Thanks. Going to try to see it tomorrow.
Moore didn't mention that Saddam was bad? What an oversight. I have never before heard anyone condemn Saddam. Very insightful.
Try it:
Moore is doing the same as 'Hondo' with Fahrenheit 911, except they (read Dean-Green leftists) see Moore as a Sage and intellectual for correctly picking 'their card'.
He's pissing on his cult-followers and they are thankful for the rain.
Moore is a liar and manipulator.
I'd love to hear a contrast/debate between Moore and Wretchard here in the fogland
WTF does Saddam have to do with anything? What did he have to do with 9/11 or the rationale for going to war with Iraq?
As the old saying goes, the opposite of a bad man is not a good man, but a different kind of bad man. (Yes, George W. Bush, I'm looking at you.)
(PS >> I don't care for Moore's style either, but, as Billmon notes, he knows how to play the game. That's how representative democracy works.)