:27 AM
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The lobster? It did move really fast.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 03-25-25 10:30 AM
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I've lived a pretty innocent life. I don't know that I've ever seen anyone who I knew was on cocaine.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 03-25-25 10:37 AM
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The Boris Johnson lockdown parties

Huh. I hadn't understood why that got so much traction in the UK. US folks got busted for that sort of thing, but I don't think it did any lasting damage.

Posted by: politicalfootball | Link to this comment | 03-25-25 10:48 AM
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It's also kinda wild that nope, so far no additional details have come out. It's all entirely self-explanatory and there is nothing more to it.

Posted by: heebie | Link to this comment | 03-25-25 10:51 AM
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I remember being surprised, when Wikileaks came out, that public pronouncements often reflected how government officials converse privately. Similarly, this Signal stuff shows that these nitwits really do talk to each other the way they talk to the public.

The internal communications revealed in the Dominion lawsuit, on the other hand, showed that a lot of Fox insiders understand they are in the bullshit business.

Ross Douthat, whom nobody should read under any circumstances, recently wrote a column arguing that rich people back Trump out of ideological fervor rather than oligarchical designs -- as if those are two separate things. I feel quite confident (and am supported by Barry's link in 23) that part of the fun of being an oligarch is enforcing an oligarchal ideology on the rest of us.

Posted by: politicalfootball | Link to this comment | 03-25-25 11:18 AM
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US folks got busted for that sort of thing, but I don't think it did any lasting damage.

I think Newsom having restriction-prohibited gatherings* damaged the case for Covid restrictions. IIRC, this happened in the post-lockdown** period, fall 2020. California's policies were already not making sense at the time. Malls were open, but restaurants went from outdoor dining to no outdoor dining and maybe back and forth for a while. I didn't follow exactly what was happening with schools but many were online only. Lots of workplaces were open, with stay-at-home being a voluntary policy set by the employer, if not the employee. So you had people trying to deal with a patchwork of rules while Newsom was apparently treating them as suggestions.

*I think they were dinners at a time when restaurants were supposed to be takeout only? Something like that.

**I don't consider Covid restrictions after June 2020 an actual lockdown. I was out a few times per week shopping for groceries and taking my dad to cancer treatments throughout 2020 and the contrast between June 2020 and July 2020 was stark and dramatic***. People at my workplace came back that July if they needed to be onsite, restaurants opened beyond takeout, shops opened, hospital staffing levels went back up and visitor rules relaxed, etc. There were still restrictions but it was nothing like the empty streets of the stay-home order. Lots of people insist on treating this later period as part of one long lockdown but they're wrong.

***And of course there were still tons of "essential" people working regularly throughout the period, who must have noticed a similar change between lockdown and post-lockdown.

Posted by: fake accent | Link to this comment | 03-25-25 12:01 PM
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61: I would do anything for democracy, but I won't Douthat, no no, no I won't Douthat.

Posted by: Doug | Link to this comment | 03-25-25 12:09 PM
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I've ever seen anyone who I knew was on cocaine.

You've seen some of the first ten or fifteen years of SNL, yeah?

Posted by: apostropher | Link to this comment | 03-25-25 12:13 PM
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63 is cute.

Posted by: heebie | Link to this comment | 03-25-25 12:20 PM
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64: Only in reruns.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 03-25-25 12:23 PM
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Some of them probably never came down from the high, though.

Posted by: fake accent | Link to this comment | 03-25-25 12:50 PM
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I think Newsom having restriction-prohibited gatherings* damaged the case for Covid restrictions. IIRC, this happened in the post-lockdown** period, fall 2020.

Just before California's second lockdown, but also I think restaurant regulations stuck around without much letup for the first 12-15 months.

A weird alt-history project I contribute to actually has this as its point of divergence:

- Some unknown person shoots at Newsom that morning, preventing the French Laundry outing
- The recall attempt fails to qualify for the ballot
- Newsom's reelection warchest is spent in 2022 instead of 2021
- GOP control after the midterms is by only one seat in the House, and after months of drama, Jeffries becomes Speaker

Posted by: Minivet | Link to this comment | 03-25-25 1:00 PM
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Biden also appoints Doug Jones as AG instead of Merrick Garland. I'm not sure how that point of divergence stems from the Newsom thing. Maybe it doesn't.

Posted by: Minivet | Link to this comment | 03-25-25 1:04 PM
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52: There's no sex angle yet. I would not be surprised if the intended JG isn't someone one of the other participants on the call was trying to seduce or whatever.

Holy shit! That's it! The pseudo journalist/male escort who was let into the GWB White House press conferences was Jeff Gannon. Or maybe he's using his real name now, which is ...James Guckert.

I will note that he was "exposed" after he asked s softball question that would be par for the course from ~1/3 of today's White House press corps.

Posted by: JP Stormcrow | Link to this comment | 03-25-25 1:06 PM
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68 you contribute to Double Victory? I thought that was a one guy project. Wild

Posted by: Barry Freed | Link to this comment | 03-25-25 1:08 PM
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There's an 80s cover band playing outside my office for some reason. The bass line to "She's an Easy Lover" is suprisingly recognizable.

Posted by: heebie | Link to this comment | 03-25-25 1:21 PM
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So Trump is asking Michael Waltz to investigate.

He's out buying a hot dog suit right now.

Posted by: JP Stormcrow | Link to this comment | 03-25-25 1:27 PM
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62: agreed. Utah was definitely on the lighter end of restrictions, but there was a noticeable difference between the first two weeks, and everything after, until we had to shut down the whole state after Thanksgiving due to a big spike. A lot of what people remember as "lockdown" are *behavior changes* made freely by people who didn't want to go out to eat or to the movies.

Posted by: Cala | Link to this comment | 03-25-25 1:30 PM
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73: Seems like this might end up with Jeffrey Goldberg on trial for treason.

Posted by: peep | Link to this comment | 03-25-25 1:44 PM
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71: Sorry, I contribute financially, not writing it.

Posted by: Minivet | Link to this comment | 03-25-25 1:45 PM
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70: I think you'll find James/Jeff Guckert/Gannon died some time ago.

Posted by: Alex | Link to this comment | 03-25-25 1:48 PM
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77: Where is one to find that? I don't see any news on him since about 2007, dead or alive. Wikipedia doesn't have him as dead, at least.

Posted by: Minivet | Link to this comment | 03-25-25 2:02 PM
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78: I went through the same exercise with the same result. I think it would probably be unwise for Alex to tell us any more about this, especially before the body is found.

Posted by: politicalfootball | Link to this comment | 03-25-25 2:23 PM
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73: Legitimately laughed out loud.

Posted by: apostropher | Link to this comment | 03-25-25 3:17 PM
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But wit Trump's seeming support of Waltz, thr blame appears to be shifting to Hegseth. Death of Stalin shit.

Posted by: JP Stormcrow | Link to this comment | 03-25-25 3:42 PM
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There's sometimes a reason for Libertarians to exist.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 03-25-25 7:04 PM
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Good threads about the implications for the unified chain of command under Trump as revealed by those chats, it's not good people.

Posted by: Barry Freed | Link to this comment | 03-25-25 9:39 PM
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I had filed this thread in the capacious personal archives. It wanders in various directions but arrives at verifiable information and then asserts he died of COVID-19:

The DC Guerilla Gardeners thing is here: and I think the comment about him looking 70 is excessive?

Someone described as leading an outdoor dance class in DC had a twitter feed here that is clearly associated with the gardener page:

These corroborate bits of the thread.

This obituary is not him:

Whitepages has a live Verizon landline number with a 202 area code and some more info, last verified in 2024:

I therefore conclude that Jeff Gannon Lives!

Posted by: Alex | Link to this comment | 03-26-25 12:54 AM
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John Ganz is very good

"Anybody who has worked in any organization can recognize that Hegseth is not taken particularly seriously. He responds eagerly and enthusiastically, but a little too eagerly and enthusiastically. He's trying to seem to be a part of the team, in the middle of a process that has essentially taken place without him: "Agree." Well, that's all you can do Pete. He's clearly the least respected member of the chat. Hegseth is a "central casting" hire: he's a cheerleader meant to go on TV, he's not a policy guy."

Posted by: Barry Freed | Link to this comment | 03-26-25 1:32 AM
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42 omg they did the thing

Posted by: Barry Freed | Link to this comment | 03-26-25 5:03 AM
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Gauntlet thrown down.

Posted by: Doug | Link to this comment | 03-26-25 5:58 AM
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After the release of the text, the story is again at the top of the front page of the NYT, the WaPo, and the Fox News website. The story lives for one more day. Good on the Atlantic.

Posted by: politicalfootball | Link to this comment | 03-26-25 6:00 AM
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my brother spent 20 years in air force intelligence, most of it providing real time intelligence in support of active operations. my mother had a number of phone calls at odd hours from him, very brief, to tell her nothing more than that he was fine but that he would be unreachable for a period of time. each time, within a day or couple of days at most, there was a news story about an air force crew having been in peril, e.g., north korean jets shadowing and locking onto an intelligence gathering airplane. apparently you are hard to reach when being debriefed at an overseas air base. this is all very stressful when it is a hostile foreign government that has put your close and very loved family member at risk. imagine the rage if the endangerment was caused by members of your own government.

perhaps my brother took his duties overly seriously - he never talked about the content of his job, among other things making it possible for those who got visits from the security clearance teams every couple of years to truthfully answer they had no idea what my brother did. i know that by the time he retired he was worn down from the stress of continuous missions and living in a tent when not in the air for year after year and that i was seriously worried about him. he got a medal at his retirement ceremony, his co explained why in truly hair raising detail. my mom and i were the only people present without clearances and my brother was hilariously displeased about the story being aired to non-cleared people (he was mostly just embarassed at his nerves of steel being praised "publicly").

anyways i'm pretty incandescently enraged at the entire pointlessness of alllll of it, and yes including the deaths of 53 yemenis it is all absolutely disgusting.

Posted by: sissi of bavaria | Link to this comment | 03-26-25 6:45 AM
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Various Trump whisperers saying Waltz may not be necessarily out of the woods yet, T's main beef is why he had Goldberg's number in his phone.

Posted by: JP Stormcrow | Link to this comment | 03-26-25 6:45 AM
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89.last they deliberately waited until the target entered his girlfriend's apartment building so yes, a war crime on top of everything else. We know Hegseth loves himself some war crimes but it's also uncomfortably reminiscent of IDF SOP.

Posted by: Barry Freed | Link to this comment | 03-26-25 7:07 AM
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Jamelle Bouie makes the point that the story is in part getting so much traction* because it is something that was meant to be hidden and was instead revealed**. One of T's "superpowers" has been doing the dirty right out in the open and therefore getting no or very little coverage (and even that generally of the "raises questions" kind).

*Although you would think that would lead to s bit more focus on the fact that they are clearly using Signal a lot, and JMM's point that they are purposefully concealing things from the government itself.

**It probably also helps that one if them is a star player.

Posted by: JP Stormcrow | Link to this comment | 03-26-25 7:38 AM
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Just imagining every single GO sitting down and reading that today. Hegseth is gut shot, how can he possibly lead DOD now?
(Not that he was at all capable before but there has to be a complete collapse in confidence.)

Posted by: Barry Freed | Link to this comment | 03-26-25 8:19 AM
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I wonder what Dan "Razin" Caine is thinking about it.

Trump nominee for Chairman Joint Chiefs. Apparently not confirmed yet, but unclear if he is acting, or it is just vacant until confirmation (he was retired so I am guessing not acting chief right now?)

Posted by: JP Stormcrow | Link to this comment | 03-26-25 8:34 AM
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"they deliberately waited until the target entered his girlfriend's apartment building so yes, a war crime on top of everything else."


Posted by: | Link to this comment | 03-26-25 8:54 AM
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82: Trying to look at the swings in the two PA special elections.

The surprise was the flip in the Senate seat in Lancaster county which was a narrow victory in a district that Trump apparently carried by 15.

Not finding the Harris-Trump margin in the House seat in Allegheny County. (It has been safe Dem, but was also more critical as it broke tie in PA House to give Dems 1-seat majority, Senate is now 27-23 R.) The House margin was actually a lot less than the D margin for that House seat in 2023 (also a special election) 29% vs. 48%* but although I do not have total district results for President in 2024 almost every "competitive" precinct I click on swung significantly towards Dems vs. the Presidential. (There are a number of deep, deep blue precincts that were about the same 80%+ for Dems.)

So a mixed result in the House. Both of them show D advantage in very low turnout elections.

*D in 2025 got almost exact same number of votes as in 2023, R increased his vote by a lot. Could be either some lower-propensity Rs being more politically tuned in now than in 2023. But also may just be local name factor, D in 2023 (who died resulting in special election) was the brother of a long-time holder of the seat and was an old-school PA corrupt D.

Posted by: JP Stormcrow | Link to this comment | 03-26-25 9:04 AM
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95 dropping an entire apartment building in order to take out a single target is pretty much definitionally a war crime. In the Obama era DOD acceptable civilian casualties for Osama bin Laden, the highest value target in a very long time were 30. This dude was not that.

Also you should sign your name or pseud to comments like that, perhaps it was an inadvertent omission but if not it's a sign of cowardice.

Posted by: Barry Freed | Link to this comment | 03-26-25 9:14 AM
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Jeff Goldberg has the chance to do the funniest thing ever.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 03-26-25 9:37 AM
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97 was me, it was inadvertent, and, no, it isn't definitionally a war crime. Depends how many other people were in the building - which we don't know.

Posted by: Ajay | Link to this comment | 03-26-25 12:32 PM
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From BlueSky: "Yale professors, Timothy Snyder, a historian of totalitarianism and the author of "On Tyranny," and Jason Stanley, a philosopher and the author of "How Fascism Works", move to Canada. "

I feel like Canada probably isn't far enough away from what their fleeing.

Posted by: Zedsville | Link to this comment | 03-26-25 12:57 PM
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Depends which part of Canada they're fleeing to.

Posted by: heebie | Link to this comment | 03-26-25 1:01 PM
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99: News reporting that 53 people were killed, including children. I would think that time of day would give us a reasonable basis for assuming whether people were likely to be home.

Someone should go interview the Yemeni bodega owners in NYC and ask them how they feel about the flippant and contemptuous approach by US leaders and media coverage of their birth country.

Posted by: Witt | Link to this comment | 03-26-25 1:06 PM
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100: holy shit, really? Like, packed their bags and drove to the border moved to Canada? Virtual teaching to end the term?

This makes me uneasy somehow. Pros, cons, evaluating, reevaluating, game theory life

Posted by: lurid keyaki | Link to this comment | 03-26-25 1:21 PM
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Waltz had his Venmo public until this afternoon.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 03-26-25 1:27 PM
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Posted by: lourdes kayak | Link to this comment | 03-26-25 1:33 PM
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Now resisting the temptation to have the daily text convo with lourdes via unfogged comments. Hi! I hate everything about this situation! Also, UT poached three people from Yale alone? Is Edna K still around here at all, I wonder?

Posted by: lurid keyaki | Link to this comment | 03-26-25 1:46 PM
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I yust came here after I left yale.

Posted by: Opinionated Norwegian New UT professor | Link to this comment | 03-26-25 1:53 PM
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I was hyperbolic. There's nothing wrong with anyone leaving any university for UT. It's more the extenuating circumstances.

Posted by: lurid keyaki | Link to this comment | 03-26-25 1:56 PM
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104 is hilarious.

Posted by: heebie | Link to this comment | 03-26-25 2:06 PM
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You just know that at least one of them as a password of 1-2-3-4.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 03-26-25 2:37 PM
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The mobile number provided, meanwhile, led to a WhatsApp account that Hegseth apparently only recently deleted. The profile photo showed a shirtless Hegseth in a baseball cap and necklace.

Posted by: lourdes kayak | Link to this comment | 03-26-25 2:53 PM
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I'm assuming puka shell.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 03-26-25 2:59 PM
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Whoa. Jason Stanley was a degree or so removed from Unfogged for a while.

I enjoyed this a great deal.

Posted by: Megan | Link to this comment | 03-26-25 3:40 PM
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112: Well, he's certainly not pukka sahib

Posted by: Natilo Paennim | Link to this comment | 03-26-25 3:44 PM
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99: 53 here, 50,000 there -- pretty soon you're talking about real genocide

Posted by: Natilo Paennim | Link to this comment | 03-26-25 3:47 PM
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The Zionist Gestapo, aided and abetted by the Zionist Sturmabteilung, claims another victim:

Ozturk's attorney said that her information was recently added to a website tracking pro-Palestinian activists. The website, Canary Mission, published information about Ozurk, including her general location and work history.

All I've got to say is when ajay's good buddies come to put me on the cattle car for Louisiana, they'll get a very warm welcome indeed.

Posted by: Natilo Paennim | Link to this comment | 03-26-25 4:14 PM
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Why would you move to the 51st state? Do you want to end up unemployed, in Greenland?

Posted by: fake accent | Link to this comment | 03-26-25 10:18 PM
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Bold to assume Greenland is annexed before Canada

Posted by: Ajay | Link to this comment | 03-26-25 10:32 PM
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113: "JD, no couch please"

Posted by: Doug | Link to this comment | 03-27-25 1:28 AM
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116: I was actually going to comment on this event independently. I don't think referring to it as Zionist. The video of ICE grabbing her off the street is pretty terrifying. A judge ordered them not to move her from Mass for 48 hours. But they have.

Posted by: Bostoniangirl | Link to this comment | 03-27-25 5:05 AM
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120 for cowriting an op-ed ffs

Posted by: Barry Freed | Link to this comment | 03-27-25 5:14 AM
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And separately, the use of "Zionist" in 116 comes off as antisemitic to me.

Posted by: Barry Freed | Link to this comment | 03-27-25 5:19 AM
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"All I've got to say is when ajay's good buddies come to put me on the cattle car for Louisiana, they'll get a very warm welcome indeed."

My dear man, you are by your own admission a fat old man with a heart condition and no experience of fighting. I think we could probably manage you with a couple of Girl Guides.

Posted by: Ajay | Link to this comment | 03-27-25 6:22 AM
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So now you can't be good buddies with Girl Guides? Sexist.

Posted by: heebie | Link to this comment | 03-27-25 6:22 AM
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116 strikes me this morning as the usual amount of hyperbolic/unhinged. 123, by contrast, strikes me as far crueler and more callous than usual. Both make me wish I hadn't looked at this thread so early in the day.

Posted by: von wafer | Link to this comment | 03-27-25 6:41 AM
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Now I feel bad for being light about it.

Posted by: heebie | Link to this comment | 03-27-25 6:42 AM
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I've come to think of all the rhetoric (and the behavior behind it) as part of the well-nigh inevitable death spiral of decency and civilization. I mean, I don't disagree with 125 or 122, but 123 is based in fact and I have a hard time arguing with the thesis of 116 (even if it is hyperbolic/unhinged and takes a gratuitious shot at a fellow commenter).

Like Barry, I have a hard time reading "Zionist Gestapo" as anything but anti-semitic, but, um, they pulled someone off the street for expressing opposition to Zionism and are holding her incommunicado a couple thousand miles away in violation of a court order. These are hyperbolic times.

All the hate doesn't lead to anyplace good, but it all makes perfect sense to me.

Posted by: politicalfootball | Link to this comment | 03-27-25 7:02 AM
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We're kind of being caught up in all sorts of Newspeak where words like Zionism and anti-semitism mean wildly different things, according to who utters them.

Posted by: heebie | Link to this comment | 03-27-25 7:06 AM
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96: Found where the PA House district that went 63-35 for the Den went Harris 58-42. So a 12 point swing, state senate swing was about 16.

Posted by: JP Stormcrow | Link to this comment | 03-27-25 7:08 AM
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That semiotics course that I took my first semester in college is really way salient in my life than I ever would have guessed. Being the 1990s and also being 17 years old, it seemed like such an esoteric little niche field.

Posted by: heebie | Link to this comment | 03-27-25 7:08 AM
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128: For instance the House Judiciary Republicans who had a "Kanye. Trump. Elon." tweet up for several months in late 2022, and many of whose members have been in the forefront of attacking "anti-semitism" on campus. The latter of which is generally covered by the media as being in good faith.

Posted by: JP Stormcrow | Link to this comment | 03-27-25 7:14 AM
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125: von, that comment explicitly called me a genocidal Nazi who wants to send people to concentration camps, and threatened my life. I replied in a fairly light hearted and entirely factual way, and you think *I* was the one who crossed a line? Well thanks for judging me by higher standards, I guess.

Posted by: Ajay | Link to this comment | 03-27-25 7:47 AM
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While I recognized that your comment was shrouded in lightheartedness, ajay, given what's happening in this country, it still read as very dark to me.

Posted by: von wafer | Link to this comment | 03-27-25 7:59 AM
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122: Yes. I was having trouble with my keyboard and meant to say that calling it Zionist was not helpful.

Posted by: Bostoniangirl | Link to this comment | 03-27-25 8:07 AM
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132: Threatened your life?

Posted by: Kymyz Mustache | Link to this comment | 03-27-25 8:39 AM
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